Friday, November 01, 2024

Following Rome

Those who dont learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Sadly, the good guys dont always win and history is written by the victorious. That means history is written by bad people who conceal and confuse the true lessons of history. There is nothing new under the sun. We just don't know history. We dont know the truth which "is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come" (D&C 93:24)

America has been following Rome.  Most us know the details of how Rome fell, but the history books dont explain the underlying cause.  Rome was a demoralized society plagued by sexual immortality and substance abuse (opium, etc).  These sins result in greater poverty via illegitimacy, broken families, idleness, decreased productivity, crime, and poor health.  

Because it is the job of true religion to provide welfare and teach virtue (James 1:27), Pagan religion was too involved in administering the sin (drugs and prostitution) instead of fighting it. Consequently, the allowed Julius Ceasar to come to power promising social justice via government welfare programs (free bread and circus) in exchange for their freedom. Rome voluntarily abandoned their representative democracy. Government welfare fails to remedy poverty because it only enables by giving out money without accountability (no rehabilitation, no consequences, no expectations, no repentance, no change, no virtue). 

The US Constitition does establish a separation of Church and State.  Individual welfare is the duty of true religion and not government.  Religion needs to do it's divinely appointed duty, and government needs to get out of the business of religion. 

Because of the drug trade with China and Afghanistan, Rome had a disastrous trade deficit together with a overwelming budget deficit due to its welfare programs.  Consequently, Rome was forced to expand, bringing in tribute from conquered peoples to supply it's economy with necessary liquidity. 

To supply the Roman Legions with soldiers, Rome instituted the Marian reforms that recruited alien barbarian mercenaries (Foeterati), promising them Roman citizenship if they survived 20 years of military service.  It has been reported that the US government has had a policy of "open borders" claiming that it is necessary to meet their military recruitment goals. 

We are on the Eve of the 2024 US  Presidential election between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris. The US is suffocating under a nearly $36 trillion dollar debt. Trump promises to appoint billionair Elon Musk (Tesla, Twitter, Space X) to radically cut spending and waste in the Federal Government and balance the budget. This is something that Mitt Romney promised to do back in 2012 during his presidential run. 

While greatly needed, the Roman Empire eventually and finally faced a need to cut its social programs. The consequence of these cuts were that the Foeterati organized a massive insurrection, assassinated the emperor Romulus Augustus and divided the Roman empire forever.  

Will cuts to US social programs result in similar civil unrest and a divided US?  Will Daniel 8 prophecy of the goat and ram be refulfilled?  Originally, Alexander the Great representing the Greek Empire was at war with the Medes (Syria) and Persia (Iran).  Daniel prophesied that Alexander would be cut off, and Greece divided.  Will the US follow the tragic path of both Rome and Greece?  

We also need to remember that all these complexities and perplexities are symptomatic of the root cause, which is the demoralization of society.  According to the warning in "The Family: A Proclaimation to the World", only a return to virtue can save us.