Friday, September 16, 2016

Dynomak Polywell

Derek Sutherland working at MIT and the University of Washington has developed a leading candidate in the race for workable fusion. Filo T. Fansworth, who developed the CRT television, first concieved of the idea of achieving fusion with his Farnsworth fusor which used inertial electrostatic confinement to accelerate duterium atoms and achieve fusion safely producing neutrons, helium, and excess energy.  

Robert W. Bussard developed the idea of the Farnsworth fusor into his Polywell which added electromagnetic confinement. Bussard reported a fusion rate of 109 per second running D-D fusion reactions at only 12.5 kV in his WB-6 device.  However, like Farsworth, Bussard died before convincing the federal government of industry to further fund the technology. Richard Nebel has continued the work on the Polywell only to face similar funding issues. 

Derek Sutherland at the UofW has developed a device called the Dynomak. which operates similar to the polywell.  Sutherland is facing similar funding problems.  The source of funding issues seems to be emdless war, and the US putting all its fusion budget into the huge international ITER Tokamak prohect. According to globalist policy, why would you do on a tabletop what you can do in a huge multi-billion dollar project. This is kinda what happened when laser and plasma wakefield accelerator devices were found to accelerate Hadrons to higher energies than the CERN LHC accelerator.

Jayoung Park with limited US Navy funding is continuing work on the Polywell.  The Navy is funding the construction of a small-scale Magnetic Grid (MG) Insulated Wiffleball Polyhedral Device WB8.   The WB8 design uses circular coils around each main face cusp axis.  The device uses emitter electron gun arrays and an ion beam drive.  The WB8 machine operates in magnetic fields with pulsed currents and operates at a magnetic field strength of 0.8 Tesla. 

A futher refinement of the device called WB8.1 or PB11 will exhibit aneutronic fusion combining protons with boron-11 without producing damaging neutrons. Other aneutronic fusion experiments use Petawatt, picosecond lases to create a boron-11 plasma and another to create a stream of protons that smash into the plasma, producing slow-moving helium (alpha) particles but no neutrons. The laser-generated proton beam produces a tenfold increase of boron fusion because protons and boron nuclei collide directly.

A few thoughts I have on this are that it is typical of an oil-dependent government to give lip-service to fusion, put mega billions into a monster boondoggle, but starve out other sensible research.  Also,this seems alot of trouble to make an alpha particle when Thorium could be bread to produce them. These articles talked like the direct conversion of alpha particles to electrons was easy (alpha-voltaics). 

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