Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Phononic-Protonic Resonance/Impedance Matching


The velocity of 1.094 million metres per second is the  result of a classical impedance match – a match that allows energy to flow directly without resistance within the atomic structure - when the velocity of light in the outer electronic orbitals of the atom equals the velocity of sound within its nucleus, i.e., 1.094 million metres per second, and energy transfer can take place with 100 percent efficiency. The 100 efficient process emits one photon, not a series of progressively smaller photons that would be emitted by less efficient non-impedance matched system. 

Fmax of 29.05 Newtons at the radius of the electron re(which is half the classical radius of the electron). The elastic constant, K-e, which determines the magnitude of the restoring force, is an inverse function of the displacement rx multiplied by Fmax.

K-e = Fmax / rx

The frequency of this harmonic motion fn, is given by Equation (2B) (the division by 2pconverts angular frequency to frequency in Hertz, and Mn is the mass of the nucleon).

fn = 1/2p √( K-e /Mn)                                                    

The velocity Vt emerges as the product of the frequency at a displacement equal to twice the momentum spacing of the nucleons, rn of 1.36 x10-15 m (larger than the radius of a proton because of movement of adjacent nucleons)

The fine structure constant in its current value is 7.2973525698 x 10-3 or approximately 1/137 [30]. It is defined in terms of other fundamental constants, and the simplest formula is Equation (5), where e is the elementary charge, ћ = h/2p is the reduced Planck’s  constant, c is the speed of light in vacuum, and ke is the Coulomb constant. Its origin remains obscure, however.


a = 2Vt/c

Vt, the velocity of quantum transition, is that at which the velocity of light within the electronic structure of the atoms equals the velocity of sound within its nuclear structure and the impedance of the interacting states are matched, so energy is exchanged “without bounce” (i.e. with no barrier and at 100 percent efficiency). That is what accounts for the quantization of energy levels in the atom.  Electrons attempt to flow along all possible paths but they can only move between orbits through channels of matching impedance.  Znidarsic shows that Planck’s constant is based on Vt , which also determines the energy levels of the Bohr hydrogen atom and the intensity and probability of its spectral emissions.  The energy of the photon is given by Equation (2) where Q is the elementary charge, and eo is the electric permittivity of free space.

[These equations derive quantum mechanics from classical Newtonian mechanics. It treats light like a capacitor and electrons like springs. (spring theory?)]

Friday, November 16, 2018

Abortion Reality

Gen 9:4 But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.

We should not take life, or shed blood.  Blood begins to circulate at 5 weeks. Therefore, abortion should not be permitted after 5 weeks. Pregancy can easily be detected at 4 weeks giving a women 7 days to choose. 

Thursday, November 08, 2018

Market Pessimism

Thank you for you frequent unsolicited emails.  I am not currently interested in any financial advice because I haven’t found anyone who demonstrates a realistic-enough view of the economy (in my opinion).  I appreciate your message on diversification/SEARS but this advice seems more like a financial meme. 

Since 2008, despite asurances, I don’t see that much has changed. We are still accruing trillion dollar/yr deficits, off-shoring manufacturing jobs, and QE money printing. 

QE is like a patient being in the ICU on a vassopressor drip (eg adrenaline). The blood pressure may be perfect 120/60 on the monitor, but the second the adrenaline is shut off, the patient would flat-line. So, it is with the US economy.  Trump announces +4.1% GDP, but if you correct for QE, the real number is improving but still -1% (money supply adjusted GDP).  Most growth, if any, has been in the speculative markets and not in the real economy.  

After Glass-Stegal was abolished many big companies became banks. These bank/companies were able to borrow nearly free QE money from FED.  With that QE, these banks bought AAA bonds.  But with record low intetest rates, bond yields were not keeping up with inflation.  So, banks exchange bonds with each other on the REPO market and then buy up their own stock. We see the stock market rise to record levels even while the CEO’s and others cash out their stock options.  The QE ended up going into the pockets of a few has produced record billionaires in the last 10 years and limited inflation that we might have otherwise expected due to all the money printing.  However, inflation has been moderated due to this strategy of “sterilization”.   The stock market is just smoke and mirrors.

Hurricaine Irma in Puerto Rico decimated the US’s domestic pharmaceutical manufacturing. Following the hurricaine, US drug manufacturing in Puerto Rico closed up and off-shored. 

The Westinghouse reactur design was supposed to create a renaissance of nuclear power in the US.  However, the NRC re-formulating their requirements following 9/11 (false flag), doomed the VC Summer project, and bankrupted the Louisiana company that had already built mass production infrastructure to produce the Westinghouse passive cooled reactors.   Bechtel has come in to save Plant Votgel, but US nuclear manufacturing was off-shored to Korea. 

I am pretty pessistiv about the state of the nation. We have been fooled into fighting Israel’s never-ending wars in the Middle East.  Syria is a quagmire, and now the attention is being turned on Iran.  I just hope we fare better than Alexander the Great and the Greek Empire after he took on the Medes abd then Persia. Of you don’t remember, Alexander was murdered, and Greece was divided into 4 parts. 

If the US/Israel go to war with Iran, which is ultimately wnat Israel wants, I fear that will be the “final straw that breaks the camel’s back”.  Russia and China just might finally strike the West.  Russia and China have been continually modernizing their nuclear triad, violating all nuclear treaties which we have only just now publicly recognized. 

Needless to say, I’m not too bullish about the future.  I am interested in investments that are not tied with the market. 




Lactobacillus rossiae is a good bacteria isolated from healthy human gut flora and found in sourdough starters. It turns out that this bacteria produces B12 and may have other health benefits.  Bifidobacterium infantis (Align) also produces B12. 


There are generally 2 types of  probiotics.  The first are  “milk bugs” which are good bacteria such as lactobacillus and bifidobacterium.  The second are “beer bugs” which are good yeasts such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Saccharomyces Boulardii. 

When your on an antibacterial antibiotic, you want to be on a yeast-based probiotic like Floristor, because the antibiotic will just kill the milk bugs. At otger times, milk bugs 

Milk Bugs:

Streptococcus thermophilus

Lactobacillus bulgaricus

Lactobacillus delbrueckii 

Beer Bugs:

Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Saccharomyces Boulardii

Gut Bugs:

Bifidobacterium longum

Bifidobacterium infantis (Align)

Bifidobacterium animalis/lactis (Activia)

Coleman Powersports Mini Bike


So, I am the vice president of a public nonprofit foundation for a camp property thats used by church groups, families, scouts, and local school sports teams (HS girls lacross).  As a physician, I also provide medical support for numerous youth activities.  

This New Years, I will again be serving as the “trail doctor”, for a multi-day regional youth historical re-enactment called Trek.  This reenactment involves hundreds of kids pulling handcarts for 3 days and camping out under tarps.   The Trek re-enactment will not be at the small public camp will instead be held at Fort Gordon.  Fort Gordon has a wonderful lodge at their Lake Leitner and miles of tank trails perfect for pulling handcarts. Gort Gordon has always been so accommodating of the local public allowing the medical school, scout troops, and church groups to use these outdoor resources for various events like Med War, mud runs, and Trek. 

4 years ago, I walked with the handcart trains carying medical supplies on my back. However, I found myself having to repetitively run to the front of the caravan and then to the back and then to the front again. If the carts walked 40 miles, I felt like I did 60.  

So, this year, I’m doing Trek again, but a bit smarter. I’f I was going to be accurate to the re-enactment, I could have gone on horseback. But thats not at all practical.  Borrowing or buting an ATV or Trail Ranger would work buy they can run $2000-10,000. Riding a mountain bike would be faster but difficult on the sandy trails.  I already have a mountain bike but didnt want to purchase a Fat Bike with wider sand tires.  There are also numerous e-bikes and even e-fat bikes on the market that provide petal assist.  However, even with petals assist, it wouldn’t be easy to carry very much medical gear on a bicycle and impossible to recharge the lithium batteries on the trail. Also, a good 1000 W e-Fat Bike will go for $1000-3000.  

So, thinking of a solution I csn use on the trail and back at the Canp, I settled on getting a very affordable Coleman Motorsports BT200X Mini Bike.  I went with the nicer model with front suspention and plan to do some fun modifications with my son. I plan on it being a fun project. Unbelievably, they had a fully assembked BT200X at my local Walmart just sitting in their garden section, for sale and ready to go. 

These mini bikes are like a lawnmower motorcycles, or motorcycle go-karts. they are rather safe because they don’t go all that fast.  However, several mod kits and agter-market parts are availible to get the most out these fun little machines. 

BT200X Mod Video:

Here is a parts list:

Foot Pegs: 

Seat Springs:

Storage Racks: