Sunday, November 04, 2012

Skousen's 10-Year Prediction

I subscribe to Joel Skousen's newsletter. I have heard his 10-year prediction of Russia and China teaming up to attack the west. Joel's 10-year preduction is based on his belief that China must first build a blue-water navy with aircraft carriers to project airpower over the pacific (Australia, Japan, Phillipines, Indonesia).

I actually think Pres Obama was telling the truth and gave something away when he mocked Romney in the debates saying the US didn't need more ships because they were obsolete like horses and bayonets.

When Obama went to India, he took a carrier group with him . While there, China parked a stealth sub off Los Angeles and fired a ballistic missile.

Translation...... Aircraft carriers are obsolete like Battleships were after WW1. Space has been weaponized and mach-10 stealth surface-skimming cruise missiles and cavitating torpedoes will sink any ship.

China plays like they want to build aircraft carriers, but it's all smoke and mirrors. The Chinese navy is composed of stealth subs, stealth missile boats, satellite weapons, and drones.

China doesn't need to project air superiority with aircraft carriers when they can just sink all the barges delivering goods to your dependent island. They can target you from space and with drones and fire ballistic missiles from subs or missile boats.

So, for these reasons. The Aircraft carrier is obsolete as Obama indicated in the debate.

Therefore, I don't think the Russian-Chinese attack on the US is 10 years off. If Romney wins, they will attack Dec 21, 2012. There is a Denver Airport mural depicting a 2012 attack (Mayan girl holding codex in shape of Russia). If Obama wins, we get 4 more years. [I have a picture of a young Obama posing in front of this airport mural]

Things that need to happen before Russia-China attack: Damascus ceases to be a city and is destroyed (Isa 17:1-3). US attacks Iran (Like Alexander the Great), Rioting/insurrection of poor at Romney Election thinking he will cut their benefits (just like Foeterati in Rome), Martial Law imposed covers tank movement. Gun Confiscation. Obama removes missile shield from Europe before he leaves office.

All this could happen in Nov-Dec. before Obama leaves office. But hoping for 4 more years.

Look at a young Obama posing in front of this Denver Airport Mural. What does it mean? Hopefully nothing.

But its hard to ignore the symbolism of the mural. You have a dead Jaguar (it's uncertain of its a Jaguar or a Leapord just like its uncertain if Obama is Kenyan or American). The dead Jaguar represents the death of America.

There are flames rising up in the background foretelling nuckear war.

There are 3 caskets with a dead African American, and a dead Christian American. The Native American in the middle is not dead but white eyes show she is undead. Coming out of the coffin is how you get baptized or initiated in Satan's church. This depicts the plan of the globalists to ally with the Native Americans.

Then there is the Mayan Girl with the Queztal Bird over her head, holding the codex in the shape of Russia. Could this point to Dec 21, 2012? Not that I believe in any Mayan foreknowledge. I dont. but the globalist could be using like they used the Egyptian Pyramids before the Great Depression.


Anonymous said...

I really enjoy reading your posts. Why do you think Russia and china would attack on Dec 21 if Romney had won?

Anonymous said...

Furthermore, why will we get 4 more years since Obama got elected?

David B said...

You are right. According to the Dever Airport mural, Russia and China may still attack this Dec. 1. Don't live by a nuclear target. 2. Have food and water stored. I was hoping we have 4 more years.

I am looking for things to happen like war with Syria and Iran, gun confiscation, tank movements, and missile Defence withdrawal before an attack.