Monday, February 05, 2018

Focused Missionary Work

I don’t like being the only person in my circle who has a particular world-view. It is a bitter and unsettling paradigm, but I have a great optimism that God is “holding all the cards” and the future will glorious.

I great story I heard from Rabbi Chaim Richman of the Jerusalem Temple Institute. He tells of a 3 rabbi’s visiting the temple mount hundred of years ago and seeing a wild jackle jump out from under a thorny bush.  2 of the Rabbi’s started weeping over the temple’s destruction which now had become a “burnt ruin and refuge for wild beasts”. The 2 weeping rabbi’s cried, “Look, the scriptures are fulfilled which foretold of the temple becoming a ruin and a place for jackles”.

Then the 2 weeping rabbis turned to the 3rd and asked whe he wasn't crying for the temple. The 3rd said it was because the same God who prophesied the destruction of the temple which we have just now witness fulfilled in exact detail also prophesied the future rebuilding of the temple and restoration of Israel with even greater glory than ever before. And just as God has fulfilled His word with regard to the temple’s destruction in exacting detail, He will surely fulfill his word with respect to its restoration in the exact same manner. 

I feel bad for awake people who don’t have the benefit of a testimony of the restoration and seeing God’s hand working marvelous works.  It would be depressing to only see the dark side and not the light. 

You asked me what the Book of Mormon says we should do. First we need to “awake and arise”.  Being awake may help us see both the problems and solutions in the world and make sure we don’t blindly support evil out of good intentions (Eve).  We can also better defend our values and articulate our message and position.  We can also explain and demonstarate how the restored gospel is a benefit and blessing to our friends and neighbors. 

Next, the Book of Mormon says that the Lamanites “did hunt the band of robbers of Gadianton; and they did preach the word of God among the more wicked part of them, insomuch that this band of robbers was utterly destroyed from among the Lamanites.” (Hel 6:37). 

Now, how do you hunt wicked Gadiantons and what do you tell them, and what message to you tell them?  

1. First, you need to identify them.  Hel 6 says Gadiantons identify themselves by giving signs to each other. If you are awake you will more easily notice the tell-tail signs, symbols on jewery, handshakes and occult literary references they give to one another and publically.  I won’t speak of them but when you are awake, you will see them. 

2. I think a possible message is that whatever a Gadianton has done to be a Gadianton, they are not beyond the reach of Christ’s atonement. You cannot be a upper-level Gad without being required to do something terribly heinous and unholy.  This prevents infiltration in the exact opposite way the LDS temple prevents infiltration via virue and holiness. 

I believe there are Gads who wish they could get out, but feel stuck and just continue to go along holding on to the false hope/lie of immunity.   the Book of Mormon is suggesting there are Gadiantons who wish to repent but they believe they like Sharom that they have committed the “unpardonable sin” and are beyond hope. 

But the example of Sharom and the forgiven malefactor crucified next to Christ may give us the recipe for forgiveness of seemingly unpardonable sins. This also helps identify false defectors spreading misinformation. 

1. Sharom made a full public confession. 
2. Sharom accepted Christ.
3. Sharom voluntarily submitted to the full consequences of the law with no plea deal or appeal. 
4. The malefactor, confessed his sins, accepted and even defended Christ against the railing accusations of the other thief, and accepted his punishment as just.  

This, I believe, may be kinda what Brigham Young was trying to talk about and is not “blood atonement”.  Only Christ’s blood forgives sin. I believe Satan hates this doctrine and successfully defames it. 

What you get out of this focused missionary work is more honest and reliable confessions.  The repentant Gadiantons seal their testimony with their own blood, so-to-speak.  But, accepting punishment only seals their witness but doesn't forgive sin. Only Christ’s blood forgives sin.

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