With the bursting of the housing bubble in 2007-8, and the continuing economic downturn, the economy has been a popular topic of discussion. A vocal minority blame the Federal Reserve for our current economic woes. Many of them would like to "End the FED" and return to a gold-redeemable currency that we had prior to 1913. However, the US suffered with the business cycle, and numerous market crashes, panics and depressions prior to the FED. Unfortunately, just ending the FED won't change much. Gold vs. the FED is a false dichotomy. There are other much better banking and monetary alternatives.
Understanding how an equitable monetary and banking system would work requires understanding exactly what is right and wrong with our current system.
1. Central Banking. Our current system consolidates economic power into the hands of just a few individuals. Such absolute power is inherently corrupting. While we don't want government to exercise absolute economic power either, the challenge is to design a Constitutional system that allows the Federal Government to coin/create the currency and regulate its value, while allowing economic decisions to be made on a local level (Article 1. Section 8 US Constitution).
2. Contagion. The rich should be free to invest in and do whatever they want with their money and take all the risks they want. However, the risk taking of the rich should not adversely affect the poor. Our banks should be immune and insulated from the speculation and risk-taking of a few. Neither should our banks be "too-big-to-fail" requiring public bailouts.
3. Inflation. The continual inflation of prices, and the weakening of our currency is a hidden tax on the people. A gold-redeemable currency served to control prices. However, since the FED created our current debt-based, fiat currency, the US Dollar has lost over 95% of its purchasing power.
4. Fractional Reserve Banking. The FED creates money by selling bonds. But bond sales only accounts for a small fraction of all the money supply. After the FED creates money, it lends that money to the mega-banks at a low interest rate. For every $1 the mega-bank borrows, the mega-bank can lend $10. Through derivatives trading, and investing "on margin", banks can leverage their reserves up to 50:1 or even 100:1. This lending ratio is called the "money multiplier". In reality, the mega-banks "coin" most of the money in our current system at the time they issue a loan.
Even though the mega-bank creates most of the money out of thin air. The mega-bank must hold onto its small reserves. The bank can't just hold its reserves in cash because of inflation, so bankers invest those reserves in bonds or stocks or risky derivatives. However, if there is a stock market crash, bank reserves can disappear overnight and the bank is left insolvent and bankrupt.
5. Amortized Loans. These loans collect all interest up front. Consequently, the borrower builds almost no equity for the first 20 years on a 30-year loan. The problem of equity encourages the borrower to charge the next guy a higher price for the same asset. According to monetarist theory, dM/dt (money supply) + dV/dt (velocity) = inflation + dR/dt (real output). Therefore, because loans are the point of money creation, by charging the next guy an inflated price for the same asset, the Amortized Loan is a prime generator of inflation.
6. Unequal Access to Credit: in our current system certain individuals and groups have a greater access to credit than others. Using this advantage, they can borrow and buy out other publicly-traded companies in a hostile takeover.
7. Borrowing to Invest: in both cases of the the Great Depression and the current housing depression, investors including banks were borrowing "on margin". That means they could by 100 shares of stock for the price of 10. This wild speculation created money that was not backed by anything. When the FED increased banking reserve requirements (Basil 2 Accords) margin calls went out to individual investors and the markets crashed.
8. Capitalism. Capitalism is justified because we are told we should trust unelected private elite over the elected federal government. This is a false dichotomy. Capitalism is not free market. In capitalism, money creates money. Therefore, those that have money have unelected Machiavellian power to make investment decisions and make the rest of us their debt slaves and economic sharecroppers. Consequently, a capitalist will rarely support an idea or business that threatens his power and control or which he cannot exploit. Thus we see a long history of technology suppression in America. A correct economic system can be free market, equitably regulated, locally administered, without the capitalist.
9. Gold-Redeemable Currency. Money is the oil that lubricates the moving parts of any economic engine. The problem with gold is there is never enough. And like deBeers and diamonds, gold production and price can be manipulated.
10. COMPOUND INTEREST: Not all interest is bad. The Catholic Church's miss-interpretation of interest = usury and its prohibition of all interest made it so that banking and money lending was not a sustainable profession. However, in economy where inflation is controlled, compound interest is totally corrupt. Compound interest adds the interest accrued to the initial principal. This results in a hyperbolic curve where initial investments continue to compound at an exponential rate. This means, that initial investments years later can be worth many times their initial value. The problem with this is that it treats money as having intrinsic value which it does not. Additionally, compound interest can result in debt that never can be repaid. Furthermore, elite families have established Joint Stock Trusts which are owned by the family and no one individual. These Joint Stock Trusts (still legal in the City of London), are highly invested in US and other Government Bonds, and have passed down these investments from generation to generation resulting in unimaginable wealth for these elite families and totally unsustainable debt for the G20 nations. We are fooled into thinking in terms of how much our personal investments could make over 1 lifetime, in comparison to the elite who are using their family Joint Stock Trusts to generate incredible wealth from Bonds purchased a hundred or more years ago.
1. SAFETY SOCIETY SYSTEM: Instead of protecting the currency itself by making it redeemable for gold or a warehoused item, the Safety Society System is focused on creating a locally administered banking institution that is immune from the expected economic shocks that historically topple other banks. Full Reserve Banking, makes a bank resistant to banking runs, stock market crashes, and contractions of the money supply. I believe that if a system protects the banking institution, that system will protect the people and the value of their money.
2. Scientific/Principle Basis. When it comes to monetary theory, the Milton Freidman equation is the law:
dM/dt (money supply) + dV/dt (velocity) = inflation + dR/dt (real output)
This equation explains everything about the operation of money in an economy. Thanks to this equation, Japan was transformed from a feudal society during WW2 to a First World Economy in just 30 years. Think of that miracle.
During the few years following an evonomic collapse, bartering and Mercantile-money system (take commodity to bank that creates and issues money sufficient to purchase commodity) will be useful. However, when it comes to restoring America, we are going to need a efficient and equitable modern monetary system.
In talking about economic alternatives to the FED, it seems many have become neo-feudalist and seek to self-impose their own austerity measures.
The 30-year Japanese Miracle depended on several factors. What we are talking about is a phenomenal growth in Real Output while controlling inflation.
3. Money Supply. The key here is making loans and determining credit worthiness. If an individual or group has an idea, and they can prove feasibility, then money should be created to make it happen.
What I have been saying with my Safety Society System is the patented idea, the land, machinery, proven oil reserves in the ground can serve as the redeemable backing and collateral for the loan and money creation.
Infinite money can be created and infinite loans can be issued which will never cause inflation because money creation will always be perfectly in-line with real output.
4. Velocity. This has to do with how technology can increase the rate of transactions. The more transactions per unit time = more real output.
A. Identity. Need to establish who is who
B. Property Rights. Need to know who owns what.
C. Rule of Law. Need established rules to transfer property from one person to another.
D. Represent real assets by paper, or electronically (increases velocity because if you had to transport asset to sell it, transport costs and time are a drag. Problems arise when paper and electronic entries are not tied to anything of value. This undermines faith and social capital)
E. World-wide electronic markets [EBay]. Helps sellers find buyers. However, this is bad for commodities. If there was a drought in the Midwest. Brazilian corn could outcompete domestic corn. Therefore, domestic prices should reflect the actual cost to produce corn and tarrifs should protect domestic producers in a difficult year.
5. Encourage Saving over Borrowing.
A. SSS wouldn't lend for everything. Maybe only homes
B. SSS wouldnt necessarily for venture capital, only redeemable relative-non depreciating assets. (money is asset-redeemable and not debt-based)
C. SSS would not approve a loan above its appraised value. The focus would be on retaining value in an inflation-less system (Federal Government regulates value of current coin). However, the saver could pay as much as they wanted and out-bid the borrower.
D. As people save, they won't need to borrow. Thus new money is not created.
E. Simple Interest rates and fees would be high enough to favor saving over borrowing.
6. US Treasury via the Congress Creates all Money in the Money Supply and regulates its value. Sufficient money is created, upon demand, at the time of loan approval.
7. US Treasury loans money to Local Banks called a Safety Society at a variable prime simple interest rate which gets passed on to the individual borrower.
8. Local Safety Society determines loan eligibility and credit-worthiness based on previous and projected employment history, income, etc. Loan eligibility criteria would be nationally standardized but locally applied.
9. Local Safety Society makes loans only on "real" assets or on the projected building of or production of a "real" asset or the mining, farming or production of a "real" commodity.
a. Credit-worthy Individuals could take out a loan on an existing home or new home construction.
b. A community could take out a loan for a museum or community aquatics center based on the projected revenue on an approved ballot initiative for a 1% sales tax.
c. A corporation could take out a loan to purchase land and drill for oil based on the scientifically verifiable oil deposits.
10. The money created for these Safety Society loans is backed by the "real" assets, real estate and "real" commodities that the loan is being issued to purchase, produce, or mine.
11. SSS loans are fee-based. Local Banks make their money to cover overhead exactly the same way they do now by charging loan origination fees and monthly service charges.
12. The borrower builds equity from day 1. If the borrower comes on hard times and misses several payments. These payments are deducted from the borrowers equity. Thus the Loan becomes an instant reverse-mortgage. Repossession occurs when the borrower has lost all equity in the home, building, farm, mine.
13. Other credit and banking institutions would handle other speculative "venture-capital" banking ventures. SSS would only issue loans for non-speculate real assets that could be repossessed.
14. SSS Bank deposits are not used to issue loans. SSS operates on Full Reserves, and all deposits are kept at the bank for immediate withdrawal at any time.
15. The Federal Government generates revenue based on the prime simple interest rate. This tax/free constitutes a Constitutional uniform and voluntary tax on the use of money and extension of credit. This prime interest rate would be used to regulate the value of the currency, and control inflation by removing excess liquidity from the economy.
1. People want a gold-redeemable, or commodity-redeemable currency so that when the bank goes bust, they don't lose their money. But, really. Why not set up a system that saves the bank? What good is gold when the entire economy just fell apart? You can't eat gold when society just collapsed. Better to prevent the collapse.
2. SSS protects the bank from individual bankruptcy, by making sure each loan is backed by real assets and goods and commodities that can be repossessed so that the Bank can repay the US Treasury.
3. Again, this is not money "created-out-of-nothing." SSS money is not "debt-based". Loan approval is the point of money creation, and money is created by the SSS for real assets. The real assets back the money. The focus is on the banks being able to redeem their money in case the borrower defaults. This is what insulates the bank and other borrowers and depositors from the failure or misfortune of a few individuals.
4. Because money creation is always backed by a real asset, according to the Milton Friedman equation, the Money Supply always keeps pace with Real Output.. Therefore, there would be no inflation.
5. Because SSS banks wouldn't lend for Stocks, bonds, derivatives, the banks would never be left holding a bunch of worthless pieces of paper with nothing to repossess.
6. Because inflation is controlled, the SSS Bank can hold deposits as cash, and never has to invest in paper (stocks, bonds, derivatives) that carries the risk of becoming worthless.
7. Focus of the SSS bank is the preservation of value. The Laborer is not forced to subjugate themselves and enslaved themselves to the Wealthy to grant them credit. SSS is free market without the capitalist.
8. Wealthy can still use their wealth in speculative ventures separate from the SSS system.
9. Because of our inflationary economy instead of an economy focused on the preservation of value, companies must grow to keep up with inflation or die. This requires that companies ruthlessly compete against one another and after dominating the domestic market, are forced to expand overseas to keep pace.
10. All countries would be economically free to develop their own resources without international exploitation.
11. Wealthy are sill free to speculate all they want. But with SSS, the regular laborer class is protected from the risk-taking.
12. Both sides debate that neither government nor the unelected government should be controlling the economy and deciding where money goes. SSS is merit-based. That means if an individual, coorperation, or community is credit-worthy, they will have access to the money they need; created on demand.
11. Inflation is controlled by the Federal Government increasing interest rates on loans. The increased interest rate pulls money out of the system. If prices are falling, the Treasury can decrease interest rates. This interest rate constitute a Constitutional voluntary fee and excise on the use of credit.
Saturday, January 28, 2012
Friday, January 27, 2012
Random Health Issues
High fructose corn syrup = 1/2 fructose 1/2 glucose
Sucrose (cane or beet sugar) = 1/2 fructose 1/2 glucose
If you want natural sugar that every cell in your body uses as fuel and does not go to the liver to get detoxified and does not get converted to triglycerides and does not inhibit leptin, and does not contribute to insulin resistance, you should use 100% dextrose = 100% glucose.
Back Pain, Lumber Strain, and Sciatica
1. Acute Medical Management. Muscle Relaxation, (Valium 5-10mg TID), Anti-inflammatory (Motrin 800mg TID),(Naproxen 500mg BID), (Diclofenac 75mg BID), Opioid (Hydrocodone 5/500mg q6hrs), +/- Steroid (Decadron 16mg x1)(Prednisone 60mg Daily x 5days).
[Avoid Flexeril, Robaxin because they generally don't work well, Valium is best]
2. Physical Therapy. Daily Gentle Stretching as tolerated (hold knee to chest while supine), (twist upper shoulder opposite knees while supine). Massage Therapy: deep massage. Posture: use lumber support or firm pillow in lumbar area while seated in the car, or on couch or recliner to maintain proper lumbar curvature and prevent slouching. Restrict lifting.
[Avoid Chiropractors]
3. Weight loss (Weight Watchers or free SparkPeople.com). Exercise Program.
Concern Over Immunizations
Immunizations are an excellent idea. Generally serious side effects from immunizations are much less than documented rates of complications from illnesses such as Tetanus, Pertussis, Measles, Polio, and HFluB. However, there are concerns about additives in certain vaccines.
1. Thermiserol is a mercury-based preservative. Having worked with organic mercury in the lab I will tell you that it tends to denature protein and coagulate in the bottom of a vial. If there is a link with Autism, this may explain the 1/100 rate as 1/100 children would get the injection of the denatured mercury per bottle of 100 doses.
2. Squalene Adjuvant is an additive to potentate the immune response. Squalene is sometimes conjugated to a surfactant. In reality, the surfactant is the adjuvant itself and Squalene is an important precursor for the production of Cholesterol, Vitamin D, Cortisol, and Sex hormones. If a person were to develop autoimmunity to Squalene, it would leave them sterile, immunocompromised, and demented.
3. SV40 is a monkey virus found in the older polio vaccine that was produced in cell cultures using monkey kidney cells. SV40 is a proto-oncogenic virus that inserts cancer-causing genes into the human genome that manifest much later in life when a person becomes immunosuppressed. in this case the virus inhibited p53 tumor suppressor gene. SV40 can be vertically transmitted from infected parents to offspring.
4. B-HCG linked Tetanus Toxoid. Tetanus Toxoid vaccines were reported conjugated with human pregnancy hormone in Mexico and the Philippines. This combination resulted in autoimmunity to the pregnancy hormone and spontaneous miscarriages and sterility in women.
"Clinical profile and Toxicology Studies on Four Women Immunized with Pr-B-hCG-TT," Contraception, February, 1976, pp. 253-268.
[the entire issue is dedicated to this http://contraceptionjournal.org/issues]
5. H-ras, bcr-abl, src, and C-myc proto-oncogenes (tumor causing) carried by DNA or RNA viruses or simply DNA plasmids that can contaminate vaccines. Typically, vaccines use an Vitamin E analog as an additive to prevent immediate tumor formation at the injection site thus concealing the inoculation.
Preventing Opioid Addiction
Doctors can be partly to blame for the rise in opioid addiction. Here is how to best educate patients in the responsible use of opioid analgesic to to prevent addiction.
1. Prescribe the correct pain reliever for the specific kind of pain. Use steroids and NSAID anti-inflammatories for inflammation. Use muscle relaxers for muscle spasms (Valium is best, avoid Flexeril). Use Lyrica or Elivil for neuropathic pain.
2. After a combination of pain relievers are used, add opioids last for breakthrough pain. Because opioids mask pain and do not work in the site of pain, the patient must rest. Patients get in trouble when they mask pain, engage in routine activity and feel worse and are worse when the opioid wears off. Plus, the opioid alone may not work well for different kinds of pain prompting higher and higher doses leading to problems with tolerance and withdrawal. Then the patient can't tell what was the original pain and what is withdrawal pain.
3. Remember exercise, weightless, deep massage, and physical therapy can all be very helpful for pain disorders.
Kidney Stones, Phosphate and Fluoride
Most Kidney Stones are a combination of calcium and oxalate. In addition to genetics, there are dietary factors tgat can lead to stone formation. Calcium is everywhere. You cannot and should not exclude it from your diet. It will leach out of your bones if you don't get it in your diet. In reality dietary calcium is protective against stone formation as it binds oxalate in your stomach preventing absorption. Thus oxalate from nuts and veggies forms a harmless precipitate in your stomach and is excreted in your stool (number 2). If oxalate is not bound by calcium in the stomach then it will be absorbed and excreted by the kidneys (number 1) and available to meet up with calcium leading to stone formation.
While I would never recommend excluding nuts and veggies. The real dietary concern is eating too much phosphate and fluoride that binds up calcium. If you take in too much fluoride and phosphate, that will bind up the calcium before the calcium can bind up the oxalate. High phosphate and phosphoric acid is found in Dark Sodas like Coke. Coke's phosphoric acid is commonly used to clean battery cables and unclog gastric tubes. High Fluoride can be found in many instant sweat teas.
Fluoride and Atherosclerosis and Heart Attacks
When you look at X-rays and CT scans of old people, everything is calcified. Calcified plaques in coronary arteries can lead to clot rupture, Thrombosis and acute MI. Also, calcifications of the arteries leads to high blood pressure. Furthermore, calcifications in the brain and other organs leads to dysfunction like thyroid disease.
Fluoride is one of the most reactive and toxic substances known. Taking Fluoride is not any smarter than ingesting Mercury and Arsenic as they did 1-200 years ago. Sure, Fluoride might kill bacteria in your mouth, but the issue is what else does it do in your body over a lifetime.
Fluoride in toothpaste is NaF or sodium fluoride. NaF is not absorbed by the body. However, some of the NaF is aways in equilibrium with water and forms a small amount of HF. Hydroflouric acid easily absorbs through all tissues all the way to the bone. HF is called a weak acid, but this is a bit of a misnomer. The weak part refers to its dissociation constant. As HF is absorbs deep into the body tissues. Then when the F- ion disassociates, it then is ready to react and do damage to whatever it sees first.
Since Calcium binds so well and so permanently with F- and is used as the antidote for HF exposure, calcifications tend to show areas of increased fluoride damage in the body.
Sucrose (cane or beet sugar) = 1/2 fructose 1/2 glucose
If you want natural sugar that every cell in your body uses as fuel and does not go to the liver to get detoxified and does not get converted to triglycerides and does not inhibit leptin, and does not contribute to insulin resistance, you should use 100% dextrose = 100% glucose.
Back Pain, Lumber Strain, and Sciatica
1. Acute Medical Management. Muscle Relaxation, (Valium 5-10mg TID), Anti-inflammatory (Motrin 800mg TID),(Naproxen 500mg BID), (Diclofenac 75mg BID), Opioid (Hydrocodone 5/500mg q6hrs), +/- Steroid (Decadron 16mg x1)(Prednisone 60mg Daily x 5days).
[Avoid Flexeril, Robaxin because they generally don't work well, Valium is best]
2. Physical Therapy. Daily Gentle Stretching as tolerated (hold knee to chest while supine), (twist upper shoulder opposite knees while supine). Massage Therapy: deep massage. Posture: use lumber support or firm pillow in lumbar area while seated in the car, or on couch or recliner to maintain proper lumbar curvature and prevent slouching. Restrict lifting.
[Avoid Chiropractors]
3. Weight loss (Weight Watchers or free SparkPeople.com). Exercise Program.
Concern Over Immunizations
Immunizations are an excellent idea. Generally serious side effects from immunizations are much less than documented rates of complications from illnesses such as Tetanus, Pertussis, Measles, Polio, and HFluB. However, there are concerns about additives in certain vaccines.
1. Thermiserol is a mercury-based preservative. Having worked with organic mercury in the lab I will tell you that it tends to denature protein and coagulate in the bottom of a vial. If there is a link with Autism, this may explain the 1/100 rate as 1/100 children would get the injection of the denatured mercury per bottle of 100 doses.
2. Squalene Adjuvant is an additive to potentate the immune response. Squalene is sometimes conjugated to a surfactant. In reality, the surfactant is the adjuvant itself and Squalene is an important precursor for the production of Cholesterol, Vitamin D, Cortisol, and Sex hormones. If a person were to develop autoimmunity to Squalene, it would leave them sterile, immunocompromised, and demented.
3. SV40 is a monkey virus found in the older polio vaccine that was produced in cell cultures using monkey kidney cells. SV40 is a proto-oncogenic virus that inserts cancer-causing genes into the human genome that manifest much later in life when a person becomes immunosuppressed. in this case the virus inhibited p53 tumor suppressor gene. SV40 can be vertically transmitted from infected parents to offspring.
4. B-HCG linked Tetanus Toxoid. Tetanus Toxoid vaccines were reported conjugated with human pregnancy hormone in Mexico and the Philippines. This combination resulted in autoimmunity to the pregnancy hormone and spontaneous miscarriages and sterility in women.
"Clinical profile and Toxicology Studies on Four Women Immunized with Pr-B-hCG-TT," Contraception, February, 1976, pp. 253-268.
[the entire issue is dedicated to this http://contraceptionjournal.org/issues]
5. H-ras, bcr-abl, src, and C-myc proto-oncogenes (tumor causing) carried by DNA or RNA viruses or simply DNA plasmids that can contaminate vaccines. Typically, vaccines use an Vitamin E analog as an additive to prevent immediate tumor formation at the injection site thus concealing the inoculation.
Preventing Opioid Addiction
Doctors can be partly to blame for the rise in opioid addiction. Here is how to best educate patients in the responsible use of opioid analgesic to to prevent addiction.
1. Prescribe the correct pain reliever for the specific kind of pain. Use steroids and NSAID anti-inflammatories for inflammation. Use muscle relaxers for muscle spasms (Valium is best, avoid Flexeril). Use Lyrica or Elivil for neuropathic pain.
2. After a combination of pain relievers are used, add opioids last for breakthrough pain. Because opioids mask pain and do not work in the site of pain, the patient must rest. Patients get in trouble when they mask pain, engage in routine activity and feel worse and are worse when the opioid wears off. Plus, the opioid alone may not work well for different kinds of pain prompting higher and higher doses leading to problems with tolerance and withdrawal. Then the patient can't tell what was the original pain and what is withdrawal pain.
3. Remember exercise, weightless, deep massage, and physical therapy can all be very helpful for pain disorders.
Kidney Stones, Phosphate and Fluoride
Most Kidney Stones are a combination of calcium and oxalate. In addition to genetics, there are dietary factors tgat can lead to stone formation. Calcium is everywhere. You cannot and should not exclude it from your diet. It will leach out of your bones if you don't get it in your diet. In reality dietary calcium is protective against stone formation as it binds oxalate in your stomach preventing absorption. Thus oxalate from nuts and veggies forms a harmless precipitate in your stomach and is excreted in your stool (number 2). If oxalate is not bound by calcium in the stomach then it will be absorbed and excreted by the kidneys (number 1) and available to meet up with calcium leading to stone formation.
While I would never recommend excluding nuts and veggies. The real dietary concern is eating too much phosphate and fluoride that binds up calcium. If you take in too much fluoride and phosphate, that will bind up the calcium before the calcium can bind up the oxalate. High phosphate and phosphoric acid is found in Dark Sodas like Coke. Coke's phosphoric acid is commonly used to clean battery cables and unclog gastric tubes. High Fluoride can be found in many instant sweat teas.
Fluoride and Atherosclerosis and Heart Attacks
When you look at X-rays and CT scans of old people, everything is calcified. Calcified plaques in coronary arteries can lead to clot rupture, Thrombosis and acute MI. Also, calcifications of the arteries leads to high blood pressure. Furthermore, calcifications in the brain and other organs leads to dysfunction like thyroid disease.
Fluoride is one of the most reactive and toxic substances known. Taking Fluoride is not any smarter than ingesting Mercury and Arsenic as they did 1-200 years ago. Sure, Fluoride might kill bacteria in your mouth, but the issue is what else does it do in your body over a lifetime.
Fluoride in toothpaste is NaF or sodium fluoride. NaF is not absorbed by the body. However, some of the NaF is aways in equilibrium with water and forms a small amount of HF. Hydroflouric acid easily absorbs through all tissues all the way to the bone. HF is called a weak acid, but this is a bit of a misnomer. The weak part refers to its dissociation constant. As HF is absorbs deep into the body tissues. Then when the F- ion disassociates, it then is ready to react and do damage to whatever it sees first.
Since Calcium binds so well and so permanently with F- and is used as the antidote for HF exposure, calcifications tend to show areas of increased fluoride damage in the body.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Weakening of the Petro-Dollar System, Asian Dollar Exclusion Zone, Aircraft Carriers Obsolete
Most don't realize how our money system works in the world. Money is no longer based on gold and silver as in the past but now based only on "demand". So, how does the system create an artificial demand for a base-less fiat currency? Well, turns out the G20 central banking system has designated the US Dollar as the world's reserve currency. They have also set up a free-trade system where the US consumer has been encouraged to support large trade deficits. Therefore, the other G20 economies have excess USD to burn. And, since oil and all other commodities are priced in dollars, these net importers of raw materials are interested in maintaining a strong dollar so they can purchase more imports of commodities. Therefore, countries like China and Japan and Germany continue to buy US government bonds and float our record $15 Trillion national debt and continual deficit spending.
However, this whole Petro-Dollar Ponzi scheme falls apart if major oil producing nations decide to sell oil in currencies other than USD. Iraq began selling oil to Russia in Euros which is believed to be a significant economic motivation for Gulf War 2. Libya was buying up gold getting ready to create its own African regional gold-backed currency. This is believed to have been a major motivation for NATO involvement in Libya.
For some time now, Iran has been selling oil to to China in Yuan. This has been believed to be a major motivator for western aggression against Iran and not just their nuclear program. Only recently, the US has imposed strict sanctions on Iran freezing all it's western bank accounts and preventing oil from being sold to NATO countries in dollars.
In response to the sanctions, Iran is doing the only thing it possibly can do. Iran has just brokered deals with Russia to sell oil in Ruble, and just in the past few days, the media is reporting a new trading partnership with Russia, China, Japan, India, and Turkey.
Again, this is huge. ZeroHedge.com is reporting that India (one of the strongest emerging markets) has joined with China, Russia, Japan and Turkey in what is being termed the "Asian Dollar Exclusion Zone". What this means is that India will now be buying oil from Iran in its own currency (Rupees) and not in USD.
I'm not sure you may remember President Obama visiting India late last year along with a Aircraft Carrier attack group attempting to persuade India in staying with the West and continuing to support the USD. You also should remember that during that visit China parked one of its stealth subs off the coast of Los Angeles and fired off a ballistic missile.
What points was China making to India with this stunt. Aircraft Carriers and large surface naval vessels are obsolete. The Navy has known since 1967, that any radar tracked surface ship is a sitting duck for anti-ship ballistic missiles.
In 1967, the Israeli Navy's destroyer Eilat was the first ship to be sunk by a ship-launched missile. Following the 6-days war, the Israeli Eilat was easily sunk by a number of Styx missiles launched by Egyptian missile boats off the Sinai Peninsula.
The US has several anti-ship short range ballistic and cruise missiles. The Harpoon, flies just over the water until it comes into range of its target. It then performs a "pop up" maneuver where it suddenly gains altitude and then strikes it's target from above where ship defense is weakest.
China military power has been overlooked because some falsely claim they have no Navy. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. What they lack is a fleet of slow, obsolete aircraft carriers. Instead, what they have is a huge and ever expanding arsenal of short-range ballistic and mach-10 cruise missile launching stealth cruisers, and stealth submarines.
With GPS, advanced guidance, stealth, ect, you no longer need piloted aircraft coming from a carrier group to fly over to make strategic and surgical bombing sorties. With a fleet of stealth missile boats, and missile subs, any target is a sitting duck.
This is partly why we are hearing so much about anti-ballistic missile technology. However, you can't shoot what you can't see or track on radar. Consequently, while there remains a place for boots on the ground, modern warfare strategy has shifted to the use of remote-control bomb-dropping stealth drones, and ballistic and cruise missiles delivered by stealth cruisers and subs.
The US Navy M80 Stiletto is a M-hull stealth surface boat that can carry a special ops team and manage numerous airborne, surface and subsurface remote vehicles. The Stiletto's has a top speed of 50 knots. The future of naval warfare is 1. Stealth Surface or Subsurface mothership 2. Remote arial, surface and subsurface vehicles 3. Cruise and Ballistic missiles. 4. Thermal imaging 5. Laser Anti-ballistic missile systems.
However, this whole Petro-Dollar Ponzi scheme falls apart if major oil producing nations decide to sell oil in currencies other than USD. Iraq began selling oil to Russia in Euros which is believed to be a significant economic motivation for Gulf War 2. Libya was buying up gold getting ready to create its own African regional gold-backed currency. This is believed to have been a major motivation for NATO involvement in Libya.
For some time now, Iran has been selling oil to to China in Yuan. This has been believed to be a major motivator for western aggression against Iran and not just their nuclear program. Only recently, the US has imposed strict sanctions on Iran freezing all it's western bank accounts and preventing oil from being sold to NATO countries in dollars.
In response to the sanctions, Iran is doing the only thing it possibly can do. Iran has just brokered deals with Russia to sell oil in Ruble, and just in the past few days, the media is reporting a new trading partnership with Russia, China, Japan, India, and Turkey.
Again, this is huge. ZeroHedge.com is reporting that India (one of the strongest emerging markets) has joined with China, Russia, Japan and Turkey in what is being termed the "Asian Dollar Exclusion Zone". What this means is that India will now be buying oil from Iran in its own currency (Rupees) and not in USD.
I'm not sure you may remember President Obama visiting India late last year along with a Aircraft Carrier attack group attempting to persuade India in staying with the West and continuing to support the USD. You also should remember that during that visit China parked one of its stealth subs off the coast of Los Angeles and fired off a ballistic missile.
What points was China making to India with this stunt. Aircraft Carriers and large surface naval vessels are obsolete. The Navy has known since 1967, that any radar tracked surface ship is a sitting duck for anti-ship ballistic missiles.
In 1967, the Israeli Navy's destroyer Eilat was the first ship to be sunk by a ship-launched missile. Following the 6-days war, the Israeli Eilat was easily sunk by a number of Styx missiles launched by Egyptian missile boats off the Sinai Peninsula.
The US has several anti-ship short range ballistic and cruise missiles. The Harpoon, flies just over the water until it comes into range of its target. It then performs a "pop up" maneuver where it suddenly gains altitude and then strikes it's target from above where ship defense is weakest.
China military power has been overlooked because some falsely claim they have no Navy. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth. What they lack is a fleet of slow, obsolete aircraft carriers. Instead, what they have is a huge and ever expanding arsenal of short-range ballistic and mach-10 cruise missile launching stealth cruisers, and stealth submarines.
With GPS, advanced guidance, stealth, ect, you no longer need piloted aircraft coming from a carrier group to fly over to make strategic and surgical bombing sorties. With a fleet of stealth missile boats, and missile subs, any target is a sitting duck.
This is partly why we are hearing so much about anti-ballistic missile technology. However, you can't shoot what you can't see or track on radar. Consequently, while there remains a place for boots on the ground, modern warfare strategy has shifted to the use of remote-control bomb-dropping stealth drones, and ballistic and cruise missiles delivered by stealth cruisers and subs.
The US Navy M80 Stiletto is a M-hull stealth surface boat that can carry a special ops team and manage numerous airborne, surface and subsurface remote vehicles. The Stiletto's has a top speed of 50 knots. The future of naval warfare is 1. Stealth Surface or Subsurface mothership 2. Remote arial, surface and subsurface vehicles 3. Cruise and Ballistic missiles. 4. Thermal imaging 5. Laser Anti-ballistic missile systems.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Whats up with FLDS Warren Jeffs?
Warren Jeff's leads a religious sect of polygamist known as the FLDS Church. One of their major settlements is Hildale on the border of Arizona and Utah. Being of the border of two states had the advantage that when authorities came from Utah, residents would all run to the AZ side and visa versa.
The FLDS Church has nothing whatever do do with the LDS, Mormon or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You cannot be polygamist and be Mormon. The LDS Church immediately excommunicates anyone for polygamy. The FEDs have pretty much left the FLDS group alone. Except more recently, the group started another settlement in Texas. However, in Texas, the sect had nowhere to run too. When Texas authorities arrived, Warren JeffSSRIs arrested and convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault.
The whole Warren Jeffs affair was big in the news 4 years ago during the Romney campaign. Now that it is campaign time again, I am not surprised to see Jeffs and the FLDS group in the news again. The media know very well many Americans mistakenly confuse the FLDS with the LDS Church.
Recently, the FLDS leader Warren Jeffs, who is being held in a Texas prison, has been permitted to pass communications on to his religious sect and the messages have been very unusual and apocalyptic.
According to media reports, Jeffs has called his FLDS group to repentance. As part of this repentance, Jeffs has made some very unusual requests; among them are: everyone is to be rebaptized, they are to stop polygamy and only live with one wife, they are not to have any sexual relations at all for the next year, and they ate to pay 40% tithing to the church.
Media reports say that many of the FLDS are leaving the religion. But this doesn't mean that they will become LDS. You can't be polygamist and LDS. But, what I assume will happen is that many will join other very small related polygamist groups scattered throughout Idaho, Montana, Utah and Arizona.
However, if the call to celibacy wasn't enough, Warren Jeffs has also been making numerous apocalyptic prophecies. In reality, none of his prophecies are anything new. Which is actually the interesting part of whole situation.
1. Predicts great earthquake that will cause the prison walls to fall.
2. Predicts a great burning of Babylon which he defines as the United States of America.
3. Predicts invasion of foreign armies from 3 fronts; east coast, west coast and from the Southern border.
4. Tsunami along East Coat of US, Seattle, Australia.
Here is the link to a google map keeping track of the many Warren Jeffs apocalyptic prophecies. http://bit.ly/stO6Qr
Jeffs is also calling the United States to repentance and says God will pour out these judgements on the US if it doesn't repent. The specific things the US must do to avoid judgement is:
1. Free Warren Jeffs and associates from prison.
2. Cease to persecute FLDS
3. Remove all homosexuals from US Military.
4. Stop all offensive/preemptive wars and aggression against other nations.
Now, what do I think about these prophecies? Well, I agree with the stop of preemptive aggression. I also think it was a mistake to reverse "don't ask don't tell". As far as the apocalyptic judgements go; everyone should know that Russia and China are getting ready to execute a massive nuclear firststrike on America and invade with the help of Mexico from the east coast, west coast and from Mexico. The international community is fed up with the bullying of the US and have settled on a plan to divide up the US into 4 republics. This is nothing new. If the US goes to war with Iran, that will be the last straw. I am many others like Joel Skousen have been talking about this for some time.
So If I think some of Jeffs predictions are plausible, where is he getting his revelation? Having read the several letters he has published from jail, these are not inspired of God. How do I know? Because even through God does judge the wicked, he is also compassionate, and with the judgement always communicates a message of compassion and sorrow about having to pass judgement on the wicked. I sense no compassion or godly sorrow in Jeffs letters. There are other reasons as well but this is number one .
So where do Jeffs predictions they come from? 1. Satan 2. SSSS technology claims to send a signal to your brain making think you are hearing a voice in your head. Rumor has it that SSS technology was used at Guantanamo Bay to convince Muslim enemy combatants that Allah was commanding them to confess. Also, during Gulf War 1, thousands of Iraqi soldiers were convinced to surrender 3. Insanity.
The FLDS Church has nothing whatever do do with the LDS, Mormon or Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You cannot be polygamist and be Mormon. The LDS Church immediately excommunicates anyone for polygamy. The FEDs have pretty much left the FLDS group alone. Except more recently, the group started another settlement in Texas. However, in Texas, the sect had nowhere to run too. When Texas authorities arrived, Warren JeffSSRIs arrested and convicted of multiple counts of sexual assault.
The whole Warren Jeffs affair was big in the news 4 years ago during the Romney campaign. Now that it is campaign time again, I am not surprised to see Jeffs and the FLDS group in the news again. The media know very well many Americans mistakenly confuse the FLDS with the LDS Church.
Recently, the FLDS leader Warren Jeffs, who is being held in a Texas prison, has been permitted to pass communications on to his religious sect and the messages have been very unusual and apocalyptic.
According to media reports, Jeffs has called his FLDS group to repentance. As part of this repentance, Jeffs has made some very unusual requests; among them are: everyone is to be rebaptized, they are to stop polygamy and only live with one wife, they are not to have any sexual relations at all for the next year, and they ate to pay 40% tithing to the church.
Media reports say that many of the FLDS are leaving the religion. But this doesn't mean that they will become LDS. You can't be polygamist and LDS. But, what I assume will happen is that many will join other very small related polygamist groups scattered throughout Idaho, Montana, Utah and Arizona.
However, if the call to celibacy wasn't enough, Warren Jeffs has also been making numerous apocalyptic prophecies. In reality, none of his prophecies are anything new. Which is actually the interesting part of whole situation.
1. Predicts great earthquake that will cause the prison walls to fall.
2. Predicts a great burning of Babylon which he defines as the United States of America.
3. Predicts invasion of foreign armies from 3 fronts; east coast, west coast and from the Southern border.
4. Tsunami along East Coat of US, Seattle, Australia.
Here is the link to a google map keeping track of the many Warren Jeffs apocalyptic prophecies. http://bit.ly/stO6Qr
Jeffs is also calling the United States to repentance and says God will pour out these judgements on the US if it doesn't repent. The specific things the US must do to avoid judgement is:
1. Free Warren Jeffs and associates from prison.
2. Cease to persecute FLDS
3. Remove all homosexuals from US Military.
4. Stop all offensive/preemptive wars and aggression against other nations.
Now, what do I think about these prophecies? Well, I agree with the stop of preemptive aggression. I also think it was a mistake to reverse "don't ask don't tell". As far as the apocalyptic judgements go; everyone should know that Russia and China are getting ready to execute a massive nuclear firststrike on America and invade with the help of Mexico from the east coast, west coast and from Mexico. The international community is fed up with the bullying of the US and have settled on a plan to divide up the US into 4 republics. This is nothing new. If the US goes to war with Iran, that will be the last straw. I am many others like Joel Skousen have been talking about this for some time.
So If I think some of Jeffs predictions are plausible, where is he getting his revelation? Having read the several letters he has published from jail, these are not inspired of God. How do I know? Because even through God does judge the wicked, he is also compassionate, and with the judgement always communicates a message of compassion and sorrow about having to pass judgement on the wicked. I sense no compassion or godly sorrow in Jeffs letters. There are other reasons as well but this is number one .
So where do Jeffs predictions they come from? 1. Satan 2. SSSS technology claims to send a signal to your brain making think you are hearing a voice in your head. Rumor has it that SSS technology was used at Guantanamo Bay to convince Muslim enemy combatants that Allah was commanding them to confess. Also, during Gulf War 1, thousands of Iraqi soldiers were convinced to surrender 3. Insanity.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
J Ruben Clark by W Cleon Skousen
[W. Cleon Skousen. "The Life of J. Reuben Clark, Jr." Grantsville, UT. September 1, 1992. ]
J. Reuben Clark Practices Law
As he got to be practically the Secretary of State, it was amazing how all the solicitors, who are the lawyers for the State Department, kept going away, or being gone. This J. Reuben Clark found himself counseling with the President as though he were Secretary of State.
At the end of six years, there was a change in politics. President Wilson was elected, Republicans went out, and J. Reuben Clark went out with them. He then went into private practice, and he was very successful. He had a great reputation by now. But he didn’t know that he was just about to run head on into one of the most monstrous forces of evil that was being gestated or generated in the United States at that time.
In order to tell you that story, which is out of this book, The History of the World in Our Time, I just have to quote a few things. In what we call a people’s republic, you do not find tranquility. Everybody has his rights, everybody is free to speak his opinion, and they all do. You just have a turmoil of constant bubbling and burblings — everybody’s got their ideas solving problems. It isn’t an atmosphere of tranquility, it isn’t Shangri-la.
But, when you’ve educated people, as they did in the early part of the history of this country, they loved it that way. They’d come out of Europe where they were under somebody’s thumb and heel all the time, and they loved it here where they could speak their opinions and then vote the way they wanted to, etc.
Those Who Don’t Like the Constitution
There was one group of people that never liked it. They didn’t like the Constitution, they didn’t like the turmoil, they didn’t like this kind of a republic. You see, this bubbling and burbling and so forth, and everybody putting in their two bits worth, etc. — that produced Washingtons, that produced Jeffersons, John Adams.
I mean, if you’d been at the Constitutional Convention, it wasn’t a nice, sweet, peaceful convention. Those great men with strong opinion hammered and hammered. But when they got through, God says, “I established this Constitution by the hands of wise men that I raised up for this very purpose. Anything that’s more or less that this is evil.” — section 98 and section 101. It all came out of this burbling and gurgling. You got to have fun with it, you’ve got to get used to it.
But these people, who are very rich and very powerful, have always hated it. The reason they hate it is because they operate big industries, where they speak and things happen, where there’s a certain amount of order. If there isn’t, they can change it, just like that.
They said, “Now that’s the way our society should be, that’s the way government should be. We’ve got to change this thing so we’ve got the smartest people in charge, and compel these stupid masses to do what’s good for them.”
In 1908, there was a congregation of these very wealthy people, they represented the greatest powers in the railroad industry, in the oil industry, in the banking industry, in the commercial industry. They were congregated together in the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. They tried to decide how you could change the whole American system, peacefully if possible, but, if necessary, do it with war.
Using War for a Collectivization of Power
They worked on that for a year. In time of war, the people will tolerate a collectivization of control: mandate, and people do what they’re told to do. They said, “That should be set up so that it’s the permanent pattern of our society.”
They decided that they’d have to do it through war, “You got to get a war, get them in that mood, where they will tolerate the centralized, dictatorial mandate and authority, and then have another war, if necessary, until it becomes a pattern.” That’s what those men decided to do.
The next question was, “How would we get control of the government under those circumstances, and then maintain it?” The answer was, you’ve got to control the State Department and the Presidency. That’s what they agreed upon.
We have the minutes of those meetings. The man who secured them, almost accidentally, a good friend of mine, was working for one of the Congressional Committees. They got the minutes of 1908, when it was resolved that, “We’re going to use war from now on until we get this nation under control.” So, they’ve got to get their own man for President, and they’ve got to have him appoint a Secretary of State of their vintage or mentality.
Remember this is the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace, plotting war! Any of you heard of this before? Yes, some of you have. I didn’t get it in school. I had to dig it out years later when I found that something had gone wrong.
Woodrow Wilson’s Rise to Power
The man they picked out to be their president, to run in the other party — the Republicans were in power — was a man by the name of Woodrow Wilson. He was the head of the department of political science at Princeton. He’d been very critical of the Constitution for a variety of reasons. He liked the British system better.
So they thought, “There’s somebody we could probably mold and weave into what we need.” So they started working on him, and they got him to be governor of New Jersey. They elected him, and this is the book that tells how they did it, how they put the money in, and they used money to manipulate and massage the people of New Jersey until this professor was elected the governor of New Jersey.
Then they started manipulating Woodrow Wilson to agree to this different approach, “Maybe we can get back closer to the British system. Certainly we’ll change the Constitution.”
Right in the middle of that, listen to what Woodrow Wilson says, “Since I’ve entered politics, I’ve chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men the United States in the field in commerce and manufacture are afraid of something. They know that there is a power, somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak about their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
That’s Woodrow Wilson. He doesn’t know it, but they’re the people that have now taken him in tow. J. P. Morgan and the Rockefellers and the Carnegie money is going in behind him, and getting him set to be President, on condition that he will go for a Federal Reserve system, that will eventually get rid of gold and silver as a money system, establish a credit system with no bottom to it: “Just use the taxing power of the people as a basis for money in the future. It’s necessary that we do get ourselves involved in the affairs of the world, so we can guide the world toward a better structure. It will probably have to be through war.”
That’s an interesting phenomenon, that this book tells all about, Tragedy and Hope. This man believed in this group. He apologizes for them over and over again. He said, “Maybe they were a little clumsy, but their ultimate goal was a good one.” Can’t believe it.
Then he documents all the things that I later put in a book called The Naked Capitalist, that went to a million copies, based on his book, telling people what’s really been going on. For a while it was widely read, but not so much anymore. People have kind of lost touch with who’s running things. It’s the same people.
So we’ve got ourselves a new President, and we got the Federal Reserve. Wasn’t very long before, as you know, we got rid of gold, everybody had to turn it in. All the gold clauses and contracts were wiped out by the Supreme Court. J. Reuben Clark knew all this was unconstitutional — the whole fabric was unconstitutional.
J. Reuben Clark Was Trapped
But meanwhile, he had been trapped just like Woodrow Wilson had. It all came about in 1916, when a man — who was one of the wealthiest men, one of the top men in the country, whose name was Willard Strait, he was part of the J. P. Morgan people — came to him and asked if he wouldn’t like to have a junior partner. To have Mr. Strait, you know, as your partner, for a boy from Grantsville, way out in Utah, I mean, he’s gone clear up on the top level.
“Well,” he said, “where would we have our office?”
“Oh, in New York.”
“Where in New York?”
“Well, we have a skyscraper there, and we’ll be on the lower floor. Everything above you will be our client.”
“Just one client?”
“Yes, just one client.”
“What’s it called?”
“The American International Corporation, the first international conglomerate of industrial power that was ever organized in the United States.”
“What are we going to do?”
“Well, we’re going to use our money that all our people have, and we’re going to start buying up the industries and get things kind of organized together.”
What J. Reuben Clark didn’t know, they were going to have a war within about eighteen months, and they wanted to all of the copper and the steel and the boats and the railroads and everything to make the money from it. Clever. American International Corporation, and guess who was its attorney? J. Reuben Clark.
At first it seemed great, because they were buying up these great industries in Central America, the big fruit companies, all the boats they could get their hands on, the wharfs, steel, copper — I have them all listed here.
At the head of this international association, listen to who was on their board: Stone of the Webster Engineering Company, Percy Rockefeller of Standard Oil, J. Ogden of the Armor Company, Charles Kaufman of General Electric, James Hill of the Great Northern Railway, Oliver Kahn of Kunelob and Company, Robert Lovell of the Union Pacific, and so it goes on. I mean, you’re talking with the richest, the most powerful, and the strongest. He’s buying up millions and millions of dollar’s worth in all these companies.
So in 1916, Woodrow Wilson was elected on the basis that he would keep us out of the war. After he was inaugurated, we were in the war within six weeks. It’s all in this book. At that time, I was about five years old. I was getting on the scene now, gradually here, so I could watch what J. Reuben was doing.
J. Reuben Clark Awakens To What is Going On
But anyway, J. Reuben Clark didn’t awake to what was happening until about 1923. He began to fuss at them, and make their lives so miserable, as he saw what they were doing. One time, he considered dishonestly, they fired him. 1923.
Guess what he did? He came back on Constitution Day and spoke in the Tabernacle about the great United States Constitution. “I’ll tell you,” he said, “it is in jeopardy. I see forces rising all around us today that have as their goal and objective, the destruction of the very thing that made the United States the greatest nation in the world!”
Well, I’m not sure they paid much attention to him. He quotes from his 1923 speech the rest of his life. I finally got a copy of it. It’s great. He took the whole strength, the golden threads of the Constitution, to stress to the people here in Utah what a great responsibility they had to preserve that institution.
Already the foundations are being very badly eroded. So the State Department called him back as Assistant Secretary of State. He was puzzled about just what he should be doing. In Utah we wanted him to run as Senator. Someone was talking about putting him on the Supreme Court. By this time he had such a tremendous reputation he could almost named what he would have liked to run for. In this state, he would have been supported wholeheartedly, and it didn’t work out.
Instead of that, he became ambassador to Mexico. He did a great job down there. He taught the Mexican people to trust him, and to love him. He did a lot to help our Mormon colonies in Mexico during that difficult period where I went to school a couple of years.
Called to be an Apostle
Then in 1933, right in the midst of his getting all of this thing straightened out for Mexico, here comes a letter from the First Presidency calling him to be a counselor to Heber J. Grant. You’ve got to know a little bit about the background of J. Reuben Clark at that time as far as the church was concerned, to appreciate what a shock this was.
He hadn’t been where he could be active in the church for 20 to 25 years. He’d never been a Bishop, never been a Stake President. He paid his tithing, but there wasn’t any church, very often, to go to. In Washington you could go to a little Sunday evening affair that Senator Smoot held, but J. Reuben didn’t get along with Senator Smoot, so that was kind of an ordeal.
And anyway, he worked seven days a week. He was a workaholic. He afterwards said, “I broke the Sabbath for years! The Lord blessed me in spite of it, but certainly not because of it. You people obey the Sabbath day!” My close associate while I was in law school, in fact my mentor, was Ernest Wilkinson. He did the same thing because J. Reuben Clark did it, he worked all day Sunday. He’d take time out for church, but then he was right back at it. He said the same thing, “I broke the Sabbath day trying to become a great lawyer. I paid a price for it. You obey the Sabbath day.” Isn’t that kind of interesting?
So J. Reuben Clark — and I must hurry now just to give you a little final closing scene here. J. Reuben Clark was very disturbed that he would be called to the First Presidency of the Church. He found himself telling Bishops and Stake Presidents how to run their Stakes and their Wards.
Finally he said — and this is an apocryphal story, although it’s hinted at in Michael Quinn’s This is J. Reuben Clark: the Church Years, but I have this apocryphal story in this form, that I picked up from people who claimed they were close to the scene.
Why the Calling Came
J. Reuben Clark said to President Grant, “Don’t you make these choices by inspiration?”
President Grant said, “Yes, we do.”
J. Reuben Clark said, “I can understand why a lawyer of international prominence and so forth, like myself, may add to the prestige of the church. But I don’t know what I an doing here. I am doing things that I never was trained to do. I’m instructing people. I feel very inadequate.”
Well, according to the story that I was told, President Grant said, “That’s not why you were chosen as a counselor.”
“Well, why was I chosen?”
“You were chosen because the Constitution of the United States is in jeopardy. The church needs to be aroused, the country needs to be aroused, and we’ve got to start training our people to defend that Constitution before it’s shredded and lost.”
“Oh, really?!”
“You are the best Constitutionalist in the church.”
All of the sudden you hear him quoting his 1923 speech in Conference. You see, we were a Democratic state, 62 percent Democrats. They began to call that Republican politics in Conference. Oh, he got the Dickens! By the time I got here to Utah, sometime later, J. Reuben Clark was one of the most unpopular people in this state.
“Politics” in Church
They didn’t mind him talking on the gospel, but any time he’d start talking on the Constitution, “that terrible Republican instrument!” Isn’t that something? All through California schools, I was told the Constitution was obsolete. Here’s this man standing up, which everybody knows he’s a Republican, defending the Constitution, and “that’s politics in church.”
President Grant would try to assure the people that we wanted the Saints to hear this. It was not popular. He never did become a popular speaker. Years later when I was here, he spoke at the University of Utah. Here is a member of the First Presidency, and he was a counselor to three Presidents over a period of 28 years. We’ve never had another human being in this church serve as a counselor to Presidents of the church longer than J. Reuben Clark.
So he was so well known, they decided to have him speak at the University of Utah. He stood up before that audience, and they booed him, a member of the First Presidency. Majority of the audience LDS. They booed him. He stood there, by this time he was pretty heavy-set, you know, and he smiled at them.
He said, “Well, I don’t mind you calling me old-fashioned, because I am.” Yeeaahh! “I don’t even mind you calling me antediluvian (which is before the flood!)” Huurraay!! “But,” he said, ” I am a little sensitive about you calling me pre-historic!”
The students all laughed, and immediately they sat back to listen. I’ve got a copy of that speech, and it’s just great. Of course the students had been trained not to believe those things anymore. But he sowed the seeds.
Our Constitution Has Been Shredded
Already the Lord was beginning to build his kingdom preparatory to survive the great destructive forces of Constitutional government. You see, we didn’t realize how badly shredded the Constitution had become. We didn’t realize the whole concept of separation of powers had been shredded. We had Congress delegating to the President the authority to make administrative law.
Most of our laws were not coming out of Congress as required by Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution, they were coming out of bureau agencies at administrative law. I studied it in school, how it worked. The next thing you knew, if you didn’t like what happened, where’s you appeal? You didn’t really have an appeal, because Congress approved it. They were delegating their legislative authority, and you were having laws that the Congress had never examined, scrutinized or debated. We were covered with them.
So that’s how far we had gone. We had lost our money system based on gold and silver, that was gone. We had lost control of the Supreme Court, beginning with the Butler Case, 1936. The Congress could pass anything that they considered for the welfare of the American people. It was no longer general welfare, it was now private welfare: farmers, schools, etc.
J. Reuben Clark was an educator at heart. He felt the schools were getting a bad deal, and they would be hurt in the process. He tried to defend the importance of maintaining the integrity of our schools. That was interesting. So many things were happening to our society, that from a Constitutional standpoint, we were very seriously at risk.
So this man from Florida that wrote this whole page of newspaper protest the other day, I just went down and checked off the items, “J. Reuben, did you say amen? Yes, he said amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.” You know: going on to four trillion dollars worth of debt, 62 percent of all your income taxes going to pay interest to banks on that debt. We give ourselves a trillion dollar budget, and then we overspend even that much. You know that we are way off balance.
The Butler Case, 1936
I want to say just this little bit about the Butler case. In 1936, the Supreme Court handed down a decision, and while it held against the appellant, it set forth the proposition that Congress can appropriate money and legislate for private welfare. The general welfare clause went right out the window.
The original idea was, if you tax all the people, then you can’t pass a law except for all the people. You can not pass a law that will favor this little group, and that little group. You can’t do that, because these are general taxes. States can handle those problems, the federal government can not. That was all wiped out, 1936, in the Butler case.
Our budget in 1936, in spite of World War I, and already numerous, expensive programs for agriculture, etc. that had been coming up; our budget was 8 billion dollars. We had gone to 800 billion dollars by about 1980. Now you know where it is, trillions. There’s no stop, they will not stop. You couldn’t stop that train, no matter who you elected right now. So, there’s a remedy. J. Reuben Clark knew what it was. I’m going to close now by sharing it with you.
J. Reuben Clark was a Great Man
But I just want to tell you how I learned to love that man, and have him stand up in the face of a very antagonistic, not altogether, but the majority of our people of our state did not like J. Reuben Clark. His biographies all admit that. He wasn’t appreciated until they had a symposium after he was dead, and decided he was great man. Who do I read telling that he was a great man? Some of those who fought him the worst when he was trying to help us.
But in those 28 years, he served three Presidents, and part of the time he was all alone. Brother Grant had a stroke and lived another five years, couldn’t hardly do anything. David O. McKay, the other counselor, he was very sickly and weak, until he became President of the church. Isn’t that interesting? All of the sudden, his health improved tremendously, so he did pretty good, and he just went on and on for a long time.
J. Reuben Clark, of course, died in 1961, but by that time, President McKay had already given us the great announcement of hope. Beginning in 1950, he said, “God is now pouring out into the families of those that he has treasured up from the beginning, the youth that can take it in the days that lie ahead. You’re getting some of the choicest spirits out of heaven.” He announced that about 1950.
We Live in an Exciting New Era
By 1960, he said, “Now I can tell you the new era has begun for this great kingdom. We’ll began to become an influence for good, much more impressive and much more productive than in the past.” 1960. You see, we had worked thirty years to get ten thousand converts in Latin America. Thirty years to get ten thousand. We got the next ten thousand in two years. We got the next ten thousand in one year. Now we get ten thousand every few months.
This is a new era, and you’re in it. All of the buildings that began. During the last ten years of David O. McKay’s life, he felt so helpless. He asked me to do an errand for him one day, and I came in and found that he couldn’t even stand up. He had a couple of strokes. Here were needles and oxygen tanks, and one thing and another. He could see, as I looked around his office, the amazement in my eyes.
He said, “Don’t feel sorry for me, Brother Skousen. Nobody expects me to do anything. All I have to do is stay close to the Lord and make the decisions.” Which he did, and we doubled the membership of the church in the next ten years, when he was an invalid. We doubled the number of temples, I tell you, we just went forward. So when these prophets become very elderly, indisposed, the work goes on, magnificently.
In his day, J. Reuben Clark did that. Now President Hinckley and President Monson carry it on. Oh, what great leaders they are. I love them. Great leaders.
So I come to my conclusion, and it’s J. Reuben Clark’s conclusion. He could see that the powers that existed were so well entrenched, so voluminous, had such a grip on the media, both the parties, the money, that that was going to have to run its course, like an express train going hell-bent to destruction.
Track Two
But the Lord isn’t going to allow this government to be destroyed. Although administrations may destroy themselves, systems may destroy themselves, this country’s going to survive. J. Reuben Clark knew how it would survive: build track two. Don’t get in front of that train on track one, it will just run over you. You quietly build track two.
Sometimes people say, “Dr. Skousen, you spent your whole life studying these things that have gone wrong, with the attack on the Constitution and everything. Why are you so optimistic?”
I say to them, “I read the book, and in the end, we win.” Now, it’s on track two that we win. J. Reuben Clark never lost confidence in having a generation finally become alert, and finally doing its homework, and getting into a position where they would do what God and the Founding Fathers intended that we should have been doing all the time.
So, I bless his memory. I bless his integrity. I bless his tenacity. I’m so grateful for that man. He’s been my inspiration, I’ve learned to love him. I knew him, but not well. I received counsel from him two or three times. One of my books became a national best seller, and he gave me a little bit of counsel about what God was doing, and what to expect, and I was very grateful for that.
His 1937 Prophecy
Oh, what vision, what insight he had. So I close now. On other occasions, you’ll tell more about him. I’ve only touched the highlights. Because during the 28 years that he served in the kingdom, he filled several volumes with teachings and instructions and insights and warnings. You will have other speakers, I’m sure, come and analyze various phases of that in detail, so that you become authorities on the beliefs of J. Reuben Clark, which are identical with the original Founding Fathers.
In the beginning, he said he made some mistakes. But he learned from experience. In the end, when he finally became a counselor to the First Presidency, he told the saints what to expect. I should have told you that in 1937 he gave one of his most famous speeches. I consider 1923, 1937, and 1952 among his greatest talks.
In 1937 he said, “The power people are now planning another war for you. They have made this depression last many more years than it would have ordinarily lasted. They got stock down to 14 cents on a dollar. They just bought up everything at 14 cents on a dollar, and they’re now ready to make additional billions as they put you through another world war.
“They’re going to have you pay for it. You’re going to be involved in it. You don’t think you’ll get involved, but they’ll say that for the peace of the world, you must come in, and you’ll feel so soft-hearted about it, you’ll come in. It will be just as big a mistake as World War I,” which I thought was just great when we went in, and I now know, could have been handled differently, and we could have saved ourselves a lot of problems.
So, he gave the prophecy. Then in 1941, after we were in the war, he said, “May I quote from my 1923 speech, and my 1937 speech….” That’s what he did the rest of his life, quoting his former speeches, where he predicted what would happen, and it did. He truly was a prophet of God, counseling a prophet of God. I bless his memory in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
J. Reuben Clark Practices Law
As he got to be practically the Secretary of State, it was amazing how all the solicitors, who are the lawyers for the State Department, kept going away, or being gone. This J. Reuben Clark found himself counseling with the President as though he were Secretary of State.
At the end of six years, there was a change in politics. President Wilson was elected, Republicans went out, and J. Reuben Clark went out with them. He then went into private practice, and he was very successful. He had a great reputation by now. But he didn’t know that he was just about to run head on into one of the most monstrous forces of evil that was being gestated or generated in the United States at that time.
In order to tell you that story, which is out of this book, The History of the World in Our Time, I just have to quote a few things. In what we call a people’s republic, you do not find tranquility. Everybody has his rights, everybody is free to speak his opinion, and they all do. You just have a turmoil of constant bubbling and burblings — everybody’s got their ideas solving problems. It isn’t an atmosphere of tranquility, it isn’t Shangri-la.
But, when you’ve educated people, as they did in the early part of the history of this country, they loved it that way. They’d come out of Europe where they were under somebody’s thumb and heel all the time, and they loved it here where they could speak their opinions and then vote the way they wanted to, etc.
Those Who Don’t Like the Constitution
There was one group of people that never liked it. They didn’t like the Constitution, they didn’t like the turmoil, they didn’t like this kind of a republic. You see, this bubbling and burbling and so forth, and everybody putting in their two bits worth, etc. — that produced Washingtons, that produced Jeffersons, John Adams.
I mean, if you’d been at the Constitutional Convention, it wasn’t a nice, sweet, peaceful convention. Those great men with strong opinion hammered and hammered. But when they got through, God says, “I established this Constitution by the hands of wise men that I raised up for this very purpose. Anything that’s more or less that this is evil.” — section 98 and section 101. It all came out of this burbling and gurgling. You got to have fun with it, you’ve got to get used to it.
But these people, who are very rich and very powerful, have always hated it. The reason they hate it is because they operate big industries, where they speak and things happen, where there’s a certain amount of order. If there isn’t, they can change it, just like that.
They said, “Now that’s the way our society should be, that’s the way government should be. We’ve got to change this thing so we’ve got the smartest people in charge, and compel these stupid masses to do what’s good for them.”
In 1908, there was a congregation of these very wealthy people, they represented the greatest powers in the railroad industry, in the oil industry, in the banking industry, in the commercial industry. They were congregated together in the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace. They tried to decide how you could change the whole American system, peacefully if possible, but, if necessary, do it with war.
Using War for a Collectivization of Power
They worked on that for a year. In time of war, the people will tolerate a collectivization of control: mandate, and people do what they’re told to do. They said, “That should be set up so that it’s the permanent pattern of our society.”
They decided that they’d have to do it through war, “You got to get a war, get them in that mood, where they will tolerate the centralized, dictatorial mandate and authority, and then have another war, if necessary, until it becomes a pattern.” That’s what those men decided to do.
The next question was, “How would we get control of the government under those circumstances, and then maintain it?” The answer was, you’ve got to control the State Department and the Presidency. That’s what they agreed upon.
We have the minutes of those meetings. The man who secured them, almost accidentally, a good friend of mine, was working for one of the Congressional Committees. They got the minutes of 1908, when it was resolved that, “We’re going to use war from now on until we get this nation under control.” So, they’ve got to get their own man for President, and they’ve got to have him appoint a Secretary of State of their vintage or mentality.
Remember this is the Carnegie Foundation for International Peace, plotting war! Any of you heard of this before? Yes, some of you have. I didn’t get it in school. I had to dig it out years later when I found that something had gone wrong.
Woodrow Wilson’s Rise to Power
The man they picked out to be their president, to run in the other party — the Republicans were in power — was a man by the name of Woodrow Wilson. He was the head of the department of political science at Princeton. He’d been very critical of the Constitution for a variety of reasons. He liked the British system better.
So they thought, “There’s somebody we could probably mold and weave into what we need.” So they started working on him, and they got him to be governor of New Jersey. They elected him, and this is the book that tells how they did it, how they put the money in, and they used money to manipulate and massage the people of New Jersey until this professor was elected the governor of New Jersey.
Then they started manipulating Woodrow Wilson to agree to this different approach, “Maybe we can get back closer to the British system. Certainly we’ll change the Constitution.”
Right in the middle of that, listen to what Woodrow Wilson says, “Since I’ve entered politics, I’ve chiefly had men’s views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men the United States in the field in commerce and manufacture are afraid of something. They know that there is a power, somewhere, so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they better not speak about their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”
That’s Woodrow Wilson. He doesn’t know it, but they’re the people that have now taken him in tow. J. P. Morgan and the Rockefellers and the Carnegie money is going in behind him, and getting him set to be President, on condition that he will go for a Federal Reserve system, that will eventually get rid of gold and silver as a money system, establish a credit system with no bottom to it: “Just use the taxing power of the people as a basis for money in the future. It’s necessary that we do get ourselves involved in the affairs of the world, so we can guide the world toward a better structure. It will probably have to be through war.”
That’s an interesting phenomenon, that this book tells all about, Tragedy and Hope. This man believed in this group. He apologizes for them over and over again. He said, “Maybe they were a little clumsy, but their ultimate goal was a good one.” Can’t believe it.
Then he documents all the things that I later put in a book called The Naked Capitalist, that went to a million copies, based on his book, telling people what’s really been going on. For a while it was widely read, but not so much anymore. People have kind of lost touch with who’s running things. It’s the same people.
So we’ve got ourselves a new President, and we got the Federal Reserve. Wasn’t very long before, as you know, we got rid of gold, everybody had to turn it in. All the gold clauses and contracts were wiped out by the Supreme Court. J. Reuben Clark knew all this was unconstitutional — the whole fabric was unconstitutional.
J. Reuben Clark Was Trapped
But meanwhile, he had been trapped just like Woodrow Wilson had. It all came about in 1916, when a man — who was one of the wealthiest men, one of the top men in the country, whose name was Willard Strait, he was part of the J. P. Morgan people — came to him and asked if he wouldn’t like to have a junior partner. To have Mr. Strait, you know, as your partner, for a boy from Grantsville, way out in Utah, I mean, he’s gone clear up on the top level.
“Well,” he said, “where would we have our office?”
“Oh, in New York.”
“Where in New York?”
“Well, we have a skyscraper there, and we’ll be on the lower floor. Everything above you will be our client.”
“Just one client?”
“Yes, just one client.”
“What’s it called?”
“The American International Corporation, the first international conglomerate of industrial power that was ever organized in the United States.”
“What are we going to do?”
“Well, we’re going to use our money that all our people have, and we’re going to start buying up the industries and get things kind of organized together.”
What J. Reuben Clark didn’t know, they were going to have a war within about eighteen months, and they wanted to all of the copper and the steel and the boats and the railroads and everything to make the money from it. Clever. American International Corporation, and guess who was its attorney? J. Reuben Clark.
At first it seemed great, because they were buying up these great industries in Central America, the big fruit companies, all the boats they could get their hands on, the wharfs, steel, copper — I have them all listed here.
At the head of this international association, listen to who was on their board: Stone of the Webster Engineering Company, Percy Rockefeller of Standard Oil, J. Ogden of the Armor Company, Charles Kaufman of General Electric, James Hill of the Great Northern Railway, Oliver Kahn of Kunelob and Company, Robert Lovell of the Union Pacific, and so it goes on. I mean, you’re talking with the richest, the most powerful, and the strongest. He’s buying up millions and millions of dollar’s worth in all these companies.
So in 1916, Woodrow Wilson was elected on the basis that he would keep us out of the war. After he was inaugurated, we were in the war within six weeks. It’s all in this book. At that time, I was about five years old. I was getting on the scene now, gradually here, so I could watch what J. Reuben was doing.
J. Reuben Clark Awakens To What is Going On
But anyway, J. Reuben Clark didn’t awake to what was happening until about 1923. He began to fuss at them, and make their lives so miserable, as he saw what they were doing. One time, he considered dishonestly, they fired him. 1923.
Guess what he did? He came back on Constitution Day and spoke in the Tabernacle about the great United States Constitution. “I’ll tell you,” he said, “it is in jeopardy. I see forces rising all around us today that have as their goal and objective, the destruction of the very thing that made the United States the greatest nation in the world!”
Well, I’m not sure they paid much attention to him. He quotes from his 1923 speech the rest of his life. I finally got a copy of it. It’s great. He took the whole strength, the golden threads of the Constitution, to stress to the people here in Utah what a great responsibility they had to preserve that institution.
Already the foundations are being very badly eroded. So the State Department called him back as Assistant Secretary of State. He was puzzled about just what he should be doing. In Utah we wanted him to run as Senator. Someone was talking about putting him on the Supreme Court. By this time he had such a tremendous reputation he could almost named what he would have liked to run for. In this state, he would have been supported wholeheartedly, and it didn’t work out.
Instead of that, he became ambassador to Mexico. He did a great job down there. He taught the Mexican people to trust him, and to love him. He did a lot to help our Mormon colonies in Mexico during that difficult period where I went to school a couple of years.
Called to be an Apostle
Then in 1933, right in the midst of his getting all of this thing straightened out for Mexico, here comes a letter from the First Presidency calling him to be a counselor to Heber J. Grant. You’ve got to know a little bit about the background of J. Reuben Clark at that time as far as the church was concerned, to appreciate what a shock this was.
He hadn’t been where he could be active in the church for 20 to 25 years. He’d never been a Bishop, never been a Stake President. He paid his tithing, but there wasn’t any church, very often, to go to. In Washington you could go to a little Sunday evening affair that Senator Smoot held, but J. Reuben didn’t get along with Senator Smoot, so that was kind of an ordeal.
And anyway, he worked seven days a week. He was a workaholic. He afterwards said, “I broke the Sabbath for years! The Lord blessed me in spite of it, but certainly not because of it. You people obey the Sabbath day!” My close associate while I was in law school, in fact my mentor, was Ernest Wilkinson. He did the same thing because J. Reuben Clark did it, he worked all day Sunday. He’d take time out for church, but then he was right back at it. He said the same thing, “I broke the Sabbath day trying to become a great lawyer. I paid a price for it. You obey the Sabbath day.” Isn’t that kind of interesting?
So J. Reuben Clark — and I must hurry now just to give you a little final closing scene here. J. Reuben Clark was very disturbed that he would be called to the First Presidency of the Church. He found himself telling Bishops and Stake Presidents how to run their Stakes and their Wards.
Finally he said — and this is an apocryphal story, although it’s hinted at in Michael Quinn’s This is J. Reuben Clark: the Church Years, but I have this apocryphal story in this form, that I picked up from people who claimed they were close to the scene.
Why the Calling Came
J. Reuben Clark said to President Grant, “Don’t you make these choices by inspiration?”
President Grant said, “Yes, we do.”
J. Reuben Clark said, “I can understand why a lawyer of international prominence and so forth, like myself, may add to the prestige of the church. But I don’t know what I an doing here. I am doing things that I never was trained to do. I’m instructing people. I feel very inadequate.”
Well, according to the story that I was told, President Grant said, “That’s not why you were chosen as a counselor.”
“Well, why was I chosen?”
“You were chosen because the Constitution of the United States is in jeopardy. The church needs to be aroused, the country needs to be aroused, and we’ve got to start training our people to defend that Constitution before it’s shredded and lost.”
“Oh, really?!”
“You are the best Constitutionalist in the church.”
All of the sudden you hear him quoting his 1923 speech in Conference. You see, we were a Democratic state, 62 percent Democrats. They began to call that Republican politics in Conference. Oh, he got the Dickens! By the time I got here to Utah, sometime later, J. Reuben Clark was one of the most unpopular people in this state.
“Politics” in Church
They didn’t mind him talking on the gospel, but any time he’d start talking on the Constitution, “that terrible Republican instrument!” Isn’t that something? All through California schools, I was told the Constitution was obsolete. Here’s this man standing up, which everybody knows he’s a Republican, defending the Constitution, and “that’s politics in church.”
President Grant would try to assure the people that we wanted the Saints to hear this. It was not popular. He never did become a popular speaker. Years later when I was here, he spoke at the University of Utah. Here is a member of the First Presidency, and he was a counselor to three Presidents over a period of 28 years. We’ve never had another human being in this church serve as a counselor to Presidents of the church longer than J. Reuben Clark.
So he was so well known, they decided to have him speak at the University of Utah. He stood up before that audience, and they booed him, a member of the First Presidency. Majority of the audience LDS. They booed him. He stood there, by this time he was pretty heavy-set, you know, and he smiled at them.
He said, “Well, I don’t mind you calling me old-fashioned, because I am.” Yeeaahh! “I don’t even mind you calling me antediluvian (which is before the flood!)” Huurraay!! “But,” he said, ” I am a little sensitive about you calling me pre-historic!”
The students all laughed, and immediately they sat back to listen. I’ve got a copy of that speech, and it’s just great. Of course the students had been trained not to believe those things anymore. But he sowed the seeds.
Our Constitution Has Been Shredded
Already the Lord was beginning to build his kingdom preparatory to survive the great destructive forces of Constitutional government. You see, we didn’t realize how badly shredded the Constitution had become. We didn’t realize the whole concept of separation of powers had been shredded. We had Congress delegating to the President the authority to make administrative law.
Most of our laws were not coming out of Congress as required by Article 1 Section 1 of the Constitution, they were coming out of bureau agencies at administrative law. I studied it in school, how it worked. The next thing you knew, if you didn’t like what happened, where’s you appeal? You didn’t really have an appeal, because Congress approved it. They were delegating their legislative authority, and you were having laws that the Congress had never examined, scrutinized or debated. We were covered with them.
So that’s how far we had gone. We had lost our money system based on gold and silver, that was gone. We had lost control of the Supreme Court, beginning with the Butler Case, 1936. The Congress could pass anything that they considered for the welfare of the American people. It was no longer general welfare, it was now private welfare: farmers, schools, etc.
J. Reuben Clark was an educator at heart. He felt the schools were getting a bad deal, and they would be hurt in the process. He tried to defend the importance of maintaining the integrity of our schools. That was interesting. So many things were happening to our society, that from a Constitutional standpoint, we were very seriously at risk.
So this man from Florida that wrote this whole page of newspaper protest the other day, I just went down and checked off the items, “J. Reuben, did you say amen? Yes, he said amen. Amen. Amen. Amen.” You know: going on to four trillion dollars worth of debt, 62 percent of all your income taxes going to pay interest to banks on that debt. We give ourselves a trillion dollar budget, and then we overspend even that much. You know that we are way off balance.
The Butler Case, 1936
I want to say just this little bit about the Butler case. In 1936, the Supreme Court handed down a decision, and while it held against the appellant, it set forth the proposition that Congress can appropriate money and legislate for private welfare. The general welfare clause went right out the window.
The original idea was, if you tax all the people, then you can’t pass a law except for all the people. You can not pass a law that will favor this little group, and that little group. You can’t do that, because these are general taxes. States can handle those problems, the federal government can not. That was all wiped out, 1936, in the Butler case.
Our budget in 1936, in spite of World War I, and already numerous, expensive programs for agriculture, etc. that had been coming up; our budget was 8 billion dollars. We had gone to 800 billion dollars by about 1980. Now you know where it is, trillions. There’s no stop, they will not stop. You couldn’t stop that train, no matter who you elected right now. So, there’s a remedy. J. Reuben Clark knew what it was. I’m going to close now by sharing it with you.
J. Reuben Clark was a Great Man
But I just want to tell you how I learned to love that man, and have him stand up in the face of a very antagonistic, not altogether, but the majority of our people of our state did not like J. Reuben Clark. His biographies all admit that. He wasn’t appreciated until they had a symposium after he was dead, and decided he was great man. Who do I read telling that he was a great man? Some of those who fought him the worst when he was trying to help us.
But in those 28 years, he served three Presidents, and part of the time he was all alone. Brother Grant had a stroke and lived another five years, couldn’t hardly do anything. David O. McKay, the other counselor, he was very sickly and weak, until he became President of the church. Isn’t that interesting? All of the sudden, his health improved tremendously, so he did pretty good, and he just went on and on for a long time.
J. Reuben Clark, of course, died in 1961, but by that time, President McKay had already given us the great announcement of hope. Beginning in 1950, he said, “God is now pouring out into the families of those that he has treasured up from the beginning, the youth that can take it in the days that lie ahead. You’re getting some of the choicest spirits out of heaven.” He announced that about 1950.
We Live in an Exciting New Era
By 1960, he said, “Now I can tell you the new era has begun for this great kingdom. We’ll began to become an influence for good, much more impressive and much more productive than in the past.” 1960. You see, we had worked thirty years to get ten thousand converts in Latin America. Thirty years to get ten thousand. We got the next ten thousand in two years. We got the next ten thousand in one year. Now we get ten thousand every few months.
This is a new era, and you’re in it. All of the buildings that began. During the last ten years of David O. McKay’s life, he felt so helpless. He asked me to do an errand for him one day, and I came in and found that he couldn’t even stand up. He had a couple of strokes. Here were needles and oxygen tanks, and one thing and another. He could see, as I looked around his office, the amazement in my eyes.
He said, “Don’t feel sorry for me, Brother Skousen. Nobody expects me to do anything. All I have to do is stay close to the Lord and make the decisions.” Which he did, and we doubled the membership of the church in the next ten years, when he was an invalid. We doubled the number of temples, I tell you, we just went forward. So when these prophets become very elderly, indisposed, the work goes on, magnificently.
In his day, J. Reuben Clark did that. Now President Hinckley and President Monson carry it on. Oh, what great leaders they are. I love them. Great leaders.
So I come to my conclusion, and it’s J. Reuben Clark’s conclusion. He could see that the powers that existed were so well entrenched, so voluminous, had such a grip on the media, both the parties, the money, that that was going to have to run its course, like an express train going hell-bent to destruction.
Track Two
But the Lord isn’t going to allow this government to be destroyed. Although administrations may destroy themselves, systems may destroy themselves, this country’s going to survive. J. Reuben Clark knew how it would survive: build track two. Don’t get in front of that train on track one, it will just run over you. You quietly build track two.
Sometimes people say, “Dr. Skousen, you spent your whole life studying these things that have gone wrong, with the attack on the Constitution and everything. Why are you so optimistic?”
I say to them, “I read the book, and in the end, we win.” Now, it’s on track two that we win. J. Reuben Clark never lost confidence in having a generation finally become alert, and finally doing its homework, and getting into a position where they would do what God and the Founding Fathers intended that we should have been doing all the time.
So, I bless his memory. I bless his integrity. I bless his tenacity. I’m so grateful for that man. He’s been my inspiration, I’ve learned to love him. I knew him, but not well. I received counsel from him two or three times. One of my books became a national best seller, and he gave me a little bit of counsel about what God was doing, and what to expect, and I was very grateful for that.
His 1937 Prophecy
Oh, what vision, what insight he had. So I close now. On other occasions, you’ll tell more about him. I’ve only touched the highlights. Because during the 28 years that he served in the kingdom, he filled several volumes with teachings and instructions and insights and warnings. You will have other speakers, I’m sure, come and analyze various phases of that in detail, so that you become authorities on the beliefs of J. Reuben Clark, which are identical with the original Founding Fathers.
In the beginning, he said he made some mistakes. But he learned from experience. In the end, when he finally became a counselor to the First Presidency, he told the saints what to expect. I should have told you that in 1937 he gave one of his most famous speeches. I consider 1923, 1937, and 1952 among his greatest talks.
In 1937 he said, “The power people are now planning another war for you. They have made this depression last many more years than it would have ordinarily lasted. They got stock down to 14 cents on a dollar. They just bought up everything at 14 cents on a dollar, and they’re now ready to make additional billions as they put you through another world war.
“They’re going to have you pay for it. You’re going to be involved in it. You don’t think you’ll get involved, but they’ll say that for the peace of the world, you must come in, and you’ll feel so soft-hearted about it, you’ll come in. It will be just as big a mistake as World War I,” which I thought was just great when we went in, and I now know, could have been handled differently, and we could have saved ourselves a lot of problems.
So, he gave the prophecy. Then in 1941, after we were in the war, he said, “May I quote from my 1923 speech, and my 1937 speech….” That’s what he did the rest of his life, quoting his former speeches, where he predicted what would happen, and it did. He truly was a prophet of God, counseling a prophet of God. I bless his memory in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Government of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite
Ron Paul supporters espouse many seemingly radical political views together with some other traditional and Constitutional-based political opinions. One may ask, 'where is the radical ideology regarding "no more foreign aid" or "bring all the troops home" coming from?' In addition to the average Libertarian, Ron Paul's political views are attracting the "conspiracy theorists" vote. Ron Paul has been a frequent guest on favorite Conspiracy Theory radio programs like the Alex Jones show which has exploded in listenership in the last year.
What are the Conspiracy Theorists afraid of? Conspiracy Theorists are concerned with the effects and decisions that come out of regular meetings of the world elite. Several times a year, world elite, Past and future US Presidents, cabinet members, royalty, media moguls, Forbes 100 CEOs, Ivy League University Presidents, Defense Contractors, FED chairman, etc meet at places like Bohemian Grove each July, or the Davos Conference, the Bilderberg Conference, or at the United Nations, or at the G20 Economic conference, or the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Tri-Lateral Commission.
While at these variously titled meeting, these same powerful and wealthy elite set a world agenda which greatly influences and affects US domestic and foreign policy and our laws. Conspiracy Theorists are concerned that these meetings of the global elite constitute a subversive anti-American government of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite.
In the remaining portion of this post, I would like to illustrate how policies from these international globalist organizations are infiltrating, subverting traditional American values, while also greatly harming our peace and prosperity.
George Romney worked for Massachusetts Democratic U.S. Senator David I. Walsh during 1929 and 1930, first as a stenographer, then, as a staff aide working on tariffs and other legislative matters. Romney researched aspects of the proposed Hawley-Smoot tariff legislation and sat in on committee meetings for Senator Walsh who apposed Tariffs. While living in the DC area, Romney opened a ice cream shop and attended night classes at George Washington University. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff act was eventually signed into law by Herbert Hoover, yet the Depression continued to worsen.
Unfortunately, because of the worsening depression, Romney's ice cream parlor failed, and he no longer had the income necessary to finish his degree at GW. The cause of the worsening Depression was hotly debated at the time. Like most Democrats, Senator Walsh opposed tariffs and he along with FDR and others blamed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff act for worsening the depression. Consequently, from that moment on, "Free-Trade" became a plank in the Republican platform when prior to this, Republicans like Lincoln, McKinley, and Hoover were stanch protectionists.
For any LDS readers out there. I am not sure everyone knows who the Smoot is, in the Hawley-Smoot Act. The Smoot in the title of this bill just happens to be Senator Reed Smoot of Utah, who was also an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and member of the LDS Church's Quorum of 12 Apostles. Elder Smoot didn't become an Apostle after being a Senator, Elder Smoot was appointed and ordained to the Holy Apostleship while he was also serving as a State Senator. While LDS do not claim our leaders are infallible, Elder Smoot was one of very best men that the LDS Church has ever produced.
Thankfully, not everyone agrees that tariffs and protectionism policies caused the Great Depression. Milton Friedman, Father of the Chicago school of economics, monetarist theory of money, and Nobel Laureate always maintained that the FED and not tariffs caused the Great Depression. Milton Friedman said the FED's contraction of the money supply is what triggered the Depression.
The FED initially rejected this analysis, but a recent comment by FED chair Ben Bernanke demonstrates how the FED actually views this issue.
2002: Ben Bernanke speaks at Milton Friedman's 90th Birthday and jokes that Milt was correct all along that the FED caused the great depression by contracting the money supply in a fractional reserve system. Later Ben Bernake again supports Milton Friedman's position at a leture :
"Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again."
2004: Ben Bernanke speaking at the Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia again expresses support for the monitorist theory of money, and the FED's role in exacerbating the Great Depression by increasing interest rates several times, and advocating several banking holidays which exacerbated cash and gold hording.
"Finally, perhaps the most important lesson of all is that price stability should be a key objective of monetary policy. By allowing persistent declines in the money supply and in the price level, the Federal Reserve of the late 1920s and 1930s greatly destabilized the U.S. economy and, through the workings of the gold standard, the economies of many other nations as well."
2005: Federal Reserve no longer publishing M3 data, which is an important measure that monitors growth of the money supply involving derivatives and other complex investments. This concealing of M3 will serve to hide the initial effects of the sale of fraudulent mortgage-backed securities which will follow.
2005-2008: M3 balloons to record levels which measured the money creation being done in the speculative and fraudulent derivatives market, driven by Goldman Sachs.http://www.amcalrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/money-supply-rate-of-change.gif
2008: FED institutes the Bank of International Settlement Basil 2 Accords which restricts/lightens fractional reserve requirements, contracts the money supply, and does to America exactly the same thing that Basil 1 did to Japan resulting in their "Lost Decade."http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/bcreg/20070720a.htm
"Economic crises have been produced by us for the GOYIM by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation. Huge capitals have stagnated, withdrawing money from States, which were constantly obliged to apply to those same stagnant capitals for loans. These loans burdened the finances of the State with the payment of interest and made them the bond slaves of these capitals .... The concentration of industry in the hands of capitalists out of the hands of small masters has drained away all the juices of the peoples and with them also the States .... " (Protocols of Zion 20:20)
Conclusion: This Current Economic Downturn was engineered just like the Great Depression. Mr. Bernanke confessed to Milton Friedman that he is well aware of how a contraction of the money supply would affect our fractional reserve economy. Mr. Bernanke was well aware of the effects Basil 1 had on Japan, and therefore must have been fully aware of how Basil 2 would effect the American economy.
Furthermore, just as massive borrowing to invest overinflated the money supply prior to the Great Depression, we see the FED set up the current system of derivatives trading which created an unstable economic environment requiring a reaction in terms of implementing Basil 2. This was a perfect example of the FED creating a problem, eliciting a predicted reaction and then providing the pre-conceived solution.
The FED blamed protectionism of the Hawley-Smoot tariff act and regulating trade as the Constitution requires as the cause of the Great Depression. The Civil war was fought over protectionism and tariffs. South wanting to buy cheap slave-produced goods and machinery from the East India Trading Company instead if the North. This blame of the Great Depression on Protectionism turned the Republican party that were once protectionists like Pres McKinley into advocates of free-trade. And now free trade has robbed our county of domestic industrial infrastructure our jobs, and our self-reliance.
So here we see a clear example of how an international organization like the Bank of International Settlement (central bank of central banks) policy has infiltrated and subverted traditional American values and Constitutional principals, while also greatly harming our peace and prosperity.
Overall Analysis: The elite wanted deflation before WW1 and WW2 because they wanted to buy up all the companies that would profit from the war. This time, the elite already own all the major companies. What the elite are doing currently, is buying up soverign national debt. The goal is to get all the countries in as much debt as possible to them before the end game.
According to Milton Friedman's monetarist theaory, recent money supply expansion via TARP, and QE2 that prices are holding somewhat and the current depression is not as bad as it could be. However, our dollar is no longer gold-backed as it once was, and if the dollar loses its status as the world reserve currency, because of free-trade, the US is no longer industrially, energy, or even agricultually independent, and and dollar devaluation would sink the US economy. This fact is precisely what is driving the US to enter into wars with Iraq, Libya, and Iran who were circumventing the Petro-Dollar system by selling oil to China in Euros and Yuan. Iran is now doing business with Russia in Rubles. The fiat, debt-based, Petro-Dollar system cannot tolerate major oil-producing nations selling oil in alternative currencies.
This warmongering will evenually lead to the point where the international community led by Russia, China, and Muslim nations will decide to attack the US with a massive nuclear firststrike and invasion; hoping to divide the US up forever. This is the elite's end game which they hope will end the idea of constitutional government forever.
Unfortunately, because the US is not currently economically self-sufficient, an Act like Hawley-Smoot is not going to fix things at this point. The first thing the US would be wise to do is avoid war with Iran at all costs and reform our monetary system where money creation is "merit-based" and not decided by a ruling class of economic oligarchs who buy and sell US bonds.
What are the Conspiracy Theorists afraid of? Conspiracy Theorists are concerned with the effects and decisions that come out of regular meetings of the world elite. Several times a year, world elite, Past and future US Presidents, cabinet members, royalty, media moguls, Forbes 100 CEOs, Ivy League University Presidents, Defense Contractors, FED chairman, etc meet at places like Bohemian Grove each July, or the Davos Conference, the Bilderberg Conference, or at the United Nations, or at the G20 Economic conference, or the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Tri-Lateral Commission.
While at these variously titled meeting, these same powerful and wealthy elite set a world agenda which greatly influences and affects US domestic and foreign policy and our laws. Conspiracy Theorists are concerned that these meetings of the global elite constitute a subversive anti-American government of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite.
In the remaining portion of this post, I would like to illustrate how policies from these international globalist organizations are infiltrating, subverting traditional American values, while also greatly harming our peace and prosperity.
George Romney worked for Massachusetts Democratic U.S. Senator David I. Walsh during 1929 and 1930, first as a stenographer, then, as a staff aide working on tariffs and other legislative matters. Romney researched aspects of the proposed Hawley-Smoot tariff legislation and sat in on committee meetings for Senator Walsh who apposed Tariffs. While living in the DC area, Romney opened a ice cream shop and attended night classes at George Washington University. The Smoot-Hawley Tariff act was eventually signed into law by Herbert Hoover, yet the Depression continued to worsen.
Unfortunately, because of the worsening depression, Romney's ice cream parlor failed, and he no longer had the income necessary to finish his degree at GW. The cause of the worsening Depression was hotly debated at the time. Like most Democrats, Senator Walsh opposed tariffs and he along with FDR and others blamed the Smoot-Hawley Tariff act for worsening the depression. Consequently, from that moment on, "Free-Trade" became a plank in the Republican platform when prior to this, Republicans like Lincoln, McKinley, and Hoover were stanch protectionists.
For any LDS readers out there. I am not sure everyone knows who the Smoot is, in the Hawley-Smoot Act. The Smoot in the title of this bill just happens to be Senator Reed Smoot of Utah, who was also an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ and member of the LDS Church's Quorum of 12 Apostles. Elder Smoot didn't become an Apostle after being a Senator, Elder Smoot was appointed and ordained to the Holy Apostleship while he was also serving as a State Senator. While LDS do not claim our leaders are infallible, Elder Smoot was one of very best men that the LDS Church has ever produced.
Thankfully, not everyone agrees that tariffs and protectionism policies caused the Great Depression. Milton Friedman, Father of the Chicago school of economics, monetarist theory of money, and Nobel Laureate always maintained that the FED and not tariffs caused the Great Depression. Milton Friedman said the FED's contraction of the money supply is what triggered the Depression.
The FED initially rejected this analysis, but a recent comment by FED chair Ben Bernanke demonstrates how the FED actually views this issue.
2002: Ben Bernanke speaks at Milton Friedman's 90th Birthday and jokes that Milt was correct all along that the FED caused the great depression by contracting the money supply in a fractional reserve system. Later Ben Bernake again supports Milton Friedman's position at a leture :
"Let me end my talk by abusing slightly my status as an official representative of the Federal Reserve. I would like to say to Milton and Anna: Regarding the Great Depression. You're right, we did it. We're very sorry. But thanks to you, we won't do it again."
2004: Ben Bernanke speaking at the Washington and Lee University, Lexington, Virginia again expresses support for the monitorist theory of money, and the FED's role in exacerbating the Great Depression by increasing interest rates several times, and advocating several banking holidays which exacerbated cash and gold hording.
"Finally, perhaps the most important lesson of all is that price stability should be a key objective of monetary policy. By allowing persistent declines in the money supply and in the price level, the Federal Reserve of the late 1920s and 1930s greatly destabilized the U.S. economy and, through the workings of the gold standard, the economies of many other nations as well."
2005: Federal Reserve no longer publishing M3 data, which is an important measure that monitors growth of the money supply involving derivatives and other complex investments. This concealing of M3 will serve to hide the initial effects of the sale of fraudulent mortgage-backed securities which will follow.
2005-2008: M3 balloons to record levels which measured the money creation being done in the speculative and fraudulent derivatives market, driven by Goldman Sachs.http://www.amcalrealestate.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/07/money-supply-rate-of-change.gif
2008: FED institutes the Bank of International Settlement Basil 2 Accords which restricts/lightens fractional reserve requirements, contracts the money supply, and does to America exactly the same thing that Basil 1 did to Japan resulting in their "Lost Decade."http://www.federalreserve.gov/newsevents/press/bcreg/20070720a.htm
"Economic crises have been produced by us for the GOYIM by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation. Huge capitals have stagnated, withdrawing money from States, which were constantly obliged to apply to those same stagnant capitals for loans. These loans burdened the finances of the State with the payment of interest and made them the bond slaves of these capitals .... The concentration of industry in the hands of capitalists out of the hands of small masters has drained away all the juices of the peoples and with them also the States .... " (Protocols of Zion 20:20)
Conclusion: This Current Economic Downturn was engineered just like the Great Depression. Mr. Bernanke confessed to Milton Friedman that he is well aware of how a contraction of the money supply would affect our fractional reserve economy. Mr. Bernanke was well aware of the effects Basil 1 had on Japan, and therefore must have been fully aware of how Basil 2 would effect the American economy.
Furthermore, just as massive borrowing to invest overinflated the money supply prior to the Great Depression, we see the FED set up the current system of derivatives trading which created an unstable economic environment requiring a reaction in terms of implementing Basil 2. This was a perfect example of the FED creating a problem, eliciting a predicted reaction and then providing the pre-conceived solution.
The FED blamed protectionism of the Hawley-Smoot tariff act and regulating trade as the Constitution requires as the cause of the Great Depression. The Civil war was fought over protectionism and tariffs. South wanting to buy cheap slave-produced goods and machinery from the East India Trading Company instead if the North. This blame of the Great Depression on Protectionism turned the Republican party that were once protectionists like Pres McKinley into advocates of free-trade. And now free trade has robbed our county of domestic industrial infrastructure our jobs, and our self-reliance.
So here we see a clear example of how an international organization like the Bank of International Settlement (central bank of central banks) policy has infiltrated and subverted traditional American values and Constitutional principals, while also greatly harming our peace and prosperity.
Overall Analysis: The elite wanted deflation before WW1 and WW2 because they wanted to buy up all the companies that would profit from the war. This time, the elite already own all the major companies. What the elite are doing currently, is buying up soverign national debt. The goal is to get all the countries in as much debt as possible to them before the end game.
According to Milton Friedman's monetarist theaory, recent money supply expansion via TARP, and QE2 that prices are holding somewhat and the current depression is not as bad as it could be. However, our dollar is no longer gold-backed as it once was, and if the dollar loses its status as the world reserve currency, because of free-trade, the US is no longer industrially, energy, or even agricultually independent, and and dollar devaluation would sink the US economy. This fact is precisely what is driving the US to enter into wars with Iraq, Libya, and Iran who were circumventing the Petro-Dollar system by selling oil to China in Euros and Yuan. Iran is now doing business with Russia in Rubles. The fiat, debt-based, Petro-Dollar system cannot tolerate major oil-producing nations selling oil in alternative currencies.
This warmongering will evenually lead to the point where the international community led by Russia, China, and Muslim nations will decide to attack the US with a massive nuclear firststrike and invasion; hoping to divide the US up forever. This is the elite's end game which they hope will end the idea of constitutional government forever.
Unfortunately, because the US is not currently economically self-sufficient, an Act like Hawley-Smoot is not going to fix things at this point. The first thing the US would be wise to do is avoid war with Iran at all costs and reform our monetary system where money creation is "merit-based" and not decided by a ruling class of economic oligarchs who buy and sell US bonds.
Friday, January 13, 2012
Safety Society System
Many people want to "End the FED" but most don't know what to replace it with. This paper discusses an alternative. First to understand what to change, we need to understand exactly what about the FED is a problem. If you "End the FED" and do not address the financial instruments the FED and traditional banking has put in place over the last hundred years, then nothing will change much. Some just want to go back to gold like before, but I want to also discuss why this is not a good idea either. FED vs Gold is a false dichotomy.
FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING: this started when Templar Houses issued more gold certificates than the gold they had in deposit (reserve). Today, FED-member banks issue loans of $1000 for every $100 they borrow from the FED. And through derivatives, banks can leverage reserves, by lending up to 50x or 100x. The degree of leverage is called the MONEY MULTIPLIER. This is money the FED-member, to-big-to-fail, bank prints out of thin air. Other than being a total fraud, if there is a contraction in the money supply (like when the FED instituted the Bank of International Settlement Basil 2 Accords in 2007 doing the same thing to American that Basil 1 did to Japan resulting in its “Lost Decade”), a stock market crash, or a run on the bank; the bank becomes insolvent , the bank can't make loans or pay depositors and goes bust.
GOLD REDEEMABLE CURRENCY: money is just a contract that is used as a standardized certificate of exchange. It doesn't necessarily have to have value of its own, but it must be tied to something of value. But you don't want to be able to just pick up money off the ground, or counterfeit it. Gold has historically been used as money because it is rare, inert, shiny and sufficiently difficult to find. However, the drawback to gold is that is rare enough that there is usually not enough of it to provide an economic engine enough liquidity (Protocols of Zion 20:22). Gold can be horded and gold production can be manipulated just like De Beers does with diamonds. Artificial scarcity of resources opens the doors for all kinds of corruption (black markets, bribery). Gold is so rare, countries have gone to war, conquering their neighbors to get more of it to drive their economies.
INFLATION: inflation and devaluation of the currency is a hidden tax on the people, and slowly robs the laborer of the value of their savings. According to the Milton Friedman's Chicago School, monetarist theory of money; inflation is produced when the money supply exceeds the real output of the economy dM/dt (money supply) + dV/dt (velocity) = inf (inflation) + dRO/dt (real output). Also, inflation means that banks cannot hold reserves/deposits in money, and are forced to invest in financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives that will keep pace with inflation. Consequently, stock market crashes usually trigger banking failures.
AMORTIZATION: When an individual takes out a loan to purchase a house. Even though the loan may claim to offer a 5% interest rate, this 5% seems like a very low number, but it is totally deceptive. Over the 20-30 years of the loan, the borrower will end up paying close to 2X the original price of the home. What is more, Amortization means that the bank collects all this 5% compound interest over the 30-years up front. That means the borrower builds close to ZERO equity for the first 10-20 years. Consequently, the borrower is tempted to charge the next home borrower an inflated price. If the initial home borrower can convince the next guy to take out a loan for the exact same house at an inflated price, then that additional money becomes equity or profit that can be applied to the next home mortgage. Because loans are the major moment of money creation, by definition, charging an inflated price for the same house means that the Money Supply > Real Output = Inflation.
COMPOUND INTEREST: Not all interest is bad. The Catholic Church's miss-interpretation of interest = usury and its prohibition of all interest made it so that banking and money lending was not a sustainable profession. However, in economy where inflation is controlled, compound interest is totally corrupt. Compound interest adds the interest accrued to the initial principal. This results in a hyperbolic curve where initial investments continue to compound at an exponential rate. This means, that initial investments years later can be worth many times their initial value. The problem with this is that it treats money as having intrinsic value which it does not. Additionally, compound interest can result in debt that never can be repaid. Furthermore, elite families have established Joint Stock Trusts which are owned by the family and no one individual. These Joint Stock Trusts (still legal in the City of London), are highly invested in US and other Government Bonds, and have passed down these investments from generation to generation resulting in unimaginable wealth for these elite families and totally unsustainable debt for the G20 nations. We are fooled into thinking in terms of how much our personal investments could make over 1 lifetime, in comparison to the elite who are using their family Joint Stock Trusts to generate incredible wealth from Bonds purchased a hundred or more years ago.
VALUE OF MONEY: Because money (which should just be a standardized contract), is artificially scarce, money itself has developed its own independent value. This development results in the wealthy having power over the laborer just though the possession of money. Because of scarcity, wealthy can use their money, to lend to others, on their own terms. Wealthy are given unelected economic power to decide to invest in whatever increases or maintains their wealth, position and power. If there is an invention or idea that threatens their position or power, that idea is suppressed.
DEBT-BASED FIAT CURRENCY: Paper currency is not necessarily a bad idea. Money is just a standardized contract of exchange, and shouldn't necessarily have intrinsic value in an of itself. In the FED System, fiat currency is based on its demand for bonds. Every dollar is tied to the sale of a bond. Every Federal Reserve Note is a certificate of debt that is not tied to anything of value, but it is tied to someone else's IOU. If people buy US bonds, the value of our currency increases relative to other countries. If instead, the FED just prints the money, the value of our currency falls. However, the FED only deals with a fraction of the total money supply. Additionally, all these bonds must be paid back with interest. So, even if all the Federal Reserve Notes were turned in that were ever created, the US would still owe interest to the bond owners.
It seems as we all learn more about the FED, Petro-Dollar, System, we are all waking up to the reality of what a huge Ponzi scheme it all is. The value of our currency is tied to the demand for our US Bonds. The demand for US Bonds is currently tied to countries like China and Japan who we have a trade deficit with, and who are interested in using their excess dollars to get the best price on imported oil, and other commodities that are priced in US Dollars. This Ponzi scheme falls apart when countries like Iraq and Iran decide to sell their oil to China in currency other than the USD. If China can buy oil in Euros (Iraq) or Yuan (Iran), then they no longer need to prop up the USD.
FRACTIONAL RESERVE BANKING: this started when Templar Houses issued more gold certificates than the gold they had in deposit (reserve). Today, FED-member banks issue loans of $1000 for every $100 they borrow from the FED. And through derivatives, banks can leverage reserves, by lending up to 50x or 100x. The degree of leverage is called the MONEY MULTIPLIER. This is money the FED-member, to-big-to-fail, bank prints out of thin air. Other than being a total fraud, if there is a contraction in the money supply (like when the FED instituted the Bank of International Settlement Basil 2 Accords in 2007 doing the same thing to American that Basil 1 did to Japan resulting in its “Lost Decade”), a stock market crash, or a run on the bank; the bank becomes insolvent , the bank can't make loans or pay depositors and goes bust.
GOLD REDEEMABLE CURRENCY: money is just a contract that is used as a standardized certificate of exchange. It doesn't necessarily have to have value of its own, but it must be tied to something of value. But you don't want to be able to just pick up money off the ground, or counterfeit it. Gold has historically been used as money because it is rare, inert, shiny and sufficiently difficult to find. However, the drawback to gold is that is rare enough that there is usually not enough of it to provide an economic engine enough liquidity (Protocols of Zion 20:22). Gold can be horded and gold production can be manipulated just like De Beers does with diamonds. Artificial scarcity of resources opens the doors for all kinds of corruption (black markets, bribery). Gold is so rare, countries have gone to war, conquering their neighbors to get more of it to drive their economies.
INFLATION: inflation and devaluation of the currency is a hidden tax on the people, and slowly robs the laborer of the value of their savings. According to the Milton Friedman's Chicago School, monetarist theory of money; inflation is produced when the money supply exceeds the real output of the economy dM/dt (money supply) + dV/dt (velocity) = inf (inflation) + dRO/dt (real output). Also, inflation means that banks cannot hold reserves/deposits in money, and are forced to invest in financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, and derivatives that will keep pace with inflation. Consequently, stock market crashes usually trigger banking failures.
AMORTIZATION: When an individual takes out a loan to purchase a house. Even though the loan may claim to offer a 5% interest rate, this 5% seems like a very low number, but it is totally deceptive. Over the 20-30 years of the loan, the borrower will end up paying close to 2X the original price of the home. What is more, Amortization means that the bank collects all this 5% compound interest over the 30-years up front. That means the borrower builds close to ZERO equity for the first 10-20 years. Consequently, the borrower is tempted to charge the next home borrower an inflated price. If the initial home borrower can convince the next guy to take out a loan for the exact same house at an inflated price, then that additional money becomes equity or profit that can be applied to the next home mortgage. Because loans are the major moment of money creation, by definition, charging an inflated price for the same house means that the Money Supply > Real Output = Inflation.
COMPOUND INTEREST: Not all interest is bad. The Catholic Church's miss-interpretation of interest = usury and its prohibition of all interest made it so that banking and money lending was not a sustainable profession. However, in economy where inflation is controlled, compound interest is totally corrupt. Compound interest adds the interest accrued to the initial principal. This results in a hyperbolic curve where initial investments continue to compound at an exponential rate. This means, that initial investments years later can be worth many times their initial value. The problem with this is that it treats money as having intrinsic value which it does not. Additionally, compound interest can result in debt that never can be repaid. Furthermore, elite families have established Joint Stock Trusts which are owned by the family and no one individual. These Joint Stock Trusts (still legal in the City of London), are highly invested in US and other Government Bonds, and have passed down these investments from generation to generation resulting in unimaginable wealth for these elite families and totally unsustainable debt for the G20 nations. We are fooled into thinking in terms of how much our personal investments could make over 1 lifetime, in comparison to the elite who are using their family Joint Stock Trusts to generate incredible wealth from Bonds purchased a hundred or more years ago.
VALUE OF MONEY: Because money (which should just be a standardized contract), is artificially scarce, money itself has developed its own independent value. This development results in the wealthy having power over the laborer just though the possession of money. Because of scarcity, wealthy can use their money, to lend to others, on their own terms. Wealthy are given unelected economic power to decide to invest in whatever increases or maintains their wealth, position and power. If there is an invention or idea that threatens their position or power, that idea is suppressed.
DEBT-BASED FIAT CURRENCY: Paper currency is not necessarily a bad idea. Money is just a standardized contract of exchange, and shouldn't necessarily have intrinsic value in an of itself. In the FED System, fiat currency is based on its demand for bonds. Every dollar is tied to the sale of a bond. Every Federal Reserve Note is a certificate of debt that is not tied to anything of value, but it is tied to someone else's IOU. If people buy US bonds, the value of our currency increases relative to other countries. If instead, the FED just prints the money, the value of our currency falls. However, the FED only deals with a fraction of the total money supply. Additionally, all these bonds must be paid back with interest. So, even if all the Federal Reserve Notes were turned in that were ever created, the US would still owe interest to the bond owners.
It seems as we all learn more about the FED, Petro-Dollar, System, we are all waking up to the reality of what a huge Ponzi scheme it all is. The value of our currency is tied to the demand for our US Bonds. The demand for US Bonds is currently tied to countries like China and Japan who we have a trade deficit with, and who are interested in using their excess dollars to get the best price on imported oil, and other commodities that are priced in US Dollars. This Ponzi scheme falls apart when countries like Iraq and Iran decide to sell their oil to China in currency other than the USD. If China can buy oil in Euros (Iraq) or Yuan (Iran), then they no longer need to prop up the USD.
Turns out the most of our economic system is not Constitutional. Even before the FED, how we run our economy is more according to the "wicked traditions of our forefathers". The Constitution of the United States actually holds the secrets of how to fix our economic system. Most people don't like centralized control, but the Constitution is inspired, and there are a few powers God actually saw in his wisdom that the Federal Government should be granted.
US Constitution, Article 1, Section 8: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imports and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defense and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow money on the credit of the United States; To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, and among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes. To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform laws on the subject of Bankruptcies throughout the United States; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States.
ISSUING THE CURRENCY: The Constitution clearly says that the Federal Government must "Coin the money". And in case you are tempted to think "this just applies to weights and measures" and to "to make sure gold is pure and of the proper weight", the next part says that the Congress has the power to punish counterfeiting the "current coin" of the US. If there is a "current coin", then that means that the US is the one "coining" it.
I don't believe that the US money needs to be gold. Gold, copper, silver are always in limited supply and are better used as building supplies. However, using technology the US government can print money that is nearly impossible to counter-feit, also, the government using quantum encryption can use digital currency that cannot be hacked.
The key here to "coining the currency" is that the US Government via the Congress create all the US Currency in the Money Supply, and not abdicate that duty to the FED, or allow the Banks to create most of the money in the money supply via Fractional Reserve Banking.
SAFETY SOCIETY SYSTEM: Instead of protecting the currency itself by making it redeemable for a warehoused item, the Safety Society System is focused on creating a locally administered banking institution that is immune from the expected economic shocks that historically topple other banks. Full Reserve Banking, makes a bank resistant to banking runs, stock market crashes, and contractions of the money supply. I believe that if a system protects the banking institution, that system will protect the people and the value of their money.
1. US Treasury via the Congress Creates all Money in the Money Supply and regulates its value. Sufficient money is created, upon demand, at the time of loan approval.
2. US Treasury loans money to Local Banks called a Safety Society at a variable prime simple interest rate which gets passed on to the individual borrower.
3. Local Safety Society determines loan eligibility and credit-worthiness based on previous and projected employment history, income, etc. Loan eligibility criteria would be nationally standardized but locally applied.
4. Local Safety Society makes loans only on "real" assets or on the projected building of or production of a "real" asset or the mining, farming or production of a "real" commodity.
a. Credit-worthy Individuals could take out a loan on an existing home or new home construction.
b. A community could take out a loan for a museum or community aquatics center based on the projected revenue on an approved ballot initiative for a 1% sales tax.
c. A corporation could take out a loan to purchase land and drill for oil based on the scientifically verifiable oil deposits.
5. The money created for these Safety Society loans is backed by the "real" assets, real estate and "real" commodities that the loan is being issued to purchase, produce, or mine.
6. SSS loans are fee-based. Local Banks make their money to cover overhead exactly the same way they do now by charging loan origination fees and monthly service charges.
7. The borrower builds equity from day 1. If the borrower comes on hard times and misses several payments. These payments are deducted from the borrowers equity. Repossession occurs when the borrower has lost all equity in the home, building, farm, mine.
8. Other credit and banking institutions would handle other speculative "venture-capital" banking ventures. SSS would only issue loans for non-speculate real assets that could be repossessed.
9. SSS Bank deposits are not used to issue loans. SSS operates on Full Reserves, and all deposits are kept at the bank for immediate withdrawal at any time.
10. The Federal Government generates revenue based on the prime simple interest rate. This tax/free constitutes a Constitutional uniform and voluntary tax on the use of money and extension of credit. This prime interest rate would be used to regulate the value of the currency, and control inflation by removing excess liquidity from the economy.
1. People want a gold-redeemable, or commodity-redeemable currency so that when the bank goes bust, they don't lose their money. But, really. Why not set up a system that saves the bank? What good is gold when the entire economy just fell apart? You can't eat gold when society just collapsed. Better to prevent the collapse.
2. SSS protects the bank from individual bankruptcy, by making sure each loan is backed by real assets and goods and commodities that can be repossessed so that the Bank can repay the US Treasury.
3. Again, this is not money "created-out-of-nothing." Loan approval is the point of money creation, and money is created by the SSS for real assets. The real assets back the money. The focus is on the banks being able to redeem their money.
4. Because money creation is always backed by a real asset, according to the Milton Friedman equation, the Money Supply always keeps pace with Real Output.. Therefore, there would be no inflation.
5. Because SSS banks wouldn't lend for Stocks, bonds, derivatives, the banks would never be left holding a bunch of worthless pieces of paper with nothing to repossess.
6. Because inflation is controlled, the SSS Bank can hold deposits as cash, and never has to invest in paper (stocks, bonds, derivatives) that carries the risk of becoming worthless.
7. Focus of the SSS bank is the preservation of value. The Laborer is not forced to subjugate themselves and enslaved themselves to the Wealthy to grant them credit. SSS is free market without the capitalist.
8. Wealthy can still use their wealth in speculative ventures separate from the SSS system.
9. Because of our inflationary economy instead of an economy focused on the preservation of value, companies must grow to keep up with inflation or die. This requires that companies ruthlessly compete against one another and after dominating the domestic market, are forced to expand overseas to keep pace.
10. All countries would be economically free to develop their own resources without international exploitation.
11. Wealthy are sill free to speculate all they want. But with SSS, the regular laborer class is protected from the risk-taking. 12. Both sides debate that neither government nor the unelected government should be controlling the economy and deciding where money goes. SSS is merit-based. That means if an individual, coorperation, or community is credit-worthy, they will have access to the money they need; created on demand.
Some want competing currencies in the US. But I don't see how the idea of competing currencies is in line with the Constitution's call for the Congress to "coin the currency", the "Commerce Clause", and to prosecute counterfeiting of the "current coin" How can the idea of competing currencies jive with the Constitutional call for there to be a "current coin"? How could the Congress regulate interstate commerce if every state or region had its own currency, resulting in currency wars? How could the Congress regulate the value of currency, if there were competing currencies --- well, competing.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Media Attack on Mitt Romney
1. flip-flopper. The media continues to instill mistrust in the pro-life conservative voter by questioning Mitt's allegiance to life. On a personal level, Mitt has and will always be always be pro-life. However, when running for Governor, Mitt clearly stated that he personally did not agree with abortion but was running on a neutral policy to not overturn Roe v. Wade. The majority of citizens in Massachusetts were pro-choice and it is not correct to impose our minority values on the majority. We live in a democracy and govern by the will and voice of the people. However, when other pro-life issues came to his desk as governor, such as the emergency contraception bill in 2005, he vetoed it. I think conservatives can judge Mitt on his voting record. He has never voted pro-choice. In national politics, the majority of Americans are pro-life, and therefore, if elected Mitt would support the overturning of Roe v Wade with exceptions.
2. Mormon religion and claimed beliefs. The media carefully repeats mis-information about what members of the LDS faith believe. Mormon beliefs is about the importance and sanctity of the traditional family, about following the doctrine of Jesus Christ which is to “do unto others what you would have them do unto you”, and being LDS is about patriotism to our country, its laws, and to the Constitution. LDS are taught that the US Constitution is inspired by God. So, people can spread rumors about what it means to be a Mormon, but family, virtue, and patriotism is what being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints means to me.
3. Association with anti-American globalist groups such as the Bohemian Grove, the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Private Federal Reserve. Every year, the wealthy elite of the world get together during the last 2 week of July to enjoy their “Mid-summer encampment” at the exclusive and secret Bohemian Grove in Sonoma County Northern California. The Bohemian Club, is a secret elite, all-male association founded in 1872. One of the founding members was Mark Twain. More current membership includes every Republican US Presidents and many Democratic Presidents since Taft, Supreme Court Justices, presidential cabinet members, Forbes 100 CEO's, defense contractors, media moguls, IV League university presidents, all get together to frolic among the redwoods. In addition to the rumors, of drug use, homosexuality, prostitution, etc, is their disturbing Cremation of Care ceremony where a few members of the group of several thousand dress up like druids and burn the effigy of a child on an alter before a great owl statue. This is interpreted as the casting out of conscience preparatory to the many unconscionable acts they will do over the next 2 weeks. The Manhattan Project was initially conceived a the Grove (a fact Edward Teller excluded from his autobiography on the history of the H-bomb, he also discusses nuclear fracking at the end of the book as a great idea).
What nearly every Ron Paul supporter knows and is concerned about is the infiltration of American institutions and the subversion of American values by powerful anti-American globalist who get together in meeting like the Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Conference, CFR, G20, Davos, etc. and set the agenda, craft the laws, and decide the elections for the US.
A majority of Ron Paul supporter fear these meetings constitutes a US government, of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite. You may defeat Ron Paul in the Primary, but if he runs as a 3rd Party Candidate to continue “injecting issues into the debate”, you will loose the general election against President Obama. Ron Paul does not talk openly about the Bohemian Grove, but nearly all of his politics are reactionary to this issue. Nearly all Ron Paul supporters are concerned about the un-American influence of these organizations.
4. Romney Care = Obama Care. The elite-controlled media that has been giving you “anything but Romney” coverage, is associating the Massachusetts health care bill you established as the “blue print for Obama Care”. I am a Emergency Physician, and nothing could be further from the truth. The Ron Paul/Fox News group tries to paint this as a Constitutional issue because of the individual mandate that is required for everyone to purchase a minimum level of insurance just like drivers are required to purchase car insurance. Despite the media's attempts, I can't really even think of any similarities between Romney Care and Obama Care. 1. Romney care is a state program, and that is the crux of the Constitutional issue. The states are free to be “the laboratories of democracy.” 2. Romney care does not have a government option. The State of Massachusetts has not set up its own insurance company to compete against private insurance companies like Obama Care does. Romney care helps citizens afford to purchase private health care from Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross, Humana, Wellpoint, or United. 3. Romney care does not set up a quality reimbursement system where doctor's reimbursement will depend on a government defined quality factor. 4. According to FactCheck.org, 59% of Massachusetts citizens are satisfied with Romney Care. (Harvard/Boston Globe Survey, 2009)
5. Anyone else but Romney. The main stream and alternative media attempting to injure your campaign with their “blah-blah”, un-excitement for you candidacy. The day after your win in New Hampshire, which wasn't really official until the next day, the news commentator said something like , “well since you all have already heard about the significance of Romney's win in New Hampshire yesterday, we don't want to bore you so we will move on to discuss other things today”.
I don't think there is anything you can do about this. The media is generally liberal and even the conservatives don't like you. Conservative Radio talk show host, Dr. Bill Bennett is very influential among the 60+ crowd and his support for John McCain hurt you 4 years ago.
6. Ron Paul Independent Run. If you let Ron Paul run as a 3rd-party candidate against you in the general election you will lose in the General Election to President Obama. So, either you address the many issues that the “conspiracy theorist” Ron Paul supporters are concerned about and distance your self from the globalists, and big business, or invite Ron Paul to be your running mate in the General Election. He may decline, but it may make him look bad if he runs as an Independent.
7. Association with Big Business. The economy has been in decline for the last 4 years. America is shipping our industry and jobs overseas. We are are not managing our affairs wisely. We are not “living within our means” as a nation. Much of the blame for our current economic condition is not being focused on Pres. Obama, but on big globalist investment firms like Goldman Sachs, and private institutions like the Federal Reserve. You need to distance yourself from the negatives of Big Business while playing up your leadership skills. You need to show that Bain Capital is not Goldman Sachs, or MF Global.
1. When you were with Bain & Company, you didn't like what they were doing, so you distanced yourself from them and formed Bain Capital. You were so successful doing what you knew to be right, Bain & Company asked you to serve as their CEO to get them back on track to profitability.
2. The 2002 Winter Olympics was mired in scandal. Corporate advertisers were pulling out left and right. You came in and operated things honestly and justly and turned things completely around and organized one of the most successful winter Olympics in history. You even directed traffic.
3. You ran as Governor of Massachusetts and didn't get into office and run things with a “business as usual” attitude. You got in and righted the ship, balanced the budget, and returned the State to efficient operation and continued prosperity.
2. Mormon religion and claimed beliefs. The media carefully repeats mis-information about what members of the LDS faith believe. Mormon beliefs is about the importance and sanctity of the traditional family, about following the doctrine of Jesus Christ which is to “do unto others what you would have them do unto you”, and being LDS is about patriotism to our country, its laws, and to the Constitution. LDS are taught that the US Constitution is inspired by God. So, people can spread rumors about what it means to be a Mormon, but family, virtue, and patriotism is what being a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints means to me.
3. Association with anti-American globalist groups such as the Bohemian Grove, the Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, and the Private Federal Reserve. Every year, the wealthy elite of the world get together during the last 2 week of July to enjoy their “Mid-summer encampment” at the exclusive and secret Bohemian Grove in Sonoma County Northern California. The Bohemian Club, is a secret elite, all-male association founded in 1872. One of the founding members was Mark Twain. More current membership includes every Republican US Presidents and many Democratic Presidents since Taft, Supreme Court Justices, presidential cabinet members, Forbes 100 CEO's, defense contractors, media moguls, IV League university presidents, all get together to frolic among the redwoods. In addition to the rumors, of drug use, homosexuality, prostitution, etc, is their disturbing Cremation of Care ceremony where a few members of the group of several thousand dress up like druids and burn the effigy of a child on an alter before a great owl statue. This is interpreted as the casting out of conscience preparatory to the many unconscionable acts they will do over the next 2 weeks. The Manhattan Project was initially conceived a the Grove (a fact Edward Teller excluded from his autobiography on the history of the H-bomb, he also discusses nuclear fracking at the end of the book as a great idea).
What nearly every Ron Paul supporter knows and is concerned about is the infiltration of American institutions and the subversion of American values by powerful anti-American globalist who get together in meeting like the Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg Conference, CFR, G20, Davos, etc. and set the agenda, craft the laws, and decide the elections for the US.
A majority of Ron Paul supporter fear these meetings constitutes a US government, of the elite, by the elite, and for the elite. You may defeat Ron Paul in the Primary, but if he runs as a 3rd Party Candidate to continue “injecting issues into the debate”, you will loose the general election against President Obama. Ron Paul does not talk openly about the Bohemian Grove, but nearly all of his politics are reactionary to this issue. Nearly all Ron Paul supporters are concerned about the un-American influence of these organizations.
4. Romney Care = Obama Care. The elite-controlled media that has been giving you “anything but Romney” coverage, is associating the Massachusetts health care bill you established as the “blue print for Obama Care”. I am a Emergency Physician, and nothing could be further from the truth. The Ron Paul/Fox News group tries to paint this as a Constitutional issue because of the individual mandate that is required for everyone to purchase a minimum level of insurance just like drivers are required to purchase car insurance. Despite the media's attempts, I can't really even think of any similarities between Romney Care and Obama Care. 1. Romney care is a state program, and that is the crux of the Constitutional issue. The states are free to be “the laboratories of democracy.” 2. Romney care does not have a government option. The State of Massachusetts has not set up its own insurance company to compete against private insurance companies like Obama Care does. Romney care helps citizens afford to purchase private health care from Aetna, Cigna, Blue Cross, Humana, Wellpoint, or United. 3. Romney care does not set up a quality reimbursement system where doctor's reimbursement will depend on a government defined quality factor. 4. According to FactCheck.org, 59% of Massachusetts citizens are satisfied with Romney Care. (Harvard/Boston Globe Survey, 2009)
5. Anyone else but Romney. The main stream and alternative media attempting to injure your campaign with their “blah-blah”, un-excitement for you candidacy. The day after your win in New Hampshire, which wasn't really official until the next day, the news commentator said something like , “well since you all have already heard about the significance of Romney's win in New Hampshire yesterday, we don't want to bore you so we will move on to discuss other things today”.
I don't think there is anything you can do about this. The media is generally liberal and even the conservatives don't like you. Conservative Radio talk show host, Dr. Bill Bennett is very influential among the 60+ crowd and his support for John McCain hurt you 4 years ago.
6. Ron Paul Independent Run. If you let Ron Paul run as a 3rd-party candidate against you in the general election you will lose in the General Election to President Obama. So, either you address the many issues that the “conspiracy theorist” Ron Paul supporters are concerned about and distance your self from the globalists, and big business, or invite Ron Paul to be your running mate in the General Election. He may decline, but it may make him look bad if he runs as an Independent.
7. Association with Big Business. The economy has been in decline for the last 4 years. America is shipping our industry and jobs overseas. We are are not managing our affairs wisely. We are not “living within our means” as a nation. Much of the blame for our current economic condition is not being focused on Pres. Obama, but on big globalist investment firms like Goldman Sachs, and private institutions like the Federal Reserve. You need to distance yourself from the negatives of Big Business while playing up your leadership skills. You need to show that Bain Capital is not Goldman Sachs, or MF Global.
1. When you were with Bain & Company, you didn't like what they were doing, so you distanced yourself from them and formed Bain Capital. You were so successful doing what you knew to be right, Bain & Company asked you to serve as their CEO to get them back on track to profitability.
2. The 2002 Winter Olympics was mired in scandal. Corporate advertisers were pulling out left and right. You came in and operated things honestly and justly and turned things completely around and organized one of the most successful winter Olympics in history. You even directed traffic.
3. You ran as Governor of Massachusetts and didn't get into office and run things with a “business as usual” attitude. You got in and righted the ship, balanced the budget, and returned the State to efficient operation and continued prosperity.
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