Dear Brother Skousen,
I have been following your interviews on Alex Jones, CoasttoCoastAM, and Liberty Radio. I have really enjoyed your latest commentary on Liberty Radio with Dr. Stanley Monteith. Dr. Stan's talk on the "Brotherhood of Darkness" is one of the best descriptions of the latter-day conspiracy next to your explanation in the interview entitled "The Tea Party Deception." Your last commentary where you broke down the power structure in Russia (Berezovsky) was masterful. I was really quite blown away listening to the latest Liberty Radio podcast.
Regarding the timing of WW3; I was wondering if you were aware of the vision of President George Albert Smith which gives very specific details on the timing of WW3. It turns out that David H. Horne who recorded this vision together with his brother, are close family friends. I was actually unaware of this vision until about 6 months ago. However, my father told me he had been given a copy of Bro. Horne's experience several decades ago. According to the story, Bro. Horne happens to be related to President George Albert Smith, and heard President Smith relate the vision during a Family Home Evening when he was about 11 years old. It turns out that I was 11 years old when I first met Bro. Horne. Bro. Horne came to my house and personally tutored me, helping my brothers and I to become Amateur Radio Certified. During my childhood, I would regularly attend HAM Radio emergency preparedness seminars with my Father. During those yearly meetings, topics discussed included designing and managing a nuclear fallout shelter, emergency power, EMP hardened or hardening radio equipment, etc. Speakers during these conferences included Sharon Packer who, as you know, operates Utah Shelter Systems. I still own several manuals and Citizen Defense (CD) Geiger counters and dosimeters. It wasn't until I recently read Bro. Horne's record of the President George Albert Smith Vision that I finally understood where all his nuclear paranoia was coming from. I never considered Bro. Horne mentally unstable. Bro Horne is a humble man, very sincere, and honest. Yet, like my Dad, he is definitely an Engineer type. His only weakness was that he was quite a army supply pack rat which resulted in an unfortunate house fire a few years ago. My point in relating my personal connection to this is that I know that Bro. Horne's record is not official doctrine, but I can tell you that this experience greatly impacted his life.
I know that you are convinced that Russia and China are preparing to attack the US. However, I had several questions for you with regard to this vision. By the way, there is a second version of this vision recorded by a Brother Fuchs? of LaVerkin, UT. Bro. Horne records that the attack would occur 'during the holidays after the election but before the inauguration of the POTUS.' The POTUS at the time of the attack would not be of Northern European extraction. My question is, if it looks like Mitt Romney will win the election in 2012, because the TPTB may not be able to control Romney, do you think that would drive TPTB to push the nuclear button. I always thought that 2012 is too early for what Elder Benson and Elder McConkie felt would be a nuclear abomination of desolation. I have been of the opinion that if it looked like Romney was going to win in 2012, TPTB would impose martial law in the US and cancel 2012 elections or steal the election in 2012 using electronic voting fraud. I am not voting for Obama in 2012, but I could use another 4 years. So, in a way, I am kinda pulling for him. There can't be a nuclear attack without a pending inauguration. So, I guess what I am asking is do you think the attack comes in 2012 or 2016. I vote for martial law in 2012 and attack later in 2016.
My wife's uncle is Allen Christenson, who is a professor at BYU and leading expert on Mayan Art History. He maintains that all this 2012 talk is crazy paranoia. I agree that the ancient Maya has nothing to say about 2012, but I have tried to remind him that TPTB have played this game before. Just before the Great Depression, TPTB were spreading the rumor that inscriptions in the Egyptian Pyramids were predicting a great depression.. The pyramids rumor is documented in a LDS General Conference talk given by President Anthony Ivins in 1931. This was the first "get your houses in order" talk.
"Well, now, my brethren and sisters, what about it all ? Just be calm and turn to the Lord. It is not the result of any occurrence of the immediate past. We have been gradually drifting toward it for years and years, and personally I have known that it would come, and I bore witness of it from this stand to the people a year ago. I applied it to my own affairs. I pleaded with the people to put their houses in order and get out of debt, for I knew this was coming, because God himself through his Only Begotten Son had declared it. There is nothing that men can do, nothing that we can do that will avert the fulfilment of those sayings, and it is not the design of our Father in heaven at all either. It is simply the result of our own lack of wisdom, of our own disposition to he selfish, of the accumulation of the wealth of the country in the hands of a few men which prevents its equal distribution among the masses. Now, my brethren and sisters, if the Church has anything to say to you it will come from them direct and not from the writings of other men. It will come to you in a manner that you will understand it. It will not be speculative. It will come to you philosophically, truthfully and governed by common sense. God bless you, is my humble prayer, through Jesus Christ, Amen." -Pres Ivins, General Conference 1931
I just don't get how FEMA fits into all of this. Since 911, Katrina, and the several Flu Pandemic scares, we have seen a considerable increase in power and activity by FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. With Rex84, and the Emergency Centers Act we have seen the creation of an "Archipelago" of FEMA Residential Centers. A caller last month to Alex Jones mentioned that she worked for HP, and was working on several large FEMA contracts regarding these FEMA Residential Centers which are now being fully staffed. And now in addition to the FEMA MRE's, body bags, grave liners, morgues, and cemeteries, we have DMORT which is a team of disaster response morticians that exercised in Branson, MO during NLE 2011, and now we have Operation Mountain Guardian in Denver a few weeks ago. Alex Jones reported that school children were bused from school to staging areas where they were "processed." I just can't help but think that Federal Employees are being conditioned for some huge event and massive response.
Scripture details a pretty clear pattern when it comes to the destruction of a nation. I know your business is political and not religious. However, the first thing that must happen when a nation is destroyed, is that a majority of the covenant people must become guilty of breaking their covenants. The preserving salt has then lost its savor and then becomes worthless but to be cast out and trodden under foot. As the LORD's covenant people, I hope the LDS have not reached this dire threshold. The next step, is for the nation to cast out the covenant people from among them. If there was a Fukashima-like event in Salt Lake City along the Wasatch Fault, could we see civil unrest, forced relocations, gun confiscation and martial law? Would such an event which begins "in my house" be the turning point necessary before God allows Russia and China (Beast) to attack the West (Harlot)?
I always thought it significant that the original symbol of the US was the uncoiled rattlesnake, and the symbol of Mexico was the golden eagle (Phoenix) killing the rattle snake. It is my opinion that when Russia and China invade, Mexico and Native Americans will aide and support the invasion (Reconquista). The Book of Mormon warns us against the Remnant of Jacob who will be among the Gentiles. There is also a parallel with the Fall of Rome when Odoacer leads the Barbarian Foederati in an insurrection against Romulus Augustus.
Do you have any thoughts to this picture of a young Obama standing in front of this ominous mural at the Denver Airport, I do not believe this is photo-shopped because Obama is leaning on the hand rail. Important aspects of the mural are the Mayan girl with the Quetzal bird over her head holding the Codex which is in the shape of Russia. The dead jaguar on the alter, the flames swirling around the city. And then you have the 3 caskets. In casket 1 you have a dead African woman, and in casket 3 you have a dead judeo-chrisitian girl. However, in casket 2, the native American has her eyes open. I believe she is undead, and is being depicted as being reborn.. In occult tradition, lying in a coffin is their ritual manner of becoming born again (like the skull and bones initiation). Again, this could foretell plans of TPTB to use Native Americans and Latin Americans in WW3 against the US.
I know you are busy and I appreciate your responses in the past to my emails, and would be again appreciative to any comments on these issues.
David D. Brosnahan MD, MS
Augusta, GA.
I have been following your interviews on Alex Jones, CoasttoCoastAM, and Liberty Radio. I have really enjoyed your latest commentary on Liberty Radio with Dr. Stanley Monteith. Dr. Stan's talk on the "Brotherhood of Darkness" is one of the best descriptions of the latter-day conspiracy next to your explanation in the interview entitled "The Tea Party Deception." Your last commentary where you broke down the power structure in Russia (Berezovsky) was masterful. I was really quite blown away listening to the latest Liberty Radio podcast.
Regarding the timing of WW3; I was wondering if you were aware of the vision of President George Albert Smith which gives very specific details on the timing of WW3. It turns out that David H. Horne who recorded this vision together with his brother, are close family friends. I was actually unaware of this vision until about 6 months ago. However, my father told me he had been given a copy of Bro. Horne's experience several decades ago. According to the story, Bro. Horne happens to be related to President George Albert Smith, and heard President Smith relate the vision during a Family Home Evening when he was about 11 years old. It turns out that I was 11 years old when I first met Bro. Horne. Bro. Horne came to my house and personally tutored me, helping my brothers and I to become Amateur Radio Certified. During my childhood, I would regularly attend HAM Radio emergency preparedness seminars with my Father. During those yearly meetings, topics discussed included designing and managing a nuclear fallout shelter, emergency power, EMP hardened or hardening radio equipment, etc. Speakers during these conferences included Sharon Packer who, as you know, operates Utah Shelter Systems. I still own several manuals and Citizen Defense (CD) Geiger counters and dosimeters. It wasn't until I recently read Bro. Horne's record of the President George Albert Smith Vision that I finally understood where all his nuclear paranoia was coming from. I never considered Bro. Horne mentally unstable. Bro Horne is a humble man, very sincere, and honest. Yet, like my Dad, he is definitely an Engineer type. His only weakness was that he was quite a army supply pack rat which resulted in an unfortunate house fire a few years ago. My point in relating my personal connection to this is that I know that Bro. Horne's record is not official doctrine, but I can tell you that this experience greatly impacted his life.
I know that you are convinced that Russia and China are preparing to attack the US. However, I had several questions for you with regard to this vision. By the way, there is a second version of this vision recorded by a Brother Fuchs? of LaVerkin, UT. Bro. Horne records that the attack would occur 'during the holidays after the election but before the inauguration of the POTUS.' The POTUS at the time of the attack would not be of Northern European extraction. My question is, if it looks like Mitt Romney will win the election in 2012, because the TPTB may not be able to control Romney, do you think that would drive TPTB to push the nuclear button. I always thought that 2012 is too early for what Elder Benson and Elder McConkie felt would be a nuclear abomination of desolation. I have been of the opinion that if it looked like Romney was going to win in 2012, TPTB would impose martial law in the US and cancel 2012 elections or steal the election in 2012 using electronic voting fraud. I am not voting for Obama in 2012, but I could use another 4 years. So, in a way, I am kinda pulling for him. There can't be a nuclear attack without a pending inauguration. So, I guess what I am asking is do you think the attack comes in 2012 or 2016. I vote for martial law in 2012 and attack later in 2016.
My wife's uncle is Allen Christenson, who is a professor at BYU and leading expert on Mayan Art History. He maintains that all this 2012 talk is crazy paranoia. I agree that the ancient Maya has nothing to say about 2012, but I have tried to remind him that TPTB have played this game before. Just before the Great Depression, TPTB were spreading the rumor that inscriptions in the Egyptian Pyramids were predicting a great depression.. The pyramids rumor is documented in a LDS General Conference talk given by President Anthony Ivins in 1931. This was the first "get your houses in order" talk.
"Well, now, my brethren and sisters, what about it all ? Just be calm and turn to the Lord. It is not the result of any occurrence of the immediate past. We have been gradually drifting toward it for years and years, and personally I have known that it would come, and I bore witness of it from this stand to the people a year ago. I applied it to my own affairs. I pleaded with the people to put their houses in order and get out of debt, for I knew this was coming, because God himself through his Only Begotten Son had declared it. There is nothing that men can do, nothing that we can do that will avert the fulfilment of those sayings, and it is not the design of our Father in heaven at all either. It is simply the result of our own lack of wisdom, of our own disposition to he selfish, of the accumulation of the wealth of the country in the hands of a few men which prevents its equal distribution among the masses. Now, my brethren and sisters, if the Church has anything to say to you it will come from them direct and not from the writings of other men. It will come to you in a manner that you will understand it. It will not be speculative. It will come to you philosophically, truthfully and governed by common sense. God bless you, is my humble prayer, through Jesus Christ, Amen." -Pres Ivins, General Conference 1931
I just don't get how FEMA fits into all of this. Since 911, Katrina, and the several Flu Pandemic scares, we have seen a considerable increase in power and activity by FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. With Rex84, and the Emergency Centers Act we have seen the creation of an "Archipelago" of FEMA Residential Centers. A caller last month to Alex Jones mentioned that she worked for HP, and was working on several large FEMA contracts regarding these FEMA Residential Centers which are now being fully staffed. And now in addition to the FEMA MRE's, body bags, grave liners, morgues, and cemeteries, we have DMORT which is a team of disaster response morticians that exercised in Branson, MO during NLE 2011, and now we have Operation Mountain Guardian in Denver a few weeks ago. Alex Jones reported that school children were bused from school to staging areas where they were "processed." I just can't help but think that Federal Employees are being conditioned for some huge event and massive response.
Scripture details a pretty clear pattern when it comes to the destruction of a nation. I know your business is political and not religious. However, the first thing that must happen when a nation is destroyed, is that a majority of the covenant people must become guilty of breaking their covenants. The preserving salt has then lost its savor and then becomes worthless but to be cast out and trodden under foot. As the LORD's covenant people, I hope the LDS have not reached this dire threshold. The next step, is for the nation to cast out the covenant people from among them. If there was a Fukashima-like event in Salt Lake City along the Wasatch Fault, could we see civil unrest, forced relocations, gun confiscation and martial law? Would such an event which begins "in my house" be the turning point necessary before God allows Russia and China (Beast) to attack the West (Harlot)?
I always thought it significant that the original symbol of the US was the uncoiled rattlesnake, and the symbol of Mexico was the golden eagle (Phoenix) killing the rattle snake. It is my opinion that when Russia and China invade, Mexico and Native Americans will aide and support the invasion (Reconquista). The Book of Mormon warns us against the Remnant of Jacob who will be among the Gentiles. There is also a parallel with the Fall of Rome when Odoacer leads the Barbarian Foederati in an insurrection against Romulus Augustus.
Do you have any thoughts to this picture of a young Obama standing in front of this ominous mural at the Denver Airport, I do not believe this is photo-shopped because Obama is leaning on the hand rail. Important aspects of the mural are the Mayan girl with the Quetzal bird over her head holding the Codex which is in the shape of Russia. The dead jaguar on the alter, the flames swirling around the city. And then you have the 3 caskets. In casket 1 you have a dead African woman, and in casket 3 you have a dead judeo-chrisitian girl. However, in casket 2, the native American has her eyes open. I believe she is undead, and is being depicted as being reborn.. In occult tradition, lying in a coffin is their ritual manner of becoming born again (like the skull and bones initiation). Again, this could foretell plans of TPTB to use Native Americans and Latin Americans in WW3 against the US.
I know you are busy and I appreciate your responses in the past to my emails, and would be again appreciative to any comments on these issues.
David D. Brosnahan MD, MS
Augusta, GA.
I don't think you have to worry about Mitt Romney being "uncontrollable". He is a yes man if there ever was one. Now, if Ron Paul were the POTUS ... watch out, some stuff is about to hit the fan.
Hi Dave, Nice work on the blog! I was curious about this Brother Fuchs from La Verkin, my wife is from there, and we tried to look him up and didn't come across his name in any directory. The reason being I wanted to see about getting his version of the vision of G.A. Smith. If you have access to his version or information to contact him, I would be interested and meeting and visiting with the man if he is still around. Thanks.
I don't really know who the author is of the second George Albert Smith Vision version. The Fuchs name was a guess from the person who supplied me with this version.
The poster of this version on AVOW saying his father knew Pres GAS because he was 1 of 3 who started the Chruch Roadshow program, worked on several Church building projects such as the cannery in Hurricane.
I am as interested in discovering the source. Could still be a fraud (mostly true with a few untrue details).
What exactly is the history of the phrase 'greek President' in the David Horne account/s of the GAS vision?
I have read different things on the internet: that his brother said it isn't correct, and that they remember another term but are not prepared to state it; that David Horne originally used,or changed it to 'dark skinned; and that 'greek' was a (polite) term used for blacks in 40s Utah (??).
Any clarification would be appreciated. I'm happy to provide my e-mail address if you like, for more detailed correspondence.
David K.
You know as much as I do about it. I can't provide any more clarification. I don't live in Utah now so I talk to Bro Horne very rarely. He did call me a few years ago With regard to a HAM Radio issue, but I didn't know about this vision at that time.
My view on this is, live your life, continue to keep your temple covenants, get out of debt, get your year supply. When it finally comes to this sudden event, Survivalists seem to recommend isolation, but scriptures recommend religious banding and looking to the stakes of Zion for protection.
Thanks, I agree with you! Just one more question, if that's okay:
You say (and I have read elsewhere) that in the vision by George A Smith, an attack is meant to come after the Presidential election but before the inauguration.
It's just that - in the letter by David A Horne that I googled (it's at the top of the list when you type in 'george a smith vision') it only talks about the President, but doesn't mention a more exact timing (unless I've missed it).
Do you know where the source of the 'after the Presidential election but before the inauguration' can be located?
And was it said (perhaps in a later addition) by David A Horne??
It'll be WW3 before I get to the bottom of it all!
David K
Right, okay! - I feel stupid! I've just noticed that particular phrase (about 'after the election...') - at the end of the smaller, top section! (in the googled 'george a smith vision')
I take it then that that is a statement by David A Horne, or is it just a summary by someone else of another statement made by him?
I'm just after the original, source statement.
The First short version is the first recorded version by Bro Horne and the most reliable in my opinion. The second longer version includes added commentary. There is a third version or the vision out on the Internet recorded by another independent Source. However, I can't verify that this other version is reliable. It includes details about the need for hiding guns which could be unreliable additions.
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