If you don't know about T. Henry Moray, he was a faithful LDS member, served a mission in Sweden and worked as a scientist and inventor. He died in 1974. During his lifetime, he developed a so-called "free-radiant-energy" device that could generate up to 50 kilowatts of power.
I have never witnessed any other free-energy device produce as much heat as the Moray did. Heat is the "good fruit" by which all energy devices must be judged. The Moray device was demonstrated many times to energize banks of incandescent bulbs as well as heat up 400-Watt flat irons all at the same time. He did have a problem with running powertools because the motors were built to run on 120 Volts/60-Hz AC. The power coming from the Moray Device was also AC but ran at a much higher frequency. He often reported a purple cold-plasma ionization around the windings of the motor of a power tool.
Dr. Moray could never explain exactly how the device worked and consequently was never able to secure a patent. He had many threats against his life and after refusing to turn his technology over to the Communists, his lab assistant destroyed the device with a hammer. Because of war and inflation he never again could afford to build any of the key components. Dr. Moray went to his grave believing that he was the victim of a terrible Communist plot. Consequently, like Tesla, Dr Moray went to his grave with the secrets to his device not wanting them to fall into the hands of the Communists who seemed to take a much bigger intetest in his research than the US did.
Dr. Moray contacted Dr Harvey Fletcher at Bell Laboratories and told him about many key aspects of his Moray Valve and Moray device. It should be no surprise that a few years later Bell Laboratories came out with the transistor.
1. I believe the Moray Device worked
2. I do not believe it worked on the principles ofvfree, radiant, or zero-point energy
3. I believe the Moray Valve was instead a very efficent beta-voltaic cell.
4. I believe Moray's assistant was a fabian globalist spy who destroyed the device after the globalist were able to replicate it.
5. Dr. Moray was fooled into thinking the whole episode was a communist plot.
The Moray device seems to be divided into 3 sections:
1. HF Antenna Long Wire, Tunned LC Circuit, and Ground (simple radio receiver)
2. Moray Valve(s) (beta-voltaic cell)
3. Tubes and Transformer Coils which converted and transformed DC voltage from the Moray Valve into High Frequency AC at 120 Volts
(Like a tube version of a Joule thief/ringer circuit)
Dr. Moray thought the Moray Valve was working like a crystal radio and receiving and amplifying cosmic rays which he called radiant energy. This is because he thought the device required an antenna that the antenna was receiving the source of the energy.
I think the Moray device was not "receiving" free-energy, but I think that the applied HF signal across the semiconductor was tuned until the applied radio electric signal was in phononic resonance with the gallium-doped germanium p-type semiconductor in the Moray Valve according to the "Speed of quantum transition?" or "Electron-phononic coupling" of 1.094 MHz.m.
This is the heart of the device. Dozens of Moray Valves were placed in series to generate higher power outputs.
The key to the Moray Valve was:
1. It was a cold vacuum tube. (there was no heater, no grid, no electron beam)
2. It contained an energetic radioactive alpha-emitter like Polonium (Radium F)
3. it contained a gallium-doped germanium crystal which acted like a p-type (excess holes) semiconductor (electron acceptor)
4. it contained a heavy metal bismuth surrounding the semiconducting crystal
5. tin was used to solder elements of valve in place.
6.The vacuum creates an environment where radioactive or energetic particles can travel without interacting with and being blocked by oxygen and gas molecules between the electrodes
7.I think that any good p-type semiconductor could be used in the place of gallium-doped germanium. Standard Boron-doped silicon may work just as well.
8.Polonium (Po-210) emits alpha particles which interacted with Beryllium creating fast neutrons.
9.A mediator may have been used to slow and create thermal neutrons
10.Bismuth Bi-209 can capture a neutron and then go through beta decay (electron emission) and transmute into more Polonium (Po-210).
11.The tuned HF electric signal at phononic resonance may have made the beta-capture by the semi-conductor or the alpha-capture by the bismuth more efficient.
12.p-type semiconductor captures and conducts electrons to transformers and then to the load.
A possible idea to recreate the Moray Device and test this idea of "Speed of Electronic/Phononic coupling/Quantum Transition" is to take a signal generator and apply a signal across a solid-state promethium-147 or Tritium beta-battery.
1. You likely may not need the antenna and ground. All you may need is a signal generator.
2. a promethium -147 beta-battery like was used in pacemakers.
3. joule ringer circuit to convert and transform the current to high frequency DC to drive the load.
An explanation of what the HF frequency connected to the semiconductor is doing is turning the band gap. Silicon or germanium semiconductors have a band gap of 1 eV. The energies of emitted beta particles is 1 MeV. The particles are so energetic the substrate cannot "catch" them. Thus most pass right through.
Another possibility is that the Moray Valve could have been a Field Emission Tube? New electron microscopes (FESEM) and x-ray tubes use cold cathodes like the Moray Valve.
1. It was a Cold Cathode Field Emmision Vacuum Tube. Electrons liberated from the Cathode by the high vacuum and application of high voltage.
2. It used germanium and iron sulfide as one of the earliest uses of solid-state semiconductors.
3. It had Molybdenum Sulfide in it which material science is calling the "new graphene" and the possible basis for next generation semiconductors.
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