Monday, October 30, 2017

Uranium One Scandle

Throughout the Obama administration the whitehouse issued and reissued a national emergency notifying Congress that Russia was violating several nuclear treaties and stockpiling large amounts of highly enriched Uranium and Plutonium.  As part of this declaration, Obama continued to supply Russia with Xenon hexafluoride gas used to maufacture  even more highly enriched fissile (bomb-capable) material.  

In this setting Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Robert Muller, Rod Rosenstein, Andrew Weissman helped facilitate a deal with Russia to provide them with 20% of US Uranium production.

On June 8, 2010, Uranium One announced it had signed an agreement that would give “not less than 51%” of the company to JSC Atomredmetzoloto, or ARMZ, the mining arm of Rosatom, the Russian nuclear energy agency.  Uranium One has two licensed mining operations in Wyoming that amount to about “20 percent of the currently licensed uranium in-situ recovery production capacity in the U.S.,” according to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.  Uranium One also has exploration projects in Arizona, Colorado and Utah.  The deal required multiple approvals by the U.S., beginning with the Committee on Foreign Investments in the United States (9 member + Cabinet). 

The US is forced to import 90% of its uranium to supply our 99 nuclear reactors. 

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Legacy of Democratic Party

Historians have emphasized that "manifest destiny" was a contested concept—pre-civil war Democrats endorsed the idea but many prominent Americans (such as Abraham LincolnUlysses S. Grant, and most Whigs) rejected it. Historian Daniel Walker Howe writes, "American imperialism did not represent an American consensus; it provoked bitter dissent within the national polity ... Whigs saw America's moral mission as one of democratic example rather than one of conquest."[5]

Newspaper editor John O'Sullivan is generally credited with coining the term manifest destinyin 1845 to describe the essence of this mindset, O'Sullivan wrote another essay titled Annexation in the Democratic Review, in which he first used the phrase manifest destiny. ... That is, O'Sullivan believed that Providence had given the United States a mission to spread republican democracy ("the great experiment of liberty").

Democrat Party is the party of Manifest Destiny.  Democratic President Andrew Jackson was responsible for Trail of Tears.

Ulysses S Grant supported Native Anerican citizenship.

Democrats resoonsibke for slavery Grant signed it as the Civil Rights Act of 1875, but enforcement was weak and the Supreme Court ruled the law unconstitutional in 1883.[302] In October 1876, Grant dispatched troops to South Carolina. Grant supported seating of AA in Georgia state senate opposed by White democrats. 

Republicans supported environmentalism.  Teddy Rosevent and national parks and national forests. Richard Nixon and clean air act, clean water act, and EPA.

Democrats are tbe party of manifest destiny, slavery, and abortion

Democrats are the party  of socialism which dorsnt help the poor but only has proven to enble the poor and expand the inner-city/ghettos 

Democrats are the part of big-city police department.  Democrat mayors appoint corrupt police chief vs ellected sheriffs and deputies.  When republicans think of law enfirevsment we think of our elected sherrids, When the inner city protest police brutality, they are protesting democrat, mayoral-appointed, corrupt, big city police. 

Star-spangled Banner promoted by Democrat Woodrow  Wilson in 1916 ordered it played before  military processions (signed by Herbert Hoover after passed by Congress)  1918 World Series following bombing in  Chicago and WW1.

Top 5 Racist Presidents:

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Gene Therapy Regeneration

Researchers at Ohio State University have developed a technique to inject DNA material into cells and regenerate tissues and organs via electrical tissue nanotransfection (TNT).

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Forensic Proof of Second Las Vegas Shooter

The HealthRanger performs forensic acoustic  analysis on video from the Las Vegas shooting unmistakably demonstrating 2 shooters.

Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Origin of Fossil Fuel Myth

Petroleum is not a fossil fuel.  The Earth through natural abiotic geophysical processes produces hydrocarbons deep within the Earth's crust.  Petroleum is routinely pumped from 25,000-30,000 ft wells and no fossilized material has been found below 15,000 ft.  The deepest dinosaur bones have been found at only 7500 ft. beneath the North Sea. 

This video contains an account of the creation of the fossil fuel myth at a Geneva Convention in 1892 to create a false sense of scarcity to drive up world petroleum prices.  This propaganda myth is perpetuated in text books by a controlled media, publishing, and scientific community. 

Another proof of abiotic geophysical production of hydrocarbons is that Saturn's moon, Titan, is covered with hydrocarbon oceans.

An example of an abuotic process that produces hydrocarbons is Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis where carbon monoxide and hydrogen gases are converted into liquid hydrocarbons.

PNAS article demonstrating experimental verification of abiotic hydrocarbon production using iron oxide, water, marble, heat and pressure.

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

New York Times Editor Admits Bias

This is not a surprise but nice to get a confession.   The admission of James Comey assigning this guy to be in Antifa is another important admission  

Sunday, October 08, 2017 says Seth Rich was DNC Leaker

Seth Rich was the source of the DNC hack sent to WikiLeaks.  Julian Assange has hinted this several times and has evidence which he has given to Robert Meuller.  Seth Rich was likely assassinated and the murder was covered up. Dr. Jack Sava was Rich's surgeon (also Rep Steve Scalise) and has major comnections to the Podestas, Clinton, and Obamas. 

One America News presented a documentary outlining all these details and are of the same opinion that because of the obvious coverup following the Seth Rich murder, his death was more likely a political assassination than random botched robbery. The corner store where Seth Rich was murdered had 4 outside surveillance cameras yet investigators claim they have no body cam or surveillance footage. 

If Seth Rich was the DNC leaker, and not the Russians, this means the DNC not only murdered Seth Rich but also are guilty of falsely investigating President Trump on knowingly false charges. 

Friday, October 06, 2017

Las Vegas Shooting Co-conspirators

This witness of the Las Vegas shooting reports that a hispanic couple pushed their way to the front of the crowd yelling "everyone is going to die".  This hispanic couple caused such a disturbance that they had to be escorted out by security.  So, what I want to know is, how did these people have foreknowledge of the attack?  Who are they? Also, are there other  witnesses that can corroborate this story? 

The problem with the Las Vegas shooting is motive.  Forensic phycologists have said that young people who conduct unknown mass killings do it for fame.  Older perpetrators kill unknown people for political reasons.   We still don't have a clear motive yet. 

Tuesday, October 03, 2017

Globalism not Zionism

Chrisopher Bollyn is an investigative reporter for the American Free Press who has been labeled an anti-semite by the Anti Defamation League.  Bollyn has done extensive research into the "who" of 911 and chalks up the event to a Zionist false flag operation and coverup. 

In the lecture above, Bollyn gives the history of Likud party members beginning with Menachem Begin, Yitzhak Shamir, Benjamin Netanyahu who were members of Isreali terrorist/paramilitary group Irgun, Haganah, and Lehi (Stern gang). Irgun members were responsible for the bombing of the King David Hotel in 1946 which was directed at British goverment offices

Benjamin Netanyahu and past Irgun members met in 2006 to commemerate the bombing of the King David Hotel. Netanyahu considered the attack a "legitimate act, with a military target" and that what distinguished it from terrorism was that calls were supposedly made before hand warning people to evacuate the building.  But this bombing has all the earmarks of a false flag with a media attack on Sir John Shaw who was blamed for not evacuating the building and who was falsely reported as saying, "I am here to give orders to the Jews, not to take orders from them." Shaw spent considerable time suing the media for defamation and won. 

Bollyn says the real target of the attack was the evidence British investigators had collected on Irgun, Haganah, and Lehi in conducting false flag terrorism on the in Palestine and Egypt (see Lavon Affair). 

The terrible thing for Israel was Irgun terrorists like Menachum Begin being elected Prime Minister.  Begin attacked the nuclear site in Iraq and starting a war with Lebanon (Sabra and Shatila Massacre). According to Bollyn, the aims of 911 were to fool the US into fighting Israel's wars.

Major US players in 911 include: Michael Chertoff who was Assistant US Attorney General and given control over the 911 coverup.  Benjamin Chertoff at Popular Science who made a career out of 911 conspiracy debunking. Larry Silverstein who purchased the World Trade Towers and profited by taking out massive terrorism insurance policies on the building just prior to the 911 attacks and gave a PBS interview where he said he gave the order to "pull" WTC 7.  Other Zionist operatives include the media, John McCain and Lindsey Graham. 

The problem with Bollyn's conclusions is that Israel, like the US has been taken over by globalist and 911 was a globalist operation and not a purely Zionist operation. The unfortunate outcome may likely be the scapegoating of the Jews yet again like what happened before in Russia (Jews blamed for attempted overthrow of Tzar) and Germany (Jews blamed for collusion with Britain/Balfour Agreement). Tragically, 911 may well eventually bring about a nuclear holocaust on the US and the biblical gathering of nations against Israel.

Monday, October 02, 2017

Holding Our Peace

General Conference was excellent as always.  We are all praying for President Monson and missed his presence.  I really liked President Nelson's invitation to study what the Book of Moromon is, affirms, refutes, fulfills, clarifies and reveals.  However, I am having a bit of trouble with Elder Ellis talk. I appreciate Elder Ellis going out on a limb and addressing a more risky topic. 

I do like the part about cocoons, egg shells, and kids.  However, I don't think I'm going to throw my kids out of the house at age 18 like JCPenny, but I understand very well what he's saying about ease producing weakness.  I have seen this a lot coming from an affluent neighborhood in SLC, and from a helicopter-parent culture.

After talking about global terrorism; Elder Ellis asks "what do we do? Flee? Fight? ... For evil to prevail it is only necessary for good people to do nothing.  And whatever we do we should not decide or act out of a spirit of fear. 

The main overall point about not acting out of fear is true.  But the choices to "flee", "fight", 1. is a false dichotomy. 2. requires that God reveal His will. 3.  "Do nothing" or "hold thy peace" is also viable choice supported by scripture.

Satan's plan according to Korihor was to deny agency by not having any rules "whatever a man did was no sin" and "a man prospered and conquered according to his genius and strength".  This "no rules = no sin = no agency = no God" system establishes fear as the primary driver of society. 

Without God's commandments we would have no alternative behavior but to be animals and act only based on appetite, and fear.  Our agency only comes because of God revealing His (not self-evident) mind and will which provides the alternative to choose God's will out of love for God.  If God never had revealed himself to man, man would never have known it wasn't okay to kill each other.   Our only motivation to kill or not would be fear. Without God there is no love. Because of God's revealed will we can feel hungry but choose to fast, be offended, but choose to forgive.

What I'm saying is that the Jews knew to fight because God revealed it through Moses and Joshua, the Early Saints knew to flee by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young (D&C 136:16).  We today can't know whether to flee, fight, or do nothing except our prophet reveal it.  Holding our peace is also a viable divine alternative.  Christ told many people to "hold their peace".

D&C 98: 16 Therefore, renounce war and proclaim peace, and seek diligently to turn the hearts of the children to their fathers, and the hearts of the fathers to the children;
17 And again, the hearts of the Jews unto the prophets, and the prophets unto the Jews; lest I come and smite the whole earth with a curse, and all flesh be consumed before me.

The truth is, I think some of this quoting platitudes in conference is a consequence of our being asleep to reality and extent of evil in our day.  911 and global terrorism are globalist-sponsored productions that has gotten the US involved in numerous and unending wars.  The evidence is plain as day.

Dilyana Gaytandzhiev reports that US Companies (Purple Shovel) shipped Bulgarian and Serbian arms to Syria and Africa terrorist groups via 350 diplomatically-immune Azerbaijani Silkway Airway flights. (1 example out of many)
The World Trade Center Building's 1,2 were absolutely struck by military drone airliners and brought down in controlled demolitions using nanothermite cutter charges and remote explosives (1,2,7).  If you believe anything else, you are a victim of a crafty deception and extensive cover-up . 
1. This global terrorism business (911) is a fraud and meant to possibly and eventually bring the nations of the Earth against Israel as many key players are so-called "Zionists" but in reality the "synagogue of Satan".  The poor Israeli people are getting framed again like they were in Russia and Germany before.
2. We have a lot of military families suffering here in Georgia fighting these never-ending wars: ptsd, health, divorce, abuse, etc
3. I didn't like Elder Ellis inferring that "doing nothing" would result in evil's victory.
4. Peacemaking, "holding our peace", doing nothing is an inspired option.  In the movies Wargames and Tron when faced with a lose-lose game set up by their enemies, the only way to win was determined to be "not to play". 
5. I think sitting back and doing missionary and temple work and saying nothing publicly about the fraud, the lies, the deception, and watching it all burn down is a difficult but likely the correct road.  But that's not my business.  
6. Our seers do see things as they really are. But God could permit some shortsightedness if He knew seeing would cause "holding our peace", too difficult.