The economy has been on life support since 2008 and TARP or QE1. The US has been recklessly running up debt at record levels since that time. Match 15, 2017 Obama and Boehner's deb ceiling holiday expires and reaches its firm limit of $20 trillion.
So, why counldn't Trump just keep on printing more money like his $1 Trillion in infrastructure spending? Trump may not be able to keep the party going because 1. TPTB want the crash, 2. the Republican Congress is divided. Zero Hedge is predicting severe market turbulence or they are crying wolf yet again. However, with Trump instead of the FED getting blamed, I can see it happenimg this time.
The only thing different this time around is that there is a lack of unity in the Republican Party thanks to Sen. Graham and McCain. We could see some trouble if TPTB wished to blame economic trouble on Trump. The FED has not been allowing financial problems because they didn't want to get the blame. Now with Trump in office, they may have a scapegoat.
Yes, TPTB could "kick the can down the road" as long as they wanted. But they can also "pull the plug" at any time.