Thursday, December 29, 2016

Urea, Titanium Dioxide, and Chicken Feathers

Urea used as fertilizer and found in human urine when pyrolyzed at about 550 C under atmosperic pressure, forms graphitic carbon nitride (C3N4). This substance when exposed to light will photo-catalyze the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen. When you mix Titanium dioxide with the carbon nitride, the photocatalytic reaction rate increases significantly (doubles).

The hydrogen can then be stored in carburized chicken feather fiber (CCFF). Heating chicken feathers in a regular box furnace in the presence of oxygen produces carburized nanopore fiber that will bind up large amounts of hydrogen.

Papers claim a car would require a 75 gallon tank of CCFF to give an automobile a 300 mile range.  However, this is equating the technology to gasoline engines and not current electric vehicles which have shorter ranges.  Also, these numbers might not account for savings in weight.  Also, this does not account for the possible on-board generation of hydrogen using carbon nitride/titanium dioxide. 

This Chinese study may suggest if TiO2 and Urea are combined to the furnace together and the carbon nitride is made to coat the titanium nanoparticle, you achive a better charge seperation and possible X10 hydrogen production.  

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