Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Globalism not Zionism

Chrisopher Bollyn is an investigative reporter for the American Free Press who has been labeled an anti-semite by the Anti Defamation League.  Bollyn has done extensive research into the "who" of 911 and chalks up the event to a Zionist false flag operation and coverup. 

In the lecture above, Bollyn gives the history of Likud party members beginning with Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Benjamin Netanyahu who were members of Isreali terrorist/paramilitary group Irgun, Haganah, and Lehi (Stern gang). Irgun members were responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 which was directed at British goverment offices

Benjamin Netanyahu and past Irgun members met in 2006 to commemerate the bombing of the King David Hotel. Netanyahu considered the attack a "legitimate act, with a military target" and that what distinguished it from terrorism was that calls were supposedly made before hand warning people to evacuate the building.  But this bombing has all the earmarks of a false flag with a media attack on Sir John Shaw who was blamed for not evacuating the building and who was falsely reported as saying, "I am here to give orders to the Jews, not to take orders from them." Shaw spent considerable time suing the media for defamation and won. 

Bollyn says the real target of the attack was the evidence British investigators had collected on Irgun, Haganah, and Lehi in conducting false flag terrorism on the in Palestine and Egypt (see Lavon Affair). 

The terrible thing for Israel was Irgun terrorists like Menachum Begin being elected Prime Minister.  Begin attacked the nuclear site in Iraq and starting a war with Lebanon (Sabra and Shatila Massacre). According to Bollyn, the aims of 911 were to fool the US into fighting Israel's wars.

Major US players in 911 include: Michael Chertoff who was Assistant US Attorney General and given control over the 911 coverup.  Benjamin Chertoff at Popular Science who made a career out of 911 conspiracy debunking. Larry Silverstein who purchased the World Trade Towers and profited by taking out massive terrorism insurance policies on the building just prior to the 911 attacks and gave a PBS interview where he said he gave the order to "pull" WTC 7.  Other Zionist operatives include the media, John McCain and Lindsey Graham. 

The problem with Bollyn's conclusions is that Israel, like the US has been taken over by globalist and 911 was a globalist operation and not a purely Zionist operation. The unfortunate outcome may likely be the scapegoating of the Jews yet again like what happened before in Russia (Jews blamed for attempted overthrow of Tzar) and Germany (Jews blamed for collusion with Britain/Balfour Agreement). Tragically, 911 may well eventually bring about a nuclear holocaust on the US and the biblical gathering of nations against Israel.

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