The last couple of weeks there was the story about how Trump used Cambridge Analytica (CA) to win the presidential election. The narrative was that CA used Facebook to test and classify people’s personalities using the OCEAN Personality Teat. CA then micro-targeted these people and their Facebook friends with ads customized to their personality.
This Facebook micro-targeting was NOT the story here. Facebook micro-targeting is NOT new, and was NOT a secret, and is only being used as a diversion to the real story that came out in the UK and was only lightly mentioned in the US and overshadowed by the Facebook non-scandal . Obama and every election since 2008 has been relatively open about using these social media tactics. There are several pre-scandal lectures openly describing these social media tactics by CA and others.
The real story about CA was NOT Facebook data but about an undercover sting/exposee done by UK Channel 4, where reporters posed as politicians from Sri Lanka seeking to hire CA to assist with a future campaign.
In addition to offering social media micro-targeting, Alexander Nix, CEO of CA, was caught on video offering to 1. entrap, compromise, video, and blackmail incumbents with bribes and Ukrainian women. 2. operatives would be “ghosted in” and pose as research students, 3. similar tactics have a long history of use and had been recently well utilized in elections in Eastern Europe and Africa. 4. They had connections with British abd Israeli intelligence (Israeli being superior).
Consider that the US is supposedly upset with a possible Russian interference in the 2016 election and democratic process, and no one seems very outraged or even aware about the real CA/SCL story.
And this isn’t even the whole story, CA is just a front for a UK company called the SCL Group led by Nigel Oakes. SCL Group as well as CA have been employing corrupt tactics and interfering with and manipulating elections all over the world. CA alone participated in 44 US elections in 2014.
Additionally, SCL sought out Trump’s election chief, Steve Bannon as much as Bannon sought out SCL. A likely controlled CA whistleblower, Christopher Wylie, revealed an uncontrolled detail that Bannon thought SCL was an acedemic thing. So, to sell Bannon on having SCL help with the election, they set up a sham office near Cambridge. The whole Facebook/CA data thing was in reality described as more of a side/cover job to the real corrupt business of SCL. Bannon may not even had known what SCL was doing behind the scenes.
1. Wylie described CA as a “Full Service Propaganda Machine”
2. Wylie admits to “psyoping” Steve Bannon in partnering with SCL and creating CA.
This “psyoping” detail is not given by Wylie in any other interviews or testimony and a very important detail demonstrating what I had always suspected, that TPTB (the powers that be) wanted Trump, and made sure he won the election. That is why Rush Limbaugh kept making excuses for Trump after he would say stupid things instead of destroying him: “People hust like a guy who speaks his mind and says it as it is”.
Wylie (pink hair) admitted that micro-targeting had been done before, but after getting investment from Robert Mercer, they invent their Facebook scheme only at that point after inventing CA to fool Bannon.
You have to realize, Wylie is controlled and in many interviews is emphasizing a Russian connection and the Facebook manipulation, but the Cambridge office was a sham office, and the Facebook micro-targeting (while interesting) was likely not the meat and potatoes of SCL’s corrupt business.