Saturday, March 24, 2018

Agenda Links

Aaron Russo, before his death from bladder CA, talks about his attempted recruitment by globalists and their foreknowledge of 9/11 and global agenda.

Video Proof that 9/11 was a Deep State-Sponsored False Flag operation

Joel Skousen on overall global agenda with WW1/2/3.  Globalist have unilaterally nuclearly disarmed the US while at the same time made the US into the bully of the world (war on terror).  They have allowed the buildup of Russia and China who will nuke the West one day (decapitate military).  In response, the US will voluntarily abandon US sovereignty in favor of militarized NATO with taxation power to prosecute coming WW3. 

(“seek to overthrow freedom of all nations”)

Joel Skousen detailing agenda with Syria and Iran. Israel agreed to attack Iran only after US took out Syris. Secretary Kerry gave Assad a way to avoid war by giving up chemical weapons.

ISIS was created in Syria to be back door into Syria. (ISIS Memo)

Agenda 21. This is not a Liberal/Democrat thing but a globalist Agenda 21/2030 movement to federalize lands and usurp county and state control.  See video of Lovoy finicum’s murder.

D&C 88: 78 Teach ye diligently and my grace shall attend you, that you may be instructed more perfectly in theory, in principle, in doctrine, in the law of the gospel, in all things that pertain unto the kingdom of God, that are expedient for you to understand;
79 Of things both in heaven and in the earth, and under the earth; things which have been, things which are, things which must shortly come to pass; things which are at home, things which are abroad; the wars and the perplexities of the nations, and the judgments which are on the land; and a knowledge also of countries and of kingdoms--
80 That ye may be prepared in all things when I shall send you again to magnify the calling whereunto I have called you, and the mission with which I have commissioned you.
81 Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor.

Clean Skousen wrote “the Naked Communist” detailing a a 45-step communist conspiracy  agenda.  The success of these 45 steps is discussed in “Agenda-Grinding America Down”.   Curtis Bowers attended a communist meeting at Berkley detailing this agenda filled with wealthy and distinguished professionals in their 40-50’s.

However,  this documentary is actually produced by the conspiracy to 1. boast about their success. 2. misdirect.  This documentary tries to make this out to be a communist agenda when in actuality it is a globalist agenda. They refer to Skousen’s 1st book but make no mention of Skousen’s follow-up book, “the Naked Capitalist”.  Clean Skousen realized it wasn't a communist conspiracy but a globalist agenda after reading Carroll Quigley’s “Tragedy of Hope” and “Anglo-American Establishment”. 

Bill Clinton refers to Carroll Quigley as his mentor during 1st inaugural address.

Aaron Russo, before his death from bladder CA, talks about his attempted recruitment by globalists and their foreknowledge of 9/11 and global agenda.

Agenda 21. This is not a Liberal/Democrat thing but a globalist Agenda 21 movement to federalize lands and usurp county and state control.  Multiple news reports of federal land grabs and private citizens being thrown off their lands.  (video of Lovoy finicum’s murder).

Commentary montage on Agenda 21

Federal Persecution of Ranchers (Hages)

Glenn Beck on Agenda 21 (annoying)

David Brosnahan

Ether 8: 24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.
25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people,

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

NOAA Falsifying Temperature Data

50% of weather stations are out-of-order and are given an estimated temperature.  How does NOAA estimate the temperature of these out-of-order stations?  They use a model based on global warming assuming atmospheric CO2 causes warming.  Then after they use fake data generated by models that assume globsl warming, they tell us the temp data confirms CO2 global warming. 

Seth Rich Investigator Assassination Attempt

Lobbiest Jack Burkman was financing an independent  investigation into the Seth Rich murder.  Seth Rich was likely the DNC leaker to WikiLeaks. Kevin Doherty was part of the early investigative team who was later asked to leave the investigation. Doherty later shot Burkman and ran over him with his SUV as he was picking up evidence from source at a drop site (random cone in a parking lot). 

Uncovering the truth about the Seth Rich murder would be a bombshell potentially bringing down many powerful people pushing the Russia-Trump narrative. Also, shedding light on the power and reach of the Deep State.  Obviously a system that is willing to murder would plant moles in the investigation to sabotage it. Now the system is trying to take out the guy funding the investigation. 

1. What was the evidence given to Jack Burkman?
2. Why was Doherty only charged with “malicious wounding” and not “attempted murder”?

Religion in the West

This social scientist is observing the decrease in religious identity in the West due to secularization and modernization.  He argues that religion isn’t necessarily odd but a matter of culture.  If children are not brought up with religion, they are less likely to feel comfortable with it. As the population enjoys prosperity and comfort, they are less likely to turn to religion for solace. It is his opinion, that religion in the West will continue to erode and will never rebound.

I do think this sociologist makes correct observations about factors that are contributing to decreased religious identity in the West. However, this scientist discounts many factors which run counter to his  conclusions. First, he says religious identity in a country is inversely proportional to its modernization. Yet he notes that for many Muslim middle eastern nations, this is not the case. Also, he doesn’t really talk about religious revival in US history such as the second great awakening or in other countries but only speaks of limited revivals followed government suppression. 

I am making the argument that religion provides many inherent benefits to society.  Accordingly, religion will always experience eventual revival for several reasons:

1. God really does exist and really created the universe and really does manifest Himself to His children.  So, rebellious children can only deny reality to a point. As long as God remains a caring parent, He will continue to convince His children of His existence. 

2.  Human have an innate drive to believe in God.  Belief in God is in reality what makes us human. Man originally believed our relationship with God is what made man different from the other animals. Scientists had tried to redefine humanity in terms of our ability to use tools or language or other factors but have been disappointed by documenting other animals with those same capabilities. In the end, religion continues to set humans apart from animals. Religion is what defines us as human. If we lose religion, we lose our humanity.

3. Religion is a matter of culture, but also has enduring benefits, even in times of prosperity. Modern religion has gotten away from its true purpose in many cases which has led to its devaluation.  But ideally, religion is about welfare and virtue (James 1:27).  Religion is about setting up a community focused on helping and ministering to its members. The State may have tried to ursurp the role of religion, but religion will always do a much better job of administering welfare because of increased efficiency, and accountability. 

4. Religion is also about defining, upholding and maintaining virtue in society.  If man knew nothing of God, how would we know not to kill, lie, or steal. Animals only follow instinct. but because man has a knowledge of God and His will, we have a choice to act counter to the natural man and follow conscience.  Man can feel hungry but choose to fast. Man can feel offended but choose to forgive.  Man can feel greed, but choose to tithe.  Man can feel self-absorbed, but choose to serve.

5. Religion upholds and institutionalizes virtue in society by administering covenants in the same way the millitary and judicial system has its officers make oaths of office, oaths of honesty, and pledges of allegiance. The world continually gives us excuses to break our promises. Covenants with God gives man reason to keep our promises despite our seemingly valid excuses and rationalizations. Through baptism and the Lord’s Supper believers covenant to follow Christ, follow His example, and keep His commandments at all times, in all places, and in all circumstances. 

6. Religion provides man a promise of ultimate justice, hope and solace. God reminds man in scripture agaun and again “vengance in mine, saith the Lord, and I will repay”. How liberating this concept is for man.  We can leave justice to God and move on with our lives and self actualization and not get bogged down with revenge and personal vendettas. Also, God give us hope in an afterlife that selfless altruistic service here in this life leads to greater rewards in the next life. A selfless community living to help one another is much better than living in a self-centered community where everyone is only ever looking out for their own self interest. Religion also provides solace to deal with death and loss. In addition to helping us deal with death by a promise of afterlife, God promises to make up to us all our losses and wipe away every tear. 

7.   If society gets to the point of secularization where prosperity leads to a loss of its moral foundation, than history demonstrates and warns that corrupt nations will collapse. Prosperous  societies that uphold false religion which do not uphild virtue or discharge the duties of individual welfare, become demoralized and corrupt and eventually and suddenly collapse. The ruins of Egypt, Rome and Greece are stark reminders. The scriptures tell the accurate tale that demoralization leads to increased poverty in society, and increased demoralized behavior and poverty leads to a greater consolidation of political power and political corruption. The eventual collapse of corrupt demoralized societies always leads to increased humility and greater religious identity.  This is the well-known “pride cycle” recorded in scripture.

If religious identity is waning in the West, it is not because archaic religion has lost its value in a modern society, but it is  because modern religion itself is getting away from its traditional foundations, purposes, and usefulness.  

Monday, March 19, 2018

Cambridge Analytica

This expose’e explains how elections are won through money, propaganda, and corruption. Also, the link between US, British and Israeli intelligence. 

I think Cambridge Analytica is secretly controlling whistleblower Christopher Wylie by having him control the narative.  Several of Mr. Wylie’s interviews emphasize a Trump-Russia connection which the Channel4 exposee does not. 

However. Christopher Wylie does divuge some jucie details about Cambridge Analytica and their setting up an office at Cambridge just to fool and recruit Bannon. 

And we shouldnt forget how old this company is, and how many elections it has interfered with worldwide. 

Also, Obama in 2008 openly credited their  success to social media, data analytics, and microtargeting.  Michael Simon of Obama’s analytics team, Organizing for Action, openly admits to data-driven, micro-targeting.

Carol Davidsen, former director of integration and media analytics for Obama for America, said the 2012 campaign led Facebook to “suck out the whole social graph” and target potential voters.

Alexander Nix was open about using psychographics in the Cruz and Trump campaigns. The real issue here is not just the use of Facebook data microtargetting, but the confession of using bribes and Ukrainian women. 

Cambridge Analytica is a subsidiary of Stategic Communications Labatories Group whose CEO is Nigel Oakes. According to its website, SCL has influenced elections in Italy, Latvia, Ukraine, Albania, Romania, South Africa, Nigeria, Kenya, Mauritius, India, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, Colombia, Antigua, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, St. Kitts & Nevis, Trinidad & Tobago (over 60 countries, 25 international campaigns, and 44 congressional campaigns in 2014 alone).  Again the Obama campaign was very open about using these same social media and micro-targeting methods and techniques. 

Facebook helped Obama:

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Saturday, March 17, 2018

Roman Abramovich

This is in intersting historical review. It doesnt weave globalism into its story but the history looks accurate from a Russian vs. West-only perspective. 

My View:
I think the global conspiracy has placed the 2 most egotistical, narcissistic, personality-disordered leaders into position who both think 1. they aren’t part of the global conspiracy 2. they aren’t controlled by the global conspiracy  3. The other side operates or is controlled by the globalists.

This situation is like Ender’s Game. If you actually knew the nuclear end-game was the desired outcome, no one could knowingly do it.  Even a knowing sociopath would never do it because it doesn’t benefit them. They have to get 2 narcissists into position and then provoke them into war. 

This historical review suggests Putin could have assassinated Berezovsky.  What it doesn’t explain is why Putin would have Berezovsky killed other than being an disloyal oligarch.  Berezovsky had initially placed Putin into his position of power and had masterminded the privatization of Russian assets into the hands of the oligarchs. Putin rose to power promising to fight the oligarchs. This Putin campaign promise was fake. Putin and Berezovsky were playing both sides by creating the oligarchs and then placing Putin at the head promising to fight against them. Putin protected Yeltsin who he replaced and protects the loyal oligarchs. Was this just a simple Putin double cross? 

In the end, Putin deposed a few token oligarchs, but has allowed the majority to remain in exchange for their political/financial support. The feud between Putin and Berezovsky was a fraud from the beginning. Berezovsky would go into lavish exile and become a Putin-loyal double agent.  But in reality, Berezovsky has always been a loyal globalist. 

Litvinenko was the FSB officer who originally blew the whistle on Putin and the fabricated threat by Putin against Berezovsky.  Litvinenko published criticisms against Putin’s Russia as a “Mafia State” and was used as a pawn to play up the fake feud between Putin and Berezovsky.

Litvinenko was later assassinted by being poisoned by Polonium-210.  Goldfarb, an employee of Soros and then Berezovsky, pointed the finger at Putin and the KGB as the killers.  However, Goldfarb was the one with the scientific background and experience with Polonium-210.  The KGB wouldn’t have left traces of polonium all over (as they did) unless it had been planted on them by Goldfarb.  

Litvinenko was being used to play up the manufactured feud between Berezovsky and Putin.  However, Litvinenko and reporter Anna Politkovskaya had recently met together to compare notes.  Politovskaya was critcal of Putin and the Chechen Wars.  Litvinenko had blamed Putin for the Moscow apartment bombing triggering the 2nd Chechen War (9/11-like false flag).

In the end, Litvinenko, Politkovskaya, and Berezovsky would all be dead in 3 very visible assassinations. Why assassinate 3 opponents in such visible ways. Why not make it look like an accident or from natural causes like they do in the West (Breitbart, Michael Hastings, Seth Rich)?

I think the globalists killed Berezovsky, Litvenenko, and Politkovskaya and others (Nemtsov) in very visible ways to futher blacken Putin’s reputation with the West and blacken the West’s reputation with Putin. And, in a way, “cut Putin’s leash” as Berezovsky had placed Putin and all the oligarchs into their positions of power. 

It’s my opinion that it’s the globalist who have been conducting numerous very visible political assassinations of Putin’s political opposition to cause him to look bad.  But Putin has such complete control over the Russian media and elections, he doesn't need to visibly assassinate his opposition to keep winning. 

How would you weave globalism into this history?

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Robinson’s Arch

Now in the western quarters of the enclosure of the temple there were four gates; the first led to the king's palace, and went to a passage over the intermediate valley; two more led to the suburbs of the city; and the last led to the other city, where the road descended into the valley by a great number of steps, and thence up again by the ascent for the city lay over against the temple in the manner of a theater, and was encompassed with a deep valley along the entire south quarter.

— Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews 15:410.

It is not certain if Josephus listed these gates from right-to-left or left-to-right.  But if the “kings palace” refers to Fortress Antonia, then the first gate is describing Robinson’s Arch which spanned the Tyropoeon Valley on the left. The middle 2 gates included the Kiponus Gate, and the right-most gate leading to the “other city” with a “great number of steps” leads to the City of David.

Mishnah Three 

1)      There were five gates to the Temple Mount:

2)      The two Huldah gates on the south were used both for entrance and exit;

3)      The Kiponus gate on the west was used both for entrance and exit.

4)      The Taddi gate on the north was not used at all.   

5)      The Eastern gate over which was a representation of the palace of Shushan and through which the high priest who burned the red heifer and all who assisted with it would go out to the Mount of Olives. 

"But the other hill, which was called "Acra," and sustains the lower city, is of the shape of a moon when she is horned; over against this there was a third hill, but naturally lower than Acra, and parted formerly from the other by a broad valley. However, in those times when the Asamoneans reigned, they filled up that valley with earth, and had a mind to join the city to the temple. They then took off part of the height of Acra, and reduced it to be of less elevation than it was before, that the temple might be superior to it. Now the Valley of the Cheesemongers, as it was called, and was that which we told you before distinguished the hill of the upper city from that of the lower, extended as far as Siloam; for that is the name of a fountain which hath sweet water in it, and this in great plenty also. But on the outsides, these hills are surrounded by deep valleys, and by reason of the precipices to them belonging on both sides they are every where unpassable.Josephus Wars: Book 5 Ch:4: 1

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Witness Teacher ID’s Parkland Shooter

The US Constitution is under attack and the media/Google is complicit due to their censorship, failure to ask follow up questions, omitting critical details, drawing the wrong conclusions, and pushing false narratives. 

FBI failures aside to identify Cruz and investigate him as a risk prior to the incident. It is not supposed to be the American way to punish everyone for others mistakes, and crimes. But we see this knee-jerk reaction happen more commonly. 

Florida Teacher Stacy Lippel ID’s the shooter as wearing full body armor with helmet and bullet-proof vest, etc. 

Uber driver says Cruz was carrying oversized backpack/guitar case.  Is this enough space to conceal AR-15, helmet, gas mask, and body armor?  And did Cruz have time to put on all this body armor and remove it again according to the timeline of events?  Yes, Cruz was at the school and Cruz was a shooter, but the question is, was he the only gunman.

Neighbor videos Cruz branshing a handgun last year in his yard. I believe this footage was given to FBI. 

Parkland Timeline:  Uber drops off Cruz at 219pm. Cruz seen in bathroom loading AR-15 at 220pm. Fire alarm pulled and shooting starts at 221pm.  Gun jams and shooting stops at 225pm. Cruz drops backpack and gun and joins fleeing students. 

2 student witnesess report multiple shooters. One student talked with Cruz as they fled the building and only identified him as wearing a gas mask. 

Video of 4 responders putting bag into back of white truck immediately after shooting.  This is removing evidence from a crime scene.  What was in the bag?  These 4 responders removing evidence match the teacher description of one of the shooters. 

Thursday, March 01, 2018