My awakening to the suppression of science and technology by the Illuminati/dark brotherhood/world shadow government/special interests/latter-day gadiantons/synhedron started after reading the autobiography of Edwin Teller the father of the Hydrogen Bomb. In that book, Dr. Teller goes to great length to label Oppenheimer a Communist for discouraging further work into the H-Bomb. After learning about the Bohemian Grove as the place where Edward Teller planned the Manhattan Project which he purposefully left out of his autobiography, and realizing that Soviet Union was a creation of the Globalists to terrorize, control, and eventually destroy the United States (read Target Patton: a plot to assassinate General George S. Patton by Robert Wilcox); I realized that Oppenheimer likely had second thoughts after his success with the A-bomb ("I have become death, the destroyer of worlds"), but Teller was still a loyal operative.
The shadow government of this world has suppressed many technologies which they are now allowing to leak out. Some of these technologies include magnetoplasmadynamics, antigravity, the Lorenz O force, amorphous diamond, zero-point energy, Thermionics, Opto-electric effect, etc. I recently watched a lecture by Stan-Deyo who claims he was recruited by Edwin Teller in the 1970's to work on anti-gravity for an international shadow government body.
In this lecture, he reviews previous work in these exciting areas by Dr. T. Henry Moray (LDS), and Nicoli Tesla. Stan Deyo in addition to explaining the UFO phenomenon as advance human engineered, anti-gravity propulsion also talked about Free Energy by Henry Moray who used a heterodyne radio transmitter, an 80 meter antenna, and a telsa coil to create a plasma/electromagnetic field that would absorb the energy from high energy particles from the solar wind and cosmic background radiation. In a way, as I understand it, it would be like a huge Geiger counter. In addition there was some sort of thermionic, tribolescent semiconductor material used to make the harmonically tuned circuit or that converted the high-frequency voltage fluctuations into electricity.
Tribolescent semiconductors are another exciting technology. The principle of tribolescence or thermionics, has to do with substances that can convert heat directly into electricity and visa versa. The most exciting candidate tribolescent/thermionic/negative electron affinity material is amorphous diamond. Amorphous diamond is made by applying high frequency/high voltage to a graphite electrode creating a plasma in a vacuum which will deposit an amorphous diamond thin film on a surface. Amorphous diamond is a mixture of sp3 and sp2 hybridized carbons. Sp3 (diamond) is an insulator, while sp2 carbons (graphite) are a conductor. Therefore, a mix of sp3 and sp2 makes a semiconductor.
Scientists and engineers believe that thermionic/neg electron affinity materials like amorphous diamond would be the perfect material that could be used as a nearly perfect solar cell, computer screen, heater, and air conditioner. All these functions could be done with the same surface material in different application. The added benefit is that amorphous diamond would be very abundant, very easy to produce, and extremely damage resistant.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Preparing For That Which Is To Come
After recently waking up to the reality of the great latter-day conspiracy and the awfulness of our situation (Ether 8:24); I have been thinking about what kind of judgments of God our nation will face for allowing this conspiracy "to get above us." While I wasn't looking for the end of the world, you will remember that I was looking out last summer for a nuclear contamination threat. Well, it seems nuclear contamination (wormwood) has come to Japan and possibly to the West Coast, but not in the way that Pres. Obama warned about during his UN Nuclear Summit last March. While not an immediate threat to the Southern States, it does provide an opportunity to think upon how to prepare for nuclear threats. If this "wormwood" event represents the 3rd trumpet in Rev, the 4th trumpet to sound is the sun, moon and stars failing which could be both literal, as well a a figurative representation of a civil unrest, and a collapse of many governments as we are already beginning to see. After that comes the 5th trumpet which is the invasion of the locusts which is preceded by the nuclear first strike.
While, we have been continually instructed by LDS leadership to be self-reliant and prepare for the Days of Tribulation; not every Prophet of Apostle has described exactly what we are preparing for. On the other hand, some have. In addition to the unofficial record of the Vision of George Albert Smith, I was surprised to discover that several LDS Apostles have been very specific about an eventual nuclear holocaust. Ancient scripture also seems to support this view. While we shouldn't fear death, we know that God intends for the keys of the priesthood to remain upon the Earth, and intends at least a remnant of Saints to survive to build up Zion.
With this in mind, we could ask several questions: #1 are these prophesies even true? #2 do we want to survive to walk to Zion? .#3 Is it wrong to do everything in our power to plan and survive what is coming? #4 Do we believe that God may inspire individuals to prepare above and beyond the minimum specified by LDS Leadership? #5 is there anything we might do in preparing for a nuclear war and invasion that we might not otherwise do? #6 Should we label people who take such things seriously and act upon them as mentally unstable, or going beyond the mark, or prideful? #7 Should we just bloom where we are planted?
While we are warned to never look beyond the mark, Elder Oaks has instructed us in this last General Conference, "The personal line is of paramount importance in personal decisions and in the governance of the family. Unfortunately, some members of our church underestimate the need for this direct, personal line. Responding to the undoubted importance of prophetic leadership—the priesthood line, which operates principally to govern heavenly communications on Church matters—some seek to have their priesthood leaders make personal decisions for them, decisions they should make for themselves by inspiration through their personal line. Personal decisions and family governance are principally a matter for the personal line."
Joel Skousen, nephew of Cleon Skousen, has been on CoasttoCoastAM and the Alex Jones Radio program talking about future invasion by China and Russia and a preemptive nuclear attack on America. He is selling a book called "Strategic Relocation." Now, I don't know how I think about Bro. Skousen going on these shows which spread a lot of fear and falsehood. However, I am sure they are the only places in the media that would allow him to get his message out. According to Bro. Skousen, he has personal contacts in the NSA and CIA as well as having lived around the world. According to him, many of his CIA, NSA contacts are moving to Colorado ski resort towns and have installed bomb shelter under their homes while the global elite are moving out of the US to South America (see Rev 18:9). And according to him, the US has purposefully decided not to prepare its people for nuclear war while many other countries like Russia and Switzerland have are are.
Bro. Skousen, does not necessarily encourage US citizen's to leave the US Countries who welcome American's now may feel much differently later. Furthermore, it is very hard for Americans to blend in and keep a low profile in many countries. While, Bro. Skousen didn't go over all the information in his book, it seemed to be his opinion that high population centers would be dangerous during social collapse. And he felt the safest places to live long term was among the LDS in Idaho, Utah, and northern Arizona. He gave several reasons why living in among the LDS but not on the Wasatch fault was the safest bet; 1. dry moderate climate, 2. culture of preparedness 3. low population density 4.natural barriers on the West (Great Basin) and East (Rocky Mountains) to prevent mass influx of refugees.
If blooming where we are planted is in order, issues to consider would be: 1. do I live next to any nuclear targets? 2. do I live next to high population centers. 3. Could I really live 100% self-sufficient with a year supply of food, fuel for cooking and eating, clothing and ability to purify nuclear fallout from water? 4. Would banding together at the local church, transforming it into a shelter, and sharing our supply be better because of the safety in numbers this banding provides? 5. how do you get out of the way of invading armies after an EMP has crippled transportation and power?
Joel 1-3
1:6For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and without number. . . 16 Is not the meat cut off before our eyes .. . . 19 for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field. 2:1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: . . .. the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. . . 7 like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: . . . 17spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?. . . . 20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, . . . And I will restore to you the years that. . . my great army which I sent among you.
Rev. 18: 6-11
6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously , so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. 9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, 10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying , Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come . 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
Bruce R. McConkie, "Stand Independent above All Other Creatures", Ensign, May 1979, 92
There is a common axiom among us which states: A religion that cannot save a man temporally does not have power to save him spiritually. If we cannot care for our temporal needs in this world, how can we ever succeed in spiritual things in the world to come?
It is one of the sad heresies of our time that peace will be gained by weary diplomats as they prepare treaties of compromise, or that the Millennium will be ushered in because men will learn to live in peace and to keep the commandments, or that the predicted plagues and promised desolations of latter days can in some way be avoided. We must do all we can to proclaim peace, to avoid war, to heal disease, to prepare for natural disasters—but with it all, that which is to be shall be.
Knowing what we know, and having the light and understanding that has come to us, we must—as individuals and as a Church—use our talents, strengths, energies, abilities, and means to prepare for whatever may befall us and our children. . . As the Saints of the Most High we shall strive to “stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world”
It may be, for instance, that nothing except the power of faith and the authority of the priesthood can save individuals and congregations from the atomic holocausts that surely shall be.
Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, vol. 18, p. 339
“We read that the four beasts, representing the powers of the earth, will exist at the time of the coming of the Ancient of Days. And that the fourth beast, represented by the Roman Empire and the kingdoms that have grown out of it, will be "slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame." Here then we can read the destiny of that portion of the inhabitants of the earth constituting the fourth beast: or, in other words, the destiny of the kingdoms of Europe, who were to arise and grow out of that fourth power… Not only the kingdoms and governments of Europe, and the western portion of Asia are to be thus visited, but also those who have grown out of these kingdoms, and that have emigrated to this western hemisphere, and elsewhere. For instance, this great republic must pass away in the manner indicated unless the people repent”
Elder Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, October 1961, Afternoon Meeting, p.69-70
The great destructive force which was to be turned loose on the earth and which the prophets for centuries have been calling the "abomination of desolation" is vividly described by those who saw it in vision. Ours is the first generation to realize how literally these prophecies can be fulfilled now that God, through science, has unlocked the secret to thermonuclear reaction.
While, we have been continually instructed by LDS leadership to be self-reliant and prepare for the Days of Tribulation; not every Prophet of Apostle has described exactly what we are preparing for. On the other hand, some have. In addition to the unofficial record of the Vision of George Albert Smith, I was surprised to discover that several LDS Apostles have been very specific about an eventual nuclear holocaust. Ancient scripture also seems to support this view. While we shouldn't fear death, we know that God intends for the keys of the priesthood to remain upon the Earth, and intends at least a remnant of Saints to survive to build up Zion.
With this in mind, we could ask several questions: #1 are these prophesies even true? #2 do we want to survive to walk to Zion? .#3 Is it wrong to do everything in our power to plan and survive what is coming? #4 Do we believe that God may inspire individuals to prepare above and beyond the minimum specified by LDS Leadership? #5 is there anything we might do in preparing for a nuclear war and invasion that we might not otherwise do? #6 Should we label people who take such things seriously and act upon them as mentally unstable, or going beyond the mark, or prideful? #7 Should we just bloom where we are planted?
While we are warned to never look beyond the mark, Elder Oaks has instructed us in this last General Conference, "The personal line is of paramount importance in personal decisions and in the governance of the family. Unfortunately, some members of our church underestimate the need for this direct, personal line. Responding to the undoubted importance of prophetic leadership—the priesthood line, which operates principally to govern heavenly communications on Church matters—some seek to have their priesthood leaders make personal decisions for them, decisions they should make for themselves by inspiration through their personal line. Personal decisions and family governance are principally a matter for the personal line."
Joel Skousen, nephew of Cleon Skousen, has been on CoasttoCoastAM and the Alex Jones Radio program talking about future invasion by China and Russia and a preemptive nuclear attack on America. He is selling a book called "Strategic Relocation." Now, I don't know how I think about Bro. Skousen going on these shows which spread a lot of fear and falsehood. However, I am sure they are the only places in the media that would allow him to get his message out. According to Bro. Skousen, he has personal contacts in the NSA and CIA as well as having lived around the world. According to him, many of his CIA, NSA contacts are moving to Colorado ski resort towns and have installed bomb shelter under their homes while the global elite are moving out of the US to South America (see Rev 18:9). And according to him, the US has purposefully decided not to prepare its people for nuclear war while many other countries like Russia and Switzerland have are are.
Bro. Skousen, does not necessarily encourage US citizen's to leave the US Countries who welcome American's now may feel much differently later. Furthermore, it is very hard for Americans to blend in and keep a low profile in many countries. While, Bro. Skousen didn't go over all the information in his book, it seemed to be his opinion that high population centers would be dangerous during social collapse. And he felt the safest places to live long term was among the LDS in Idaho, Utah, and northern Arizona. He gave several reasons why living in among the LDS but not on the Wasatch fault was the safest bet; 1. dry moderate climate, 2. culture of preparedness 3. low population density 4.natural barriers on the West (Great Basin) and East (Rocky Mountains) to prevent mass influx of refugees.
If blooming where we are planted is in order, issues to consider would be: 1. do I live next to any nuclear targets? 2. do I live next to high population centers. 3. Could I really live 100% self-sufficient with a year supply of food, fuel for cooking and eating, clothing and ability to purify nuclear fallout from water? 4. Would banding together at the local church, transforming it into a shelter, and sharing our supply be better because of the safety in numbers this banding provides? 5. how do you get out of the way of invading armies after an EMP has crippled transportation and power?
Joel 1-3
1:6For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and without number. . . 16 Is not the meat cut off before our eyes .. . . 19 for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field. 2:1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: . . .. the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. . . 7 like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: . . . 17spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?. . . . 20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, . . . And I will restore to you the years that. . . my great army which I sent among you.
Rev. 18: 6-11
6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously , so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. 9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, 10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying , Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come . 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
Bruce R. McConkie, "Stand Independent above All Other Creatures", Ensign, May 1979, 92
There is a common axiom among us which states: A religion that cannot save a man temporally does not have power to save him spiritually. If we cannot care for our temporal needs in this world, how can we ever succeed in spiritual things in the world to come?
It is one of the sad heresies of our time that peace will be gained by weary diplomats as they prepare treaties of compromise, or that the Millennium will be ushered in because men will learn to live in peace and to keep the commandments, or that the predicted plagues and promised desolations of latter days can in some way be avoided. We must do all we can to proclaim peace, to avoid war, to heal disease, to prepare for natural disasters—but with it all, that which is to be shall be.
Knowing what we know, and having the light and understanding that has come to us, we must—as individuals and as a Church—use our talents, strengths, energies, abilities, and means to prepare for whatever may befall us and our children. . . As the Saints of the Most High we shall strive to “stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world”
It may be, for instance, that nothing except the power of faith and the authority of the priesthood can save individuals and congregations from the atomic holocausts that surely shall be.
Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, vol. 18, p. 339
“We read that the four beasts, representing the powers of the earth, will exist at the time of the coming of the Ancient of Days. And that the fourth beast, represented by the Roman Empire and the kingdoms that have grown out of it, will be "slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame." Here then we can read the destiny of that portion of the inhabitants of the earth constituting the fourth beast: or, in other words, the destiny of the kingdoms of Europe, who were to arise and grow out of that fourth power… Not only the kingdoms and governments of Europe, and the western portion of Asia are to be thus visited, but also those who have grown out of these kingdoms, and that have emigrated to this western hemisphere, and elsewhere. For instance, this great republic must pass away in the manner indicated unless the people repent”
Elder Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, October 1961, Afternoon Meeting, p.69-70
The great destructive force which was to be turned loose on the earth and which the prophets for centuries have been calling the "abomination of desolation" is vividly described by those who saw it in vision. Ours is the first generation to realize how literally these prophecies can be fulfilled now that God, through science, has unlocked the secret to thermonuclear reaction.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Nuclear First Strike and Invasion
Joel Skousen, nephew of Cleon Skousen has been on CoasttoCoastAM and the Alex Jones Radio program talking about future invasion by China and Russia and a preemptive nuclear attack on America. Studying LDS talks on self-reliance, several LDS prophets and apostles have indicated that a nuclear holocaust in on the horizon. The most definitive description on the future calamity in America comes from the account of a vision received by LDS Prophet, President George Albert Smith (google George A Smith Vision). But there are several other sources which point to nuclear attack and invasion.
Joel 1-3
1:6For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and without number. . . 16 Is not the meat cut off before our eyes .. . . 19 for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field. 2:1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: . . .. the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. . . 7 like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: . . . 17spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?. . . . 20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, . . . And I will restore to you the years that. . . my great army which I sent among you.
1:14Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord, . . . 2:12Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: 13And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentheth him of the evil. . . 15Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: . . . 32And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.
Rev. 18: 6-11
6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously , so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. 9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, 10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying , Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come . 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
Bruce R. McConkie, "Stand Independent above All Other Creatures", Ensign, May 1979, 92
There is a common axiom among us which states: A religion that cannot save a man temporally does not have power to save him spiritually. If we cannot care for our temporal needs in this world, how can we ever succeed in spiritual things in the world to come?
It may be, for instance, that nothing except the power of faith and the authority of the priesthood can save individuals and congregations from the atomic holocausts that surely shall be.
Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, vol. 18, p. 339
“We read that the four beasts, representing the powers of the earth, will exist at the time of the coming of the Ancient of Days. And that the fourth beast, represented by the Roman Empire and the kingdoms that have grown out of it, will be "slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame." Here then we can read the destiny of that portion of the inhabitants of the earth constituting the fourth beast: or, in other words, the destiny of the kingdoms of Europe, who were to arise and grow out of that fourth power… Not only the kingdoms and governments of Europe, and the western portion of Asia are to be thus visited, but also those who have grown out of these kingdoms, and that have emigrated to this western hemisphere, and elsewhere. For instance, this great republic must pass away in the manner indicated unless the people repent”
Elder Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, October 1961, Afternoon Meeting, p.69-70
The great destructive force which was to be turned loose on the earth and which the prophets for centuries have been calling the "abomination of desolation" is vividly described by those who saw it in vision. Ours is the first generation to realize how literally these prophecies can be fulfilled now that God, through science, has unlocked the secret to thermonuclear reaction.
Vision of Pres. George Albert Smith
David H. Horne recounts Pres. George Albert Smith say, "Thousands of tanks would be transported in huge trucks so they would be in place where they were needed when the war began." Here is a link from Google Maps that shows what looks to be track housing northeast of Monterrey, Mexico. However, many of the units are not much bigger and wider than a small car. Is this tract housing, or are these rows upon rows of armored vehicles and tanks disguised as tract housing to hide them from satellite surveillance? Probably it is just track housing but something to look out for that someone online pointed out.
Joel 1-3
1:6For a nation is come up upon my land, strong, and without number. . . 16 Is not the meat cut off before our eyes .. . . 19 for the fire hath devoured the pastures of the wilderness, and the flame hath burned all the trees of the field. 2:1 Blow ye the trumpet in Zion, and sound an alarm in my holy mountain: . . .. the land is as the garden of Eden before them, and behind them a desolate wilderness; yea, and nothing shall escape them. . . 7 like men of war; and they shall march every one on his ways, and they shall not break their ranks: . . . 17spare thy people, O Lord, and give not thine heritage to reproach, that the heathen should rule over them: wherefore should they say among the people, Where is their God?. . . . 20 But I will remove far off from you the northern army, and will drive him into a land barren and desolate, . . . And I will restore to you the years that. . . my great army which I sent among you.
1:14Sanctify ye a fast, call a solemn assembly, gather the elders and all the inhabitants of the land into the house of the Lord your God, and cry unto the Lord, . . . 2:12Therefore also now, saith the Lord, turn ye even to me with all your heart, and with fasting, and with weeping, and with mourning: 13And rend your heart, and not your garments, and turn unto the Lord your God: for he is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness, and repentheth him of the evil. . . 15Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn assembly: . . . 32And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.
Rev. 18: 6-11
6 Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double unto her double according to her works: in the cup which she hath filled fill to her double. 7 How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously , so much torment and sorrow give her: for she saith in her heart, I sit a queen, and am no widow, and shall see no sorrow. 8 Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. 9 And the kings of the earth, who have committed fornication and lived deliciously with her, shall bewail her, and lament for her, when they shall see the smoke of her burning, 10 Standing afar off for the fear of her torment, saying , Alas, alas, that great city Babylon, that mighty city! for in one hour is thy judgment come . 11 And the merchants of the earth shall weep and mourn over her; for no man buyeth their merchandise any more:
Bruce R. McConkie, "Stand Independent above All Other Creatures", Ensign, May 1979, 92
There is a common axiom among us which states: A religion that cannot save a man temporally does not have power to save him spiritually. If we cannot care for our temporal needs in this world, how can we ever succeed in spiritual things in the world to come?
It is one of the sad heresies of our time that peace will be gained by weary diplomats as they prepare treaties of compromise, or that the Millennium will be ushered in because men will learn to live in peace and to keep the commandments, or that the predicted plagues and promised desolations of latter days can in some way be avoided. We must do all we can to proclaim peace, to avoid war, to heal disease, to prepare for natural disasters—but with it all, that which is to be shall be.
Knowing what we know, and having the light and understanding that has come to us, we must—as individuals and as a Church—use our talents, strengths, energies, abilities, and means to prepare for whatever may befall us and our children. . . As the Saints of the Most High we shall strive to “stand independent above all other creatures beneath the celestial world”It may be, for instance, that nothing except the power of faith and the authority of the priesthood can save individuals and congregations from the atomic holocausts that surely shall be.
Orson Pratt, Journal of Discourses, vol. 18, p. 339
“We read that the four beasts, representing the powers of the earth, will exist at the time of the coming of the Ancient of Days. And that the fourth beast, represented by the Roman Empire and the kingdoms that have grown out of it, will be "slain and his body destroyed and given to the burning flame." Here then we can read the destiny of that portion of the inhabitants of the earth constituting the fourth beast: or, in other words, the destiny of the kingdoms of Europe, who were to arise and grow out of that fourth power… Not only the kingdoms and governments of Europe, and the western portion of Asia are to be thus visited, but also those who have grown out of these kingdoms, and that have emigrated to this western hemisphere, and elsewhere. For instance, this great republic must pass away in the manner indicated unless the people repent”
Elder Ezra Taft Benson, Conference Report, October 1961, Afternoon Meeting, p.69-70
The great destructive force which was to be turned loose on the earth and which the prophets for centuries have been calling the "abomination of desolation" is vividly described by those who saw it in vision. Ours is the first generation to realize how literally these prophecies can be fulfilled now that God, through science, has unlocked the secret to thermonuclear reaction.
Vision of Pres. George Albert Smith
David H. Horne recounts Pres. George Albert Smith say, "Thousands of tanks would be transported in huge trucks so they would be in place where they were needed when the war began." Here is a link from Google Maps that shows what looks to be track housing northeast of Monterrey, Mexico. However, many of the units are not much bigger and wider than a small car. Is this tract housing, or are these rows upon rows of armored vehicles and tanks disguised as tract housing to hide them from satellite surveillance? Probably it is just track housing but something to look out for that someone online pointed out.
Friday, March 18, 2011
Fukushima Nuclear Risk?
There is a lot of debate by the media about how bad the Fukushima nuclear disaster is compared with Chernobyl and 3 Mile Island. 3 Mile Island had a partial core meltdown, no containment breach, and only a mild release of radiation by off-gassing of radioactive steam to prevent explosion. While Chernobyl exploded with all control rods extracted, still the total amount of radioactive contamination could not exceed the total mass of the one set of fuel rods in the reactor. What sets Fukushima apart is not whether or not there was containment breach of the core or how much of a meltdown there was or wasn't, but the fact that each of the several nuclear reactors was storing 20 years of used nuclear fuel rods right next to the core. These used fuel rods sitting in storage pools were likely destroyed with the hydrogen explosions and fires we have seen. Consequently, we could be looking at thousands of tons of nuclear fuel being injected into the atmosphere.
1. Monitor atmospheric nuclear activity: alpha, beta, and gamma radiation. Normal background radiation is between 10-100 counts per minute.
2. Monitor food for nuclear contamination.
3. If significant levels of nuclear contamination occur, applying topical iodine to the skin can protect your thyroid from concentrating radioactive iodine and developing thyroid cancer or damaging your parathyroids.
How much is too much?
Activity = Curie = 1 gm of radium:
Exposure = Roentgen or C/kg,
Absorbed = Rad, Gray = 100 Rad and Rem, Sievert = 100 Rem
Conversion: 1 R = 1 Rad = 1 Rem for gamma and x-radiation
Conversion: Counts per minute (cpm) to Roentgen/hr depends on sensitivity
On this scale an exposure of about 500 R in 5 hours is lethal for humans = 2.5 Gray/Sievert. A typical exposure of normal background radiation for a human is 200 mR per year or 23 μR per hour. Five rem (5000 mrem) is the standard occupational dose limit for one year. The other two accumulated dose limits are for non-lifesaving activities involving critical property protection (10 rem) and lifesaving activities (50 rem). Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors: First Responder's Guide
Average Annual Exposure = 360 mrem/yr
Occupation Annual Exposure Limit = 5000 mrem/yr or 5 R (more for hands)
0.1 mR/hr = 6-33 cpm = background
50 mR/hr = 30-165K cpm = limit
1 R/hr = 600K-3.3M cpm = acute illness
However, there is another risk of all this low level nuclear fallout coming over from Japan. An addition to health risks, the west coast ports will no longer be able to scan cargo from China for nuclear devices. The sensitive plutonium scanners that monitor shipping containers are now saturated with low level Pt from the Fukushima #3 MOX reactor. Pres. George A. Smith of the LDS Church was shown a vision of WW3 and was shown that nuclear devices would be pre-positioned in America before attack and invasion (google: President George A. Smith vision).
KGB Demoralization
Yuri Bezmenov claims he is an ex-KGB agent that defected from the Soviet Union to America. After "hiding out" among the counter-culture "hippies" in the 60's, he went on a speaking tour in America to warn us about the aims of the Soviet Union to destroy the United States. Now, I hope that it is plain to the reader that Mr. Bezmenov is a fraud and is still acting as a loyal agent for the NWO. Switching sides is the oldest trick in the book. However, while Mr. Bezmenov is not giving us the full truth, much of what he is saying it true.
Pres. Ezra Taft Benson who was President of LDS Church as well as Secretary of Agriculture during the Eisenhower Administration told of his meet with Khrushchev. Khrushchev warned then Secretary Benson that his Grandchildren would live under Communism by feeding gullible Americans small doses of Socialism which would slowly bankrupt our economy.
Mr. Brezmenov begins by telling us that the KGB did not spend much of its time in espionage and James Bond type activities. The majority of KGB/MI6/Massad/CIA time is spent in carrying out Ideological Subversion. The truth of what Mr. KGB is saying is that the NWO has waged a patient and well focused attack on the morals of the United States. They have supported a cultural shift in America against traditional family values. Instead, the new morality in America involves fornication, homosexuality, drug use, divorce, illegitimacy, and bankruptcy. They have actively recruited, infiltrated and subverted civic, business, government, and educational institutions in America and have trained an entire generation of Americans to accept the "counter-culture" as the new normal.
I really like what Mr. Bezmenov says about the power of Demoralization. In essence, he says, Once you demoralize someone or in other words, once someone has become morally compromised, they can no longer recognize truth. With a whole generation of Americans who are blind to their cultural, religious, and moral heritage; it is easy for the NWO to spread disinformation and propaganda and prevent American's from coming to a consensus on how best to defend our country against this treat.
So, what should we "DO" about the Demoralization, and Subversion of American Freedom? Well, Mr. Bezmenov tells us exactly the wrong thing to do. According to him, America should #1 Raise Awareness, #2 Stop Sending Humanitarian Aid to the Soviet Union, #3 Force the Government to make the changes we desire. I believe this is exactly the wrong thing to do because it foments divisiveness in the US, and then further alienates the US from the rest of the world. Look, the US has a huge PR problem. The Ugly American has turned from policeman of the world to bully of the world. While I support bringing all US military home, US humanitarianism is the only thing that maintains any sort of positive image in the world. If the US were to become divided at home, while at the same time lose all international support and respect, we would be ripe for attack and invasion.
What we need to do is what the Book of Mormon instructs us to do in response to this great Latter-day threat. We need to repent. That's all there is too it. If Demoralization brought the US to its current state on the verge of collapse, then only Re-moralization can save us. Only a moral people who elect moral leaders will be able to see clearly enough and be unified enough to make the changes to save this country.
Ex-CIA Robert D. Steele is active on the speaking tour talking about the great globalist conspiracy. It is interesting that he is of the opinion that the Muslim Extremist threat is a fraud. He and others say there are only about 6000 people in the world, up from 2000 pre-911, that are a potential danger to America. Our current Air Force policy of one bombed village per insurgent is only working to generate more extremists. Instead he says that one bullet per threat is a much better policy. He also says that the police state threat and the NSA database "Eschelon" is also a fraud. Having friend's in the FBI, their work requires more gumshoe than electronic surveillance. Also, a worker who put up the intersection cameras told me that most are fake. That said, if a foreign invasion does occur, I am sure info is being collected and potential dissenters will be targeted as has been done when Pol Pot's Communists Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia.
Pres. Ezra Taft Benson who was President of LDS Church as well as Secretary of Agriculture during the Eisenhower Administration told of his meet with Khrushchev. Khrushchev warned then Secretary Benson that his Grandchildren would live under Communism by feeding gullible Americans small doses of Socialism which would slowly bankrupt our economy.
Mr. Brezmenov begins by telling us that the KGB did not spend much of its time in espionage and James Bond type activities. The majority of KGB/MI6/Massad/CIA time is spent in carrying out Ideological Subversion. The truth of what Mr. KGB is saying is that the NWO has waged a patient and well focused attack on the morals of the United States. They have supported a cultural shift in America against traditional family values. Instead, the new morality in America involves fornication, homosexuality, drug use, divorce, illegitimacy, and bankruptcy. They have actively recruited, infiltrated and subverted civic, business, government, and educational institutions in America and have trained an entire generation of Americans to accept the "counter-culture" as the new normal.
I really like what Mr. Bezmenov says about the power of Demoralization. In essence, he says, Once you demoralize someone or in other words, once someone has become morally compromised, they can no longer recognize truth. With a whole generation of Americans who are blind to their cultural, religious, and moral heritage; it is easy for the NWO to spread disinformation and propaganda and prevent American's from coming to a consensus on how best to defend our country against this treat.
So, what should we "DO" about the Demoralization, and Subversion of American Freedom? Well, Mr. Bezmenov tells us exactly the wrong thing to do. According to him, America should #1 Raise Awareness, #2 Stop Sending Humanitarian Aid to the Soviet Union, #3 Force the Government to make the changes we desire. I believe this is exactly the wrong thing to do because it foments divisiveness in the US, and then further alienates the US from the rest of the world. Look, the US has a huge PR problem. The Ugly American has turned from policeman of the world to bully of the world. While I support bringing all US military home, US humanitarianism is the only thing that maintains any sort of positive image in the world. If the US were to become divided at home, while at the same time lose all international support and respect, we would be ripe for attack and invasion.
What we need to do is what the Book of Mormon instructs us to do in response to this great Latter-day threat. We need to repent. That's all there is too it. If Demoralization brought the US to its current state on the verge of collapse, then only Re-moralization can save us. Only a moral people who elect moral leaders will be able to see clearly enough and be unified enough to make the changes to save this country.
Ex-CIA Robert D. Steele is active on the speaking tour talking about the great globalist conspiracy. It is interesting that he is of the opinion that the Muslim Extremist threat is a fraud. He and others say there are only about 6000 people in the world, up from 2000 pre-911, that are a potential danger to America. Our current Air Force policy of one bombed village per insurgent is only working to generate more extremists. Instead he says that one bullet per threat is a much better policy. He also says that the police state threat and the NSA database "Eschelon" is also a fraud. Having friend's in the FBI, their work requires more gumshoe than electronic surveillance. Also, a worker who put up the intersection cameras told me that most are fake. That said, if a foreign invasion does occur, I am sure info is being collected and potential dissenters will be targeted as has been done when Pol Pot's Communists Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Earthquakes, Tsunami, and Fukushima Nuclear Reactor in Japan
I am not sure, I appreciated the risks associated with Nuclear reactor power generation until now. I come from the state of Utah which loves to generate its electricity using clean coal technology. However, nuclear seems like a good option for countries like Japan and France that may not have the coal resources. However, Japan is a very seismically active country and each one of its 55 nuclear reactors carries a significant risk in the face of any severe Earthquake.
Yesterday, Japan was hit by the most severe Earthquake that it has faced in the modern era. The Japanese build to the most strict seismic code. Much of their infrastructure and buildings are designed to withstand up to an 8.24 earthquake. The problem with yesterday's quake was that it measured in at a hefty 8.9. Additionally, a huge section of the northern coast of Honshu Island was inundated with water from a terrible tsunami that was almost as bad as the Boxing Day/Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004.
If the damage from the Earthquake and Tsunami weren't enough, now government officialls and nuclear engineers are scrambling to prevent a catastrophic nuclear disaster. Word has it that several reactors in Fukushima, Japan were severely damaged in the quake and tsunami.
If I am understanding things, it seems that shutting down a nuclear reactor in response to an Earthquake is not as easy as just flipping the power switch to off. Reports are that all reactors in Japan are designed to power down in response to severe seismic activity. However, it seems once you get one of these reactors going, they require 2-4 days of continually circulating water to cool down even after control rod insertion and shut down.
The problem is that all that circulating water requires functional pumps, intact pipes, and electricity from batteries or on-site generators. That is too many systems that have to be maintained in the event of a catastrophe to prevent a reactor from going critical. It seems to me that any damage to any one of these systems and its backups would prevent a reactor from safely shutting down.
As I understand it, the difficult situation with the Fukushima reactors in Japan are that several reactors cooling systems were damaged in the Earthquake and radioactive steam is being released from at least Fukushhima-1 reactor. Second, the tsunami damaged the generators that supply power to the pumps that pump in coolant water to the other reactors on the site. Even though the reactors are off, they are still hot, and will continue to heat up if not cooled by continually circulating water. However, with the pumps damaged, leaking, and generators damaged, water is not circulating. That means that the water that is there in the undamaged reactors 2-4, is increasing in pressure. If they don't let radioactive steam off, then Fukushima will blow up like Chernobyl. If they let too much steam out and the water level drops then they will have a core meltdown worse than 3-Mile Island.
On the other hand, it seems that the cooling system of Fukushima-1 was already damaged and it has already been losing steam. Water levels may be low enough that some believe the nuclear fuel rods are already partially exposed and melted. The hope is that this molten fuel in Fukushima-1 doesn't burn its way through its secondary containment.
I'm not sure why no one has designed a nuclear reactor than can't shut itself off and cool itself down by inserting control rods alone without the need of continually circulating coolant? Pebble-bed and Thorium reactor designs meet this specification.
Yesterday, Japan was hit by the most severe Earthquake that it has faced in the modern era. The Japanese build to the most strict seismic code. Much of their infrastructure and buildings are designed to withstand up to an 8.24 earthquake. The problem with yesterday's quake was that it measured in at a hefty 8.9. Additionally, a huge section of the northern coast of Honshu Island was inundated with water from a terrible tsunami that was almost as bad as the Boxing Day/Indian Ocean Tsunami in 2004.
If the damage from the Earthquake and Tsunami weren't enough, now government officialls and nuclear engineers are scrambling to prevent a catastrophic nuclear disaster. Word has it that several reactors in Fukushima, Japan were severely damaged in the quake and tsunami.
If I am understanding things, it seems that shutting down a nuclear reactor in response to an Earthquake is not as easy as just flipping the power switch to off. Reports are that all reactors in Japan are designed to power down in response to severe seismic activity. However, it seems once you get one of these reactors going, they require 2-4 days of continually circulating water to cool down even after control rod insertion and shut down.
The problem is that all that circulating water requires functional pumps, intact pipes, and electricity from batteries or on-site generators. That is too many systems that have to be maintained in the event of a catastrophe to prevent a reactor from going critical. It seems to me that any damage to any one of these systems and its backups would prevent a reactor from safely shutting down.
As I understand it, the difficult situation with the Fukushima reactors in Japan are that several reactors cooling systems were damaged in the Earthquake and radioactive steam is being released from at least Fukushhima-1 reactor. Second, the tsunami damaged the generators that supply power to the pumps that pump in coolant water to the other reactors on the site. Even though the reactors are off, they are still hot, and will continue to heat up if not cooled by continually circulating water. However, with the pumps damaged, leaking, and generators damaged, water is not circulating. That means that the water that is there in the undamaged reactors 2-4, is increasing in pressure. If they don't let radioactive steam off, then Fukushima will blow up like Chernobyl. If they let too much steam out and the water level drops then they will have a core meltdown worse than 3-Mile Island.
On the other hand, it seems that the cooling system of Fukushima-1 was already damaged and it has already been losing steam. Water levels may be low enough that some believe the nuclear fuel rods are already partially exposed and melted. The hope is that this molten fuel in Fukushima-1 doesn't burn its way through its secondary containment.
I'm not sure why no one has designed a nuclear reactor than can't shut itself off and cool itself down by inserting control rods alone without the need of continually circulating coolant? Pebble-bed and Thorium reactor designs meet this specification.
Wednesday, March 02, 2011
VATS LIMA and PCI: The Best of Both Worlds
I have some form of familial hypercholesterolemia which results in low HDL and high triglycerides. Consequently, I expect that at some point in the next 10-20 years, I may be needing some sort of cardiac intervention. Having observed and assisted with open heart surgeries while in medical school, I am amazed at the technical expertise involved with open heart surgery. Splitting the chest open and sowing vein grafts on a beating heart is a miracle of modern medicine. However, as many open heart patients can attest, recovery from a CABG is a bear, and those vein graphs never seem to last. On the other side, Interventional Cardiologist are trying to put the Cardiothoracic Surgeons out of business. I have seen some patients with up to 14 drug eluting stents placed in a single patient with few problems of in-stent re-stenosis.
But it seems that when it comes to a decision between CABG vs. PCI, it is either one or the other. For extensive 3-vessel disease, a patient is recommended to undergo a CABG. For more focal disease, PCI is the standard. But why not get the best of both worlds. What if it were possible to get all the benefits of a CABG without having to be put on cardio-pulmonary bypass, or getting your chest split open? That is what I want.
The best part of a CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graph) procedure is having the surgeon dissect down the Left Internal Mammary Artery (LIMA) which runs right over your heart on the inner chest wall. It's like God put this big fat artery right that isn't used for anything right in the perfect spot. When a cardiac surgeon graphs this big fat vessel into your LAD (Left Anterior Descending Artery), patients rarely every have any further problems. The high flow of the LIMA means it nor the LAD will ever go bad again. The rub is having to get your chest cracked to get this done. But, what if you could skip the chest cracking part?
Turns out that a few Cardiothoracic Surgeons are able to do the LIMA procedure without a thoracotomy. These CT Surgeons can do the LIMA part with a video camera and a scope (Video Assisted Thorascoscopic Surgery). The only thing you miss by getting your LIMA via VATS is the months of recovery pain after getting your sternum cut in half and wired back together, getting pump sickness after being on the bypass pump, and getting those pesky Saphenous vein graphs on the back of the heart which never last. Oh and did I mention that you would also miss out on getting your leg slit open up one side in order to harvest the Saphenous Vein.
Instead of dividing patients, as we do know, between an ALL CT Surgery solution, vs. and ALL Interventional Cardiology solution, why couldn't a patient get the best of both worlds. If I had my preference, I am hoping for PCI and stents to fix any acute problems together with a VATS LIMA to keep my LAD well perfused.
But it seems that when it comes to a decision between CABG vs. PCI, it is either one or the other. For extensive 3-vessel disease, a patient is recommended to undergo a CABG. For more focal disease, PCI is the standard. But why not get the best of both worlds. What if it were possible to get all the benefits of a CABG without having to be put on cardio-pulmonary bypass, or getting your chest split open? That is what I want.
The best part of a CABG (Coronary Artery Bypass Graph) procedure is having the surgeon dissect down the Left Internal Mammary Artery (LIMA) which runs right over your heart on the inner chest wall. It's like God put this big fat artery right that isn't used for anything right in the perfect spot. When a cardiac surgeon graphs this big fat vessel into your LAD (Left Anterior Descending Artery), patients rarely every have any further problems. The high flow of the LIMA means it nor the LAD will ever go bad again. The rub is having to get your chest cracked to get this done. But, what if you could skip the chest cracking part?
Turns out that a few Cardiothoracic Surgeons are able to do the LIMA procedure without a thoracotomy. These CT Surgeons can do the LIMA part with a video camera and a scope (Video Assisted Thorascoscopic Surgery). The only thing you miss by getting your LIMA via VATS is the months of recovery pain after getting your sternum cut in half and wired back together, getting pump sickness after being on the bypass pump, and getting those pesky Saphenous vein graphs on the back of the heart which never last. Oh and did I mention that you would also miss out on getting your leg slit open up one side in order to harvest the Saphenous Vein.
Instead of dividing patients, as we do know, between an ALL CT Surgery solution, vs. and ALL Interventional Cardiology solution, why couldn't a patient get the best of both worlds. If I had my preference, I am hoping for PCI and stents to fix any acute problems together with a VATS LIMA to keep my LAD well perfused.
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