Saturday, April 10, 2010

Financial, Banking, and Economic Solutions

1. End the FED and take away the power of the financial elite to create money, to contract the money supply and trigger economic collapses (this strategy was found in the Protocols), and to pick winners and losers.
2. Institute full-reserve banking allowing the US Treasury the ability to collect prime or a fee on all money created. Currently the FED makes ab5out 45bil/yr on the money it creates. A full reserve system could mean 50X that amount in revenue depending on the money multiplier. This revenue could balance the budget, pay down the debt and decrease the need for income tax.
3. Allow local banks to borrow from the Treasury. Full reserve banking would create actual risk into the equation and local control and management would mean greater transparency and accountability. This cuts out the gluttonous money middlemen. Allowing local banks access to the lender of last resort will create stability in the system as all banks will have equal access to capital.
4. Return to the Gold and Silver Standard. This regulates inflation as no more money can be printed than the amount of gold and silver and other precious metals held in the US Treasury.
5. New Non-profit Banks and Non-Usury Banking. Banks would parter with a private citizen to purchase a property that is non-depreciating such as a business or home. The bank would collect an initial and yearly fee to cover servicing of the agreement. The bank would purchase the property on behalf of the individual whose down payment makes him a minority owner. The private citizen then repays the bank on a monthly basis. If the citizen misses a month, he doesn't lose the home, but loses a month of equity in the home. Repossession doesn''t occur until the citizen misses enough payments that he become completely divested of the property. Depreciation or appreciation of the asset/home value harms or benefits the private individual.
6. Use anti-trust laws to break up companies that have consolidated power that they have become too big to fail. No more bailouts. Allow companies to reorganize their debt and re-emerge from bankruptcy leaner and more profitable.
7. Institute campaign finance reform to limit the power of special interest influencing elections.
8. Eliminate all operations of the Federal Government not enumerated in the Constitution and its amendments and return those reserved powers to the States.
9. Protect Domestic Industry and Manufacturing by using tariffs to shield the US producer from cheap imports from companies who do not guarantee their workers the same standards and benefits and who are not constrained by the same environmental and safety laws.
10. Protect Free Markets by protecting the producer access to raw materials and access to the consumer. Protect the ability of the producer over the distributor (Walmart) to determine what price the consumer will pay for their product (i.e. suggested retail price). Also ending derivatives and futures markets which are used to artificially manipulate price of commodities (this strategy was found in the Protocols).

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