I do believe the fear over radiation is over-hyped. I just was an old radiation nuclear engineer in the ED a couple months ago and he was being treated for basil cell skin cancers but he worked at Savannah River and worked directly with fuel cell rods with minimal shielding.
However. There is a point at which gamma radiation will cook you and wipe out your bone marrow at over 2-5 Severts. But it is probably not true that any amount of radiation is harmful. It depends on how much and what type. Gamma mostly goes through you. Alpha and Beta doesnt penetrate but is harmful if inhaled or ingested.
So when it comes to nuclear war. The best protection is to live 10 miles from a nuclear target to avoid overpressure, gamma and thermal effects and after-affects of the detonation. Most people in Nagasaki and Hiroshima died of thermal burns. Intetesting that Wearing white underclothes and natural fibers was sonewhat protective to thermal effects of the bomb outside a certain distance from the explosion. (between exposion and thermal radius of bomb).
When it comes to fallout. Beta and Alpha-particle radiation exposure is a problem if inhaled and ingested. The LDS Church doctrine of food and water storage will provide prepared members clean uncontaminated basic nutrition during the fallout period. Fallout emiting Alpha particles is very toxic if ingested. Alpha particles are a Helium nucleus missing 2 electrons. These particles will strip electrons off anything and damage any tissue they contact. Beta particles can sunburn the skin
1. Live 10 miles from nuclear target to avoid blast, thermal and gamma radiation effects of nuclear detonation.
2. Water and Food Storage
3. Wheat is excellent to store because of its balanced nutrition (starch, protein, fat) and because government and lawless elements won't want it.
4. Geiger counter to check contamination of food and water.
5. Painting respirator to filter air if having to leave home to replenish sypply of clean water.
6. Oral Potassium Iodine or topical Providone iodine solution to protect thyroid.
7. Plastic or PVC rain suit with googles to protect from beta exposure if having to leave home to replenish sypply of clean water.
8. Roll plastic and duct tape to seal home and create a decon area at a back door. (although I would not plan on venturing outdoors for at least 2 weeks)
9. Radioprotectants increase immunity to radiation exposure: powdered milk and protein powder, epsom salt, meletonin and desferoxamine.
10. As soon as it is safe to emerge, gather at the LDS Stake Center with survivors and pool resources and talents. LDS groups provide protection because of 1. agreed upon leadership structure 2. gospel standards keep undesirables away.