1. There are documents which detail the globalist game plan.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars
The Report from Iron Mountain
Georgia Guide Stones
MIAC Report
2. Globalist secretly meet and implement policies which mirror those described in the documents above.
Bohemian Grove
The Bilderberg Group
Council on Foreign Relations
Sun Valley Media Conference
Davos Conference
3. The Lesson of the Tower of Babel in the Bible
God saw that all the people were one people, one language, one government, and one religion and that they were all corrupt. In heaven with Jesus Christ as King of Kings and Lord of Lords this is fine, but here on Earth, absolute power corrupts absolutely, so God confounded the languages and created the nations so that power would be spread out and divided among all nations, kindreds, tongues, and peoples. However, lately we have seen a great move to consolidate global power and rebuild the tower of babel.
I am well aware that all these documents are considered Hoaxes. I am also aware that Hitler used "the Protocols" to scapegoat the middle class Saphardic Jews. However, despite the use of the word "Jew" and Goyim" in the document, it is signed by a 33 Degree Elder which means the true authorship is not true Jewish but Scottish Rite Masonic. These people are also what we "Goyim" like to call "the Illuminati" or what David Rockefeller likes to admit in his autobiography, "the secret cabal" or "globalist conspiracy."
That said, despite what you believe about it's authorship, most people agree "the Protocols" are filled with evil and hatred and describe a very un-American type of government. But, furthermore, I think if you would take a moment to actually read these documents, you will be surprised how they describe much of what has been happening politically, socially, and economically in the world and in the US.
Now if you add to that the fact of these secret meetings that CEOs, media, defense contractors, bankers, presidents, chief judges, kings, college presidents attend and then you look at the policies that seem to come out of these meetings, then I think that is enough to make anyone question why the media fails to report on what is being decided when our elected leaders and largest campaign contributors get together to frolic among the Majestic Red Woods of Bohemian Grove.
"… it would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government …” - David Rockefeller in Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure – one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty and I am proud of it.
- David Rockefeller, from his autobiography “Memoirs”
My favorite part of "the Protocols" is the part that says they will get legislators to pass bills that they have not even read.
ReplyDeleteI stumbled onto your site researching another matter and haven't taken enough time to answer this question myself, but is this post tongue-in-cheek, or do you seriously believe the "Protocols?"
I am well aware that all these documents are considered Hoaxes. I am also aware that Hitler used "the Protocols" to scapegoat the middle class Saphardic Jews. However, despite the use of the word "Jew" and Goyim" in the document, it is signed by a 33o Elder which means the true authorship is not true Jewish but Scottish Rite Masonic of what we "Goyim" like to call "the Illuminati" or what David Rockefeller likes to admit in his autobiography, "the secret cabal" or "globalist conspiracy."
ReplyDeleteThat said, despite what you believe about it's authorship, I think we both agree "the Protocols" are filled with evil and hatred and describe a very un-American type of government. But, furthermore, I think if you would take a moment to actually read these document, I think you will be surprised like I was that they describe much of what has been happening politically, socially, and economically in the world and in the US.
Now if you add to that the fact of these secret meetings that CEOs, media, defense contractors, bankers, presidents, chief judges, kings, college presidents attend and then you look at the policies that seem to come out of these meetings, then I think that is enough to make anyone question why the media fails to report on what is being decided when our elected leaders and largest campaign contributors get together to frolic among the Majestic Red Woods of Bohemian Grove.
"… it would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government …” - David Rockefeller in Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
My favorite part of "the Protocols" is the part that says they will get legislators to pass bills that they have not even read.