Monday, December 30, 2024

Augusta Georgia's Pillar of Prophecy

1. Feb 8, 1878.(1am) -  Lower Market Tornado
2. March 22. 1916  -  Augusta Fire
3. 1935 -  hit by car
4. 1936. -  moved to 5th and Broad
3. June 13, 1958 (Fri.)  -  toppled by oversized bale of cotton on a passing truck and rebuilt 8 ft back from curb.
4. Dec 17/18, 2016. -  Corey Tyler destroys pillar in car accident.

1. Augusta Chronicle - Feb 8, 1878 

Youtube Videos:

1. The Augusta Chronicle
2. Country Fried Cryptid
3. The Weather Channel
6. WJBF - Interview with Corey Tyler who struck pillar with car. 
7.The Teacher - Three Nephite Connection
8. Mt. Caveat
9. Grimm Life Collective
10. Christian Homestead
11. Between Monsters and Men 
12. WJBF
13. Ariel in Augusta
14. The Jewish Redneck Prepper
15. MadFireTV

Friday, November 01, 2024

Following Rome

Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Sadly, the good guys dont always win and history is written by the victorious. That means history is written by bad people who conceal and confuse the true lessons of history. There is nothing new under the sun. We just don't know history. We dont know the truth which "is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come" (D&C 93:24)

America has been following Rome.  Most us know the details of how Rome fell, but the history books dont explain the underlying cause.  Rome was a demoralized society plagued by sexual immortality and substance abuse (opium, etc).  These sins result in greater poverty via illegitimacy, broken families, idleness, decreased productivity, crime, and poor health.  

Because it is the job of true religion to provide welfare and teach virtue (James 1:27), Pagan religion was too involved in administering the sin (drugs and prostitution) instead of fighting it. Consequently, the allowed Julius Ceasar to come to power promising social justice via government welfare programs (free bread and circus) in exchange for their freedom. Rome voluntarily abandoned their representative democracy. Government welfare fails to remedy poverty because it only enables by giving out money without accountability (no rehabilitation, no consequences, no expectations, no repentance, no change, no virtue). 

The US Constitition does establish a separation of Church and State.  Individual welfare is the duty of true religion and not government.  Religion needs to do it's divinely appointed duty, and government needs to get out of the business of religion. 

Because of the drug trade with China and Afghanistan, Rome had a disastrous trade deficit together with a overwelming budget deficit due to its welfare programs.  Consequently, Rome was forced to expand, bringing in tribute from conquered peoples to supply it's economy with necessary liquidity. 

To supply the Roman Legions with soldiers, Rome instituted the Marian reforms that recruited alien barbarian mercenaries (Foeterati), promising them Roman citizenship if they survived 20 years of military service.  It has been reported that the US government has had a policy of "open borders" claiming that it is necessary to meet their military recruitment goals. 

We are on the Eve of the 2024 US  Presidential election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The US is suffocating under a nearly $36 trillion dollar debt. Trump promises to appoint billionair Elon Musk (Tesla, Twitter, Space X) to radically cut spending and waste in the Federal Government and balance the budget. This is something that Mitt Romney promised to do back in 2012 during his presidential run. 

While greatly needed, the Roman Empire eventually and finally faced a need to cut its social programs. The consequence of these cuts were that the Foeterati organized a massive insurrection, assassinated the emperor Romulus Augustus and divided the Roman empire forever.  

Will cuts to US social programs result in similar civil unrest and a divided US?  Will Daniel 8 prophecy of the goat and ram be refulfilled?  Originally, Alexander the Great representing the Greek Empire was at war with the Medes (Syria) and Persia (Iran).  Daniel prophesied that Alexander would be cut off, and Greece divided.  Will the US follow the tragic path of both Rome and Greece?  

We also need to remember that all these complexities and perplexities are symptomatic of the root cause, which is the demoralization of society.  According to the warning in "The Family: A Proclaimation to the World", only a return to virtue can save us. 


Tuesday, August 06, 2024

The Chicago Plan

Why do communist nations and Muslim nations have friction with the West?  In addition, to the immorality of our popular culture, is economic issues and calling out the corruption of Western banking, credit, currency and economic policy and institutions.  Much of Sharia law has to do with economic policy.  Much of the allure of Communism is to empower the worker. While I fully support private property ownership, many of the monetary. economic, and banking policies run directly against the US Constitution Article 1, Section 8 which specifies that the Federsl Government coin all the money and not private Federal Reserve banks via fractional reserve lending as we do today.  The US was founded rejecting European aristocracy and socialism, but today we have a money aristocracy and a bigger socialism program than has ever existed. 

The Chicago Economic Plan, also known as the "Chicago Plan" or "Chicago School of Economics," is not a single specific plan, but rather a set of economic principles and ideas associated with the Department of Economics at the University of Chicago. This school of thought has been influential in shaping economic policies and theories since the mid-20th century.

Key aspects of the Chicago School approach include:

1. Monetarism: The belief that controlling the money supply is crucial for managing inflation and economic stability.

2. Free market advocacy: Support for minimal government intervention in the economy and a strong emphasis on free-market principles.

3. Rational expectations theory: The idea that economic actors make decisions based on rational outlooks about future events.

4. Efficient market hypothesis: The theory that financial markets are inherently efficient and reflect all available information.

5. Human capital theory: Emphasizing the importance of education and skills in economic growth and individual prosperity.

6. Opposition to Keynesian economics: Generally skeptical of government intervention to stimulate the economy during recessions.

Notable economists associated with the Chicago School include Milton Friedman, George Stigler, Gary Becker, and Robert Lucas Jr.

The full reserve banking proposal, often called the "Chicago Plan," was indeed put forward by economists associated with the University of Chicago in the 1930s, most notably Henry Simons and Irving Fisher. Here are the key points:

1. Basic concept: Under full reserve banking, banks would be required to hold 100% reserves against deposits. This means for every dollar deposited, the bank must hold a dollar in reserve.

2. Separation of monetary functions: The plan would separate the monetary and credit functions of the banking system. Banks would be divided into two types:
   - Deposit banks: These would hold 100% reserves and provide payment services.
   - Investment trusts: These would handle lending and investments.

3. Government control of money supply: The government would have sole power to create and destroy money, giving it direct control over the money supply.

4. Aims:
   - Prevent bank runs and financial crises
   - Give government more control over inflation and deflation
   - Reduce private debt levels
   - Separate the creation of money from the creation of credit

5. Historical context: This plan was proposed during the Great Depression as a way to reform the banking system and prevent future economic crises.

While the original Chicago Plan was never implemented, the idea of full reserve banking continues to be discussed by economists and policymakers, especially in the wake of financial crises. Some modern versions of this idea have been proposed, such as the "sovereign money" concept.

It's worth noting that this specific "Chicago Plan" for full reserve banking is quite different from many of the later ideas associated with the Chicago School of Economics, which generally advocated for less government intervention in the economy.

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Chronic Sulfate Deficiency and Disease

200 years ago most people died of communicable diseases, infections and accidents, or infections following accidents. Today, the number one cause of death is related to chronic inflammatory diseases.  It seems that we carry the collective suspicion that something is missing from our diets or that we are all being slowly poisoned.  Is this just a shared paranoia exploited by the $1.8 trillion dollar global pharmaceutical economy and $350 billion dollar neutraceutical and dietary supplement economy?

One of the key markers of inflammation in the body is elevated serum homocysyeine levels. Medicine is of the opinion that this is a "nonspecific" marker of inflammation with regard to not specifically associated with any one disease process. However, elevated homocysyeine is pointing exactly to the specific problem and etiology which is a chronic sulfate deficiency.

Sulfate is used by the body to regenerate glutathione, the master antioxidant. Sulfate is used by the liver to detoxify many xenobiotics. Sulfate is used by the folate cycle for DNA repair and to generate SAMe as a methyl donor in the production of neurotransmitters associated with anxiety and depression. Also, sulfate in large quantities is necessary in association with the solubility of all glucosaminoglycans which are cell signaling molecules that control and modulate inflammation and autoimmunity. In fact, this is how Aluminum Sulfate or Alum is used as a vaccine adjuvant by flocculant activity by locally stripping and precipitating sulfate from the local glucosaminoglycans of tissues in the site of vaccine injection that elicits a more robust immune response. As sulfate is low, research show the body will preferentially stop other sulfate pathways until glutathione is regenerated. Low sulfate saturation of glucosaminoglycans is associated with higher autoimmunity. Low cholesterol sulfate in the brain is associated with too stiff endoplasmic reticulum, and improper cleavage of amyloid precursor protein. The too stiff ER leads to improper protein post-translation modifications and secondary amyloid protein buildup. Glut4 receptor insertion and activity and insulin resistance in Type2 diabetes rely on cholesterol sulfate for clathrin-mediated endocytosis. 

The severity of preclampsia in pregnancy is directly correlated to the degree of elevation of homocysyeine levels and total body inflammation and is remedied in part by flooding the patient with IV magnesium sulfate, managing magnesium toxicity, but benefiting from depleting total body sulfate levels. There is a similar correlation with severe asthma exacerbation which has a causal association with tylenol use which depletes total body sulfate and glutathione, and which IV magnesium sulfate is used as a therapeutic not only for smooth muscle relaxation but as repleting body sulfate levels and decreasing lung inflammation. 

In the 80s there was a world-wide push against acid rain which involves.sulfate in rainwater. Agribusiness uses urea fertilizer instead of Ammonium Sulfate because urea is twice the nitrogen per pound. But lack of allowing fields to go fallow and scrubbing sulfur out of fossil fuels has led to a marked decrease in soil sulfate levels in the US and Europe and consequently low sulfate levels in crops such as corn and soy which are already contain sulfur poor protein to start. The USDA has no RDA for sulfur or sulfate assuming humans can convert enough cysteine and methionine anninoacids from protein sources. Bit this conversion is expensive requiring B12, B6, and methylfolate in the pathway.  Most multivitamin contain cyanocobalamin and folic acid which both require methylation by SAMe for conversion to their active forms which could actually deplete SAMe instead of using active forms of these vitamins such as methylfolate and methylcobalamin which would not.  In fact clinical trials in Europe involving folic acid were stopped due to neurotoxicity. I believe the rising rates of autism are due to inutero exposure to folic acid.  There are numerous documented cases of autism being cured by treatment with IV DSMA which therapeutic mechanism is not metal chelation but repleting total sulfate levels in the brain in the same way DMSO bladder washes replete sulfate levels in the bladder for interstitial cystitis. 

The most common food preservative is sodium benzoate used in soda and many condiments which is a direct inhibitor of d-amino acid oxidase which is a key enzyme in the sulfate pathway. 

Also, acetaminophen exposure directly depletes glutathione via its toxic intermediate NAPQI and a double hit to sulfate levels by needing to be sulfate to be excreted by the kidney and eliminated by the body. 

High rates to gluten sensitivity are due to the use of aluminum (alum) in baking powder (double acting), which in s similar  mechanism of Alum as an adjuvant in vaccines depletes sulfate from glucosaminoglucans and triggers autoimmunity against glutan protein in wheat.

The correlation of autoimmune disease following viral illness may be linked to a protein or sulfate poor diet and toxic exposures to high levels of acetaminophen and sodium benzoate preservative containing soda like ginger ale and sprite which are a typical part of the oft recommended "clear liquid diet" during the period of illness. These toxic exposures deplete total body sulfate, and sulfation of GAGs leading to the random occurrence of autoimmune diseases like Guillain barre, MS, and Type 1 diabetes. 

Many dairy products like yogurt contain large amounts of live cultured nitrogen- metabolizing bacteria which out-compete sulfur-metabolizing bacteria which can also suseptible to frequent exposures to antibiotics which sterilize the gut which then are mainly repopulated by nitrogen metabolizing bacteria or other acidophilis in yougurt which do not produce needed B vitamins needed in sulfur metabolism like bifidobacterium. 

Vitamin D sulfate is necessary for micro biome health and maintainance of gut epithelial barrier function. 

Historically suffers of rheumatic diseases visited and bathed in volcanic hot springs and received a degree of healing and or symptom relief.  Myths like the fountain of youth or FDRs frequent visits to Warm Springs, GA.  The high sulfate in the water, being ionic, does not absorrb through the skin.  The reported benefits likely came from drinking the mineral water while at the springs more than bathing in it.  This may be a link to such mineral waters and the existence of "Blue Zones".  These areas tend to exist among hydrothermally active areas which likely affects area drinking water. This is likely the source of the traditional use of Epsom Salt in the bath. 

Many of the health benefits of allium like onions, garlics, leeks, and shallots and cruciferous vegetables are because they contain significant amounts of sulfur containing thiosulfates and sulforaphanes.  High quality proteins and grains are so-called precisely because of their higher cysteine and methionine content verses corn and soy protein which are poor in these sulfur-containing aminiloacids.  Eating a healthy diet comes down to eating more of these sulfur containing natural sulfur sources and avoiding sulfur-poor processed junk. 

These views are only on the edge of general acceptance and would benefit from better consensus. The key role of sulfur in health is the truth that the mainstream needs to accept,  Unfortunately, the 1.8 trillion dollar pharmaceutical economy is a massive bias against this consensus. 

Sunlight and Sulfur

In the dance of health, where life's flames burn bright, Sunlight and sulfur play roles of might. The sun's fiery kiss on skin so bare, Sparks the magic of D, a healthful affair. Brimstone, the ancient name for sulfur's allure, In veggies and proteins, its presence is pure. A mineral of might, in detox it shines, Supporting our bodies through intricate lines. Together they twirl, a duo so grand, Sunlight and sulfur, hand in hand. A balance of elements, nature's own script, For a life of wellness, perfectly equipped.


Sulfate's role in biological processes:

1. Stipanuk, M. H., & Ueki, I. (2011). Dealing with methionine/homocysteine sulfur: cysteine metabolism to taurine and inorganic sulfur. Journal of Inherited Metabolic Disease, 34(1), 17-32.

2. Nimni, M. E., Han, B., & Cordoba, F. (2007). Are we getting enough sulfur in our diet? Nutrition & Metabolism, 4(1), 24.

Sulfate deficiency and chronic diseases:

3. Mitsuyoshi, H., et al. (2011). Analysis of the relations between oxidative stress and glutathione in liver diseases. Hepatology Research, 41(9), 841-849.

4. Rose, S., et al. (2012). Oxidative stress induces mitochondrial dysfunction in a subset of autism lymphoblastoid cell lines in a well-matched case control cohort. PloS one, 7(7), e39767.

Homocysteine as an inflammation marker:

5. Ganguly, P., & Alam, S. F. (2015). Role of homocysteine in the development of cardiovascular disease. Nutrition Journal, 14(1), 6.

6. Stanger, O., et al. (2009). Clinical use and rational management of homocysteine, folic acid, and B vitamins in cardiovascular and thrombotic diseases. Zeitschrift für Kardiologie, 93(6), 439-453.

Environmental and agricultural changes affecting sulfur content:

7. Scherer, H. W. (2001). Sulphur in crop production—invited paper. European Journal of Agronomy, 14(2), 81-111.

8. Klikocka, H., et al. (2016). The Effect of Sulphur and Nitrogen Fertilization on Grain Yield and Technological Quality of Spring Wheat. Plant, Soil and Environment, 62(5), 230-236.

Impact of medications and additives on sulfate metabolism:

9. James, L. P., et al. (2003). Acetaminophen-induced hepatotoxicity. Drug Metabolism and Disposition, 31(12), 1499-1506.

10. Lenoir-Wijnkoop, I., et al. (2015). Nutrition economics–food as an ally of public health. British Journal of Nutrition, 114(9), 1413-1420.

Historical practices and sulfur benefits:

11. Carbajo, J. M., & Maraver, F. (2017). Sulphurous mineral waters: new applications for health. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 2017.

Interplay between sulfur metabolism and other nutrients:

12. Parcell, S. (2002). Sulfur in human nutrition and applications in medicine. Alternative Medicine Review, 7(1), 22-44.

13. Mora, J. R., Iwata, M., & von Andrian, U. H. (2008). Vitamin effects on the immune system: vitamins A and D take centre stage. Nature Reviews Immunology, 8(9), 685-698.

Sulfur's role in detoxification and antioxidant defenses:

14. Frye, R. E., & Benavides, S. (2019). Sulfur and its role in human health. Journal of Clinical and Translational Research, 3(2), 153-162. 

15. Rayman, M. P. (2019). Sulfur in human nutrition and health. British Journal of Nutrition, 121(1), 1-12.

The association between sulfur deficiency and various diseases, such as cancer, cardiovascular disease, and neurological disorders:

16. Sinha, R., et al. (2019). Sulfur compounds in cancer prevention. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 56, 135-146. 

17. Yamaguchi, M., et al. (2019). Sulfur-containing amino acids in neurological disorders. Amino Acids, 51(1), 141-154.

The impact of modern agriculture and food processing on sulfur content in crops and foods:

18. Johnston, A. E., & Syers, J. K. (2018). Sulfur in soils and crops. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82(2), 267-277. 

19. Zhao, X., et al. (2019). Sulfur fertilization affects sulfur content in crops: A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 284, 105934.

The benefits of sulfur-rich foods, such as garlic and cruciferous vegetables, in promoting health and preventing disease:

20. Boreddy, S. R., et al. (2019). Garlic and its active compounds: A review of their pharmacology and therapeutic uses. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 231, 141-152.

21. Zhang, Y., et al. (2019). Sulforaphane: A review of its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Food & Function, 10(2), 251-261.

Monday, May 06, 2024

Brisket (Nailed it)

The Mount Everest of BBQ

10pm trim fat
11pm smoker 230F
Apple video vinegar spritz
7am 160 int temp
wrap in foil and
place in drip pan
12 pm 205 int temp
place pan in oven 170F
rest until dinner

Thursday, March 14, 2024

5 Empathetic Love Languages

Dr. Gary Chapman's framework focuses on how people express and experience love, not necessarily empathy. Empathy is understanding and sharing the feelings of another person, while the 5 Love Languages are about how people feel loved and appreciated.

Here's a quick breakdown of the 5 Love Languages:

1. Words of Affirmation:  People who value this language feel loved through compliments, encouragement, and expressions of appreciation.

2. Quality Time:  For these individuals, spending focused and uninterrupted time together is the key to feeling loved.

3. Physical Touch:  This language emphasizes the importance of affection, hugs, closeness, and other forms of physical contact.

4. Acts of Service:  People with this love language feel most loved when their partner does things for them, big or small, to make their life easier.

5. Receiving Gifts:  The act of giving a thoughtful gift is a way to show love and appreciation for someone with this love language.

While empathy is important in any relationship, the 5 Love Languages focus on the actions and behaviors that make people feel loved and secure.

Outward actions are good, but strong relationships also require empathy. Here are another 5 critical empathic interpersonal skills to strengthen relationships: 

1. Interest in her affairs, ideas, goals
(what did you do today? what do you want to do? how would you do this? what do you think about this?)  Interest in her affairs, ideas, goals:  This shows you care about her perspective and value her thoughts and dreams. It builds a foundation of trust and understanding.

2. Give her moral support: (how was your day? how can i help you feel better?) Give her moral support:  By offering support, you validate her feelings and show you're there for her during challenging times. It fosters a sense of security and encourages open communication.

3. Share with her personal information:
(open about weakness, being vulnerable, apologize). Share with her personal information:  Vulnerability builds intimacy. When you open up about your own struggles and imperfections, it creates a space for her to do the same, deepening the connection.

4. Interdependence: (feel that you are better together than alone, rely on one another, teamwork, cooperation, and synergy).  Interdependence means knowing you rely on each other and are stronger as a team strengthens the bond. Working together towards common goals fosters a sense of shared purpose and accomplishment.

5. Accept demands and flaws for the relationship.(patience, we are all a work in progress). Accept demands and flaws:  Relationships are about acceptance. Recognizing that everyone makes mistakes and has imperfections shows compassion and allows for growth together.

Empathy is a cornerstone of strong relationships, and the 5 skills you listed are fantastic examples of how to express empathy in everyday interactions. Here's a breakdown of why these skills are so powerful:

By incorporating these empathic skills, you create a space where your partner feels valued, understood, and supported. This strengthens the emotional connection and fosters a more fulfilling relationship.