Friday, October 28, 2016

Velocity and Sterilization

Mike Maloney was on the Keiser report talking about why we have may have been seeing more deflation instead of inflation despite the US FED printing trillions of dollars and sending it to central banks all over the world via quantitative easing since the 2008 housing crisis. 

According to M.V=P.G (Money Supply x Velocity = Price x Growth), If a heap of money is created and the money supply expanded more than is needed, then inflation or higher prices should be expected.  The US saw inflation of college tuition as the US made borrowing for college much easier and cheaper. As cheap federal money became available, college tuition quickly jumped from $10,000/yr to $20,000/yr and even $50,000/yr. 

However, despite the expansion of the money supply in the economy, we haven't seen the same kind of price increases. This is because of decreasing velocity. Velocity is the rate at which money is exchanged within an economy.  When a $1 is created, it may exchange hands several times and effectively do the work of $3 or even $5.  So you have to consider both money supply and velocity when forecasting price and growth.

Mike Maloney thought that psychological factors where to blame for decreased velocity resulting in price deflation.  He is mostly wrong.  People are still buying houses, cars and going out to eat. In reality, the decreased velocity is a purposeful economic policy set by the US FED and other central banks called "sterilization".  Sterilization is the FED policy purposely decreasing velocity to prevent inflation due to their endless money printing. 

Big banks are being offered money from the US FED at a nearly 0% interest rate. However, this cheap interest rate is not passed on to the regular citizen.  Mortgages are still about in the 4% range as they have been.  If regular people had access to cheap money, we would see inflation in the housing market just like college tuition.  Usually mortgage interest rates were determined by the FED prime interest rate.  The base interest rate is likely being artificially set now. You will remember that there were investigations after 2008 and bankers went to jail for LIBOR fixing. Well, this kind of rate fixing has been happening all along and is still happening. 

Big banks are borrowing free money from the US FED and are then required by BIS Basel 3 Accords to purchase treasury bonds and credit default swaps which floats all our national deficits and debts. Bond yields are terrible and do not keep up with inflation.  So, the big banks then exchange bonds with each other on the REPO market for cash.  The banks then use that cash to buy stock and artificially prop up their own stock and the stock market as a whole.  Big Business, many of whom are also registered as banks, then print stock options and take profits off the top into the pockets of a select few.

Sterilization decreases velocity by keeping the cheap printed money at the bank and in the speculative economy.  This is how and why North America has generated a record number of billionaires in the last 10 years but wages haven't increased for regular workers.   Expanded money supply with decreased velocity has resulted in steady prices and no real growth except maybe in the speculative economy. Sterilization is an economic policy where trickle down economics is not permitted to trickle down. 

Friday, October 21, 2016


"Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." Luke 21:26

Jesus Christ explained the dire circumstances that would exist befire His second coming in glory.  Why will men's hearts fail?  Why will some turn away from the truth during the Tribulation?  Maybe it's not just because hard times of the Tribulation but also because God's own kingdom is also shaken up.

Apostles and Prophets say a test is coming for LDS members.  I think when nuclear war comes with Russia and China vs. the West, I wouldn't be surprised if voices arose questioning why the LDS people weren't specifically warned ahead of time.

President Monson addressed this concern in a talk entitled "Are we prepared".  Food and water storage is the best defense for war. Also, President Monson gave a parable of lighting fires putting chickens in a molt.

Also, LDS Apostles and Prophets warned in 1995 that the degredation of family values would bring upon nations the "calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets". I have written before how Russia, China, and Muslim extremists continually use the immorality of the West as a justification for their actions. Our immorality degrades our moral authority and emboldens evil.

Also, if you expect a modern prophet to tell you the day before that such-and-such is about to occur.  What could you do more than how every Latter-day Saint has already been instructed to do with regard to storage of food and water and fleeing to the Stakes of Zion for refuge. Maybe this period of relative silence is foretold in Revelation and Jericho and represents Christ's silence at His trial. (so he opened not His mouth).

On the other hand. Some LDS are awake and seeing the events unfold in the world,  could these hearts fail by being tempted go beyond the mark such that they feel they can go it alone without the Church and choose not to flee to the Stakes of Zion at the needed time?

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Pres. Obama's Audacity of a False Hope

President Obama gave a speech in which he had the audacity to dodge blame for higher healthcare premiums due to his (un) Affordable Care Act.  Instead, President Obama heaped blame on insurance companies and Republicans.

President Obama likened the problems Obamacare to bugs in the release of a new smartphone.  Any new Smartphones  will have bugs at the start which can be fixed.  However, I liked the point that was made that the problem with Obamacare is more like the Samsung Galaxy 7 that is exploding in our pockets.  In this case, like the Galaxy 7, Obamacare needs to be recalled and customers given a full refund. 

Friday, October 14, 2016

Possible Test

"Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken." Luke 21:26

Jesus Christ explained the dire circumstances that would exist befire His second coming in glory.  Why will men's hearts fail?  Why will some turn away from the truth during the Tribulation?  Maybe it's not just because hard times of the Tribulation but also because God's own kingdom is also shaken up. 

Apostles and Prophets say a test is coming for LDS members.  I think when nuclear war comes with Russia and China vs. the West, I wouldn't be surprised if voices arose questioning why the LDS people weren't specifically warned ahead of time.

President Monson addressed this concern in a talk entitled "Are we prepared".  Food and water storage is the best defense for war. Also, President Monson gave a parable of lighting fires putting chickens in a molt.  

Also, LDS Apostles and Prophets warned in 1995 that the degredation of family values would bring upon nations the "calamities foretold by ancient and modern prophets". I have written before how Russia, China, and Muslim extremists continually use the immorality of the West as a justification for their actions. Our immorality degrades our moral authority and emboldens evil.  

Also, if you expect a modern prophet to tell you the day before that such-and-such is about to occur.  What could you do more than how every Latter-day Saint has already been instructed to do with regard to storage of food and water and fleeing to the Stakes of Zion for refuge. Maybe this period of relative silence is foretold in Revelation and Jericho and represents Christ's silence at His trial. (so he opened not His mouth). 

On the other hand. Some LDS are awake and seeing the events unfold in the world,  could these hearts fail by being tempted go beyond the mark such that they feel they can go it alone without the Church and choose not to flee to the Stakes of Zion at the needed time?

If I Could Talk to Evan McMullin

Evan McMullin is running on a campaign that because of his experience in the CIA/Goldman/CFR, he knows how to defeat ISIS. Yet when he is asked about same-gender marriage he says "it's settled law". 

Anyone who knows anything about Islam, muslim extremism, or who has read the Quran, Bible or the Family Proclamation, talked to a Muslim  or has any spiritual sense at all would know that it is the moral corruption of the West that empowers extremism against us.

My friend Trent Fry did what McMullin did in Afghanistan and summed it all up by saying that ISIS/alQueda's best recruiter is Madonna, Brittany Spears, and Miley Cyrus and now our legalization of same-gender marriage. ISIS tell themselves, "Do you want your daughters to turn into Brittany Spears" as they rape and pillage Aleppo. 

We have no hope to survive as a country without a return to virtue. This just isn't a hopeful platitude but a matter-of-fact, crux of the matter issue. 

Now, I am supposed to vote for McMullin not for his policy, but hoping a corrupt House will pick another virtuous candidate that will stand up for virtue in this nation?  McMullin doesn't stand a chance. I hope he does well in the 11 states where he is on the ballot.  But I can't see how this "never-Trump" scheme is going to change anything. 

I'm afraid we are getting the exact presidential candidate we deserve. 

"When a man’s ways please the Lord, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him."  Proverbs 16:7

Evan McMullin is former CIA, Goldman Sachs, and current member of Council of Foreign Relations.  He is part of the "never-Trump" movement. Here is a good clip where he discusses issues:

It seems clear that like Romney, he is a person of integrity.  But like Romney, he has been so long a part of the system, he doesn't give any indication that he is awake to the dark side of CIA,Goldman Sachs, or CFR. He would appoint typical CFR and Goldman Sachs advisors just like Trump and Clinton would do, and he would listen to those advisors. 

(CFR and Goldman have supplied presidential advisors for 100 years.  This is where a majority of the disastrous US economic and foreign policy has come from.  The King-men control the King through his advisors/magicians). 

However, my hope would be that an honest person like McMullin once in office might wake up pretty fast to the corruption and start to clean house. I liked Romney's background fixing and saving failed businesses better.  I think ISIS/alqueda is a distraction from and provocation of Russia/China and I don't consider McMullin's claim that he is the guy to fight terrorism as the most important issue. (obviously a strategic/political answer he thinks will sell) Sadly, even if McMullin were elected, he would likely not make much of a difference. (that may be good).  As he said, he wasn't going to repeal same-sex marriage decision or even appoint judges who would. (another gutless strategic/political answer). 

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Muslim-Orthodox Alliance Against The Great Oppressor

Some think that John the Revelator used the Greek numbers 666 (Chi Xi Stigma) to reveal the identity of the entity who would deceive the world and fight against Zion. Some interpret this biblical code as a gematrian cypher for Emperor Nero. However, others also see these as modern symbols of Arabian crossed swords, Muslim Bismillah, and Communist hammer and sickle. Could John's warning also point to a great alliance of peoples in the Last Days?

In the video above, Sheikh Imran Hosein, an authority on Muslim Eschatology, calls attention to the impending nuclear conflict between Russia/China and the West which he refers to as "the Great War". He calls for Muslims to ally themselves with Orthodox Christians to fight against the West (the Great Oppressor) and realize a re-fulfillment of the prophecy to conquer Constantinople. (The Star and Crecent was an astronomical conjunction on the night sky on the night Constantinople fell). 

Sheik Imran Hosein refers to Western atheism, arrogance, imperialism, corrupt economic practices, but mainly legalization of same-gender marriage to justify the Muslim world allying themselves with Russia and China in the coming WW3. 

Interesting detail in Sheik's talk was his explaination of how President Clinton's war in Kosovo served to turn Orthodox Christianity against the West. 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Rain Bombs



Sprites and Gravity Waves, Project LUCY

A few scientists are saying that global warming and melting icecaps is causing instability of artic methanje clathrates resulting in huge mathane eruptions into the atmosphere that could futher accelerate global warming.  These scientics claim that such artic methane eruptions triggered by volcanism in the past was the cause of the extinction of the dinosaurs.  

In response, these scientics and global committees are wanting to fund a series of climate manipulation science projects from growing methane-eating bacteria to using HAARP (RF Heaters) arrays to turn atmospheric methane into nano-diamonds and noctilucent clouds. This latest project is called LUCY after the Beetles song "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds".

Saturday, October 08, 2016

RF/QE/VLF Heating, Tropospheric-Mesospheric Coupling, Sprites and Hurricanes

Dr. Michio Kaku says that the human race is on the verge of transitioning from a level 0 civilization to a level 1 civilization.  A level 1 civilization has a global language, government, culture, religion, economy and communication system. In addition, Dr. Kaku says that a level 1 civilization has the technology to harness all the power of our planet.  This includes controlling weather, earthquakes, and vulcanism. So, if we are on the verge of becoming a level 1 civilization, do we have the technology to control the weather?  Yes!

Lightning is not a common phenomenon of hurricanes.  This is because hurricanes lack the updrafts of a thunderstorm. However, more recent superstorms like Sandy, Wilma, Katrina, and Matthew have been observed with considerable amount of lightning in its eye wall.  Also, Hurricane Matthew was recently observed to have a very unusual amount of mesospheric sprite lightning. These sprite discharges were observed from Puerto Rico as hurricane Matthew was passing over Haiti killing 877 (latest count). 

Dr. Michio Kaku also says anyone who resists the globalist transition of the human race from our current Westphalian type 0 civilization into a global type 1 civilization is a terrorist.

History Channel Documentary on HAARP with demonstration of ELF effect on clouds. 

Monday, October 03, 2016

Russia Ends Plutonium Agreement and 40 Million Person Drill

BBC reports that Russia is withdrawing from nuclear deal whereby they agreed to reprocess weapons-grade fissile (uranium and putonium) from old nukes into fuel-grade material. 

Russia was never complying with this treaty. Russia had been reprocessing old nukes but then stockpiling fissile material for new bombs this whole time and the whitehouse knew it since 2000.

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Continues State of Emergency since 2000

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Executive Order that Russia cant be investigated even though they are known to be in violation of nuclear treaty.

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Prematurely Ends State of Emergency

Russia has built several thousand nuclear  bunkers/shelters in Moscow alone and will be hilding a massive nuclear civil defense drill from Oct 4-7 involving 40 million persons. 

5000 nuclear shelters built in Moscow in 2012. 

John Kirby of US State Department threatens Russia with more "bodybags", aircraft being shot down and terrorism in Russian cities.