Monday, February 28, 2022

Russia vs. Ukraine

If the US opens up oil and gas production in ANWR such that Europe could boycott Russian oil, the Russian economy would be crushed. Russia might then feel compelled to invade and occupy Alaska. The US (Globalist/Soros/Hunter Biden) should not be interfering in Ukraine and not urging Ukraine to join NATO. This activity has only served to provoke Putin. I think ANWR was preserved untapped for exactly this scenario. This is going to escalate. Maybe Putin thought that President Biden was weak and wouldn't respond in the same way the US failed to respond to Crimea in 2014. But the problem is, neither Obama nor Biden are calling the shots. Biden will do whatever his globalist advisors tell him to do. And I think the globist have been waiting for exactly this kind of overreach by Putin. I dont see Putin nor the West backing down from this. I think Putin is betting that the West will back down the same as it did with Georgia and Crimea. 

Here is a video presentation talking about Putin's goals behind the Ukrainian conflict concerning oil. water, and geography:

Russia insists Ukraine remain a buffer state. Putin wants status quo or he will wreck Ukraine: