Monday, December 26, 2011

Problem with Gold and a Gold-Redeemable Currency


Man has been on a gold and silver standard since money was first mentioned in the Bible in the days of Abraham about 2000 BC and the Silver Shekel of Tyre. The widespread use of money fits with Revelation's description of money being revealed during the 3rd Seal or 3rd Millennium of man's mortal existence on this Earth (Black Horse).

But the Black Horse of the 3rd Seal isn't primarily about money. The Black Horse represents famine. According to the prophecy, artificial scarcity resulted in a days wages barely purchasing enough wheat or barley for one man to survive. However, luxury items like oil and wine were unaffected. The artificial scarcity of a gold-redeemable currency, has driven nations to plunder and subjugate neighboring peoples for gold for thousands of years.

I believe money should be backed by real assets as well as being fully redeemable for those assets without causing unwanted inflation. But a Constitutional money system should also not need to constrain us to the scarcity of gold, nor cause our banking institutions to be vulnerable to failure due to fractional reserve banking and periodic contractions in the money supply.

Unfortunately, I see an eventual end to the FED and a return to a gold standard. If this happens, will the US confiscates gold from the people again like it did in 1933 or will it confiscate half of Germany's gold supply that is currently being held by the New York FED? (Max Keiser)

SSS is not inflationary. Loans focus on retaining value and would not be approved for inflationary profiteering. Constitutional voluntary fee/tax would also control inflation levied for the use of national credit. Also, the SSS currency is backed by real redeemable assets. And SSS protects banks from their inherent vulnerability to failure due to commodity price fluctuations and the consequences of fractional reserve banking.

What good is it to have gold-redeemable currency when your bank fails, the curency fails, and the economy falls into a deep depression? Why not prevent the bank failure? ****Letting the bank redeem their money following an individual failure is better then letting the people redeem their money following a total banking, currency and total economic failure.*****

Don't fall for the obvious Gold propaganda that is being overplayed in both the mainstream and alternative media. Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, Genesis Communication all preaching gold, gold, gold.

> Money is just a medium of exchange. As long as the parties involved agree upon what the exchange rate. If individuals are free to make private contracts with one another, then they should be free to exchange money. Money, as I see it, could be described as a standardized government contract form approved for use by its citizenry.
> The issues with gold is that while it is innert and lasts a long time, there isn't much of it around. This creates a problem of scarcity. And when something is made scarce, then it gets a false value associated with it. On the flip side, you don't want people to be able to counterfeit money either. That goes for the government also. However, with modern technology, we can better create paper currencies that cannot easily be counterfeit.

> Today, we really don't need gold at all because we can create a relatively counterfeit-proof currency that is equally accessible. Thus we can get back to money just being just a contract again and not treated as something of value in and of itself.
> I am afraid that just because the FED instituted a fraudulent, inflationary, and destructive fiat currency that we necessarily need to run away from paper back to the inequality and scarcity of gold. That said, money has to be tied to something of value. I agree that the Goverment shouldn't counterfeit either.

> I am of the opinion that it was the HUD/FHA amortized loan and other amortized loans like it that were the major drivers of inflation in our economy. Banks create most of the money in our economy and amortized loans are the tool by which banks create that money. And exactly as the Feidman macroeconomic equation predicts, the amortized mortgage (double death) creates money each time a home is bought and sold for a higher price that does not match an increase in real output. It's the same house as before, just older and now costs more but is not worth more. This is an amazing verification of the Friedman equation. (in fact this point is exactly what woke me up in 2008)

> Despite your opinion that the Freidman Macroeconomic equation doesn't apply to the macroeconomics of inflation, I think I have just shown you a clear example of how a microeconomic mismatch between money creation, velocity, and real output creates macroeconomic inflation. The Amortized Mortgage is an inflation generator by doing exactly what the Freidman equation predicts.
> Freidman Monetarism may be ruining this country, but it's not because the equations don't apply or don't work. The equations do apply and the system is working just as the equation predicts.

> I suggest that because the Friedman equation does apply, that it is very possible that the SSS would not produced the unwanted inflation that you are convinced it would produce. Remember, money would never be created out of nothing. Money would only br created if there was a durable good it was being created to purchase or produce. Not unlike your system. Money supply, money velocity would stay proportional to real output.
> Again, just like your system. The real asset and the price has been negotiated before the loan is applied for. There is no speculation. if a building is being built, the materials, land, labor etc already exists and has a negotiated price before the money is created. In this system money ceases to be the rate limiting step.

> Again, I don't remember saying this or thinking this. If inflation is controlled, simple interest, fee-based loans can compete in a free market. Anyone is free to charge more and pay more. However in the SSS, local banks make money as they do now by charging a loan origination fee and a monthly service charge. The Gov makes money by charging a prime interest rate and generating revenue on what is a Constitutionally-sound voluntary tax on the entire money supply and not just a fraction of it (could make the income tax obsolete). And then we can get rid of the useless "too-big-to-fail" mega banks who were instituted because of our short but persistent history of small bank failures.

> In the Safety Society System we don't need the unelected wealthy capitalist to decide what to invest in. Our capitalist system tells us we need those few rich guys at the top of the pyramid. In this system we have a free market without a need for the the capitalists (oligarchs). And we can still have our football stadium and aquarium.
> In the SSS, If an individual is credit worthy and there is a real asset to purchase, the local bank would extend the loan and the loan would be repaid with interest and fees. And when the owner resold the asset, he would have equity from day 1 such that he wouldn't need to inflate the asking price to his neighbor.
> Furthermore, if a community wants a museum or an aquarium, they can qualify for a loan to build the aquarium or museum. And they don't need Billionaire ultra-elite capitalists to fund these building projects. Other financial institutions would fill the niches for venture capital and other speculative activities. SSS is about being full reserve and staying safe.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Milton Freidman Monetarism and Inflation

A friend was arguing that the Community Safety Society Banking and Loan System would generate unwanted inflation. This friend also said that the macroeconomic inflation equation did not apply or predict inflation on the microeconomic scale.

#1. MV = PQ. (money supply x velocity = price x real value
g(m) + g(v) = infl + g(y) . (growth rate of money supply + velocity = inflation + real output)

This equation says that as long as the growth rate of real output matches the growth rate of the money supply the system will not produce inflation.

#2. Mega FED-member Banks create most of the money in the US money supply through making loans via fractional reserve banking. The FED creates some money by selling bonds and then loans that money to a FED-member bank. The Mega Bank then can loan out 10 times that amount as home or business loans. Thus Banks create over 90% of the money supply out of thin air. This 10:1 ratio is called the money multiplier which was expanded (leveraged) to 50:1-100:1 via derivatives until the Basil 2 Accords (Basil 1 ruined Japan) contracted the money supply in 2007 busting the housing bubble.

#3. The HUD/FHA amortized mortgage produces inflation because the banks collect interest up front and the creditor doesn't build appreciable equity on the house unless they charge the next home owner a higher price for the same asset that has now depreciated in value or at least not changed in value. By definition, the amortized loan generates inflation. (increased money supply but not an increase in real output)

#4. The Safety Society System is a full reserve banking system. 100% of what is deposited is kept by the bank and not lent out. Banks become insolvent because they are fractional reserve and not full reserve. That means they only keep 10% of deposited money in the bank. And they don't keep the reserves as cash because of inflation but are forced to speculate and invest in bonds, stocks and volitile derivatives. If the derivatives or stocks crash then the banks lose their reserves and cannot lend and cannot pay depositors. The bank is then insolvent and goes bankrupt.

#5. SSS would have a totally separate credit and loan system from the deposits thus the depositors are not subjected to the risk of the borrowers. The SSS is full reserve and immune from stock market crashes and bank runs.

#6. The US Constitution Article 1 Section 8 says that Congess via the US Treasury is to "coin " all the money and regulate its value. Therefore, under SSS, an individual, community, corporation would go to their locally run and owned SSS to be approved for a loan to purchase or build or produce a real asset, real estate, land or commodity. The price would be negotiated beforehand and then the loan applied for. The money would then be created via the US Treasury and administered via the Community SSS. This new money doesn't need to be backed by gold because it is backed by the real asset, land, real estate, or commodity it is being used to buy, build, and produce.

#7. A gold standard is undesirable because gold is too rare, and it makes money scarce. Thus those with the gold have unelected Machiavellian power over the rest. Now that we can use technology to create paper currency that is difficult to counterfeit, we don't need to use the scarcity of gold as a medium of exchange. With paper, money can be produced and made available as much as is needed and is qualified for by credit-worthy individuals, communities, and corporations. Money would only be created in an "ask-and-ye-shall-receive" basis where value is assessed and price is negotiated and preceeds the money creation.

#8. In a perfect system, SSS would never create money that did not result in real output. Thus according to the Friedman equation, no inflation is generated. But in the inefficiencies of a real-world system there would be a small rate of inflation. Inflation can be easily controlled by taxation by the Federal Government through simple interest rates. Increased interest rates would take excess money out of the system.

#9. Local SSS would make money the same way local banks do today. SSS would charge a loan origination fee and a monthly loan service charge. These banks could operate as non-profits and collect enough fees to cover their overhead. Loan fees are how local banks make their money today as they immediately resell the loan to a bigger bank almost immediately who created the money out of thin air. If the SSS were allowed to compete, we wouldn't need the too-big-to-fail mega banks which were only allowed to back up the smaller fractional reserve banks who continually went bankrupt even in the days before the FED when US currency was gold-redeemable.

#10. The Federal Government generates revenue on these SSS loans by charging a prime simple interest rate. This Constitutional voluntary tax could supply the Federal Goverenment with all the money they could ever need because they would collect simple interest on all the money created in the money supply and not just a fraction of it as they do now. With the collection of prime interest on all money created in the US money supply, the Federal Government could do away with the involuntary income tax.

#11. In Capitalism, getting bank loans is such a bad deal, we need wealthy super-elite who amass huge amounts of money who we then turn to for loans for venture capital and for humanitarianism. We also depend on politicians for favors and pork-barrel money put into bills. If the Safety Society System were allowed to compete, and inflation were controlled, we wouldn't be as dependent on the ultra-wealthy elite or corrupt politicians to get monies for what we want to do or what we need. SSS is free-market without the capitalism. With SSS, we don't need to become financial sharecroppers and debt slaves to an ultra-wealthy elite class.

#12. SSS does not speculate or make money on money. Individuals and other financial institutions would do the business of venture capital and speculation. SSS is about being safe, full reserve, weathering any economic storm, and providing an equitable credit and loan system. Making money on money shouldn't be illegal but isn't right. Money shouldn't have any intrinsic value of itselt, it is just a contract, and its value is in the redeemable asset, good, or commodity that is backing it. In the SSS, all money is backed by something. But money should not be used to back more money creation. When money can be leveraged to make more money, it divides the people and pits the wealthy class against labor.

#13. SSS loans are simple interest, free-based loans and not compound loans that blow up exponentially. The borrower begins earning equity from the down payment and first monthly payments. In this way, with inflation controlled, the owner of the home loan doesn't need to charge the next home owner a higher price for the same home. SSS is about preserving value.

#14. Many people want to replace the FED and our current corrupt fiat currency system. But I would be careful not to act too emotionally and reactionary against what the corrupt Federal Reserve has done with paper currency. Going back to a gold-redeemable currency is not the best idea. We had this system before and we forget that the gobal elite still own most of the gold and have a De Beers-like monopoly on gold production. Thus gold prices can easily be inflated and crash just as they did beginning with the 1300's failure of the Gold Florin, up to the creation of the FED. By returning to a gold standard, the scarcity of gold would result in greatly limited economic growth potential. In a real way, returning to gold would would be like unwittingly accepting austerity measures.

#15. Others have suggested a system which requires that money-redeemable assets be sitting in a wearhouse first before money is created. However, this zero-sum system is, in the real world, slightly deflationary, and is a form of fractional-reserve lending. Also, the bank can only lend out enough money for people to re-purchase the goods in the wearhouse. So, its a kind of Merchantile Exchange and Bank at the same time. There really isn't enough money left over for other economic activity. Also, there is a problem of price fluctuations, regional price variation, and trading currencies with other banks that could make the bank vulnerable to failure. Money in this system would be very scarce, which would greatly hinder economic growth.

#16. Since the borrower builds equity from day 1, if the borrower misses a payment, the 1 missed payment does not result in the immediate default on the loan. Usually borrowers have paid faithfully for years and then come upon hard times, lost job, illness, and can't make their mortgage payments. In our current system, one missed payment means a family can lose their home and forfeit all the equity they have made. In the SSS, the borrower has equity from day one and a missed payment is just simply deducted from the individual's equity. Default does not occur until the borrower has lost all equity in the asset. The bank then would repossess, lease, operate, or resell the asset. So, the SSS loan becomes an immediate reverse mortgage at any time. In a way, it is a sort of insurance policy for the borrower and the bank. Added fees could also be assessed for missed payments if needed.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Community Safety Society Banking and Loan System

You indicated in your response that the Community Safety Society would result in unwanted inflation.  I agree that inflation is undesirable. However, I am not yet convinced that the Saftey Society would produce inflation.  And I would like to explore this a bit more with you.

I am not opposed to the idea of all US currency being fully backed by gold and silver.  I also recognize that the banking profession needs to cover its overhead.  So, I have no problem with banks issuing fee-based and simple interest loans.  The Catholic Church probiltion against the collection of any interest created a credit black market in the Middle Ages that led to all sorts of abuses. (Lombards, Templar Houses, Florentine and Venetian Banks)

However, I do not believe that it is not right nor necessary for money to make money.  This divides the people and pits wealth against labor.  Furthermore, full-reserve banks shouldn't issue loans based on depositor's gold; even by contract:  1. extending loans based on gold deposits subjects depositors to risk by the creditors. 2. Loaning deposits is another type of inherently risky fractional-reserve system  3. According to the Constitution, only the Federal Government should have the power to coin the money and regulate its value.  In our current system, fractional reserve banks create a large majority of our money.  How is extending loans based on private deposits any different?

Therefore, in my opinion, If we decide to create an inflationless economy, we need a banking system that focuses on preserving the value of our deposits as well as being  immune from banking failure (full reserve).  At the same time, we must create a credit system where credit is so readily and equitably accessible, there is no need to subjugate ourselves to a wealthy class. To do this, It is my opinion that we need a credit system that operates independently from the deposit system.

A locally owned and operated Community Safety Society would be full-reserve.  The bank would hold 100% of its deposits in reserve. Money for new loans would come from the US Treasury.  This money could also be gold-backed.  If an individual, corporation, or community, demonstrates credit-worthiness, then they should be granted a fee-based, low, simple interest loan to go towards the purchase of or production of real estate, real assets, durable goods, and commodities. (money never lent for speculation).

According to my very limited economics understanding, "real demand" should not produce inflation.  According to g(m) + g(v) = infl + g(y).  As long as the growth rate of the money supply = growth rate of real output, then inflation = 0.  It's only when the money supply exceeds real output that inflation is produced.

In the Safety Society System, money is only ever created and credit extended for the projected production and/or purchase of real assets on an "ask and ye shall receive" basis. Money is never created without real demand and projected real output in some sort of Keynesian injection of liquidity.

Our current system produces inflation because the money is created first and the price comes second.  In this system, price precedes money creation. An example of money creation preceeding price is the FHA/HUD amortized loan.  With interest collected up front, the only way to earn equity is to charge the next buyer a higher price. Thus, this loan has money creation built into it which drives an inflating price for a depreciating asset. In the Safety Society System, a borrower earns equity from day 1 and is free to sell the asset for its real price.

In conclusion, have no objections to the Federal Government creating only "gold-backed" currency.  However, we don't change our history of perpetual banking failures unless we establish a full-reserve system, control inflation, and establish an equitable and available credit system.
Furthermore, Constitutional money is more than just gold and silver, but it is about the Federal Government doing one of the few things enumerated in the Constitution; which is to coin "all" of the money and not just a fraction of it.

With such an equitable and available credit system, there would be much less need for companies to "go public", sell stock, have their boards infiltrated,  and then risk getting bought out in a hostile takeover. Also, the Safety Society System could mean a great reduction or even an end  to pork barrel politics.  

P.S,  these are a few quotes that are some of the basis for the Safety Society System.  I'm not sure they are even authentic.  But they make the point about the importance of controlling our currency, credit, and inflation.

"If that mischievous financial policy which had its origin in the North America Republic during the late war in that country, should become indurated down to a fixture, then that Government will furnish its own money without cost. It will pay off its debts and be without debt.  It will become prosperous beyond precedent in the history of the civilized governments of the world. The brains and wealth of all countries will go to North America. That government must be destroyed or it will destroy every monarchy on the globe."

“That is simple. In the Colonies, we issue our own paper money. It is called ‘Colonial Scrip.’ We issue it in proper proportion to make the goods and pass easily from the producers to the consumers. In this manner, creating ourselves our own paper money, we control its purchasing power and we have no interest to pay to no one.”. -Benjamin Franklin

"The Colonies would gladly have borne the little tax on tea and other matters had it not been the poverty caused by the bad influence of the English bankers on the Parliament (The Currency Act of 1751), which has caused in the Colonies hatred of England and the Revolutionary War."   -Benjamin Franklin.

Hopefully, the last time.  I know we have beat this to death.  Thank you for your responses . I  think I better understand where you are coming from and  I hope you understand where I am coming from. I'm not set on convincing you, I just want to feel like you understand what the concept.  I am keeping an open mind but I'm happy you would take the time to discuss this issue.

I get the gold idea.  Ending the FED and fiat and a return to "gold redeemable" money and a continuation of fractional reserve banking is very popular.  Zeitgeist and many "white hat" are pulling for it.  It seems every other commercial on the radio is selling gold.  When we finally see the end of the FED and the end of the dollar, I'm sure we'll all think we just won some great battle.  We've had gold redeemable currencies before.

I can appreciate your added idea that money creation be completely decentralized.  Its a great idea.  However, this idea could be a bit reactionary (pendulum swinging too far opposite the FED).    But, I guess your bank could also be your store that made loans based on the value of its inventory.  People could take out loans from the Merchantile Exchange and then return that money to the same Merchantile Exchange for whatever goods they wanted.  Interesting idea.

The Merchantile Exchange Bank could have a problem I think.  It seems to me that the Exchange would only ever be able to lend out the exact money to purchase the inventory in its wearhouse.  If the bank can only lend out enough money for the people to buy out its inventory, how is there any money left over to do any other economic activity? How do you import anything?  What do you do with price fluctuations?  How would
Hopefully, the last time.  I know we have beat this to death.  Thank you for your responses . I  think I better understand where you are coming from and  I hope you understand where I am coming from. I'm not set on convincing you, I just want to feel like you understand what the concept.  I am keeping an open mind but I'm happy you would take the time to discuss this issue.

I get the gold idea.  Ending the FED and fiat and a return to "gold redeemable" money and a continuation of fractional reserve banking is very popular.  Zeitgeist and many "white hat" are pulling for it.  It seems every other commercial on the radio is selling gold.  When we finally see the end of the FED and the end of the dollar, I'm sure we'll all think we just won some great battle.  We've had gold redeemable currencies before.

I can appreciate your added idea that money creation be completely decentralized.  Its a great idea.  However, this idea could be a bit reactionary (pendulum swinging too far opposite the FED).    But, I guess your bank could also be your store that made loans based on the value of its inventory.  People could take out loans from the Merchantile Exchange and then return that money to the same Merchantile Exchange for whatever goods they wanted.  Interesting idea.

The Merchantile Exchange Bank could have a problem I think.  It seems to me that the Exchange would only ever be able to lend out the exact money to purchase the inventory in its wearhouse.  If the bank can only lend out enough money for the people to buy out its inventory, how is there any money left over to do any other economic activity? How do you import anything?  What do you do with price fluctuations?  How would currency exchange from bank to bank? Seems like you would have to get in line for a loan.   I'll have to give this some more thought.  

Another idea I would love to see is to actually do as the Constitution suggests.  Unfortunately, because of fractional reserve lending, we've always had banks creating a majority of our money in this country and not Congress.

I seriously think it is possible that the FED instituted a corrupt paper currency to drive us away from paper and back to gold. Thinking on the London Times comment, I think there may be something about paper currency that TPTB are hoping we miss as we run away from it.

#####"it can't have gold unless it buys it from those who produce it, or taxes it away from people.  That's not a costless transaction"####

I suggested gold redeemable currency attempting to be conciliatory.  But you make a good point here.  I agree that the government taxing away the people's gold would add unwanted cost.  So, I will repent on this idea.  Let's forget gold all together.

####"True money has to be a certificate of value for durable goods in a warehouse, "####

Money is just a medium of exchange.  As long as the parties involved agree upon what the exchange rate.  If individuals are free to make private contracts with one another, then they should be free to exchange money.  Money, as I see it, could be described as a standardized government contract form approved for use by its citizenry.

The issues with gold is that while it is innert and lasts a long time, there isn't much of it around. This creates a problem of scarcity.  And when something is made scarce, then it gets a false value associated with it.  On the flip side, you don't want people to be able to counterfeit money either.  That goes for the government also.  However, with modern technology, we can better create paper currencies that cannot easily be counterfeit.

Today, we really don't need gold at all because we can create a relatively counterfeit-proof currency that is equally accessible.  Thus we can get back to money just being just a contract again and not treated as something of value in and of itself.  

I am afraid that just because the FED instituted a fraudulent, inflationary, and destructive fiat currency that we necessarily need to run away from paper back to the inequality and scarcity of gold. That said, money has to be tied to something of value.  I agree that the Goverment shouldn't counterfeit either.

I am of the opinion that it was the HUD/FHA amortized loan and other amortized loans like it that were the major drivers of inflation in our economy.  Banks create most of the money in our economy and amortized loans are the tool by which banks create that money.  And exactly as the Feidman macroeconomic equation predicts, the amortized mortgage (double death) creates money each time a home is bought and sold for a higher price that does not  match an increase in real output.  It's the same house as before, just older and now costs more but is not worth more.  This is an amazing verification of the Friedman equation. (in fact this point is exactly what woke me up in 2008)

Despite your opinion that the Freidman Macroeconomic equation doesn't apply to the macroeconomics of inflation, I think I have just shown you a clear example of how a microeconomic mismatch between money creation, velocity, and real output creates  macroeconomic inflation.  The Amortized Mortgage is an inflation generator by doing exactly what the Freidman equation predicts.

Freidman Monetarism may be ruining this country, but it's not because the equations don't apply or don't work.  The equations do apply and the system is working just as  the equation predicts.

I suggest that because the Friedman equation does apply, that it is very possible that the SSS would not produced the unwanted inflation that you are convinced it would produce.  Remember, money would never be created out of nothing.  Money would only br created if there was a durable good it was being created to purchase or produce.  Not unlike your system.  Money supply, money velocity would stay proportional to real output.

Again, just like your system.  The real asset and the price has been negotiated before the loan is applied for.  There is no speculation.  if a building is being built, the materials, land, labor etc already exists and has a negotiated price before the money is created.  In this system money ceases to be the rate limiting step.

####"you can't create anything from nothing ... and not be inflationary"####

As I said, I agree that currency needs to represent something of value.  I never said that I supported the Federal Government just printing money out of nothing as we do now.  In the Safety Society System, money is backed by the real durrable assets it is being created to purchase, or being created to produce.  

####"Just because the Constitution gave congress the right to coin and regulate money doesn't mean it's right "####

I say, let's follow our inspired Constitution first before deciding if it's "right" or not.

####"no cost loans"####
Again, I don't remember saying this or thinking this.  If inflation is controlled, simple interest, fee-based loans can compete in a free market.  Anyone is free to charge more and pay more. However in the SSS, local banks make money as they do now by charging a loan origination fee and a monthly service charge.  The Gov makes money by charging a prime interest rate and generating revenue on what is a Constitutionally-sound voluntary tax on the entire money supply and not just a fraction of it (could make the income tax obsolete).  And then we can get rid of the useless "too-big-to-fail" mega banks who were instituted because of our short but persistent history of small bank failures.

####"It's also wrong to say compound interest is illegal. "####

I don't remember saying or even thinking this.  But if we control inflation, and simple interest, fee-based loans are available, I'm sure they would compete very well in a free market. Again, I haven't proposed making anything illegal.  I just would like to see these ideas compete in a free market.

What I did say is that I don't agree that money needs to be used to make more money.  I wouldn't make this illegal, my system would make loan sharks obsolete.  

####"There is no free lunch on loans, much as you persist in trying to make it so."####

In the Safety Society System we don't need the unelected wealthy capitalist to decide what to invest in. Our capitalist system tells us we need those few rich guys at the top of the pyramid.

In the SSS, If an individual is credit worthy and there is a real asset to purchase, the local bank would extend the loan and the loan would be repaid with interest and fees. And when the owner resold the asset, he would have equity from day 1 such that he wouldn't need to inflate the asking price to his neighbor.

Furthermore, if a community wants a museum or an aquarium, they can qualify for a loan to build the aquarium or museum.  And they don't need Billionaire ultra-elite capitalists to fund these building projects.

Other financial institutions would fill the niches for venture capital and other speculative activities. SSS is about being full reserve and staying safe.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Monetary and Economic Solution for the World

Dear Ben,

I was listening to one of your recent interviews, and I was just amazed at your description of a monetary a banking solution.  I have been thinking exactly along the same lines. I especially liked your comments on gold and gold production; how it can be and is manipulated just as easily as fiat currency.  (eg 1300's Florentine banking failure). I have been making these same arguments.  

1: Gold and gold production can be and is manipulated just as easily as fiat currency.  (eg 1300's Florentine banking failure).

2: Money and Credit need to be created by the US Treasury and administered locally based on projected production of commodities and not what is already warehoused.

Critics in the media are a dime-a-dozen, but it's rare to hear people talk about solutions.  I wanted you send you my thoughts with regard to a US Constitutional-based banking and Monetary System called the "Safety Society System."

According to Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution the Congress of the US is charged with the duty, privilege, and responsibility to "coin" or create the money as well as borrow and lend based on the credit of the United States. So, knowing that "coining" money is part of the duty of Congress, I wonder just how much our Senators and Representatives know about how our economy works. With the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the Congress has abdicated this sacred responsibility to a privately owned central bank. Now, it's time for Congress to take this privilege back.

The money supply is broken up into constituent parts (m0-m3). Many opponents of the Federal Reserve System advocate a return to a gold standard where circulating money (m0-m2) must be backed by gold and other precious metals. Unfortunately, as you are already well aware, the same "special interests" that own the banks own the domestic gold production with a DeBeer's-like Monopoly. But, in addition to backing circulating money with gold, a large portion of the money supply could be backed with land and and other "real" assets, commodities and durable goods. To protect gold production, Congress may need to regulate domestic gold production by exercizing anti-trust legislation in addition to giving back to the states Federal Lands and the corresponding mineral rights.

Instead of allowing the mega-banks to create 90% of the money supply via Fractional Reserve Lending, why not allow the US Treasury create/coin all the money in the money supply? Why not cut out the super-mega, too-big-to-fail banks and allow non-profit local and banks direct access to US Treasury capital for the purpose of issuing simple-interest, fee-based loans for credit-worthy borrowers, for non-depreciating assets like land and real-estate, commodities and durrible goods? Under such an equitable, risk-free system; capital is no longer an artificial scarcity and the unelected, ultra-elite, banking corporatocracy who control huge capital pools no longer wield Machiavellian power over the rest of society.

Therefore, I propose the creation of local and state non-profit "community safety society" banks. These locally controlled and administered institutions would have direct access to US Treasury capital for the purpose of issuing simple-interest or fee-based loans for non-depreciating assets such as land, and real-estate purchases. These "safety societies" would generate revenue for the Federal Government and to cover overhead costs by charging a loan origination fee, as well as modest monthly loan servicing fees (simple interest).

Under the "Safety Society" System, any citizens who can demonstrate regular employment and income can qualify for a loan. Groups, co-ops, and corporations can qualify for business loans to purchase and develop land. Communities can pass referendums for a sales tax increase and qualify for larger loans based on the projected tax revenue.  

Many monetary solutions which call for a commodity-backed currency require the commodities to be wearhoused before the money is created and the loan extended.  In the Safety Society System, money is created and loans extended for projected growth and production.

The benefits of this system are that home and business owners will be able to build equity immediately unlike the FHA/HUD amortized loans we have now that collect interest up front. Amortized loans are a major driver of inflation because the only way to earn equity in the first 10 years is for the price of the home to go up. So, you have a 10-year-old home that is now $30,000 more expensive. Consequently, the amortized loan has been a major contributer to the devaluation of the dollar since 1934.

I claim that such an equitable lending system would protect our "safety society" bank from risk by only issuing simple-interest/fee-based loans for non-depreciating assets. In the event that a borrower (citizen, co-op, corporation, community) were unable to make a payment, that missed payment would be deducted from the equity in the property. In this way, the loan would operate as an instant reverse mortgage at any time. Therefore, missed payments actually become extra revenue for the Federal Government Foreclosure would not occur until the borrower had lost all equity in the asset unlike today when a bank has the right to foreclose after 1-2 missed payment resulting in the borrower forfeiting any and all equity in the property.

Currently, the Federal Government only collects revenue (prime interest) on a fraction of the money created because the Federal Government only creates a fraction of the money supply in the system. Under the "Safety Society" system, all new money created would generate revenue. Under our current system, the FED generated less than 50 Billion dollars a year. The "Safety Society" collecting 1% fee on all new money creation could generate trillions via an equitable and voluntary taxation of the people.

An important aspect of the "Safety Society" Banking System is its ability to control inflation but immediately respond for the need for liquidity in the economy. When capital is plentiful, and individuals can pay cash and not borrow, new money will not be needed and not created. On the other hand, when capital is in short supply, money can be created and loaned interest free as needed.

The non-profit "Safety Society" Banking System would be a type of full reserve banking. The Bank would borrow from the US Treasury 100% of what it would lend. Accordingly, customer deposits would not be used to make new loans, but could be kept at the bank in electronic form until withdrawn making "Safety Societies" immune to failure following a "run" on the bank. Full Reserve "Safety Societies" would also be immune to stock market crashes and economic downturns that cause banking assets to lose value, leading to the loss of fractional reserves, which then leads to the inability of banks to make new loans or reimburse depositors.

Under our system, our "Safety Societies" would reduce but not eliminate the need for businesses and communities to raise money via the sale of stocks and bonds. Stock and Bond sales would be unnecessary because no-interest loans could be easily obtained. However, despite the cheapness of capital, the "Safety Society" would never be used to loan money for the purchase of stock, bonds, or other speculative financial instruments. "Safety Society" monies cannot be used to generate other money, but only can be used in exchange for "real" assets with non-depreciating value for at least the life of the loan. Stock sales may be brokered by other institutions and private individuals to raise capital for more speculative endeavors such as for the purposes of research and development and business creation. Government programs will also continue to assist with these capital needs as they do currently.

The goal in our full reserve "Safety Society" banking system is not to use capital to create capital. In our system, the US Treasury under the direction of the Congress creates money, so there is no need for money to create money. The main goal in our system is to maintain the value of the money that has already been created and implement an equatable economic and monetary system where money is backed by real assets, where the money supply can be expanded as needed; eliminating artificial scarcity, and where economic power is returned to individuals and communities, and not consolidated into the hands of an unelected money masters. Under the "Safety Society" Banking System, the people will no longer be economic sharecroppers to a small minority of elite capital controllers and special interests.

Best Regards,

David D Brosnahan MD, MS
Martinez, GA

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Danites, Mormon War, and Illuminati Infiltration

I am sure that many here on this forum may be familiar with a little piece of LDS History involving the Danites. I used to think this fabled group was just folk-lore and myth, but I am now convinced that this group did exist.

To understand who the Danites were, it is necessary to understand the history of the tribe of Dan. Dan was one of the 12 sons of Jacob (Israel). The tribe of Dan was given an inheritance in Israel in the area of the Gaza Strip along the coast. However, the issue with Dan is that they did not have the faith sufficent to go against the Phillistines and recieve their inheritance. Instead, this group split up and settled along the coast just north of their inheritance, and then sent half their people up north to the area of the Golan Heights where they founded the city of Dan. So, instead of clearing out the Phillistines as God intended they took a bit of land from Ephraim in the South and Manasseh in the North. (Interesting that the Gaza strip and the Golan Heights are the focus of conflict in Israel today).

The consequences of Dan's unfaithfulness were grave. The Phillistines were a serious thorn in Israel's side that resulted in numerous wars, and the abandonment of their Republican style system of Judges in favor of a Monarchy. But in addition to that, Dan's unfaithfulness soon turned into apostasy, corruption, and then sedition and treason. Dan was the first tribe to apostasize from the LORD. Dan stole Micah's false priest Jonathan and set him and his idols up to be their religion (Judges 18). After the split of the Kingdom of Israel, King Jeroboam set up golden idols in Dan and Bethel so that the people of Israel would not have to make the pilgraimage to Jerusalem. Dan who "abode in ships" and were allied with the phoenicians and Damascus. Some believe that due to their apostasy, John did not mention the tribe of Dan in Revelation as receiving an inheritance in the future City of Zion.

The reason, I us the history of Dan is that I had never learned about the story of Dan until I started reading about the the history of the Illuminati. The Illuminati are a group who are sworn followers of Satan. Throughout the centuries, Satan's religion have gone by different names. After the Babylonian captivity, thier religion went underground and became shrouded in symbols and secrets. It has infiltrated many other religions and organizations throughout its history. In Judaism it is known as Kabbalah, In Islam it is know as Sufism. Early Christianity knew it as Gnosticism. In Catholicism, it formed 3 groups known as the Knights Templars, the Knights Hospitalers (Order of St. John) and the Teutonic Knights (Order of St. Mary) . In more modern times, this religion has infiltrated the upper levels of the Masonic Scottish Rite, York Rite, and the Order of the Shrine.

On May 8, 1776 Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit priest, was assigned to create an organization known as the Bavarian Illuminati which incorperated gnostic practices. After being thrown out of Bavaria, the Illuminati found safe-haven by the Saxe-Gotha-Allenburg family. The group infiltrated freemasonry, and has operated behind the scenes fomenting wars, revolutions, overthrowing governments, and controlling the monetary and banking systems of the nations. Today, the British Royal Family (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe) and the Belgium Royal Famiy (Saxe-Coburg-Gothe) and the Dutch Royal Family (Orange-Nassau) together with the Rothschilds and other elite families have been infiltrating and consolidating financial, political, and economic power.

In the United States, they have founded the Bohemian Grove (Grove like Baal and Molech) where elite such as US Presidents, Supreme Court Justices, Ivy League University presidents, CEOs from major corporations, and media mogules have a 2 week summer encampment in Nothern California. In addition to a few lectures and things, the meeting starts by dressing up in druid costums and performing a mock human sacrifice to a great stone owl (Cremation of Care [conscience]). Basically, most of those who show up spend most of the 2 weeks drinking, and engaging in homosexual behavior. Most US Presidents have been members of Bohemian Grove beginning with President Taft. Other secret societies in the US and Europe include the Bilderberg Conference and the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale.

In light of the extent of Illuminati infiltration in the US, I believe the Dannites were a successful attempt by the Illuminati to infiltrate the LDS Church and foment hostilities from within against antagonistic mobs resulting in the Mormon War in Missouri and the extermination order signed by Govenor Boggs and the eventual expulsion of the LDS from Missouri. Sampson Avard, Jared Carter, and George W. Robinson are referenced as the leader of the Dannites, but I think there were other agent provacateurs present encouraging him just as FBI agents do often times do with radical militia groups and muslim extremists. It is recorded by ex-Mormon, Reed Peck, that Jared Carter and Dimick B. Huntington were encouraging the group to murder ex-LDS neighbors.

When Joseph Smith learned of Danites, he called it a "secret combination" formed contrary to his will and excommunicated Sampson Avard. Sampson Avard falsely claimed that he had received direction from Joseph Smith. John D. Lee a member of the Danites in Missouri also falsely claimed Brigham Young had ordered the Mountain Meadows Massacre.

So far, I haven't come across the evidence that certain Danite members were directed to infiltrate the LDS Church and cause problems. The only circumstantial evidence comes from the symbolism and false morality taught by the Danites. The philosophy of the Dannites is so absolutely foreign to the LDS. Even the name Danites has absolutely no meaning to the LDS. Dannites were totally the apostate tribe of Israel. Also those who jointed the Dannites, made blood oaths to ccarry out orders from leadership regardless of whether they thought it was right or wrong. LDS teach we are to always axt according to the dictates of our conscience. Illuminati get people to act against conscience usually by causing calamity and offering the solution. The Dannites made oaths that the ends justify any means necessary. Dannites also taught that if they consecrated the spoils of looting to the Church they would be protected. Again, this is totally false morality that has and never been taught in the LDS Church.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Political Science Questions

Dear Brother Skousen,

I have been following your interviews on Alex Jones, CoasttoCoastAM, and Liberty Radio. I have really enjoyed your latest commentary on Liberty Radio with Dr. Stanley Monteith. Dr. Stan's talk on the "Brotherhood of Darkness" is one of the best descriptions of the latter-day conspiracy next to your explanation in the interview entitled "The Tea Party Deception." Your last commentary where you broke down the power structure in Russia (Berezovsky) was masterful. I was really quite blown away listening to the latest Liberty Radio podcast.

Regarding the timing of WW3; I was wondering if you were aware of the vision of President George Albert Smith which gives very specific details on the timing of WW3. It turns out that David H. Horne who recorded this vision together with his brother, are close family friends. I was actually unaware of this vision until about 6 months ago. However, my father told me he had been given a copy of Bro. Horne's experience several decades ago. According to the story, Bro. Horne happens to be related to President George Albert Smith, and heard President Smith relate the vision during a Family Home Evening when he was about 11 years old. It turns out that I was 11 years old when I first met Bro. Horne. Bro. Horne came to my house and personally tutored me, helping my brothers and I to become Amateur Radio Certified. During my childhood, I would regularly attend HAM Radio emergency preparedness seminars with my Father. During those yearly meetings, topics discussed included designing and managing a nuclear fallout shelter, emergency power, EMP hardened or hardening radio equipment, etc. Speakers during these conferences included Sharon Packer who, as you know, operates Utah Shelter Systems. I still own several manuals and Citizen Defense (CD) Geiger counters and dosimeters. It wasn't until I recently read Bro. Horne's record of the President George Albert Smith Vision that I finally understood where all his nuclear paranoia was coming from. I never considered Bro. Horne mentally unstable. Bro Horne is a humble man, very sincere, and honest. Yet, like my Dad, he is definitely an Engineer type. His only weakness was that he was quite a army supply pack rat which resulted in an unfortunate house fire a few years ago. My point in relating my personal connection to this is that I know that Bro. Horne's record is not official doctrine, but I can tell you that this experience greatly impacted his life.

I know that you are convinced that Russia and China are preparing to attack the US. However, I had several questions for you with regard to this vision. By the way, there is a second version of this vision recorded by a Brother Fuchs? of LaVerkin, UT. Bro. Horne records that the attack would occur 'during the holidays after the election but before the inauguration of the POTUS.' The POTUS at the time of the attack would not be of Northern European extraction. My question is, if it looks like Mitt Romney will win the election in 2012, because the TPTB may not be able to control Romney, do you think that would drive TPTB to push the nuclear button. I always thought that 2012 is too early for what Elder Benson and Elder McConkie felt would be a nuclear abomination of desolation. I have been of the opinion that if it looked like Romney was going to win in 2012, TPTB would impose martial law in the US and cancel 2012 elections or steal the election in 2012 using electronic voting fraud. I am not voting for Obama in 2012, but I could use another 4 years. So, in a way, I am kinda pulling for him. There can't be a nuclear attack without a pending inauguration. So, I guess what I am asking is do you think the attack comes in 2012 or 2016. I vote for martial law in 2012 and attack later in 2016.

My wife's uncle is Allen Christenson, who is a professor at BYU and leading expert on Mayan Art History. He maintains that all this 2012 talk is crazy paranoia. I agree that the ancient Maya has nothing to say about 2012, but I have tried to remind him that TPTB have played this game before. Just before the Great Depression, TPTB were spreading the rumor that inscriptions in the Egyptian Pyramids were predicting a great depression.. The pyramids rumor is documented in a LDS General Conference talk given by President Anthony Ivins in 1931. This was the first "get your houses in order" talk.

"Well, now, my brethren and sisters, what about it all ? Just be calm and turn to the Lord. It is not the result of any occurrence of the immediate past. We have been gradually drifting toward it for years and years, and personally I have known that it would come, and I bore witness of it from this stand to the people a year ago. I applied it to my own affairs. I pleaded with the people to put their houses in order and get out of debt, for I knew this was coming, because God himself through his Only Begotten Son had declared it. There is nothing that men can do, nothing that we can do that will avert the fulfilment of those sayings, and it is not the design of our Father in heaven at all either. It is simply the result of our own lack of wisdom, of our own disposition to he selfish, of the accumulation of the wealth of the country in the hands of a few men which prevents its equal distribution among the masses. Now, my brethren and sisters, if the Church has anything to say to you it will come from them direct and not from the writings of other men. It will come to you in a manner that you will understand it. It will not be speculative. It will come to you philosophically, truthfully and governed by common sense. God bless you, is my humble prayer, through Jesus Christ, Amen." -Pres Ivins, General Conference 1931

I just don't get how FEMA fits into all of this. Since 911, Katrina, and the several Flu Pandemic scares, we have seen a considerable increase in power and activity by FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. With Rex84, and the Emergency Centers Act we have seen the creation of an "Archipelago" of FEMA Residential Centers. A caller last month to Alex Jones mentioned that she worked for HP, and was working on several large FEMA contracts regarding these FEMA Residential Centers which are now being fully staffed. And now in addition to the FEMA MRE's, body bags, grave liners, morgues, and cemeteries, we have DMORT which is a team of disaster response morticians that exercised in Branson, MO during NLE 2011, and now we have Operation Mountain Guardian in Denver a few weeks ago. Alex Jones reported that school children were bused from school to staging areas where they were "processed." I just can't help but think that Federal Employees are being conditioned for some huge event and massive response.

Scripture details a pretty clear pattern when it comes to the destruction of a nation. I know your business is political and not religious. However, the first thing that must happen when a nation is destroyed, is that a majority of the covenant people must become guilty of breaking their covenants. The preserving salt has then lost its savor and then becomes worthless but to be cast out and trodden under foot. As the LORD's covenant people, I hope the LDS have not reached this dire threshold. The next step, is for the nation to cast out the covenant people from among them. If there was a Fukashima-like event in Salt Lake City along the Wasatch Fault, could we see civil unrest, forced relocations, gun confiscation and martial law? Would such an event which begins "in my house" be the turning point necessary before God allows Russia and China (Beast) to attack the West (Harlot)?

I always thought it significant that the original symbol of the US was the uncoiled rattlesnake, and the symbol of Mexico was the golden eagle (Phoenix) killing the rattle snake. It is my opinion that when Russia and China invade, Mexico and Native Americans will aide and support the invasion (Reconquista). The Book of Mormon warns us against the Remnant of Jacob who will be among the Gentiles. There is also a parallel with the Fall of Rome when Odoacer leads the Barbarian Foederati in an insurrection against Romulus Augustus.

Do you have any thoughts to this picture of a young Obama standing in front of this ominous mural at the Denver Airport, I do not believe this is photo-shopped because Obama is leaning on the hand rail. Important aspects of the mural are the Mayan girl with the Quetzal bird over her head holding the Codex which is in the shape of Russia. The dead jaguar on the alter, the flames swirling around the city. And then you have the 3 caskets. In casket 1 you have a dead African woman, and in casket 3 you have a dead judeo-chrisitian girl. However, in casket 2, the native American has her eyes open. I believe she is undead, and is being depicted as being reborn.. In occult tradition, lying in a coffin is their ritual manner of becoming born again (like the skull and bones initiation). Again, this could foretell plans of TPTB to use Native Americans and Latin Americans in WW3 against the US.

I know you are busy and I appreciate your responses in the past to my emails, and would be again appreciative to any comments on these issues.

David D. Brosnahan MD, MS
Augusta, GA.

Thursday, October 06, 2011

CIA to Expand Predator Drone Attacks Again

Since 9/11, the US has been at war with Al Qaeda. Like the war on drugs, this kind of war is very asymmetric. Al Qaeda is not a country but an organization and a radical ideology. Before 911, insiders in the CIA told us there were about 2000 individuals in the entire world that were considered radicals, with intentions to strike at the US. These individuals have been linked to terrorist acts like Bombing of the USS Cole, numerous attacks on US embassy's in Africa, and IED attacks on US Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. We have also had several domestic incidents like the Fort Hood shooting, shoe and underwear bombers, and the New York Time Square bomber.

After invading Afghanistan, we were told that Al Qaeda leadership fled to tribal regions in neighboring Pakistan. Unfortunately, the US wasn't given authority to operate in Pakistan. Instead, we have seen the CIA use Predator Drones to fly overhead and target suspected Taliban and Al Qaeda operatives and "bring them to justice" using a well-placed video-guided Hellfire missile.

Some from the intelligence community have been critical of this new CIA policy of "one enemy combatant: one missile" strategy instead of the "one bullet: one combatant" policy. The concern with the expanded use of the predator drone, is the extensive collateral damage. A hellfire missile can kill and injure dozens of innocent civillians in the area surrounding the target. The concern by many insiders is if this current strategy is not producing more enemies of the US than it is designed to eliminate.

Now we are seeing the CIA expand the use of Predator Drone Attacks from Afghanistan, to Pakistan and Iraq now to Yemen. With the expansion of power of CIA Black Ops using Predator Drones in Africa, we have seen our first major success with the strike and killing of Anwar Al-awlaki. Al-awlaki is the radical cleric from New York that was dining at the Pentagon a few months after 911, who is tied to the shoe bomber, underwear bomber, and Fort Hood shooter. Now on the eve of the Underwear bomber trial, we are told that Al-awlaki was sucessfully killed in Yemen by a Predator Drone attack.

My question is this? How far will the use of the Predator Drone go? Are we going to see indiscriminate use of the Predator Drone across the world and in Africa? Can we expect to see drone attacks in Mexico to assist with the Drug ars along the US-Mexico border? And if we start seeing Predator Attacks closer to home, could we begin to see attacks against "domestic terrorists" within the US? While I am not necessarily a fan of Ron Paul, I have to agree this is looking like a slippery slope.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Tyramine and Word of Wisdom

Tyramine is a breakdown product of the amino acid Tyrosine and is found in aged, dried, processed, and pickled foods such as wine, cheese, lunch meats, sour breads and pickles. Basically, any food that is not fresh and has been sitting in a barrel or cave for long periods can have a large amount of this chemical. Tyramine acts as a monoamine which is a type of adrenergic neurotransmitter. Tyramine can stimulate the release of adrenalin-like chemicals like norephinephrine and serotonin. The realease of adrenaline is related to the bodies fight or flight response and can cause a mild euphoria, anxiety, and elevation in blood pressure.

By themselves, eating processed and aged foods is usually not an immediate health risk unless a person is also talking an MAOI. MAOI stands for mono-amine oxidase inhibitor. This is the medicine you have heard about on drug commercials. Usually when the commerical is listing the sideaffects of the drug at the end, they will mention that the advertised drug should not be taken with an MAOI. MAOI's (Nardil and Parnate) were the first anti-depressants and people on these drugs were warned to never drink wine and eat a lot of aged cheese. If they did, they could run the risk of developing "cheese syndrome" or "serotonin sydrome" which was associated with a dangerous spike in blood pressure and possibly a heart attack or stroke. So, physiologically speaking, we know that the "Tryramine effect" is real.

So most of us aren't on an MAOI. But what about the long term effects of ingesting Tyramine? Well, it turns out that if you are like most Americans, you probably ingest a significant amount of this chemical. And this may be one of several contributing factor to the epidemic of elevated blood pressure. However, when a person has steady continual exposure to tyramine (as most American's do) we don't see the same immediate elevations to blood pressure. Instead, norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin can actually become depleated. Consequently, after long exposures, tyramine could be a major contributer to a generalized depressed mood. And it is this generalized depressed mood that could lead to an increased consumption of what we often refer to as "comfort foods" to raise our norepi and serotonin levels. And of course, this compulsive eating can be one of several factors leading to the epidemic of obesity. Others who experience severe depression through a combination of dietary, genetic and psycho-social factors are often prescribed SSRI's and other similar drugs which raise the levels of norephinephrine and serotonin in the body. It is this same norephi and serotonin which Tyramine can deplete after continual exposure.

Spikes in norephi and serotonin can have other effects in the body. Recent research has shown a strong coorelation between tryamine ingestion and migraines. Not surprising, the acute treatment in the ED for migraine involves the direct inhibition of Serotonin and Dopamine [Imitrex, Relpax (blocks seretonin); Reglan, Compazine (blocks dopamine)]. Independent of SSRIs and MAOIs, spikes in adrenergic chemicals can also lead to dangerous elevations of blood pressure and even precipitate heart arrythmias like atrial fribrillation. However, these effects could be expected in the individual who usually eats fresh, and only occasionally heaps on extra parmesan cheese on their spaghetti and has an extra glass of wine at dinner.

LDS are familiar with the several prohibitions contained in the Word of Wisdom, but could the deleterious effects of Tyramine be part of the reason the Word of Wisdom encourages us to eat food "in the season thereof?"

D&C 89:11 Every herb in the season thereof, and every fruit in the season thereof; all these to be used with prudence and thanksgiving.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Operation Mountain Guardian

For the last few years, many on the Internet have been monitoring FEMA's activities. Since the events on 911, 10 years ago, and FEMA's seeming failure during Hurricane Katrina, the powers of FEMA and the new Department of Homeland Security has been greatly expanded. This weekend nearly a hundred state and federal government agencies are staging a massive drill in Denver, CO entitled Mountain Guardian.

Reports from Alex Jones' are telling us that a major element of Friday's activity involved transporting children from elementary schools to Mile High Stadium for "processing". It will be interesting to follow the progress of these drills and see what other elements are being put into practice and how federal and state agencies are being conditioned. It is also interesting that President Obama is also in Denver this weekend. It is rumored that he is participating in a DEFCON 1 exercize.

Earlier this year, the Federal Goverment produced NLE 2011 in Branson, MO. During this national exercize, government agencies practiced their response to a New Madrid Earthquake. A principle element of NLE 2011 was the mobilization of DMORT, which is an organization of mortitions who will be called in to assist with the processing of dead bodies during a mass casulty event.

At some point SLC, UT which lies on the Wasatch Fault will have a devistating earthquake. Provo, Salt Lake City, and Ogden are build upon a dry lake bed. Like Mexico City, a shallow earthquake in the valley would be greatly magnified causing significant liquifaction and shaking. Additionally, numerous mountain dams for Pineview, Deer Creek, Jordanelle, and East Canyon Reservoirs could fail sending torrents of water down mountain canyons into the valley below.

Well, so far FEMA is ready for a future event with bodybags, grave liners, cemeteries, a massive morge with expansive freezer space in downtown Sallt Lake, a recent purchase of tens of millions of MRE's, and DMORT. Add to that the system of FEMA residential centers (FEMA CAMPS) that are currently being staffed across the country (worker from HP). We have also seen federal agencies during Hurricane Katrina and other tornadoes go door-to-door confiscating guns. Also, we have NorthCOM assigning the 1st Brigade 3rd Infantry Division Combat Team to be assigned "assist" with domestic disaster response and humanitarian aid. I just hope the US Millitary doesn't respond with humanitarian aid the same way NATO responded in Libya. Now with Denver's Mountain Guardian exercize, we see the processing of children. It will be interesting to see what other elements will be put in place during this latest exercise.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Future Attack on Religious Freedom?

I am of the opinion that maybe before God allows America to be overrun by the Communists (if that is to happen) then the America will have to turn against the LDS. The LDS are the preserving salt. Only after the LDS are attacked (religious freedom) in some way will the wickedness of America be enough to bring on what will come to the US later.

According to the pattern in scripture, for a people to be fully ripe in iniquity, they must attack or cast out the righteous from among them like Able in Sodom and Gommorrah. Or, a majority of God's covenant people must be guilty of breaking their covenants. In that case, the covenant people become salt that has lost it's savor and become worthless but to be thrown out. Scripture warns us that when God's people no longer keep their covenants, then they are delivered up to the buffetings of Satan. Then when the people as a whole, cast out the righteous from among them, then that society has become ready to be overthrown.

In 1833 there was a historic meteor shower (google LEONIDS) that the wicked used as a sign to exterminate the LDS from Missouri. With this elenin hype, there may be a similar "sign" in 2011. Back in 1833, the Illuminati infiltrated the LDS Church and fomented war from within (Danites) and from without (Mobs). This ended the signing of the Extermination order and the expulsion of the LDS from Missouri. This is how Satan prevented the NEW JERUSALEM from being established.

There has been a surprising amount of coverage about ET's and UFO's that seems to be gaining in momentum with the main-stream media. Before, this kind of thing was the kind of lunitik fringe topic relegated to tabloid late-night talk radio shows like CoasttoCoastAM. However, it seems there have been an increasing level of sightings over that past couple of years. LDS Scripture is clear that God does not send messengers from other planets to this Earth. God's pattern for revelation is through HIS prophet and through HIS church. If there is some future UFO dislosure in the future, I can see how the LDS leadership would need to be more vocal on this issue. Could the UFO/ET issue be the one that turns the world against the LDS? I do not deny the existence of UFO's, but they are simply a cleaverly crafted deception involving suppressed magnetoplasmadynamic technology.

D&C 130:5 I answer, Yes. But there are no angels who minister to this earth but those who do belong or have belonged to it.

Could there be another attack being planned. Will HAARP trigger a wasatch fault EQ? FEMA is ready with an SLC supermorgue, bodybags, cemeteries, caskets, MRE's, immunization and processing centers and relocation residential centers. If an EQ doess occur, how will the Wasatch populas react. Will there be agent provacateurs positioned to start riots and fires. When martial law is imposed, and guns confiscated, will there be civil unrest?

How will the people react to the situation? Will they say "This is God's punishment?" or "serves them right?" or "look at that terrible oppression by our government against a good people?"

I just don't think its going to do the LDS any good to get on a conspiracy or 911 crusade. If there is something that goes down in SLC, then any provocated unrest will be blamed on an anti-government attitude by church leadership. That may seem like a stretch, but I just don't see what going on a crusade against a shadowy unknown enemy will get us. We have already been warned of conspiracy enough.

Anyways, the most important thing that anyone of us could ever do to preserve freedom in the US is to repent and live the commandments of God. We are given this land as our inheritance so long as we keep the commandments are promised to be free of oppression or occupation. The reason we have been IDEOLOGICALLY SUBVERTED in America is becasue we were first DEMORALIZED. Alex Jones and Ron Paul are giving us the bait and switch. Their answer to restoring the US is to focus on constitutional issues alone like "END THE FED" or "LEGALIZE DRUGS". The truth is that the key #1 factor in saving our country is repenting. And its repentance that our Church Leadership are providing and its the only message that can save us.

Friday, September 02, 2011

Capitalism = Capital Fascism

I am an Emergency Physician and not an Economist. However, the past couple of years I have been studying a bit of economic and banking physiology and pathophysiology. After some limited study, it is my informed opinion that the patient (US economy) is about to decompensate. However, it is not too late to save the patient. Just like the ED, if we were to unite together to institute some agressive banking and political interventions we could prevent a CODE BLUE.

It seems we have all been fed a false dichotomy of communism vs. capitalism. It is like noone can think of another way to do business. Our textbooks seem to expect us to pick our favorite flavor of tyranny.

Nazism= national fascism= ruling class makes the rules
Communism=social fascism=ruling class makes the rules
Capitalism=capital fascism=ruling class make the rules

With capitalism, we have decided that those with the money (special interests) should make all the rules. This is satan's version of the "golden rule". He who has the gold makes the rules. Reality is that Capitalism is a usury-based economic system where wealth called capital is made artifically scarce, and then is leveraged to enslave others. The money elite made up of a class of unelected capital holders use their economic power to make even more money and power.

Money elite in a usury-based capital fascist system influence politics and the economy by deciding what to invest in. Often, these decisions are made based on what will make them the most money but also on who and what they can best manipulate and control to maintain their power. Consequently, many decisions are often made to maintain their power and control which may be at odds with what is best for others and the nation as a while. The money elite ofter see themselves as too big and important to fail.

I am not saying money is bad. I am not saying simple interest is bad. What I am saying is that WE could fix this nation tomorrow by first individually repenting of our many sins (demoralization) and then applying a few constitution principles (ideological subversion).

1. Congress would create and issue all money which would stop the artificial scarcity of credit and control inflation.
2. Local Safety Society Banks would issue loans based on simple interest (loan origination fee and monthy service charge). Local banks would extend credit to worthy individuals, institutions, corporations, and governments ( the more people in a government or institution, the larger the loan they would qualify for)
3. Protect and build domestic infrastructure, manufacturing, and resources.
4. The money created by congress and lent by local banks would be backed by the "real" assets the money was lent to create or purchase. Only "real" assets could be deemed credit worthy.
5. Banks would opperate on full reserves and never lend deposited money. All money lent by the Safety Society would be created and issued by Congress.
6. Other kinds of private finacial institutions could deal in venture capital and other speculative investments. Safety Societies would not deal in speculative investments.

[This gets rid of fractional reserve banking, the business cycle, prevents banking failures, and controls inflation]

Capitalism or Capital Fascism claims an ideological struggle against Big Government making the rules. It claims that instead of big goverment making the rules we should have big business and big capital holders making the rules (special interest). This is part of the false dichotomy. Those involved with this "war on big government" propagate the lie that we should just "let the market work". We all should know how much market manipulation there is and nearly every aspect of the market is artificial.

Letting the markets work would be to allow the buyer and producer to negotiate a price without any intermediary or external interference e.g farmers market. This may not be efficient, but it is free.

War on Poverty => Big Gov.
War on Drugs => Big Gov.
War on Terror => Big Gov.
Capitalism = War on Big Goverment => Big Business

What we need in reality is to tear down the tower of Babel with smaller government and smaller business and smaller banks, etc.

I am a supporter of a Free Market Economy. I am not a supporter of Capitalism. Capitalism does not equal Free Market. There is no such thing as "free market capitalism". Capitalism is an economy based on the aquisition of capital where money aquired by individuals is leveraged to gain more capital and power in the system. Consequently, the whole basis of capitalism is based on inequality. The whole basis says that we would rather have people with the "capital" make the rules than have government make the rules.

If you are wealthy and have capital, then you have considerable unelected machiavellian power in our economy to decide who and what you will invest in. Capitalism is unequal by definition. The system benefits certain few individuals who constitute and unelected olygarchy.

Horatio Alger "rags to riches" myths propagate the lie that anyone who works hard enough can become one of the elite, and that those people up there earned the right to rule over us. The system benifits from casino psychology where we support an unfair system because maybe, just maybe our number will come up and we will become one of the ultra-rich elite.

In reality, the system is a good-ol-boys network where inventors and scientists and entrapeuners hardly ever profit from their discoveries. Many discoveries are suppressed, inventions are shelved, and local companies are absorbed by mega-multinationals.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Losing Faith in America

Seems to me that we are deep into a long process designed to get us to lose faith. When I read in 3Nephi about the failure of the Nephite government and its division into tribes just before the coming of Christ, I can't help but see parallels in our "awful" situation today. The reason the Nephties abandoned their government is becuase they had lost faith after realizing the level of corruption in their goverment. The gadiations are purposely disclosing thier infiltration of Western Society. But this is only a partial disclosure. The truth is that the gads own China, Russia, and everywhere else. But they are revealing themselves in the West to convince Russia and China that they should nuke Babylon.

Most of this psyop program to get us to lose faith has been in operation for years. Today we are seeing University Football teams busted for corruption, we are seeing our pop idols and polititions busted for drugs, and immorality and all sorts of other sins. Post-Modern artists deconstruct art and music to get us to lose faith in the traditional rules of asthetics. IN the 60-8o's the US spent billions trying to get Central and South American countries to be pro-western instead of pro-communist. So, while its unpopular to be pro-Russian in America, nearly every Central and South American country is Pro-China and allowing China to build and control military bases and ports. It's like we all forgot that China is still communist. And now after US Banks were caught laundering mexican drug cartel money and the ATF was caught shipping guns into Mexico, Mexico is more distant from the US and more friendly with China than ever before.

I was listening to NPR today and they were discussing the "Muslim Spring" revolutions in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, etc. During the report they have recorded muslims speaking out that they believed the US and Israel and Western Governments were behind all these revolutions. Whether the US is or isnt doesnt really matter. What matters is that Mexico thinks the US government is supporting the drug cartels and the american people are buying the drugs. And whatever credibility we think we had with the US by liberating Iraq and Afghanistan, we have lost with our perceived interference eveywhere else.

Saturday, August 06, 2011

Seal Team 6 Silenced

Never make a deal or do anything for the illuminati. Seal Team 6 failed to learn that lesson. Seal Team 6 was the US Special Forces unit attributed with the raid and killing of Osama Bin Ladin. Seal Team 6 has already lost half their team during the raid when one of their stealth helicopters was suspiciously blown up just after lifting off from the Abbottabad compound.

While most reliable people believe that the real Bin Ladin has been dead for a while (was on dialysis), we will never know now because the captured Bin Ladin was shot through one eye and then disgracefully dumped into the ocean making his death parallel the Dijjal, or Islamic Anti-Christ (one-eyed man that comes from the ocean). RT interviewed neighbors of the man who was apprehended and killed by Seal Team 6, who claim Bin Ladin never lived there.

However, the Seal Team who knew the truth about what actually happened in Abbottabad, will never get to tell the real story because the rest of the team just suffered an unfortunate fatal accident in Afghanistan when their helicopter exploded. Interestingly enough, the Taliban claimed responsibility immediately. I actually heard that the Taliban had done it before I knew it was Seal Team 6 that they had done it too.

Of course, you should realize, the original Taliban were against poppy growing and pedophilia (bacha bazi) and outlawed both practices in 1999 according to Sharia Law. But the Taliban today is run by CIA Black Ops and heroin production is up 300% pre-1999 levels. But if you were Pat Tilman (former linebacker for the Arizona Cardinals) and you try to be a whistleblower, you get a burst of .223 NATO rounds x3 to the forehead at close range according to the pathologist. You may not remember the CIA trying to ship nuclear material to the new-Taliban in an attempt to frame Pakistan and seize their nuclear arsenal. These are the same people giving weapons to the Mexican Drug Catel Sinaloa, and claim their support for Sinaloa is to get information on the other Mexican Drug Cartels.

What is this really about? This is about loosing faith in the US from outside and from within. This is about driving a wedge inside our military. This is about getting other countries to lose faith in a Constitutional Representative Democracy. In the 70-80's we were fighting the cold war to get developing nations to support the US over the USSR (and put them under Central Banking control and put into a state of economic slavery). Now almost the entirety of Latin America is pro-Chinese. Now, I love the Chinese people, but its like we all forgot that China is run by the Communist Party. Unfortunately, Communism (social fascism) vs. Capitalism (capital fascism) isn't much of a choice.

Monday, August 01, 2011

Psychic Pokemon TCG Deck

Psychic Pokemon = 28
Darkrai & Cresselia LEGEND hp 150 (moon's invite = move opp. damage counters)
Arceus lv. 100 hp 80 (mind bend = 40, confusion)
Jirachi hp 60 (rescue 3 energy from discard, de-evolve pokemon)
(DARK) Zorua/Zoroark hp 100 (foul play = use defending pokemon attack)
Ralts/Kirlia/Gardevoir hp 120 (move 1 energy, energy burst = 20+ 10x energy)
Eevee/Espeon x 2 hp 90 (move any 4 damage counters from you to opp in any way)
Grimer/Muk hp 100 (switch poison and confuse, pester = 50+ 80)
Nidoran/Nidorina/Nidoqueen hp 130 (prize count = 50+ 80)
Duskull/Dusclops/Dusknoir hp 120 (shuffle 1 opp bench pokemon, hard feelings = 50+)
Venipede/Whirlipede/Scolipede hp 150 (poison claws = 80, poison)
Spoink/Grumpig hp 90 (confuse, grind = 20x energy)
Misdreavus/Mismagius hp 90 (psybeam = 60, confuse)

Trainers/Supporters/Items/Tools/Statium = 17
Potion x 2 (heals 30 damage)
Pokemon Communication x 3 (switch any pokemon in your hand for any pokemon in the deck)
Phoebe's Stadium (reduced retreat cost by 2 energies for psychic pokemon only)
Amulet Coin (draw extra card at end of turn)
Flower Shop Lady x 2 (rescue 3 pokemon and 3 energies from discard to deck)
Energy Retrieval (rescue 2 energies from discard to hand)
Team Rocket's Trickery x 2 (draw 2 cards, opponent discards 1)
Cheerleader's Cheer x 2 (draw 3 cards, opponet draws 1)
Interviewer's Questions x 3 (look at top 8 cards and keep all energies)

Energy Cards = 15
Basic Psychic Energy x 15 (less energy cards, more supporters and pokemon)

Fire Pokemon TCG Deck

Fire Pokemon = 24
Reshiram x 4 hp = 130 (Outrage = 20+ damage, Blue Flare = 120)
Tepig/Pignite/Emboar x 4 hp = 150 (place as many energy cards on 1 pokemon)
Hetran/Hetran LV.X x 4 hp = 120 (burn, return 2 discarded energies to pokemon)

Fire Energy Cards = 20

Supporter and Trainer Cards = 16

War and Invasion

This post should not be construed to be interpreted as portraying a anti-china sentiment. The Chinese are great people. War and conflicts are usually the result of manipulation by special interests behind the scenes.

Daniel foretells that after goat (Greece/Alexander the Great) breaks the 2 horns (Medes and Persians/Iraq and Iran), that the horn of the goat will then be broken and the Empire will then be divided into 4 parts. Daniel then prophesied that the King of the North would fight against the King of the South. This prophecy was fulfilled by Alexander the Great and the Greek Empire which fell apart after his death. The King of the North (Selucius the Selucian Dynasty) fighting with Ptolomy of Egypt (Ptolomaic Dynasty). This fighting continued until the coming of Jesus Christ. Why does the Bible tell us this story? First, Israel and Jerusalem seemed to always get caught up in the middle of the wars between Selucius and Ptolemy and Second, history will repeat itself.

Except this time, America is the Goat and Russia is the King of the North and China will become the King of the South. After the conquest of America and after America is divided into 4 parts (google divided states of America), China and Russia will be left to fight it out for King of the Mountain. What is the plan for Utah after the war? The UN and UNESCO and Agenda 21 has declared the Rocky Mountains from Glacier National Park to Grand Canyon to be a huge World Wilderness Preserve. The people living there (mostly LDS) will have already been forcably relocated after Earthquakes and Disease has devistated the area.

Pres. George Albert Smith was shown a vision of WW3. He declared that it made WW2 look like a training exercize and the Great Depression look like a Sunday Picnic in the Park. Pres. Smith foretold that China and Russia's military stength would exceed that of the US and the at some point, China and Russia would strike the US with a surprise nuclear attack and then invade. The Burning of Babylon and the Invasion of Heathen Armies was seen and described by Joel and John in Revelation.

So far our war with China has been an economic war. The US has suffered ideological subversion and demoralization. We have been convinced to squander our birthright for a mess of pottage and have given away to China our industrial infrastructure. China has used our trade deficit to buy up natural resources in Australia and Africa. China has built ports, roads, rail-lines all over Africa, and built ports in South America. Most South American and Central American governments are now Pro-China led by Hugo Chavez. It may not be politically correct to be pro-Russia, but Pro-Communist China is the height of political fashion. The only hold out is Columbia who has been supplying the world with cocaine for the last Century. China has control over the Panama Canal, and has built ports in the Bahamas, Mexico, Canada, and is leasing several US ports. There is a deal being worked up in Idaho where a Chinese company wants to biuld a 50-square-mile self-sustaining city south of Boise. Now that Americas ATF has been caught giving weapons to Mexican Drug Cartels and American Banks were caught laundaring drug money, Mexico is now leaning even further away from America than ever.

The Tea Party is encouraging us to stand up and fight for freedom and for Constitutional values. Both sides would love the civil war that would result from a repeal of Gov Welfare Services. I am all in support of the Constitution, but these Constitutional issues are not at the heart and foundation of our problem as a nation. The first step in the enemies plan of ideological subversion was demoralization. Therefore, the only way we can save the Constitution is to preach repentance and regain our morality as a nation. A moral people would have much less need for Gov entitlements.

However, I fear America has traveled too far down this road for it's course to change. The calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets will be fulfilled in every detail. Babylon must fall, so that only Zion should remain. Gods blessing is being taken from the Gentile nations and is returning to the ancient remnant blood of Israel. The heathen armies may invade America with the support of Mexico and all of Latin America, but when those armies march against the LDS, the spirit and hearts of the Lamanite people will turn. I believe we are not to even fight. Christ taught us that he would fight for Zion.

D&C105:14 For behold, I do not require at their hands to fight the battles of Zion; for, as I said in a former commandment, even so will I fulfil—I will fight your battles.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Wasatch Fault EQ

Most of us here are familiar with the rumor of technology that can trigger EQ's. If you have a fault with enormous amounts of energy already stored up on the fault. HAARP is a giga-watt powered, 180-antenna, phased-array, HF radio transmitter that can focus that gigawatt of power at any spot on the globe. HF heating of the ionosphere is converted into ELF waves at the resonant frequency of tectonic faults. Satellite imaging over Japan on the day of the Fukushima EQ and Tsunami recorded pinpoint annomylous Ionospheric heating exactly above the epicenter of the EQ. The theory is that the addition of a relatively small amount of resonant ELF energy can cause an overdo fault to slip.

The Special Interests, money elite that control Washington DC in our Capital Fascism system of government want to destroy America and our Constitution. Over the last Century, plans have been carried out to erode the moral, social and economic foundation of our country. However, there is one big problem with Satans plan to destroy America. He cannot succeed in this plan until he first attacks and attempts to scatter and destroy the LDS. That is why we are specifically told the Tribulation will begin in "my house". Remember America cannot be destroyed unless it first attempts to cast out and persecute the righteous. We are the preserving salt.

D&C112:25 And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord;

I don't know for certain, but it seems FEMA is convinced that one of the next catastrophic American EQ is going to be SLC. The liquefaction and amplification of a shallow EQ along the Wasatch fault will result in widespread devastation. FEMA is all ready. FEMA has purchased millions of body bags, and hundreds of thousands of plastic grave liners/coffins (sitting in a field in Madison GA). FEMA has recently made huge purchases of MREs. Through the REX84 and the National Emergency Centers Act have converted numerous closed military bases into FEMA Emergency Residential Centers. Additionally, an acquaintance of mine was the interior designer of a FEMA super morgue, in-processing, and mass immunization center in Downtown SLC. Also, NLE 2011 focused on drills with DMORT(mass cassulty mortuary response) and NDMS simulating a New Madrid EQ in Branson, MO. Lastly, FEMA has just finished work on several super FEMA cemeteries in Phoenix, Houston and SoCal. News today from a caller into a national radio show reports that FEMA is now staffing these FEMA residential centers.

So, what's going to happen? At some point, the Wasatch fault is going to slip. It is long overdo. The Wasatch front and metropolitan areas of SLC-Ogden-Provo will be devastated. FEMA together with NorthCOM military forces will move in. There will be door-to-door gun confiscation. Houses and buildings will be condemned and deemed uninhabitable. There will be forced relocation and forced immunizations. Families will be split up as people are randomly sent to random FEMA residential centers. And there will likely be social unrest exacerbated by agent provocateurs.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Android on Asus EeePC

I own an ASUS EeePC 900A Netbook. The netbook has 1 gig ram, 4 gigs flash memory (I think) , and a 1.6 GHz Atom processor. It was running a version of Linux Xandros. Asus stopped supporting updates for flashplayer and firefox, soI decided to change the operating system. Since, I don't specially want to upgrade the memory, I decided to go with a simpler and lighter OS. My computer geek Bro-in-law suggested Android. After some pain and frustration, I was eventually successful. I decided to include a post on this for anyone else out there who is looking to do the same.

Step 1: go to on a Windows PC.
Step 2: download latest version for the eeepc, like android-x86-2.2-r2-eeepc.iso
Step 3: download UNetBootIn for Windows from
Step 4: install UNetBootIn on Windows PC
Step 5: Insert USB fashdrive into Windows PC
Step 6: open UNetBootIn and select and extract .iso file onto USB flashdrive.
Step 7: Turn on Asus Eeepc and press Esc before Boot to enter Bios.
Step 8: Configure Bios to boot from external drive first before internal harddrive.
(USB fashdrive is considered an external harddrive and not a removable device)
Step 9: Insert USB flashdrive into left USB socket.
Step 10: Reboot Asus Eeepc and select boot from External Device
Step 12: Goto settings/applications and allow download of unknown sources
Step 13: Goto settings/wireless&networks and configure wireless Internet connection
Step 14: If you like it, reboot and select to permenant install android onto internal harddrive
Step 15: install read-only for an kernel if you don't want to make edits to base OS

Problems: typing in webbrowser and blogs is difficult.
Android 2.3 Gingerbread does not have flash support
Android 2.2 Froyo may.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

NATO Out, Cannabis In?

With the unconstitutional attack by US forces of Libya, Germany and Italy are pulling out of NATO. The constitution requires that only the Congress can declare war. However, Pres. Obama approved military action in Libya against Qaddafi, telling the American people that our actions in Libya and now Tunisia are not war, but "Humanitarian Kinetic Actions." Also, Pres. Obama has told us that the decision to attack Libya was authorized by NATO and therefore, somehow doesn't need approval from the US Congress. However, instead of strengthening and legitimizing NATO, we see just the opposite as powerful allies abandon ship. A weakened NATO alliance could give China and Russia more confidence in launching their eventual strike on America.

In other news, Ron Paul and Barny Frank are co-sponsoring legislation to legalize cannabis. If the US were to legalize the use of cannabis, the US would be following the pattern of legalizing alcohol in 1933 before going into the depths of the Great Depression and WW2. However, the coming new Depression and world war will make the Great Depression and WW2 look like a picnic in the park.

Cannabis proponents use the failed War of Drugs to support their side when the reason the war is a failure is because the SPECIAL INTERESTS who control Washington control and profit from both sides of the drug war. They grow it, ship it into the US, sell it, then bust people for using it.

Becoming Intoxicated is evil and dives out the Holy Ghost. A person who uses a substance to get an ARTIFICIAL HIGH stole that feeling. The Brain reinforces productive behavior that supports the survival of the species through neurochemical rewards/positive reinforcement. If a person is taking a drug to artificially stimulate their brain's reward centers, they are stealing that HIGH. They didn't earn it.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Possible Fort Peck Dam Failure?

There are 6 dams on the Missouri River from Montanta to Kansas City, MO. These dams were originally built for the purposes of flood control. The problem with these dams is that the upper dams are very poorly built and are already holding record water levels with record snow pack about ready to melt and overwhelm them. What is supposed to happen is that lake levels are supposed to be low in winter ready to receive spring runoff. If the Fork Peck Dam fails, the resulting wall of water would destroy all other 5 dams like a row of falling dominoes. If all 6 dams on the Missouri River fail, the resulting flood would destroy cities, and nuclear power plants all along the river including Kansas City and St. Louis. A dam failure and the resulting flood would be the worst disaster in US History.

The third trumpet in Revelations has to do with the curse of the rivers and wormwood contamination, or nuclear contamination. Could a dam failure and a flooding of nuclear power stations along the Missouri River constitute a fulfillment of John's 3rd Trumpet? I was thinking before that the Japan Tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster could have fulfilled John's 3rd Trumpet, but a catastrophic dam failure along the Missouri would also fit. (false 3rd Trumpet?)

D&C 121:33 As well might man stretch forth his puny arm to stop the Missouri river in its decreed course, or to turn it up stream, as to hinder the Almighty from pouring down knowledge from heaven upon the heads of the Latter-day Saints.

The Fort Peck Dam is an embankment/hydraulic fill dam and has already failed once during construction. Teton Dam, Kaloto Dam, South Fork Dam, Lower San Fernando Dam are just a few examples of earth-fill or hydraulic fill dam failures.