Friday, September 02, 2011

Capitalism = Capital Fascism

I am an Emergency Physician and not an Economist. However, the past couple of years I have been studying a bit of economic and banking physiology and pathophysiology. After some limited study, it is my informed opinion that the patient (US economy) is about to decompensate. However, it is not too late to save the patient. Just like the ED, if we were to unite together to institute some agressive banking and political interventions we could prevent a CODE BLUE.

It seems we have all been fed a false dichotomy of communism vs. capitalism. It is like noone can think of another way to do business. Our textbooks seem to expect us to pick our favorite flavor of tyranny.

Nazism= national fascism= ruling class makes the rules
Communism=social fascism=ruling class makes the rules
Capitalism=capital fascism=ruling class make the rules

With capitalism, we have decided that those with the money (special interests) should make all the rules. This is satan's version of the "golden rule". He who has the gold makes the rules. Reality is that Capitalism is a usury-based economic system where wealth called capital is made artifically scarce, and then is leveraged to enslave others. The money elite made up of a class of unelected capital holders use their economic power to make even more money and power.

Money elite in a usury-based capital fascist system influence politics and the economy by deciding what to invest in. Often, these decisions are made based on what will make them the most money but also on who and what they can best manipulate and control to maintain their power. Consequently, many decisions are often made to maintain their power and control which may be at odds with what is best for others and the nation as a while. The money elite ofter see themselves as too big and important to fail.

I am not saying money is bad. I am not saying simple interest is bad. What I am saying is that WE could fix this nation tomorrow by first individually repenting of our many sins (demoralization) and then applying a few constitution principles (ideological subversion).

1. Congress would create and issue all money which would stop the artificial scarcity of credit and control inflation.
2. Local Safety Society Banks would issue loans based on simple interest (loan origination fee and monthy service charge). Local banks would extend credit to worthy individuals, institutions, corporations, and governments ( the more people in a government or institution, the larger the loan they would qualify for)
3. Protect and build domestic infrastructure, manufacturing, and resources.
4. The money created by congress and lent by local banks would be backed by the "real" assets the money was lent to create or purchase. Only "real" assets could be deemed credit worthy.
5. Banks would opperate on full reserves and never lend deposited money. All money lent by the Safety Society would be created and issued by Congress.
6. Other kinds of private finacial institutions could deal in venture capital and other speculative investments. Safety Societies would not deal in speculative investments.

[This gets rid of fractional reserve banking, the business cycle, prevents banking failures, and controls inflation]

Capitalism or Capital Fascism claims an ideological struggle against Big Government making the rules. It claims that instead of big goverment making the rules we should have big business and big capital holders making the rules (special interest). This is part of the false dichotomy. Those involved with this "war on big government" propagate the lie that we should just "let the market work". We all should know how much market manipulation there is and nearly every aspect of the market is artificial.

Letting the markets work would be to allow the buyer and producer to negotiate a price without any intermediary or external interference e.g farmers market. This may not be efficient, but it is free.

War on Poverty => Big Gov.
War on Drugs => Big Gov.
War on Terror => Big Gov.
Capitalism = War on Big Goverment => Big Business

What we need in reality is to tear down the tower of Babel with smaller government and smaller business and smaller banks, etc.

I am a supporter of a Free Market Economy. I am not a supporter of Capitalism. Capitalism does not equal Free Market. There is no such thing as "free market capitalism". Capitalism is an economy based on the aquisition of capital where money aquired by individuals is leveraged to gain more capital and power in the system. Consequently, the whole basis of capitalism is based on inequality. The whole basis says that we would rather have people with the "capital" make the rules than have government make the rules.

If you are wealthy and have capital, then you have considerable unelected machiavellian power in our economy to decide who and what you will invest in. Capitalism is unequal by definition. The system benefits certain few individuals who constitute and unelected olygarchy.

Horatio Alger "rags to riches" myths propagate the lie that anyone who works hard enough can become one of the elite, and that those people up there earned the right to rule over us. The system benifits from casino psychology where we support an unfair system because maybe, just maybe our number will come up and we will become one of the ultra-rich elite.

In reality, the system is a good-ol-boys network where inventors and scientists and entrapeuners hardly ever profit from their discoveries. Many discoveries are suppressed, inventions are shelved, and local companies are absorbed by mega-multinationals.

1 comment:

  1. The elite sure do have a knack for finding a way to influence our law making bodies in government.

    When the founders wrote, "and there shall be a separation of church and state..." they should have also said, "there shall be a separation of business and state."

    I like the points that Ron Paul makes on this subject also. He says, "We don't have capitalism, what we have is corporate favoritism." That is so true. Without government activities favoring mega multinational corporations, they would not be nearly as prominent as they are today.

    "Big oil" would have to pay for its own international security. "Big banks" would not have free money from the FED. "Big retail" would not get preferred taxed status in small towns at the expense of mom and pop businesses.

    We have ventured so far from capitalism that we don't know what it really means any more.
