Here is what I learned this week:
We have seen it revealed (Nunes Memo) in the mainstream media how biased FBI and Justice Department and Clinton Foundation colluded to pay for false/scandalous intel (dossier) on Trump, and used that false dossier to get a FISA warrant to “wiretap” Trump.
James Comey can say “there was no wiretap”, because the NSA already has wiretapped eveyone and collects eveything on everyone. They don’t have resources to look at it all but only will dig through your info if you become a “person of interest”. The FISA warrant was not used to place wiretaps but instead allows FBI to specifically look at and listen in on what the NSA is already collecting on Trump and Trump’s people. Comey’s evasiveness on these questions demonstrates/suggests that he is complicit.
The Clinton Foundation is not run by the Clintons but more of an entity/vestage run by and used by the globalist.
But then we have CNN in the face of proven collusion and corruption claiming that this Nunes is “wasting his time” and taking his committee in the wrong direction and Nunes should refocus on —- the fakeTrump investigation.
Knowing this type of bias and collusion exists, it is not a stretch to think the following older story might also be true.
Podesta Emails leaked to Wikileaks suggest Obama-Clinton-Podesta-Soros may have pressured resignation of Pope Benedict.
A letter to Trump asking for investigation states: “The leaked emails show that Soros, Obama and Clinton used the United States’ diplomatic machinery, political muscle, and financial power to coerce, bribe and blackmail “regime change” in the Roman Catholic Church in order to replace Benedict XVI with Pope Francis – who has since become an unlikely mouthpiece for the international left, stunning Catholics around the world.”
But, what Brietbart doesnt articulates is that Obama/Clinton are not the “head”. Podesta is a top globalist handler and operative that helped engineer the coup, but works for the globalist and exerted considerable control over the Whitehouse as well. Podesta and Soros founded groups “Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good” and “Catholics United” to push a progessive agenda in the Catholic Church.
Sandy Newman of “Voices for Progress” wrote Podesta on Feb 10, 2011.
“There needs to be a Catholic Spring, in which Catholics themselves demand the end of a middle ages dictatorship and the beginning of a little democracy and respect for gender equality in the Catholic church. Is contraceptive coverage an issue around which that could happen. The Bishops will undoubtedly continue the fight.”
We don’t have the proof of blackmail, but we see considerable preasure as a consequence on the abuse scandals and investigations, and we see the creation and funding of several lobby oganizations leading up to the resignation of the Pope.
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