Monday, October 01, 2018

The False Dilemma

YES!! I totally agree here.  I think if you came out like an OT prophet like Amos or Jeremiah, or like Abinadi, you’d get prosecuted for hate speech. So, I do not pretend to know the correct approach. But I’m disappointed about how most Christians and LDS have lazily taken sides in a game where Satan controls both sides. You almost need a 3rd-party Samuel the Lamanite right about now. 

It’s super hard when you want an Amos or Abinadi, or an Alma wielding the sword of Laban against Amlici, to be an Ether who was commanded to hide himself in a cave and watch as the Jaredites fight to the last man.

I agree with the Lord’s direction to befriend Mammon, renounce war, sue for peace, and focus on temple work. Purchase Zion with money. Use the virtue of the word of God, turn the other cheek, and overcome evil with good, etc (D&C 98:16; D&C 105:38; D&C 63:29) 

However, being blind to reality leads us to being less unified in how to solve many problems.  Satan loves to create 2 sides to many issues and we love to pick sides when both sides are only party right but also partly wrong. Satan loves to give us false dichotomies and false dilemmas.  Unfortunately we adopt more extremist ideologist because we are too complacent to think of more moderate 3rd options. 

Capitalism vs. Communism: are both wrong. We can have free market system where capitalist still exist but without needing to rely (be controlled by) on them.

Democrat vs. Republican: Democrats are wrong for pushing socialism and abortion.  Republicans are wrong for pushing pre-emptive war, and so-called free (slave) trade.

Corporatism vs. Socialism: A study my Zurich Institute of Technology discovered “the Super Entity” that all multinationals were controlled by same group of elite investors. (too bad they didn’t publish a list of names)

Fiat Currency vs. Gold Standard: One side has imaginary money, the other is limited by limited gold supply. 

Protectionism vs. Corporate Colonialism: One side leaves the 3rd-world to rot, while the other uses multinational corporations to exploit and pollute poorer nations.

Pre-emptive War vs. Police State: One side says “lets get them over there before they get us over here”. The other side promotes the creation of a control grid that would monitor our every thought. 

Single Payer vs. Death Panels: One side advocates the government completely control Healthcare, the other side suggests we just pull the plug on certain people. 

Traditional Marriage vs. Civil Union: neither side can adequately define marriage and ignore the civil rights of children to be conceived by and raised by a husband and wife. At the same time same-gender couples must be allowed to co-habitate without discrimination except when it comes to children. 

We can “sue for peace”, but what good is it to call for peace when we take sides, support all these extremist ideologies, or remain silent, when these extremist ideologies are bringing us to conflict and war. 

If we hadn’d been directed otherwise, I would be tempted to pay taxes as a church, renounce my 501c3 status, just so I could be free to speak truth and suggest balanced and equitable 3rd options. We just shy away from anything controversial, political, or economic.  All the while, the government is encroaching on social and traditionally religious institution. As government politicizes more and more issues, pretty soon, everything will be political and their will be nothing left for religion to comment on.  We are losing ground.

The LDS Church has been running scared since its beginning.  We ran away (were run off) from New York. We ran from Kirtland.  We ran from Missouri, We ran from Nauvoo. We ran away from early racial equality fearing being labeled abolitionists, We ran away from Johnston's Army.  We ran away from the State of Deseret. We ran away from polygamy. Today, when it comes to politics, economics, and increasingly many social issues; we are still running out of fear of losing our 501c3 status.

If we are to purchase Zion with money, then doesn’t that mean purchasing our right to express truth on any topic.  Is Zion only real-estate, or is Zion more. Does purchasing Zion with money involve purchasing the right to speak truth on any issue: social, political, economic, and scientific?

Marriage, Family, Adoption, Individual Welfare are institutions of religion and not government. 
Socialism/individual welfare is bankrupting our country and it's not even government’s job. 
Government needs to get out of the business of religion.  But, if religion did its job (welfare with accountability), then people wouldn’t need the government handouts (welfare without accountability).  Since are not to “speak evil of the leaders of the people”, even if they are a bunch of “whited walls”, we could call churches to do their duty with regard to welfare and virtue. But I’m not sure we’ve figured out our own welfare problems.  My Path is a good start. 

But here is the thing......   It would be easy for me to criticize, Monday-morning quarterback, etc.  But, I absolutely see how what LDS leaders could say would seriously disrupt, upset, and ruin the lives of millions of people. That is why I continually reiterate, what the Church does or says is none of my business.  I’m just pointing out the frustrating predicament, that destruction/war/tribulation/judgement is the only way out. 

But on the other hand.  If there were an inspired, creative, equitable, moderare 3rd option, those with the rights to revelation would be the ones to receive it.  I’m glad its not me. I’m thankful you are called to do what you do just like your thankful I work in the ED and deal with those difficult challenges. People talk about the vengeful God of the OT.  I don’t see it.  It’s a lie. What I see is a merciful God who was extending a deal with Israel (Johanan) for deliverance even while Babylon was invading.  

I love the idea of a conservative judge like Brent Kavanaugh that might tip the Supreme Court to repeat Roe v Wade, etc. But Judge Kavanaugh is very likely guilty of the allegations. You can’t be best friends with Mike Judge, creator of “Bevis and Butthead” and author of “Wasted: Tales of a Gen X Drunk” and not be, at least, guilty by association.   Kavanaugh would do better to admit and appogize for youthful indiscretions and mistakes and admit, he doesn't recollect his inappropriate behavior, he was likely drunk, not in control of his faculties, and very ashamed, and apologetic for his behavior at 17.  Instead, all we got was “I like beer”. 

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