A. gamma-tocotrienol, a specific form of Vitamin E, protects from gamma radiation exposure. An accessible source of gamma-tocotrienol is:
1. Red Palm Oil (high)
2. Rice Bran Oil (high)
3. Wheat Germ Oil (medium)
4. Barley Germ Oil (medium)
“Tocotrienols are found in certain cereals and vegetables such as palm oil, rice bran oil, coconut oil, barley germ, wheat germ and annatto. Palm oil and rice bran oil contain particularly higher amounts of tocotrienols (940 and 465 mg/kg, respectively)”
B. Taurine demonstrates radioprotection. Traurine supplies sulfur (S) which is used to regenerate glutathione. (Tylenol and Sodium Benzoate depletes S). S-deficiency is likely one major cause of chronic inflammatory disease in society (worsened by the 80’s acid rain movement). Taurine is commonly found in energy drinks but the caffeine, ACE-K and sodium benzoate ahould be avoided.
Epsom Salt (MgSO4) likely also confers similar benefit via thr same mechanism. Allicin from Garlic is a thiosulfinate (S-S=O) that would also convey similar antioxidant glutathione regenerative properties.
C. Melatonin also demonstrates radioprotection. Melatonin like Dopamine and Serotonin requires SAMe for synthesis. SAMe is a major intermediate in the S (sulfur) metabolic parhway. Therefore, supplemental melatonin would shunt SAMe towards glutathione regeneration.
D. Sulfate/Sulfur (S) is not routinely measured in medicine. An indirect measure of S is homocysteine. Homocysteine is recognized as an important but nonspecific inflammatory marker. Homocysteine is also an important intermediate in the S pathway next to SAMe (S-adenosylmethionine).
Homocysteine is likely a marker of S deficiency but doesn’t reflect total body stores. S is stored in glutathione and as glycosaminoglycans, GAGs (eg. heparin sulfate, heparan sulfate, keratan sulfate, dermatan sulfate, chondroitin sulfate, etc) GAGs are complex branches of sugars like upside-down Christmas trees that should be fully decorated with sulfates. When total body sulfate stores are depleted, these GAGs become stripped of sulfate, and various autoimmune and inflammatory diseases result.
I mention the S-pathway and GAGs because studies demonstate that certain of these nutraceuticals confer radio-protection taken before a radiation insult as much as taking them after .