[The following are notes from several lectures from Frank Znidarsic]
Turns out that Newtonian physics (F=m.a) does a really good job of describing most of the world around us except when things get really small (quantum mechanics) or get going really really fast (relativity). On the atomic scale, behavior such as blackbody radiation, the photoelectric effect, and the emission/absorption spectra of gases was believed couldn't be explained in terms of Newtonian physics. In response, an empirically derived quantum mechanics was born to describe this behavior on the atomic scale.
Quantum mechanics is not referred to as a physics because "physics" assumes we know "why" and "how" something behaves the way it does. Quantum theory is categorized as a "mechanics" because many aspects of this theory come from experimental measurement without necessarily knowing "why" or "how" or "what" is really happening.
This is where plank's constant come in: E = h.v. or E = h.c/f. h is described at the smallest package or quanta of light that an atom can absorb or emit. However, planks constant (the basis of quantum mechanics) is a measured constant, and while very useful, it is not derived from for more fundamental laws.
Recently, there are claims that Planks constant (h) can be derived from Newtonian first principles. h is derived from Newtonian first principles by describing light and the atom in terms of a capacitor and a spring. If this is true, this means that instead of being rival theories, quantum mechanics would become a subset of Newtonian physics.
C = e0 . A / D
C = capacitance (charge/voltage or field resistance . volume)
e0 = permittivity of free space (resistance to forming an electric field in a given medium)
A = area
D = distance
The second assumption is relating the wave behavior of light to a tsunami. In the same way a tsunami changes behavior when it approaches, land, so do photons change behavior when they interact with an atom. When a tsunami enters into shallow water its velocity slows. However, to keep its energy flux constant, the wave increases in amplitude. therefore, a tsunami that out in sea might by nearly imperceptible may grow to great height when it reaches land.
C (speed of light in a vacuum) = lambda (wavelength) X f (frequency)
Vt (speed of quantum transition in an atom) = lambda (compressed wavelength ) X f (frequency)
In this theory, a 1/2 wavelength of light becomes a small capacitor which separates a positive and negative charge by half its wavelength. Therefore, measuring the interaction of a photon inside an atom we would use the velocity of transition and compressed wavelength of the photon inside the atom. The frequency of the emitter matches the frequency of the wave that is emitted. But the wavelength itself can be contracted depending upon the medium.
C = e0 . A (area) / D (distance)
C = e0 . (Vt/f)^2 / (1/2 . Vt/f)
C = 2 . e0 . Vt / f
E (energy) = Q^2 (charge) / 2 . C (capacitance)
E = [Q^2 / 4 . e0 . Vt ] . f or E = h . f
h (plank's constant) = Q^2/4 . e0 . Vt
if Q = e = charge of an electron than
Vt = 1.094 X 10^6 m/s (speed of transition)
E = [Q^2/(4.pi.e0) ] .[1/x] (Coulombs equation)
F = -k . x (Hooke's Law)
F = force
k = spring constant (stiffness or springiness) = Fmax/xmax at Coulombic barrier
x = distance (stretch)
Coulombic Barrier: point at which strong nuclear force overcomes electrostatic force
Fmax = 29.053 Newtons
xmax = rn = 2 x 1.36 fm (fermi or momentum spacing)
If f = w/2.pi and w = (k/m)^1/2 then f = 1/2.(1/pi) . (k/m)^1/2
If v = fx then v = 1/2.(1/pi).(k/m)^1/2.(x)
If k = Fmax/vmax then v = 1/2.(1/pi).(Fmax/2.rn/mn)^1/2. (2.rn)
If Vt = c.Alpha/2 then v = rn/pi . (Fmax/2.rn.mn)^1/2
E = hf = hc/lambda = mc^2 lambda = h/mc Therefore Vt = c. alpha /2
alpha = fine structure constant = coupling constant = impedance matching
The idea of the speed of the quantum transition in the atom is that for energy to be transferred there has to be a 100% impedance match. In Ham Radio there is an impedance as the radio signal leaves the radio after which there is an impedance in the coax leading to the antenna. Finally there is an impedance of the antenna. For energy emitted by the radio to cause the antenna to resonate and emit energy, that impedance must match or the energy is reflected back into the radio. In the same way, this understanding of quantum mechanics using newtonian physics explains the impedance matching needed for energy transitions to occur in the atom.
I am still trying to grasp the essence of this idea. But the speed of transition is the secret that explains the relationship between phonons and photons. This explains the behavior of bose-einstein condensates, superconductors, superfluids, antigravity, magnetoplasmadynamics, cold fusion, thermionics, Beta-voltaics and much more.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
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