Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Deal or Default?

With the US Government divided, gridlocked over the debt ceiling and Obamacare, and part of the Federal Government shut down; no one is really sure what is going to happen.  Here are some possibilities.

1. Last-minute deal and business as usual, kicking the national debt can further down the road.

2. Obama declares martial law and assumes dictatorial powers to prevent a default.

3. No deal and default (over the fiscal cliff) resulting in a Cyprus-style bail-in which means banks holding credit default swap (bond insurance derivatives) are stuck with the responsibility of paying off US bonds. Banks could then seize money out of personal segregated accounts. 

4. No deal and Greek-style debt restructuring.  Austerity measures put in place to balance budget.  Federal lands, mineral rights and utilities used to pay off debts.

5. No deal and business as usual with continued QE printing but no more bond sales.

6. Deal where we balance the budget, raise tariffs, end the FED, start a fair national monetary system, give back all federal lands and mineral rights to states, and make states and religion responsible for welfare.

7. Something else?????

Sad, my wife thinks #6 is the most improbable.  

Also, what was with the EBT (Federal Food Stamps) shutting down for 1 hour and the over-reporting of sporadic Walmart looting? Some people think that shutdown was a test or maybe just a scare tactic to get Congess to raise the debt ceiling.  

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