Monday, December 13, 2010

Year of Disclosure: Conspiracy and Corruption

Here are a few examples of corruption with detailed and documented proof. Please read about this article about the Afghan tradition of pedophilia called Bacha Bazi and the Kite Runner. This book and movie made the Taliban to be the poppy growers and the pedophiles when it is DynCorp all along buying drugs and boys for Afghan police and not the Taliban. The Afghan author had to be bought off to write such a piece of lying propaganda.

There is an article that kind of encapsulates much of what I was talking about. This article has it all (mafia, catholic church, money laundering, assassinations, international banking fraud, pedophilia, nazis ). John in Revelations told us that in the Last Days the BEAST (corrupt false world government) would become angry and turn against and begin devouring the flesh of the HARLOT riding on its back (corrupt false world religion).

Here are some articles from my blog which proves the Ben Bernanke had full knowledge of how the fraudulent derivatives market (proven Goldman Sachs fraud) and the Basil 2 Accords would work together to bankrupt the world. In exchange for a bailout, countries are force to give up control over public utilities like water, electric, gas and transportation infrastructure. Greece was forced to give up 100's of Greek islands to the bankers. Now, there is something you can give to the person that has everything.Here is a simple post about the proof of conspiracy. There are documents like "Protocols of Zion" and "Report from Iron Mountain" which describe a plot to from a New World Order. While these were considered hoaxes at the time they appeared, they seem to describe everything that is going on in the world. Add to that secret meetings by global elite at places like Bildeberg, Bohemian Grove, Sun Valley, Davos, and Council on Foreign Relations, where global policy is developed and you realize these people are just following the play book.Here are some of my thoughts on the Patriots and Radical Right Extremist push for everyone to prepare for the destruction of society by building up their own 2012 shelter or compound.I don't trust this book, and others like it "One Second After." I think this book is sponsored by the Globalists. This is called Operation Trojan Horse. You start buying all this survival stuff in these books and your compound just might be the first thing that gets targeted.Adan Al Shukrijumah is a AlQaeda/CIA-da operative who is a nuclear engineering student at McMaster University in Canada. Al Shukrijumah who with several other al-Qaeda co-conspirators were trained in nuclear engineering at McMaster University in Canada who disappeared along with a large quantity of Cobalt-60. A Cobalt-60 dirty bomb anywhere in the Mississippi-Missouri watershed area could cause big problems for downstream water users.Cobalt-60 has been turning up missing. Al-Qaeda operatives at MacMaster include Adnan el-Shukrijumah, Jaber A. Elbaneh, Abderraouf Jdey, Amer el-Maati and Anas al-Liby (Nazih Abdul-Hamed Nabih al-Ruqai'i).

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