Here are the state suicide numbers for 2017. Utah has had an alarming increase in its suicide rate. However, while 1 suicide is too many, it appears from the data that the rate is proportinal to its western neighbors.
Some critics of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints wish to blame the Church for higher suicide rates. It seems if there is any negative trend in Utah (bankruptcy, SSRI use, etc), critics want to blame the dominant religion.
However, the article above discuses preliminary results that increased suicidal rates in Utah have to do more with 1. Altitude 2. Rural 3. Western State 4. Mental illness 5. Opioid epidemic 6. Criminal record 6. Utah cutting counseling services for suicide in 2009.
The study is interested in looking at suicide rates among the LGBTQ population to see if there is a corelation between sexual orientation and possible social stigma. While LGBTQ populations are known to have higher suicide rates already. This increased risk is true for all states, including California. Additionally, it doesn't make sense to blame recent increased Utah suicide on Church policy because there have been no changes in Church policy on this issue.
This CDC article reports that suicide rates have increased in all US states since 1999. This increase cannot be attributable to increased social stigma towards LGBTQ individuals because acceptance and tolerance on these issues is generally higher than it's ever been. Yet, we don't seem to be seeing improvements.