Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Book of Mormon Heartland Model 2

Thanks again for your kind responses.  Sorry for my long emails, but I’m having fun writing them.  Yes, you made an excellent point about 3 hour EQ not being continuous shaking but a series of shocks. 

Heartland is not a solved puzzle by any means.  Interestingly, upstate New York isn’t immune from seismic activity. The Adirondacks, Montreal and Charlevoix, Quebec have recorded moderate quakes along the St. Lawrence rift system. It would be nice to see a healthy 8.0+ quake in recent history and not a bunch of 5-6’ers.  (not nice if you live there) But, like New Madrid, these quakes are felt over large areas.

1944 Cornwall-Massena EQ:

Yes, volcanic activity, pyroclastic flows, etc would easily satisfy the destructive elements of 3 Nephi.  It’s too bad scripture never just specifically refers to volcanism (Judges 5:5, Nahum 1:5-6, Isa 64:2).  Another natural phenomenon that could account for caraclysmic destruction in the land northward is a Tungusta-like asteroid impact. While ancient shatter cones are found at Charlevoix, science hasn't recorded any corresponding impact events like Tunguska during the Book of Mormon period.

The problem in searching for evidence of a singular cataclysmic event may be because it may be a “singular” event.  I do believe God uses natural law and phenomenon but when it comes to “acts of God”, I’m not sure we need perfect explainations any more than we need precise explainations for others miracles like parting the Red Sea, Joshua’s long day, or Hezakiah’s sundial. I don’t think sufficiently explaining “Acts of God” as a serious impediment to faith in the Book or Mormon for the average person. 

When it comes down to it,  I think my partiality to the Heartland model is because I find it easier to deal with the shortcomings of the Heartland model (horses, east sea, west sea, etc) than the shortcomings of the Mesoamerican model (tapirs, macuahuitl, etc).  Again, I don’t think most believers need all the plagues of Egypt explained.  But people tend to want swords when the account specifically says swords, and horses when the story specifically mentions horses. 

I’ve heard that Dr. Stephen E. Jones is recently returned from the mission field and is interested in doing more research on North American horses. 

“I'm still very interested in studies regarding Equus in early America. Is anyone here interested?” —Dr. Stephen E.Jones, Jul 27, 2018, ldsfreedomforum.com

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