Thursday, December 19, 2019

Air Ronaldo

I have always preferred Barcelona over Real Madrid and Messi over Ronaldo.  However, it was sad to see Ronaldo move to Serie A and Juventus. But after seeing Ronaldo elevate and score a header like the one he did a couple days ago, you got to have respect for his talent. 

Friday, December 13, 2019

BIS Basel 3 Accords and REPO Market

Jan 1 2020 is that date the FED has set for the implementation of the Bank of International Settlement Basel 3 Accords.  Basel 1 destroyed Japan, Basel 2 triggered 2008, and Basel 3 (when implemented) will likely blow up the REPO Market. If the REPO Market implodes, it will take everything down with it. I've been talking about this since 2009. But the FED has continued to pump fake money into the market. Nothing has changed. But eventually every bubble bursts. 

Sunday, December 08, 2019

Harvard Business Review Blind to Workplace Narcissism

Harvard Business Review explains away and justifies workplace narcissism and bullying. These people should know that to increase quality, efficiency and lower cost and turnover depends on teambulding and creating a work atmosphere of trust and cooperation.  Narcissism in the workplace is toxic and destructive to any workplace.  

High turnover in any industry = high management Narcississm. But the management will be doing everything to preserve their positions. 

Wednesday, November 06, 2019

Psychiatry and Psychology

Sadly, even in our modern society, many people misunderstand psychiatry and psychology issues. That is unfortunate because no one blames people with cancer or asthma or diabetes. Hopefully by understanding more about psychiatry and how the brain works, we can be more understanding of ourselves, friends and family members that might be struggling with these issues or might struggle with these issues in the future. 

Psychiatry is divided into 2 parts called Axis (Axis 1/Axis 2). Axis 1 involves chemical imbalances in the brain and can be treated with both medication (psychiatry) and talk or group therapy (psychology).  Talking to a counselor is very important, but talking alone will not fix the problem if there the brain has a chemical imbalance. Sometimes only medication can fix an imbalance.  Eating a good diet and exercise can also help and should be tried first before meds. 

The main psychiatric issues are:

1. Depression (feeling overly down):
2. Anxiety (feeling overly nervous):
3. Attention (hard to focus):
4. Unstable/Bipolar (up and downs):
5. Thinking Disorder/Psychosis (not thinking right):

Depression and Anxiety can be helped with medications that balance brain chemicals Seretonin and Norepinephrine like Prozac, Zoloft, Celexa, Effexor, Cymbalta. (SSRI, SNRI). 

Many kids have attention problems and take medications like Concerta or Adderall they help them pay better attention in class. 

Some people fluctuate with extreme ups and  downs. These people can be put on medications like Depakote, or Topamax that help stabilize their mood. 

Other people have trouble thinking and might see, hear, or feel (fear) things that are not real. These thinking problems can be treated with medications that balance Dopamine in the brain. Medications that help with dopamine are Ability, Seroquel, Risperdal or Zyprexa. 

It is normal for everyone to feel down or anxious or both sometimes. Just because you feel down or anxious some times doesn't mean anything is wrong.  The problem is only if the depression or anxiety is making it so you can't go to school, church, family events, or work.  You also need to have the problem longer than 6-months. You likely have friends on these meds and don't know it. 

In the previous section we talked about Axis 1 problems involving a chemical imbalance that can be helped with a combination of counseling, diet, exercise and medications.  Another issue that psychiatry and psychology deal with are Axis 2 problems. These problems are much harder to treat.  In fact, there are no medications for Axis 2 problems which are also known as personality disorders. 

Axis 2 personality disorders like Axis 1 chemical imbalances are not the person's fault . Axis 2 problems develop in childhood and are usually the result of a childhood trauma (something bad happened), or parents not giving enough of the right kind of attention and/or discipline.

It's very normal for kids and teenagers to behave in some Axis 2 ways.  However, good parenting will help kids grow out of these behaviors that would make adulthood difficult.  Like Axis 1 problems, Axis 2 problems can interfere with family, church, work and school. 

Most Axis 2 personality disorders come from a deep, negative feeling of not being loved.  Some counselors refer to these as "self-love deprevation syndrome". The difficult behavior comes from sub-consciously trying to protect themselves from being emotionally hurt.  Many people who might have an Axis 2 problems might have a mixture or parts of several of these problems. 

Axis 2 problems are really hard to deal with.  The people that have them don't know they have them, and don't see that there is a problem. They are supremely  offended if you were to even suggest it. They think that their behavior is who they are and it's part of their personality style. They are not consciously or purposefully trying to be difficult or emotionally hurtful.

Most counselors/psychologist say Axis 2 problems never get better because the person who has them doesn't know they have it and will get immediately defensive and angry at the suggestion that there might be an Axis 2 problem.   The behaviors get worse with stress, and as people get older. They don't grow out of it. 

Axis 2 problems have become more common with the Millennials and later  than ever before.  Performance-based self-esteem vs. self-worth based on knowing you're a child of God leads to greater insecurity and Axis 2 problems. If your value is based on performance, health, image, then your self-image crashes if you fail, so people raised under the concept of self-esteem fight to protect image even if it's a false image. If your value is based on God, no failure or setback can take your intrinsic  self-worth away. People with a healthy concept of self-worth are better able to deal honestly with their weaknesses/failures and improve. (Brene Brown Vulnerablility).

Axis 2 Personality Disorders include:

Overt Narcissism PD - thinking regular relationship rules don't apply to you because you are special and an exception. These have trouble taking advice/criticism from others. Difficulty with people who think different than them. (President Trump)

Victim/Covert Narcissism PD - thinking regular relationship rules don't apply because you are a victim and had an unfair/hard life. These also don't like to take advice/criticism and often feel and remember things worse than they really were (victimization). Think love equals 100% conforming to their way of thinking. Not interested in others ideas. Sometimes negative feelings focused on single person  (scapegoat). 

Borderline PD - fear of abandonment, throw a public tantrum if they don't get their way.

Hystrionic PD - need to be center of attention.

Antisocial PD - hurt small animal.

Dependent PD - difficult time making decisions. Ask others to make decisions for them. 

Schizoid PD - avoid people and groups. Like to be alone. They aren't anxious around others, they just prefer to be by themselves. 

Schizotypal PD - magical thinking (superstition, superpowers) and living in a fantasy. 

Obsessive-Compulsive PD - Overly clean and overly detailed

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Trump is the King of Israel

About Trump's "King of Israel" comments.  We know that Trump is probably the most grandiose narcassist we've ever had as POTUS.  

I'm not sure we have been correct on Trump.  First we may need to understand that Trump is not a knowing globalist conspirator, he is an unknowing globalist conspirator.  The system doesn't want to remove Trump, they just want the constant pressure.   Make no mistake, Trump won the election and will win again because the system wanted Trump. 

Cambridge Analytica/SCL Group was exposed by UK Channel 4 who posed as Sri Lankan politicians.  Alexander Nix confessed on camera about links to British/ Israeli Intelligence (Black Cube).  Ability to get visas, ghost people in, and compromise incumbents with bribes, entrapment, and Ukranian women (Epstein). Facebook microtargeting was NOT the real story with Cambridge Analytica.  Nix admitted to have conducted many similar operations in Eastern Europe and North Africa.  And here we are upset about Russia interference in our election (1400$ google ads?)

Christopher Wiley, (Cambridge Analytica whistle blower) was interviewed and confessed SCL Group/SCl Elections/Nigel Oaks "Psyoped Steve Bannon."  The system wanted to work for Trump and to get Trump elected. SCL Group set up the microtargeting as a cover and to appear legit to Bannon. They did a great job of microtargeting with Jordan Peterson's OCEAN Servey and taylored ads. but microtargeting is not SCL Groups real business.  SCL Elections is a full-service propaganda and election manipulation machine. 

The danger here in not understanding clearly what is going on is Israel is going to be unfarely scapegoated for 9/11, Epstein, Trump, etc etc. Yes, Israel is under the control of LAKUD/Irgun sympathizers, but (as you know) this is not an Israeli conspiracy but a supernational globalist conspiracy. The US, Britian, and Israel have all been infiltrated (anglo-american-israeli establishment).  However, TruNews, KnowMoreNews, and Christopher Bollyn are unfarely working to single out and blame Israel. 

The problem is that making this an Israel-only problem and not a globalist problem is that in addition to eventually bringing about Armageddon, is that those who mistakenly blame Israel will be labeled anti-Semitic, and may at some point be themselves targeted as far-right extremists. 

Monday, August 12, 2019

Jeffery Epstein

Here are some good articles on Jeffery Epstein. 

Epstein Contacts:

Epstein Money:

Acosta on record claiming Epstein was intelligence asset. 

Monday, July 08, 2019

Anomalous Ionospheric Heating

Ultra low frequency radio waves were also detected by the DEMETER spacecraft.

Monday, June 17, 2019

6 Chernobyl Details

This video talks about 6 details the HBO Chernobyl miniseries missed and a few other details the show gets right. 

1. Classical music playing on radio- signaled to people that something big had happened. 
2. Ukranians learned details of disaster from VOA, BBC, etc. despite USSR attempts to jam frequencies. 
3.  Many citizens were poisoned by drinking betadine in an attempt to protect thyroid from radioactive iodine.
4.  Citizens of Kiev exposed to high radiation during May 1 Parade. communist party officials forced to conduct annual parade to maintain facade that everything was under control and safe. (25 rem)
5. Radiation alarms in Sweden and and on US Navy ships and submarines activated in Scotland. 
6. Children in Ukraine forced to stay in school and finish end-of-year exams. Children of government officials were evacuated. 

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Spring Theory: Compton Phononic-Photonic Coupling

Frank Znidarsic derives Plank's constant by treating light as capacitors and electrons as springs.  

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Suicide Rate in Utah

Here are the state suicide numbers for 2017.  Utah has had an alarming increase in its suicide rate. However, while 1 suicide is too many, it appears from the data that the rate is proportinal to its western neighbors.

Some  critics of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wish to blame the Church for higher suicide rates.  It seems if there is any negative trend in Utah (bankruptcy, SSRI use, etc), critics want to blame the dominant religion.  

However, the article above discuses preliminary results that increased suicidal rates in Utah have to do more with 1. Altitude 2. Rural 3. Western State 4. Mental illness 5. Opioid epidemic 6. Criminal record 6. Utah cutting counseling services for suicide in 2009. 

The study is interested in looking at suicide rates among the LGBTQ population to see if there is a corelation between sexual orientation and possible social stigma.  While LGBTQ populations are known to have higher suicide rates already.  This increased risk is true for all states, including California.  Additionally, it doesn't make sense to blame recent increased Utah suicide on Church policy because there have been no changes in Church policy on this issue.

This CDC article reports that suicide rates have increased in all US states since 1999.  This increase cannot be attributable to increased social stigma towards LGBTQ individuals because acceptance and tolerance on these issues is generally higher than it's ever been. Yet, we don't seem to be seeing improvements.

Wednesday, March 06, 2019


1. ——— is slow (2 pph/patients-per-hour), and really limits speed efficiency and quality and safety. It is harder and takes much more time to document and enter orders using ———  than any other EMR I have used wity includes: Cerner-Powerchart, VA-VistA, Epic, and even paper (T-sheet, Generic Template). Of all the documentation tools I have used, ———- is the absolute worst and slowest and most dangerous.  I can’t believe a company that is so focused on numbers can at the same time employ such an inefficient system like ———.  Honestly, the fastest documentation system was using generic paper templates (3.5 pph) where HPI, ROS, PE, and orders could be filled out with a pen in an unabtrusive manner while getting the patient history.  You leave the room and orders and most of the chart was already done.   As far as EMR goes, EPIC is the best (2.8 pph). 

2. The Emergency Department should be allowed to give verbal/written orders to our nurses which can be later cosigned . ED physicians face continual interruptions by nurses. Instead of a quick response like “yes” or “make it so” to a question like “Can I give 1000mg tylenol to Rm 21 for fever?”, the ED physician is forced to stop what they are doing,  interrupting our train of thought, and enter this order.  These interruptions lead to mistakes.  The interruption is a result of the fact that only one order can ever be entered  in at one time by the physician (even with 2 ——— screens open).  This is a significant bottleneck.  Also, many times ED physicans are forced to leave a patient bedside to enter orders instead of giving verbals or having written orders taken at the bedside. Many other services at ———take written verbals except for the ED.  All other hospital I have worked at accept verbal/written orders.

3.  ———needs more rooms.  We have an excellent new ED faculity, but are forced to see patients in a chair in the hallway because all our ED rooms are continually filled with admitted patients boarding in the ED (10-15 nightly).  It is unfortnate that the new ED was not designed to provide more rooms than our old ED.  This was an unfortunate oversight.   We had already outgrown our new ED even before moving in.   The ED physician is scrutinized for almost every aspect of our decision making.  Who gets scrutinized for not planning to supply enough staffed rooms in the hospital and ED?  

4. I am supportive of following all hospital, federal, national protocols and guidelines.  However, the ED and hospitalist are easy targets.  We are too busy working to even speak up for ourselves.  It seems that if healthcare can easily divert attention onto the ED, then everyone’s attention is diverted away from other issues.  In my opinion, the ED is neither the problem nor the solution, we are just easy.  

When the insurance mandate and penalty associated with the Affordable Care Act was being debated by the Supreme Court, the justices asked the question again and again, “Can the Federal government punitively require people buy brocolli”.  The federal government can prohibit harmful behavior, but does it have the right to require and punitively enforce what it deems to be good behavior?  This issue came up in Canada with proposed penalties for persons failing to use gender neutral pronouns ‘ze’ and ‘zir’. Now with MIPS, the federal government is penalizing/fining doctors for not complying with MIPS requirements. Is this fascism?

Thank You

Globalist knowing funded ISIS

According to the newly declassified US document, the Pentagon foresaw the likely rise of the ‘Islamic State’ as a direct consequence of the strategy, but described this outcome as a strategic opportunity to “isolate the Syrian regime.” 

Apache Helicopter escorts ISIS
Iraq Army ordered to retreat
Bulgarian Weapons, Silkway Airline, Purple Shovel

Saturday, March 02, 2019

Church and State

A.  We live in a very narcissistic society, where a larger number are playing by different social rules.  One side believes the rules of society don’t apply to them because they are better, smarter, richer, G-ds choosen, more connected, etc; and the other side believes the rules don’t apply to them because identity politics tells them they are a victim of oppression.  Everyone playing by the same rules leads to greater social capital and cooperation. 

1. Let’s lay down the rules of social order (virtue)

2. Let’s keep them (personal responsibility)

3. Let’s all play the same game. (few exceptions)

4. Let’s reinforce that social order through our support of positive art and media that reinforces the rules instead of undermines them. 

B.  Capitalism vs. Marxism is a false dichotomy.  The rich do have a duty to help the poor or underprivileged.  The real question is whether it’s the government’s or religion’s job to administer social justice.  According to James 1:27, the job of social justice is religion and this is because government can’t legislate/mandate positive behavior (accountability).  Government can tax and redistribute, but they can’t rehabilitate.  Consequently, government entitlements make people entitled and enable the poor to stay poor.   I believe in a separation of Church and State, and the Stare needs to get out of the business of religion.  Religion needs to start doing its job (welfare and virtue). 

Only religion can mandate positive behavior (the government shouldn’t require people buy and eat broccoli).  But this may be the whole point and aim to get us to that point.   Government protects by punishing harmful behavior.  But more and more, government is beginning to punish what it determines to be lack of performing beneficial behavior.  Dictating behavior and enforcing behavior/practice through penalty = fascism. 

1. Obamacare mandates purchase of health insurance and fines lack of purchase.

2. MIPS: fines doctors 10% if they depart from practice guidelines. 

3. Canada tried to fine people who failed to use gender neutral pronouns. 

Free Market without the Capitalist

Do we think it possible that capitalism vs. communism might be a false dichotomy?  Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.    America was created on the foundation principle of the separation of powers. Why did America successfully divide political power but accept a gross consolidation of economic power?  How do we have a free-market system without the capitalist?  How to we get billion-dollar Microsoft, without Bill Gates?  (no offense to Bill Gates).  But Bill Gates and the controlling stock holders of Microsoft may have elected power (dollars), but they have no term limits. 

The key is finance/banking reform.  A major issue behind the American Revolution was control over our own credit and currency. Instead of consolidating economic power into the hands of a “robber baron”,  an equitable economic system would grant credit based on the combined credit of all the members of a corporation and all the members of a community and the projected revenue of their venture (projected sales or ear-marked taxes).   Each member of the community or corporation would then become a stock-holder/partner and entitled to benefit from future profits.  

Conspiracy Theory: Patriarchy

One side argues that there exists inequality and oppression in the world.  Feminists claim the source of oppression is conspiracy of patriarchy. The other side seems to deny that a men-based conspiracy exists but the results are individual and based on competence.

But this denies that there does exist evil in the world, and that evil does organize and is organized.  Organized evil is the source of much oppression.   That said, despite the organized evil in the world, anyone’s first priority and defense is personal responsibility, virtue and competence.

The feminists cries out against the materialism of the Western culture, but much of what feminists call for is materialistic.  

My wife is very accomplished professionally. However, I will never equal her innate ability to comfort and nurture our children.  This doesn't mean there isn't a dad out there that is better than the mom at nurturing children, but generally speaking, women’s brains and dispositions are wired to be better at these tasks. On the flip side, there are physical tasks that I am generally better at then my wife just based on the fact that I am 6’1”, 220 lbs and she is 5’5” ans 120 lbs. 

Men do generally need to work and provide for their families because they more easily find meaning in this way. I’m nor saying men can’t be a stay-at-home dad and find meaning but its not as easy.  Stay-at-home dads are not just working against arbitary social norms, but also working against biology. 

The feminists talked about being judged on breastfeeding—if at all, how long, how short, etc. But its not men who judge this. Ita other women judging other women.

Apart from the debate about if man-made climate change is real, is responsible for increased erratic weather, and if its affecting a lot of people.  And apart from humans being able be helped to do anything about it unless we adopt BYU cabon-capture technology.  And apart from the economic and liberty consequences of implementing policies to limit CO2 wgich may negatively affect more people more severely than bad weather did. The best thing about being human is our capacity for adaptability. If we develop skills, and virtue and self-mastery we can be better adaptable to changing economic situations, climate, downturns in market, and even war. 

We need to be and can be more resilient and avoid throwing up our gand feeling like helpless bictims to powerful forces that our beyond our control.  Instead of focusing on improving personal skills we are fooled into thinking backing some political movement or internet personality is going to shift the global tide.  The truth is, the best attitude and action plan to addoot is to expect that global tides will likely shift against us at some point and prepare evey day to be ready for it. 

Are you worried about global warming?  What can tou do about it personally?  1. Put solar on your house 2. Drive a used hybrid or LEAF.  3. Don’t live anywhere neer a flood zone or forest fire zone or on a major EQ fault, or in the path of a hurricaine. 

I do agree with Jordan Peterson that people adopt many of these ideologies (climate, PETA, socialism, femanism) as pseudo-morality as a way to find meaning: to feel important, feel like they are a good person and look good to others. 

We live in a very narcissistic society, everyone is playing by different rules.  One side believes the rules of society don’t apply to them because they are better, smarter, richer, G-ds choosen, more connected, etc; and the other side believes the rules don’t apply to them because identity politics tells them they are a victim of oppression.

1.•Lets lay down the rules of social order (virtue)

2. Lets keep them (personal responsibility)

3. Lets all play the same game. (no exceptions)

4. Lets reinforce that social order through our art and media instead of undermining it. 

The argument is made that increased diversity in decision making process in a company leads to greater success. No one is arguing against diversity.  Diversity is good, but diversity is more than just skin color. However, in the quest for greater diversity, destroying company culture will also destroy a company.  Quotas can destroy company culture because it destroys values and promotes favoritism. 

7 favorites that diminish company culture, social capital, cooperation:

1.Sloppy Talent Acquisition Practices (not qualified)

2.Inconsistent Reward Mechanisms (equal pay)

3.Behaviors That are Tolerated

4.Playing Favorites

5.Pulling the "Firing" Trigger to Slowly

6.Ignoring Your Star Players

7.Inauthentic Value Systems

Interesting discussion about believing in God and individual value (inherent dignity) and Marxism/Socialism/Social Justice and can you be Christian and trans, or Christian and a Marxist.  I am impressed with Catherine McGregor.  She comes across as very thoughtful, sincere, level-headed, mature, and well-spoken.  But this false dichotomy of socialism is not whether rich have a duty to help the poor or underprivileged (they do), but whether its the government or religions job to administer social justice.  According to James 1:27, the job of social justice is religion and this is because government can’t legislate/mandate positive behavior (accountability).  

Only religion can mandate positive behavior (the government shouldn’t require people buy and eat broccoli).  But this may be the whole point and aim to get us to that point.   Government protects by punishing harmful behavior.  But more and more, government is beginning to punish what it determines to be lack of performing beneficial behavior.  Dictating behavior and enforcing behavior/practice through penalty = fascism. 

1. Obamacare mandates purchase of health insurance and fines lack of purchase.

2. MIPS: fines doctors 10% if they depart from practice guidelines. 

3. Canada tried to fine people who failed to use gender neutral pronouns. 

Friday, February 22, 2019

Folic Acid Toxicity

More and more people are considering themselves glutin intolerate, but these people do not have Celiac disease.  So why are increasingly many people sensitive to wheat products?  It may be the folic acid enrichment.   Active folate is methylfolate. The Europeam study above reveals that a related compound folic acid may interfere with active folate and B12 (methylcobalamin) function.  The study above had to be stopped only after 1 month due to neuro toxicity. 

These studies suggest that folic acid inhibits zinc absorption. 

Zinc deficiency is associated with anxiety.

Maternal zinc deficiency (exacerbated by folic acid supplementation) is associated wity autism.

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Biblical Questions

Question 1: Location of Temple in Jerusalem.

1. I enjoy all the content from Chaim Richman and the Temple Institute. I am excited about all the plans and preparation and progress on the rebuilding of the Jewish Temple. 

2.Couldn't the area of the Haram al Sharif fit the description of the Roman Fortress Antonia which was a Roman Castra for the 10th legion? 

3. I also believe that the place of the temple was not in the City of David. I believe the Haram al Sharif vs City of David is a false dichotomy. Didn't Solomon's millo connect David's palace with the temple? And couldn't the place of the temple have been on the Ophel in between the City of David and the Haram?

4. Okay, so the Ophel was a plowed field, and then a trash dump, and then a parking lot. But doesn't that fit Bible prophecy?

Question 2: 

I have seen quotes and videos of prominent Jews comment of their influence in the media, entertainment, business and government.

The purpose of the Temple and being the choosen people is to spread the light of HaShem to the world. 

Accordingly, do you think Jews are doing enough with their influence to help and the gentiles and the wolrd keep the noahide laws considering the steadily increasing depictions of violence and immorality?

Question 3: 

Is there concern about Israel being led and influenced by leaders that had connection with of sympathies for paramilitary group “Irgun” since Menachem Begin (founder of Lakud party)? This influence would include Rahm Emanuel here in the US.

Question 4: 

Did HaShem or Ataxerxes command Ezra to establish the Jewish rabbinical system and its enforcement? 

Ezra 7:21;25-26

21 And I, even I Artaxerxes the king, do make a decree .... 
25 And thou, Ezra, after the wisdom of thy God, that is in thine hand, set magistrates and judges, which may judge all the people that are beyond the river, all such as know the laws of thy God; and teach ye them that know them not.
26 And whosoever will not do the law of thy God, and the law of the king, let judgment be executed speedily upon him, whether it be unto death, or to banishment, or to confiscation of goods, or to imprisonment.

Question 5:

Do you think that Joshua, the son of Nun leading Israel into the promised land be a spiritual and figurative type and foreshadowing of the Messiah, that the Law of Moses could not ultimately lead Israel to realize its fullest potential, that only a future Messiah represented by Joshua the son of Nun (Yeshua) could via a future everlasting covenant (Ezek 37:26)?

Question 6:

When Ezra displaced the priestly line of Joshua, the son of Josedek and Nehemiah displaced Zerubbabel; could Yeshua de Josedek and Zerubbabel have similarly serve as spiritual and figurative types of the Messiah?. When Ezra called the priests to divorce their wives, do you think that Malachi's (a contemporary of Ezra) criticism of divorce have been directed towards Ezra? 

11 ¶ Judah hath dealt treacherously, and an abomination is committed in Israel and in Jerusalem; for Judah hath profaned the holiness of the Lord which he loved, and hath married the daughter of a strange god. (Irony)
12 The Lord will cut off the man that doeth this, the master (rabbi) and the scholar (scribe), out of the tabernacles of Jacob, and him that offereth an offering unto the Lord of hosts.
13 And this have ye done again, covering the altar of the Lord with tears, with weeping, and with crying out, insomuch that he regardeth not the offering any more, or receiveth it with good will at your hand.
14 ¶ Yet ye say, Wherefore? Because the Lord hath been witness between thee and the wife of thy youth, against whom thou hast dealt treacherously: yet is she thy companion, and the wife of thy covenant.
15 And did not he make one? Yet had he the residue of the spirit. And wherefore one? That he might seek a godly seed. Therefore take heed to your spirit, and let none deal treacherously against the wife of his youth.
16 For the Lord, the God of Israel, saith that he hateth putting away: for one covereth violence with his garment, saith the Lord of hosts: therefore take heed to your spirit, that ye deal not treacherously.

Question 7:

Do you think it possible that Ezra could have made an over-interpretation of the Torah command for a priest to marry one from among his own people, to exclude converts/proselytes (like Ruth), and have brought into Judaism and Christianity an unintended racial interpretation?

Question 8: 

It seems to me that biblical  prophets focused criticism for their own people. If something wasn’t right with the biblical people, instead of blaming others, a prophet tended to criticize his own people for their own shortcomings. There is no power on Earth that could frustrate a chosen people from realizing their foreordained purpose. Only the chosen people themselves could stand in their own way.  Instead of propagating a victim/identity politics message, wouldn’t a true prophet call his own people to repentance? 

Saturday, February 09, 2019

Folate, B12 linked to Autism

Autism is a manifestation of severe sulfur deficiency.  DMSA is an effective treatment, not because its a mercury chelator, but because its an excellent source of sulfur.  Homocysteine, is elevated in association with inflammation and low total body sulfur levels.  Homocysteine is also elevated in autism in relation to severity.

Taking regular folate and cyanocobalamin will decrease your SAMe because folic acid must be converted to methylfolate, and B12 to methylcobalamin.  So it may be that methyl folate and methylcobalamin may decrease risk of autism while taking regular folic acid and cyanocobalamine may increase risk by depleting SAMe snd serotonin and dopamine production.  

Folic Acid and Autism

Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Black Cube

Black Cube was associated with Cambridge Analytica/SCL Group/Trump election, but first article misses that connection. You'd think the media/nytimes would be all over that detail.

Also, Alexander Nix did specifically admit on camera (UK Chamnel 4) to interfering in elections in Eastern Europe and Africa despite Christopher Wiley retracting this assertion in his congressional testimony. 

Thrre is an interesting association beteeen Black Cube and  NSO Group who are involved in corporate espionage and exploit iphone vulnerabilities and can hack your iphone with a single text message. 

Co-founders Shalev Hulio and Omri Levie are believed to be alumni of Israel’s famous Unit 8200 signals intelligence arm, as are many of the country’s security entrepreneurs.  Lavie and his co-entrepreneurs also founded Kaymera, a company designed to solve the exact problems NSO created: a super-secure phone for government officials.

NSO has close partnerships with a variety of other Israeli surveillance firms as they seek to spread their spy kit across the world. These include Ability Inc, a troubled supplier of an as-yet unproven technology called the Unlimited Interception System (ULIN). The tool exploits a crucial part of the global telecoms infrastructure known as SS7, allowing interception of calls and texts, and collection of target location, all with just a phone number, according to the firm. Of NSO, Ability founder and CEO Anatoly Hurgin 

Franscisco Partners, is the parent company of Circles. Circles based between Cyprus and Bulgaria, was founded by former IDF commander Tal Dilian. Circles does similar work to Ability, hacking SS7 for government contracts

Cellebrite, has also been in communication with NSO. NSO helped Cellebrite with the hack of an iPhone 5C that belonged to San Bernardino shooter Syed Rizwan Farook. NSO also employs ex-staffers from a variety of other notable Israeli intelligence vendors, including Nice Systems and Elbit.  Among Lavie’s LinkedIn contacts is a notable individual: Chaouki Bekrar. He is the co-founder of two vulnerability research organizations: VUPEN and Zerodium. They make money from buying and selling zero-days. 

SS7 Vulnerability 

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

2008 Financial Crisis

The Fed lowered interest rares to 1% in 2004-2005. Housing was going up 14-15$ per year.  Then the FED increaded rates abruptly.  Due to mark-to market rules after Enron, the housing bubble burst. TARP and QE did not help the economy.  Only ending mark-to market in March 2009 did by Barney Frank. Mark to market caused panics and crisis in 18-1900’s due to fractional reserves. 

Other Posts:

Correct is mark-to-market with full reserves. 

Friday, January 04, 2019

Noahide Laws

  1. Not to worship idols. (red)
  2. Not to curse God. (orange)
  3. To establish courts of justice. (yellow)
  4. Not to commit murder. (green)
  5. Not to commit adultery or sexual immorality. (blue)
  6. Not to steal. (indigo)
  7. Not to eat flesh torn from a living animal. (violet)

1. Do not profane G‑d’s Oneness in any way. Acknowledge that there is a single G‑d who cares about what we are doing and desires that we take care of His world.
2. Do not curse your Creator. 
No matter how angry you may be, do not take it out verbally against your Creator.
3. Do not murder. 
The value of human life cannot be measured. To destroy a single human life is to destroy the entire world—because, for that person, the world has ceased to exist. It follows that by sustaining a single human life, you are sustaining an entire universe.
4. Do not eat a limb of a living animal. 
Respect the life of all G‑d’s creatures. As intelligent beings, we have a duty not to cause undue pain to other creatures. 
5. Do not steal. 
Whatever benefits you receive in this world, make sure that none of them are at the unfair expense of someone else.
6. Harness and channel the human libido. 
Incest, adultery, rape and homosexual relations are forbidden. The family unit is the foundation of human society. Sexuality is the fountain of life and so nothing is more holy than the sexual act. So, too, when abused, nothing can be more debasing and destructive to the human being.
7. Establish courts of law and ensure justice in our world. 
With every small act of justice, we are restoring harmony to our world, synchronizing it with a supernal order. That is why we must keep the laws established by our government for the country’s stability and harmony.

Belief in God: He who created everything. There is none besides Him and no one should turn away from Him.
Blessing Hashem (God, literally ‘the name’): Respecting the Creator and the sages who are familiar with His Torah, and respecting the places of worship where the Torah is learned and prayers are recited to him. It is forbidden, God forbid, to speak harshly against them or to curse them.
Stealing: The preservation of the rights of others to property and honor and body and not to desire to take anything belonging to others that is not for sale.
Laws: To establish courts to judge justice and to direct society and obey the orders and decisions of the courts.
Killing: Do not shorten the lives of people, including the lives of the terminally ill. The opposite is also true; to invest efforts to heal diseases and maintain health.
Have mercy on creatures: Not to be cruel to animals. One of the most forbidden acts is eating the organ or limb from a live animal. The animal must first be killed in a way that is less distressing such as cutting the neck.
Prohibition of prostitution: The mitzvah (Bible commandment) to build a proper family life. It is a severe prohibition to commit adultery with a married woman. It is also forbidden to perform a same-sex marriage. Also forbidden is sexual intercourse with animals and homosexuality.

Thursday, January 03, 2019

TREK 2018-19

TREK Doctor: 2018-19 After Action Summary

Trek 2018-19 was quite different than 4 years ago. Trek 2014-15 was cold and dry while Trek 2018-19 was warmer and wet. Taking into consideration both Trek 2018-19 and Trek 2014-15, we can be well prepared for any future winter activities at Fort Gordon.

Trek Medical List:
1. Hot/Cold/Wet: Trek being in the winter is not overly hot during the day, but can be very cold in the AM. It is still possible to overheat and dehydrate. The carts are heavy and a muddy trail can be a slog. It is important to keep feet, and bedding dry. I agree with the use of modern camping tents for Trek 2018-19 because of wet conditions. Bedding would have likely gotten wet and even soaked if tarp tents were used in wet conditions.

2. Hydration: We encouraged individuals and families to drink plenty of water water. All individuals are given a tin drinking cup and all carts are outfitted with a water jug, but many carts are guilty of placing their water jug in an inaccessible position. We should also have scheduled rest and hydration stops. Wagon engineers objected to water jugs lashed to the tailgate, but we have never had a tailgate failure. Therefore, the evidence supports that water jugs can be secured to the tailgate without worry of tailgate failure.

3. Feet: Children should be encouraged to double sock. Inner sock should be thin/shear nylon, acrylic, or silk. The outer sock should be a thicker boot sock made of synthetics or wool. Broken-in cross-trainers, light hikers are preferred in dry weather. More waterproof boots are needed in wet conditions. Heavy hiking or steel-toed boots are discouraged. Boots/shoes should be broken in before Trek. Children and adults should be encouraged to keep feet dry and apply mole skin or duct tape over hot spots before they become blisters. Blisters were much more prevalent in wet conditions than 4 years ago.

4. Meds: Adult advisers should manage their children’s daily meds. Refrigerated meds can be kept in the refrigerator at the Leitner Lake Lodge (basecamp).

5. Insects: Mosquitoes were not an issue this year or 4 years ago. Bug spray is not necessary. However, fire ants were a major issue during Trek 2018-19 while they were not active at 4 years ago because of colder weather. A benedryl stick was very effective for fire ant stings. Main activity areas should be treated for fire ants prior to Trek.

6. OTC Meds: My rule of thumb was that if a child had a condition that was simply treated with an OTC med on-trail, I didn't feel like I need to contact parents or get permission.

Motrin- headaches, aches (prefer)
Tylenol- headaches
Emetrol- nausea (usually exertion related => rest, shade, water)
Robitussin- cold and cough
Boudreaux’s Butt Paste- chaffing
Gold Bond Medicated Powder- chaffing
Neosporin- scrapes, minor cuts
Benadryl- allergy, hives
Zyrtec- allergy, nondrowsy
Chlorhexadine- surgical disinfectant
Imodium- mild diarrhea
Pepcid Complete- acid stomach
Pepto-bismol- upset stomach, diarrhea
Hall's Cough Drops- sore throat, cough
Benedryl Stick- fire ant stings, contact dermatitis
Dermaplast Spray- burns
Burn wipes (lidocaine, aloe)- burns
Alcohol Wipes- disinfection, cleaning

OTC Meds were individually dispensed using Ziplock baggies, mini dixie cups, and plastic spoons.

7. Ortho: the physical demands of Trek and moving heavy handcarts sometimes through mud and up hills resulted in several minor orthopedic issues.

ACE Bandage- very popular, and reusable.
4X4 Gauze- works well with ACE or Coban
Band-aids (varous sizes)
Cold Packs- very popular 4 years ago
Knee Sleeves- used several
Ankle Sleeve- used several
Wrist Sleeves-used several
Coban- I prefer ACE Bandages
Mole Skin- blisters on foot and ankles (used 8 packs)
Lambs Wool- used to spread blistered toes
SAM Splints
Silk Tape
Hinged Knee Brace
Velcro Wrist Brace
In-shoe Ankle Brace

8. Female: A female adult adviser was designated to carry female hygiene products (tampons, pads).

9. Lodge: A few children will become homesick or dislike the cold, or walking, or sleeping arrangements and will present with nonspecific, vague symptoms. These can usually sleep on a cot in the lodge and be transported to camp for activities and meals. The Leitner Lake Lodge was fitted with 5 cots for children's use.

10. Non-Walkers: Children who are exhausted, dehydrated or have developed severe blisters, feet or knee pain which visibly impacts their ability to walk (limp), should discontinue walking and be transported to activity and meal locations. Non-walkers can wait at lodge if there is a long period between activities or meal locations. In rare cases non-walkers can ride on the cart (last stretch to finish).

11. Call Parents: If I am tempted to give the child anything more than OTC meds, or do any procedure, apart from an absolute emergency, I’ll call and get permission from parents. This mainly would apply to using dermabond, staples, sutures or giving Zofran. I would seriously avoid doing anything more than dermabond. However, simple finger cuts are actually best treated with cleaning, splinting and no closure.

12. Return Home: Anyone with severe gastroenteritis should not continue. Noro viruses are very contagious. Individuals with other highly infectious diseases like mononucleosis and chicken pox, whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella should also be discouraged from participating. Children with mild headache but no fever should be hydrated can try to sleep it off, but should return home if headache persists in the morning.

13. Emergency Treatment: Generally speaking, any condition that should visit the ED, that child should stop the Trek, have their parents called, and they should go to the ED. We will have children from the Greenville Stake which is a 3+-hour drive for parents.

14: Trek Doctor Emergency Supplies:
Nasal Airway/Trumpets
Fabric Litter/Stretcher
Cervical Collar
SAM Splints
Epi Pen
Suture Kit
Staple Gun
Albuterol Inhaler + Spacer
Small O2 tank with mask.
BP Cuff
Finger Pulse Ox
Prescription Pad and Stamp

15. Radio/911: We are in continual radio/phone contact with the lodge at Lake Leitner and Fort Gordon has its own EMS, ER, and full-service hospital.

16. Camp Rounds: Each night I clip on a blinking bicycle light (camp visibility) and visit all the carts/families.

17. Walking/Riding: 4 years ago, I walked the Trek. However, inevitably there were needs at the front of the caravan, middle, back, and then at the front again. This was way too much walking. A trail minibike worked well for running back to camp for supplies and catching up with the wagon train. The minibike is loud, so I would shut the engine down when in the vicinity of the Trek caravan as not not detract from the experience. I recommend that the trail doctor ride on some form of light ATV (4-wheeler or trail minibike).

18. Adults: Adult volunteers and advisers also require treatment for various simple ailments.

19. Prescriptions: I may write an antibiotic like a Z-pack and a medrol dose pack. I don’t write opioid pain meds or benzodiazepines. I might do Motrin 800mg and Robaxin 750mg.

20. Cart First Aid Kits: Cart first aid kits were poorly put together both this year and 4 years ago and did not contain items needed items. Most things I treated were routine and could have been treated by the families if their first aid kits were properly provisioned.

Cart First Aid Kit Contents (most items available at $ Store):
  1. Band-aids: regular size, larger size (most used)
  2. Gauze: 4x4, 2x2
  3. Coban
  4. ACE Wraps (most used)
  5. Mole Skin (most used)
  6. Alcohol Wipes
  7. folding snips/scissors (most used)
  8. Silk/Fabric/Duct Tape
  9. Motrin, Tylenol, Benedryl Stick (most used)
  10. Cough Drops (most used)
  11. Antibiotic Ointment (most used)

21. Migraines: several kids developed migraines and had to return home. Giving benedryl and tylenol can help a child sleep and sleep can break a migraine. However, reglan is a common nausea medicine that is routinely used in the ER to break migraines. Therefore, oral reglan might be considered to treat migraines with parental approval.

22. Polaris RZR: was used to drive the trail to verify trail condition before handcarts are taken on trail. The ATV was used to transport tired/sore children and adults from the caravan to meal and activity sites or base-camp lodge when needed.

23: Basecamp: I think it was logistically much easier to operate from a single base-camp than moving tents, lights, port-o-johns, etc from camp to camp.

24. 3-day Trek was preferable to a 4-day Trek

25: Women's Pull: this is the most potentially dangerous part of Trek. It is also off-trail in violation of Fort Gordon regulations. Boys climbing down the ridge to line the course are prone to injury as much as the girls pulling the handcarts up the ridge. Care should be taken to select the safest passage. I selected a switch-backed course along a firm rocky outcrop. Leaders were positioned at strategic points to direct the girls along the safest route.

26. Sweetwater River Crossing: Boys with waterproof boots should be selected to pull carts across.

27. Walmart is not far away, and trips can be made to get needed supplies.

28. Adult advisers/volunteers who are also medically trained nurses and medics have been very useful in treating minor issues (blisters, fire ants) and directing more serious issues to the trail and lodge doctors.