About Trump's "King of Israel" comments. We know that Trump is probably the most grandiose narcassist we've ever had as POTUS.
I'm not sure we have been correct on Trump. First we may need to understand that Trump is not a knowing globalist conspirator, he is an unknowing globalist conspirator. The system doesn't want to remove Trump, they just want the constant pressure. Make no mistake, Trump won the election and will win again because the system wanted Trump.
Cambridge Analytica/SCL Group was exposed by UK Channel 4 who posed as Sri Lankan politicians. Alexander Nix confessed on camera about links to British/ Israeli Intelligence (Black Cube). Ability to get visas, ghost people in, and compromise incumbents with bribes, entrapment, and Ukranian women (Epstein). Facebook microtargeting was NOT the real story with Cambridge Analytica. Nix admitted to have conducted many similar operations in Eastern Europe and North Africa. And here we are upset about Russia interference in our election (1400$ google ads?)
Christopher Wiley, (Cambridge Analytica whistle blower) was interviewed and confessed SCL Group/SCl Elections/Nigel Oaks "Psyoped Steve Bannon." The system wanted to work for Trump and to get Trump elected. SCL Group set up the microtargeting as a cover and to appear legit to Bannon. They did a great job of microtargeting with Jordan Peterson's OCEAN Servey and taylored ads. but microtargeting is not SCL Groups real business. SCL Elections is a full-service propaganda and election manipulation machine.
The danger here in not understanding clearly what is going on is Israel is going to be unfarely scapegoated for 9/11, Epstein, Trump, etc etc. Yes, Israel is under the control of LAKUD/Irgun sympathizers, but (as you know) this is not an Israeli conspiracy but a supernational globalist conspiracy. The US, Britian, and Israel have all been infiltrated (anglo-american-israeli establishment). However, TruNews, KnowMoreNews, and Christopher Bollyn are unfarely working to single out and blame Israel.
The problem is that making this an Israel-only problem and not a globalist problem is that in addition to eventually bringing about Armageddon, is that those who mistakenly blame Israel will be labeled anti-Semitic, and may at some point be themselves targeted as far-right extremists.