Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Sulfur Metabolism  (soda and asthma)

Tylenol and Benzoates should he avoided in children and anyone with asthma, eczema, and other allergies.   What is the connection between tylenol and soda?   Sulfur metabolism.  Magnesium sulfate is known to be a major therapeutic for asthma exacerbation. ER Docs use it routinely in the most severe asthmatics. 

Soda contains sodium benzoate which blocks a major step in sulfate metabolism (D-amino acid oxidase inhibitor) which blocks the conversion of cysteine to sulfate. 

Tylenol provides a double hit to sulfate metabolism by 1. being sulfated by the liver before excretion 2. NAPQI depletion of glutathione (how tylenol kills you if you take too much). 

It is understanding of the sulfur metabolism pathway why Sodium Benzoate is being added to Clozapine for Schizophrenia.  Clozapine alters neurotransmitters like dopamine (blocks dopamine and serotonin), and benzoate shunts more S into the SAMe pathway that is needed to make other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine. This might serve to alleviate side effects (foggy head syndrome). 

This is also who energy drinks employ a combination of sugar, taurine and sodium benzoate.  Taurine is a sulfamino that together with Benzoate that blocks D-amino acid oxidate, shunting S into the SAMe pathway to help the consumer produce more feel-good neurotransmitters. 

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