Friday, August 31, 2018

Local Food Production

One of the great problems is food production.  Here are several excellent food  production solutions. 

Paperpot  transplanter

Geothermal greenhouse 

Veritasium looks into vitamania, and claims its CO2 and global warming that’s causing decreased food nutrition.  

However, the real problem is not CO2 but Sulfur.  Remember ACID RAIN in the 1980’s?  It’s SULFUR depletion that accounts for protein depletion in food and shift to corn/soy diet. TPTB who sold us on acid rain are now telling us the cause is CO2 and will want us all to be eating SOYLENT.   Google: us soil sulfur (look for comparison map)

20 Great Problems:
1. Religion- reinforce moral living
2. Government- reinforce self-government
3. Economy- equality of opportunity, SSS
4. Energy- cheap, accessible and renewable
5. Health- nutrition, prevention, wellness
6. Food- efficiency, sustainability
7. Water-accessibility, quality
8. Housing- quality, accessability
9. Transportation- quality, accessability
10. Clothing- quality, accessability
11. Sewage- sanitation
12. Waste/Garbage- sustainability
13. Education- accessibility, efficiency
14. Communication- accessibility, privacy
16. Mining- enviromental, efficiency
17. Manufacturing- environmental, quality
18. Poverty- disincentivized, prevention
19. Insurance- efficiency, accessibility
20. Recreation- productiveness, safety

19 Effects

1. Production – something is caused to come into view without apparent clue as to the source.
2. Vanish – the causing of something to pass from sight by apparently unnatural means.
3. Transposition – invisible change in location of a person or an object from one place to another.
4. Transformation – a person or an object changes identity, color, size, shape, character, etc.
5. Penetration – the solid matter of one person or object or thing penetrates the solid matter of another person, object or thing.
6. Restoration – the subject of the effect is wholly or partially destroyed and subsequently restored to its original condition.
7. Animation – an inanimate object is mysteriously endowed with movement.
8. Anti-Gravity – the person or thing reacts contrary to the laws of gravity.
9. Attraction – through some mysterious power the magician becomes endowed with a power resembling magnetism.
10. Sympathetic Reaction – a reaction of two or more persons or objects showing sympathetic accord in harmony one with the other.
11. Invulnerability – demonstrations of resistance or proof against injury.
12. Physical Anomaly – exceptions or contradictions to normal physical rules or reactions.
13. Spectator Failure – where a spectator is unable to accomplish some apparently simple objective, implying the intervention of a mysterious power.
14. Control – where the mind of the performer seems to dominate a subject that is animate or inanimate.
15. Identification – the discovery of an identity.
16. Thought Reading – the performer apparently reads the thought of another.
17. Thought Transmission – the projection of thought from one person to another.
18. Prediction – the future is foretold.
19. Extra-Sensory Perception – all types of abnormal perception other than through mental communication.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

John McCain Vietnam Propaganda Recording

It takes great bravery to fly bombing runs into enemy territory and to be shot down.  However, this “Tokyo Rose” propaganda recording calls into question some of the things we are led to believe about what happened in Vietnam after McCain was captured as a POW. 

Its understandable that a soldier under the threat of torture or following repeated episodes of torture might give into the request to make such a recording.  However, McCain wasn’t just an average soldier, but was held up by the US media to have been an extraordinary military hero. 


Article III:

If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.

Article IV:

If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.

Article V:

When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.

Articles like this claim their is no evidence that McCain violated the US Military Code of Conduct as a POW, but this recording proves otherwise. 

Thursday, August 23, 2018

No Amount of Alcohol is Healthy

If you're one of the third of all humankind who drinks alcohol, take note: There's no amount of liquor, wine or beer that is safe for your overall health, according to a new analysis of 2016 global alcohol consumption and disease risk.” —CNN

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

BAO-FENG UV-3R Programming Cable Driver Fix for Windows 10

BaoFeng UV-3R Programming Cable Driver Fix for Windows 10.  My programming cable stopped working with Win10, but this website fixed the problem and now its working again with CHIRP.

Friday, August 17, 2018

Hydroplate Theory  coesite?

Can Hawaii and Yellowstone hotspots be explained? Hawaii shows plate migration with alternating magnetic fields traveling from its current position to Siberia.  Yellowstone shows plate tetonic migration involving snake river valley. 

Diamond and coal show C14 and demonstrate their young creation.   Cataclysmic fracturing of granite associated with flood was rapidly filled with molten quartz, sulphide and other minerals. The Grand Staircase demonstrates hydraulic uplift of the Colorado Plateau from the Rocky Mountains compression of the Moho. Magma with high water content created by friction.

How would this explain differing ages of Wind Rivers vs. Uintah’s vs Wasatch. 

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Forgery and Fraud

The RLDS Church or Community of Christ is experiencing a sort of schism.  The Community of Christ has become rather embarrassed by its mormon heritage.  Accordingly, they have in recent years changed the name of their church, and have adopted a more evangelical doctrine. The consequence of these changes are the alienation of its membership and loss of tithing revenue.  Consequently, the Community of Christ may be selling their birthright for a mess of pottage. In order to pay their pensioners, they have recently sold the printer’s manuscript for the Book of Mormon.  We may see the additional sales or other properties in Kirtland and Nauvoo.

A added consequence of these changes by the RLDS Church is a division by members who have always believed in the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith.  I don’t understand everything going on but it seems like a faction led by Bob Moore and Joseph Fredrick Smith, the great-grandson of Joseph Smith Jr. have joined with a Mauricio Artur Berger from Brazil.  

This Mauricio claims to have had several amgelic visitations by Rafael, Moroni, and the 3 Nephite Disciples.  Mr. Berger claims to have been given the gold plates, sword of Laban, and interpreters with a divine charge to interpret the sealed portion of the Book of Mormon. 

It seems like Joseph F. Smith and many others are convinced the the claims by Mauricio  Berger and Joni Batista (scribe) are true. However, the Community of Christ as a whole is very much unconvinced.  However, it seems like the organization warns of the possibility of fraud, they haven’t yet openly come out and denounced the entire affair. 



Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Radioprotection and Tocotrienol

Tocotrienols are potent antioxidants and stimulate hematopoiesis or bone marrow activity. These derivatives of vitamin E are found in palm oil, wheat and barley germ. Gamma Tocotrienol has been shown to be protect against high does of radiation. 

“There is more salvation and security in wheat, than in all the political schemes of the world. …” (JD, vol. 2, p. 207.)

Monday, August 06, 2018

Emergence Theory and Quantum Gravity

Move over string theory, there is a new popular theory of everything called “emergence theory”, “quantum gravity” and “quantum information theory”. The theory purports to finally unify Einstein's theory (theory of very big) of relativity with quantum mechanics (theory of very small). Emergence theory postulates that gravity is a macro phenomenon like temperature and pressure that rises out of quantum behavior on not just the micro scale, but the plank scale. (1.6 x 10-35 m)

According to quantum gravity and emergence theory, the universe is made up of information. All matter and energy is made up of 8-dimensional pixels (complex vector space, E8 Lattice, Gosset Polytope) superimposed onto a 4-demential shape (Elser-Sloane quasicrystal).

I don’t have a problem with macro phenomenon coming from subatomic behavior.  Atomic reactions come from the behavior of subatomic particles and chemical behavior is greatly influenced by the Van der Waals force. However, some people in the emergence theory camp seem to  want to immediately jump from the physical into the metaphysical.  A few are trying to roll in ideas to quantum information theory such as the consciousness of the universe as well as claiming the universe is mearly a simulation in a quantum computer (0 worlds interpretation).

Joseph F. Smith on Mesoamerica

“This modernistic theory of necessity, in order to be consistent, must place the waters of Ripliancum and the Hill Cumorah some place within the restricted territory of Central America, notwithstanding the teachings of the Church to the contrary for upwards of 100 years. Because of this theory some members of the Church have become confused and greatly disturbed in their faith in the Book of Mormon. It is for this reason that evidence is here presented to show that it is not only possible that these places could be located as the Church has held during the past century, but that in very deed such is the case.”

-Joseph F. Smith, Doctrines of Salvation

“The Lamanites must rise in majesty and power.” (Conference Reports, Oct. 1947) “The Lamanites must rise in majesty and power. We must look forward to the day when they will be “white and delightsome” (2 Ne. 5:21; 2 Ne. 30:6), sharing the freedoms and blessings which we enjoy; when they shall have economic security, culture, refinement, and education; when they shall be operating farms and businesses and industries and shall be occupied in the professions and in teaching; when they shall be organized into wards and stakes of Zion, furnishing much of their own leadership; when they shall build and occupy and fill the temples, and serve in them as the natives are now serving in the Hawaiian Temple where I found last year the entire service conducted by them and done perfectly. And in the day when their prophet shall come, one shall rise. . . mighty among them . . . being an instrument in the hands of God, with exceeding faith, to work mighty wonders (2 Ne. 3:24).”

President Spencer W. Kimball: “The Lamanites must rise in majesty and power.” (Conference Reports, Oct. 1947)

“immense herds of wild bulls and cows”

Thursday, August 02, 2018

True Economics

“It’s always most efficient ... to manufacture things closest to the point of consumption”.

Looking at longer term growth rates over a five year period, the GDP growth rate falls from an annualised rate of 3.3% as of Q4 2013 using the reported figures to a negative yearly growth rate of 1.0% using the money supply adjusted GDP figures.  

Real GDP is not “real” unless the FED’s QE money printing is subtracted out from the GDP figures. 

Book of Mormon Heartland Model 4

For me, all anachronistic suggestions are unsettling. It doesn’t help that the anti’s and ex-mo’s recent targeting of these academic postulates seems to be carrying some water for them.  In my mind, the idea of anachronisms doesn’t  fit with the Book of Mormon pattern which stubbornly refers to “ziff” and “cureloms”.

Even if true, the image of Amerinds or Maya or whomever using tapirs as beasts of burden, is not a pretty one. It seems the ex-mo’s and anti’s are having a field-day mocking the Book of Mormon over these anachronistic suggestions.  I think, Maldrum’s “tantrum” on tapir’s resonates with many people. It’s emotionally honest, even if it’s not purely rational. 

The anachronism issue may be emblematic of the reasons behind why the RLDS Church has become embarrassed of the Book of Mormon. Again, as I only recently learned, the Community of Christ is now forsaking their Mormonism and selling off some of their historical assets (printer’s manuscript).

It may be, according to God’s purposes, that hard genetic and archeological proof for the Book of Mormon will not presently be discovered or accepted because: 

1. the purpose of the Book or Mormon is to teach people to rely on a synergy of scripture, evidence, reason, the Holy Ghost and a living prophet for truth and not archeologists alone. 
2. the RLDS Church needs to become sufficiently embarrassed by the Book or Mormon that it sells off all its property in Nauvoo, and Kirtland. 
3. God is not after “lukewarm”, “fair-weather” followers at present. 
4. There exists the reality of evil, opposition, and conspiracy against truth and the things of God. 

Like I said before, I have been a fan of Haplogroup X2a and the possible Algonquin connection, even before Meldrum’s presentation. For me, genetics is a powerful potential evidence. I have some background doing DNA sequencing, so this data is only slightly more “familiar” to me.

I think the mtDNA migration data creates an exciting link between Amerinds and the Middle East.  Unfortunately, like horses, the dating is not working out in our favor.  Now, we need an answer for the new “23,000 to 18,000 years ago” Salutrean migration theory. 

Interesting that Kennewick man is X2a. The study on his carbon-14 data admits the samples were low carbon content and quality and likely subject to intrusive contamination. Exogenous limestone intrusion via ground water is a common and likely source of contamination by “old carbon”.  This intrusion by “old carbon” would cause the bone samples to date older than they really are. However, I am reading that a 1 % contamination only equates to an error of 80 years regardless of sample age (Aitken).

However, in my mind, If X2a were to have come to the Americas 18,000 years ago, I don’t see how the x2a haplotype would remain as relatively localized to the Great Lakes as it is.  I would expect an old haplogroup to be more homogenized.  In my mind, the lack of homogenization of mtDNA haplogroups and all haplotypes in general suggests that the human species is younger than assumed and human migrations have been more recent than purported.

Genetic Adam and Eve close in time. 
Mitochondrial Clock Speed (based on several assumptions and some circular reasoning):
mtDNA non-random mating simulations suggest Mitochondrial Eve lived only a few thousand years ago:

In my mind, I think it may be easier to find common ground with most other Christians (many of whom believe in a young Eden) who may already take issue with some scientific dating assumptions. If we solve the scientific dating problems related to “old carbon” and “reservoir effects” from variations in cosmic ray flux, we may already have profound archaeological and genetic proof of horses and Israelites in America during the Book of Mormon time periods.

I think Christian scientists would do better looking into how to find better evidence for a “young Eden” as opposed to a “young Earth”. 

Book of Mormon Heartland Model 3

You are likely more familiar with the “literature” than I am.  I am not sure there is a lot officially written about the heartland model. FARMS/Maxwell had been rather invested in mesoamerica. Currently (it seems) the Maxwell institute is kinda distancing itself from the subject of geography. Accordingly, many FARMS people seem to have been transitioning to FAIR.  Wayne May has been publishing from a more secular angle in Ancient America. Admittedly, one of the best sites for potential pre-Colombian bovus, equus, etc.  is from the Yucatan caves. 

Animal References (not imagery):
1 Nephi 18-25
Enos 1:21
Mosiah 18:4
Ether 9:18-19

Nephite Animals:
Cow: (deer, bos, auroch?)
Ox: Ovibos moschatus 
Ass: (burro?)
Horse: (pinto, piebald, curly?)
Goat:  Ovis canadensis
Wild Goat: Oreamnos americanus
Migrating Wild Beasts: Bison bison

Possible Pre-columbian Horse and Burro discoveted in Carlsbad,CA:
Steven E Jones paper:
Yucatan Equus:
Discussing Origins of the Curly:

Pratt Cave, El Paso, TX
Wolf Spider Cave, CO
Horsethief Cave, WY
Yucatan Caves, MX

Robert T. Hatt, “Faunal and archaeological researches in Yucatan caves.” Cranbrook Institute of Science 33 (1953), 1-42.

Added Jeredite Animals:
Swine: (tapir?)
Sheep: Ovis canadensis
Cureloms: (llama?, mammoths?)
Cumoms: (llams?, mastadons?)

Elephant Effigy Pipes:
Lenape Stone:
Elephant Mound, WI: