Thursday, January 23, 2025

Response to Jeff Lindsay's Meridian Magazine Series on Book of Mormon Secret Combinations

[I appreciate but don't think Jeff Lindsay goes far enough in his Meridian Magazine series on Book of Mormon secret combinations and conspiracy.  I think it's more than just a over-centralized business with good intentions gone bad.  But, Jeff goes pretty far and further than most on this subject. Great Job!]


I apologize, I had some other thoughts with regard to the excellent points you were making in your Median Magazine series on secret combinations. I CC'd a couple people I have had this discussion with in the past.

Jewish Rabbi (former internatiinal director of the Temple institute), Chaim Richman taught in his weekly podcast that the Bible teaches that the Great Flood in the time of Noah was sent because the world was filled with "violence". The word used in the Hebrew Bible is "hamas" and means "conspiracy" and "robbery". He gave an example of a bean seller, that if one person stole all this sellers beans the thief would be huilty of breaking Torah law, but if 1000 people came stealling only 1 bean each, none of the 1000 would be guilty of breaking Torah law, but this sellers business would still be destroyed. According to the Rabbi, this was an example of "robbery" and "hamas".

I 100% agree that when power is concentrated into the hands of a few individuals, "power corrupts amd absolute power corrupts absolutely." However, even though these "Milner Group" or "Council on Foreign Relations" or the 666 other corrupt entities with different names but the same people. (Joseph Smith's interpretation), decend into chaos in spite of their "good intentions"; I think that only describing it as a "business" to "get gain", does not adequately tell the whole story.

Alma 37:21 And now, I will speak unto you concerning those twenty-four plates, that ye keep them, that the mysteries and the works of darkness, and their secret works, or the secret works of those people who have been destroyed, may be made manifest unto this people; yea, all their murders, and robbings, and their plunderings, and all their wickedness and abominations, may be made manifest unto this people; yea, and that ye preserve these interpreters

The point here is that "the Conspiracy" has its own "mysteries" and thus operates as a counterfeit to true religion and operates like a religion and not only like a business. And, I believe is exactly what Nephi is referring to as "The Great and Abominable Church" and what John refers to as "The Mother of Abomination" is referring to this same Latter-Day conspiracy that unfortunately does seem to have or have had "sole management of the government". (not sure about Trump).

Some people resist believing that there is a "great monolithic conspiracy". While the conspiracy is not immune from becoming "divided against itself," John does say there is ultimately a "Mother of Abomination" and also that eventually, the Beast upon which the Harlot sits, will become angry and, "these shall hate the whore, and shall make her desolate and naked, and shall eat her flesh, and burn her with fire" (Rev 17:16). Thus, in the end, God will fight this battle for us, vengeance is His, the house divided against itself will fall, the wicked will destroy the wicked, and the Great Conspiracy will ultimately fall into its own pit.

I think Joel Skousen would tend to agree with what I'm saying, although I come to it independently, that the Great Conspiracy operates on several levels:

At the top, it is a multigeneratiional satanic death-cult. I don't pretend to understand it's evil motivations as it represents pure suicidal madness (eg poseessed herd of pigs). These people want maximum death, misery, and suffering. They may have imagined up that they are serving some ultimate noble purpose (ie world needs evil), that they are called to be evil, and that they are promised some sort of immunity from judgment. It is all pure delusion. ("necessary evil" -Bane, Dark Knight)

The second level is the operational and business side of it. These people follow along for various reasons. Satan recruits prideful, grandiose and covert narcissists. Narcissists believe the rules dont apply to them because they are special; 1. either better then everyone else or 2. an exception to the commandments because they are a victim. They succumb to flattery and they may follow for the "honors of men" or "to get gain". They also may be convinced in the "goodness," of their cause and that the noble ends justify any means.

I am pro- Israeli people but, Ze'ev Jabotinsky, Irgun/Lehi Group, and Revisionist Zionism is a philosophy that Israel was to be redeemed by "any means necessary". Israeli Prime Ministers Menachem Begin to Netanyahu (Father was Jabotinsky's secretary) and Rahm Emanuel are all linked to and sympathetic with this philosophy. Irgun/Lehi Group carried out some of the earliest terrorism and massacurs such as 1. Bombing of King David Hotel, 2. Deir Yassin massacre 3. Lavon Affair. 4. USS Liberty attack.

Some believe humanity needs global governance to ascend to becoming a Type-1 Civilization (see Machio Kaku, civilization types) "that can control the weather, earthquakes, and volcanos". Some Malthusians believe it is necessary for humanities survival due to climate change to meet 2030 sustainability goals where we all "own nothing and are happy". (see Georgia Guidestones, new 10 commandments). Yet the D&C teaches "the Earth s full and there is more than enough and to spare".

In many instances certain leaders and operational elements may oppose self-destructive directives because it hurts their business of making money. These leaders are quickly and often violently removed (eg Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi)

At the lext level, many people mindlessly follow along out of ignorance. The conspiracy refers to us as "useful idiots". The conspiracy hides its true evil intentions with "a good reason", "plausible deniability" and "compatmentalization" (left hand doesnt know what right hand is doing). Most of us just go along not asking too many questions, looking the other way, and ignoring our conscience.

The bottom level is filled with mercenaries, the addicted, the compromised, and criminals. These people don't care what the reasons are. This level only cares that the price is right, if their sins are kept hidden, or if they can be supplied with their next fix.

How does the conspiracy keep itself secret? The parts that are are hidden by 1. oaths, 2. legal non-disclosure agreements 3. blackmail (Epstein, PDitty). 4. compartmentalization, 5. controlled media 6. plausible deniability (just an accident). 7. Hidden in plain sight (not hidden).8. False defectors and disinformation 

How does the conspiracy keep itself from being infiltrated and discovered by investigators? Just like the mafia or gang, members earn trust and ascend in rank by being required to commit unspeakable and unconsconable evil acts, which we are commanded not to discuss. The Latter-day temple is the opposite, where members ascend by committing to and observing commandments of righteousness. The Church of Jesus Christ has ministering brothers and sisters. The Great Conspiracy employs handlers.

Alma 37:27 And now, my son, I command you that ye retain all their oaths, and their covenants, and their agreements in their secret abominations; yea, and all their signs and their wonders ye shall keep from this people, that they know them not, lest peradventure they should fall into darkness also and be destroyed.

Why is it important to understand the nature of the Great Conspiracy. I think the Book of Mormon wants us to understand it so we can: 1. wake up to the awfulness of our situation 2. repent of our sins 3. bring it to light. 4.stop supporting it and buiding it up. 5. not get mixed up directly fighting it (God will fight this battle), 6. be prepared spiritually and temporally for it's eventual and sudden collapse. 7. Focus on building Zion and NOT trying to save or fight Babylon. 8. Preaching repentance to people caught up in it.

D&C 123: 13 Therefore, that we should waste and wear out our lives in bringing to light all the hidden things of darkness, wherein we know them; and they are truly manifest from heaven

The Book of Mormon teaches that the Lamanites preached the gospel to the Gadianton Robbers and by so doing, erraticated them from their lands. So how do you preach to a Gadianton? First, many people are just unknowingly going along. If most good people were awake to the reality of conspiracy, they would immediately stop supporting it. Second, other people get involved thinking "this is just the way its done", "Satan isn't real". Once they get in, they feel stuck and in many cases, would like to escape, but feel they have already committed unpardonable sin and are beyond the reach of the Atonement of Jesus Christ.

I think the Book of Mormon, New Testament, and even Brigham Young teach that there is a way out. I think that the example of the Malafactor crucified next to Jesus and Sherem in the Book of Mormon. Sherem like the malafactor believed they had committed unpardonable sin. However, both followed a path of repentance that involved the following steps: 1. accepting Jesus Christ as Savior and Son of God. 2. Public admission of all their sins. 3. Voluntary submission to consequences and punishments even death penalty.

These steps of repentance do several things. 1. prevents false defectors who claim they have insider information but are actually acting as disinformation agents whose false claims only discredit or further obscure the truth. 2. Honest defectors who accept punishment without plea deal or appeal, seal their testimony with their blood. This is NOT blood Atonement. Only Christ's blood forgives sin. But public confession and voluntary submission to the penalty does validate their witness. Thus, true insiders who truly wish to repent may retain a hope in Christ and their validated testimony may uncover, root out, and finally shine a bright light on these destructive works of darkness.

Best Regards,
David Brosnahan

Reading List:
""Behold a Pale Horse",  
"None Dare Call it Conspiracy",  
"Creature from Jekyll Island", 
"Operation Keelhaul", 
"Confessions of an Economic Hit Man", "Naked Communist",  
"Tragedy of Hope", 
"Anglo-American Establishment"
"The Gulag Archipelago", 
"New Lies for Old"
"Target Patton", 
"Dark Alliance",
 The Book of Mormon".

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