Thursday, August 16, 2018

Forgery and Fraud

The RLDS Church or Community of Christ is experiencing a sort of schism.  The Community of Christ has become rather embarrassed by its mormon heritage.  Accordingly, they have in recent years changed the name of their church, and have adopted a more evangelical doctrine. The consequence of these changes are the alienation of its membership and loss of tithing revenue.  Consequently, the Community of Christ may be selling their birthright for a mess of pottage. In order to pay their pensioners, they have recently sold the printer’s manuscript for the Book of Mormon.  We may see the additional sales or other properties in Kirtland and Nauvoo.

A added consequence of these changes by the RLDS Church is a division by members who have always believed in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith.  I don’t understand everything going on but it seems like a faction led by Bob Moore and Joseph Fredrick Smith, the great-grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. have joined with a Mauricio Artur Berger from Brazil.  

This Mauricio claims to have had several amgelic visitations by Rafael, Moroni, and the 3 Nephite Disciples.  Mr. Berger claims to have been given the gold plates, sword of Laban, and interpreters with a divine charge to interpret the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. 

It seems like Joseph F. Smith and many others are convinced the the claims by Mauricio  Berger and Joni Batista (scribe) are true. However, the Community of Christ as a whole is very much unconvinced.  However, it seems like the organization warns of the possibility of fraud, they haven’t yet openly come out and denounced the entire affair. 



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