Boston company, Perkins and Co., was the first American companies to establish a permanent trading office in Canton, China. Selling opium was legal in the United States, but illegal in China. Bostonian elite (Boston Brahmins) made millions such as the Cabots, Cushings, Coolidge, Welds, Delanos (the grandfather of Franklin Delano Roosevelt) and Forbes (John Kerry).
From Harvard, the opium trade spread throughout New England. Yale University’s Skull and Bone society was funded by William Huntington Russell (Russell and Co.) the most successful American opium dealer. Columbia’s Low Memorial Library was named after a key member of the family. And Princeton’s first major benefactor, John Green, funded his contribution through the opium trade.
Skull and Bones display 322 which John Kerry and George W Bush were asked about but declined to comment. As a Greek fraternity, 322 BC marks the end of democracy in Athens in favor of Plutocracy or rule by the wealthy (neo-feudalism),