Wednesday, August 27, 2014


Substances that provide protection from ionizing radation:

N-acetyl-cystein: increases and stabilizes intracellular glutathione

Milk/Whey/Egg Protein: increases and stabilizes intracellular glutathione

Magnesium Sulfate (Epsom Salt): sulfate increases intacellular glutathione

Serotonin (5HT)- stimulates and stabilizes antioxidative enzymes.  

Meletonin: stimulates and stabilizes antioxidative enzymes. Increases glutathione.

Zinc Aspartate: stabilized zinc-thiol complexes.

Desferoxamine: induces intacellular hypoxia and decreases reactive oxygen radicals and oxidative stress 

Resveratrol (red grapes): antioxidant free-radical scavenger.

Amifostine: used to proect against platinum chemotherapy agents.

Aloe: heals but does not prevent radiation dermatitis, prevents apoptosis, decreases insulin resistance, antioxidant free-radical scavenger

B6/B9/B12 (Pyridoxine/Folate/Cobalamin): Required for the production of cysteine and methionine required for glutathione synthesis.

Vitamin C: keeps glutathione in reduced and active form.

Iodine (Provodone): paint on skin and body absorbs iodine which is taken up by the thyroid protecting the thyroid from radioactive iodine.

Best, cheapest, and easiest ones to store are: Vit B6/B9/B12/C, Iodine, Meletonin (need only mcg), Epsom Salt (MgSO4), Powdered Milk, and maybe Desferoxamine if you can get it.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sulfate and Sunlight

While some claim we are just measuring better.  Many believe we are seeing an explosion of inflammatory disease such as Alzheimers, athrosclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, etc.  Researchers looking into many of these diseases find higher levels of cholesterol and cholesterol sulfate in the area of pathology.  This has led researchers to believe cholesterol was the culprit.  So what we have done is target cholesterol as the enemy and reduce it from our diets and pharmicologically. 

However, instead of improved health we have seen a decline.  People may be living longer but only thanks to hundreds and thousands of dollars worth of prescription medicines that don't cure these diseases but just barely keep us alive and dependent on numerous medications.

Well, a small minority of other researchers are just now beginning to believe that the elevated cholesterol in the setting of disease may not be the cause of disease but may be a sign of the body scavenging cholesterol sulfate to use the needed sulfate elseware.  The liver makes plenty of cholesterol every day.  But if the body can't get sulfate in the diet directly or by converting sulfur aminoacids, it may scavenge sulfate from healthy tissue.  

So, diseases that were once seen as linked to cholesterol toxicity, may instead be related to sulfate and sunlight deficiency.  Sunlight catalyzes the sulfation of cholesterol in addition to activating vitamin D. 

I can't say that I am convinced one way or another.  All I can say is that this war on cholesteol has so far not worked, and I don't believe that God created eggs, milk and butter to be poisons. But that is what the mainstream would have us believe .  A proposed experimental treatment for sulfate deficiency would be 1/4 tsp epsom salt twice a day and 20 minutes of sun light. 

It is also important to avoid food additives thricalcium phosphate, aluminum phosphate, sodium benzoate as well as certain medicinces like tylenol that deplete sulfate and glutathione. 

Chem Biol Interact. 1998 Apr 3;110(3):189-202. The glutathione dependence of inorganic sulfate formation from L- or D-cysteine in isolated rat hepatocytes. Huang J1, Khan S, O'Brien PJ.

The GSH dependence of the metabolic pathways involved in the conversion of cysteine to sulfate in intact cells has been investigated. It was found that hepatocyte-catalysed sulfate formation from added L-cysteine did not occur if hepatocyte GSH was depleted beforehand, but was restored when GSH levels recovered. Furthermore, sulfate formation did not recover in GSH-depleted hepatocytes if GSH synthesis was prevented with buthionine sulfoximine. Thiosulfate formation was, however, markedly enhanced in GSH-depleted hepatocytes. These results suggest that thiosulfate is an intermediate in the formation of inorganic sulfate from L-cysteine and that GSH was required for the conversion of thiosulfate to inorganic sulfate. Much less sulfate was formed if the cysteine was replaced with cysteinesulfinate. Furthermore, sulfate formation from L-cysteine was markedly inhibited by the addition of the transaminase inhibitor DL-cycloserine or the gamma-cystathionase inhibitor DL-propargylglycine. The major routes of sulfate formation from L-cysteine therefore seems to involve pathways that do not involve L-cysteinesulfinate. Similar amounts of sulfate were formed from D-cysteine as L-cysteine. Thiosulfate instead of sulfate was also formed in GSH-depleted hepatocytes. However, sulfate formation from D-cysteine differed from L-cysteine in that it was inhibited by the D-aminoacid oxidase inhibitor sodium benzoate and was not affected by transaminase or gamma-cystathionase inhibitors. These results suggest that thiosulfate is an intermediate in sulfate formation from D-cysteine and involves the oxidation of D-cysteine by D-amino acid oxidase to form beta-mercaptopyruvate.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Creation Comparison: Genesis, Moses, Abraham and LDS Perspective

Here is a comparison chart of the Creation Periods as explained in Genesis, Moses, Abraham, and from the LDS Perspective.

The LDS Perspective makes a lot of sense to my mind in 3 areas:

1. Grass grows only after day and night divided and sun, moon, and stars appear.
2. Separation of Light and Darkness/Day and Night emphasized over the creation of light and dark.

Light and Dark, like the materials used to form the Earth ,are eternal and have always existed.

3. Creation of man different day than creation of animals.

It is also significant that the creation of man is the only part of creation in which the Father personally participates by saying "Let us make man in our image". Putting the creation of man on its own day separate from the animals serves to further emphasize the divine origin of man.

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Inorganic Sulfate, Tylenol, and Asthma

Several recent studies have identified a strong correlation between tylenol exposure and asthma.  According to one study, just a single dose of tylenol before age 1 increased the odds ratio of developing asthma by 60%.  Children who reveived 1 dose of tylenol monthly had over a 500% increased odds of developing asthma.   

But correlation doesn't equal causation.  What could be the causal link between tylenol and asthma.  The Liver is tasked with detoxifying tylenol. Phase 1 metabolism produces the NAPQI free radical that depletes glutathione, a major antioxidant in the body.  NAPQI is what kills people who overdose on tylenol.  Phase 2 metabolism involves sulfate conjugation which makes tylenol more water soluble and better able to be excreted by the kidney. It may be that both mechanisms lead to asthma and other chronic inflammatory illnesses via glutathione and sulfate deficiency.

Some doctors and scientists are just now 
beginning to hypothesize that inorganic sulfate deficiency may be directly related to numerous chronic inflammatory illnesses like asthma. The interesting thing to consider is which medicines like Tylenol deplete sulfate via sulfate conjugation as well as the many sulfate-containing medicines used to treat these disorders.

Medicines that require phase 2 sulfate conjugation:

Vitamin D
Bile Acids

Food additives that deplete dietary inorganic sulfate:

Aluminum Phosphate (baking powder)
Tricalcium Phosphate (juice additive) 
Sodium Benzoate (food preservative, metabolite of cinnamon)

These first two additives react with soluble inorganic sulfate in the food producing insoluble aluminum sulfate (Alum) and calcium sulfate (Gypsum). The food preservative sodium benzoate is a d-aminoacid oxidase inhibitor.  Sodium Benzoate blocks the thiosulfate intermediate β-mercaptopyruvate in sulfate formation from d-cysteine.

Sulfated medicines used to treat chronic inflammatory disease:

Magnesium Sulfate- asthma
Albuterol Sulfate- asthma
Terbutaline Sulfate- asthma
Condroitin Sulfate- osteoarthritis
Glucosamine Sulfate- osteoarthritis
Plaquenil Sulfate- lupus, rheumatoid 
Codeine Sulfate- pain, cough
Morphine Sulfate- pain, cough
Heparin Sulfate- clotting disorders

Serum sulfate levels are tightly controlled in the body and do not necessarily reflect total body sulfate levels.  The body doesn't necessarily need dietary inorganic sulfate but can produce sulfate through a complex process by converting sulfur amonoacids cysteine and methionine into sulfate using folate and B12 and other B-vitamins.  Serum Homocysyeine is a great surragate marker for inorganic sulfate deficiency and indicates when the body is catabolically scavenging sulfate from the body tissues.  

Serum Homocystein levels are elevated in many chronic inflammatory conditions.  However, lowering these levels by supplementing with folate and B12 never reversed the disease process.  It may be that supplementing with Epsom salt (MgSO4) will.

I noticed that B-vitamins and Taurine are popular additives to many energy drinks. Interesting that all these additives are related to sulfate metabolism. 


Friday, August 01, 2014

Homocysteine, Sulfate Deficiency and Chronic Disease

I've been on the Sulfate bandwagon this past week. Studies and commentary by Dr. Seneff at MIT and others suggest that some chronic autoimmune disorders may also be related to Sulfate deficiency and are linked to elevated homocysteine in the blood. 

If the body doesn't get Sulfate in the diet then it will convert the amino-acid cysteine into Sulfate using a complex mechanism requiring many B-vitamins. 

If the body doesn't get enough cysteine amino-acid in the diet, it will steal sulfate and cysteine from the body (catabolic vs. anabolic). Elevated homocysteine is a manifestation of this catabolic Sulfate deficient state. B-vitamins lower the homocysteine but don't reverse the catabolic sulfate deficient state.

The experiment:
1/4 tsp epsom salt twice-a-day
avoid tylenol (causes sulfate deficiency)
20 minutes of unfiltered natural sunlight with UVB.

Most don't get enough sulfate in the diet because industrial farms aren't using ammonium sulfate fertilizer.  Instead "Big-Agra" is using ammonium nitrate and urea (double nitrate per pound). Even food from organic farms can be sulfate poor because they use manure from soy and corn-fed animals which are both sulfate poor feeds. There is not much sulfate in grass either. Sulfate is almost considered a pollutant but at the same time the government recommendatuons on Sulfate say if you add it to the soil, you get leafier plants.