Friday, June 10, 2016

Russia Violating New Start Treaty

Bill Gertz is one of the few reporters that follows the Russian military modernization and buildup.  Gertz in his latest article in the Washington Free Beacon reports on the many violations by Russia of the New Start treaty.  

I'm not sure why this is reported as anything new.  Russia has been in violation of every nuclear agreement. The whitehouse has declared numerous states of emergency to Congress reporting that Russia has been stockpiling fissile (bomb-grade) nuclear material intended to be converted into nuclear fuel.

Russia has been benefiting from high oil and gas prices since 9/11 to modernize its military and nuclear triad. Now with low oil prices, economic sanctions, and Russia being cut off from suppliers in Ukraine, US belligerence in Syria, Poland, and the Baltics, look for Russia and China to make their move.

Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Bilderberg 2016 in Dresden

The Bilderberg Group is an annual meeting each year attended by world leaders in politics, education, manufacturing, media, business, and banking. This meeting is held in different cities each year.  The agenda and substance of the meetings are secret.  The security and secrecy is considerable.  If you think the world has been slowly swirling the drain it is precisely because of the policy that is set in meetings like this and other similar global meetings at Davos or the Bohemian Club. 

World leaders are not invited to meetings like Bilderberg to discuss or debate policy.  There is very little discussion or debate at these meetings when it comes to the agenda. Global marching orders, which are decided elsewhere, are presented and the only discussion that is had is focused on implementation.  Agenda is set by unseen global governance, but implementation is left the loyal visible leaders that are placed in positions of power and authority by the global system. 

The unseen global elite set the policy and agenda (governance), and their loyal visible leaders implement that policy and agenda (government).