After listening to your "year in review", It is my opinion that you could be more careful that your words about LDS Apostles do not unintentionally degrade people's faith.
1. President Monson worked very closely with President Benson and President N Eldon Tanner and Elder McConkie. And these 3 were as awake as can be in my opinion. Tanner was a politician, banker, oilman that set up Alberta and the LDS Church on the road to great prosperity. I think Elder Tanner had to be very awake to accomplish what he did for Alberta (oil) and the Church (investments). I consider President Tanner to be the most effective LDS Politician. Unfortunately, we've had too many ineffectual LDS politicians through the years. Both Elder McConkie and Pres. Benson foretold a nuclear holocaust.
2. We should not speak evil of the ruler of thy people.
"And they that stood by said, Revilest thou God’s high priest? Then said Paul, I wist not, brethren, that he was the high priest: for it is written, Thou shalt not speak evil of the ruler of thy people." (New Testament, Acts 23:4-5)
3. We are to pray for our enemies.
"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;" (New Testament, Matthew 5:44)
4. Christ, Amulek, and Capt. Moroni called Pharisees, Zeezoram, and Ammoron "children of hell" but none of them were proper leaders of the people. Capt. Moroni was bold but respectful in his letter to Pahoran.
5. President Monson in his Ensign Article "Are we prepared" gave a parable about not wanting to set fires lest we cause the chickens to molt and stop being productive.
6. President Uchtdorf's talk "The Summer with Great Aunt Rose" was a parable about dealing with the coming Tribulation.
7. Elder Bednar was in town last month golfing at Augusta National (not necessarily an awake thing to do) but said over our pulpit, "right now is as good as its going to get".
8. Elder Rasband at Regional Conference gave a talk reminding us that we need to stand in holy places which are our homes, Stake Centers, and temples.
9. In my opinion, America is a type of Christ that will be crucified but soon after resurrected. Accordingly, our leaders, like Christ, are "brought as a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not his mouth." (Old Testament, Isaiah 53:7) We cannot avert prophecy.
10. Awake or not, Food Storage is the perfect defense against nuclear war.
11. Following nuclear war fallout period, remaining survivors gathering at Stake Centers (convert Stake Centers to shelters and pool resources) is the perfect defense. The Church distributed plans on how to do this a few years back). The plans were dealing with housing Hurricane evacuees but it still works for the nuclear scenario: Pool remaining resources, strength in numbers, agreed upon leadership, strict values keep out undesirables, don't need to turn away beggars daily as have already consecrated resources to group. (no safe room required)
12. You said that God always gives His people a choice. When it comes down to it. Babylon will fall. There is no saving it and only Zion will remain for the pure in heart to turn too. Not the tea party, not the Liberty movement. The Tribulation is meant to help Gentiles turn to Zion and God's priesthood authority on the Earth.
13. The LDS Church is going to some considerable expense covering shipping charges for the delivery of Food Storage. You can get door delivery of hundreds of pounds of Food Storage by UPS for next to nothing since the canneries closed operations in the East.
14. Wheat is a great food storage item because I suspect people won't kill you for it as they wouldn't know what to do with it. Wheat with water all by itself (unlike rice which requires beans) can sustain life. You may need pine needle tea for Vitamin C. Since pine needles are old growth, they won't take up as much radiation, I suspect.
15. Just because a person is not awake to conspiracy doesn't necessarily mean that they are ignoring their conscience or not in-tune with the Holy Ghost. Some people are like Lehi, whose mind was so pure, Nephi said that he (Lehi) did not notice the "filthiness of the water" in his dream. I think many of our wives are like that. Nephi on the other hand did notice the filthiness of the water and preceded to tell us about it in exceedingly great detail.
16. We should be careful eroding faith in the Lord's anointed servants and priesthood authority because the next major spiritual attack of Satan may be "if you are prophets, seers, and revelators, why didn't you warn the world or even your church that this was about to happen".