Monday, November 04, 2013

Gold Rumors

There has been a string of rumors about gold that rise up from time to time in the media. I have no idea of their truth except, I expect that there is much more gold than the myth that 'all the gold ever mined in the history of the Earth could fit in one olympic-sized pool.'

So, the rumor begins with the "protocols of Zion" saying the illuminati have taken gold out of circulation in the economy.  The consequence of this is that in a world with gold-backed currency, this put a cramp on world economies. 

Anyways. When Commodore Matthew C Perry went to Japan with his backwards US flag and forceably opened up Japan to trade with the West, the corruption of Japanese youth led to the Meiji Revolution and overthrow of the Shogunate. Japan was then used by the British to attack China.  Why?  The Western bankers were looking for Roman Gold.  Rome had been sending gold East for hundreds of years in exchange for spices and drugs. The Bankers wanted that gold back.

Then sometime during WW2, Chinese gold was transferred to the Philippines for safe keeping.  The Philippines have been controlled by the US since the Spanish-American war in 1898. Then following WW2, gold was transferred to the US following the Bretton-Woods agreement establishing the US Dollar as the world reserve currency.  China trusted the US promise that the US would help China and the 3rd World develop. 

Instead what happened is the IMF and World Bank gave out loans to private corporations to exploit and mine 3rd-world resources.  Private multinational corporations enslaved third-world populations to mine their resources polluted those countries and left the people with impossible debt.  

When the World Bank forgave these 3rd-world countries debt, they only did so in exchange for perminent control over the countries mineral resources.  Juat recently, Greece had to put up its Islands as collateral for its most recent bailout.  What did you get in your Christmas stocking this year? If it wasn't a Greek Island then your not part of the "in crowd".

David Wilcox, Ben Fulford and now Karen Hudes is the rumor spreaders.  Karen Hudes claims to have been a lawyer for the IMF turned whistleblower who is on a crusade to prosecute the world bankers, and the 60 Bank of International Settlement banks for corruption.  

None of these rumor spreaders are reliable.  Hudes has been showing up on RT talking about the corruption of private central banks but giving no specifics other than saying countries should be paying private central banks interest to print our own money.  This I agree with. However, Hudes has been pointing people to the Bank of North Dakota as a solution. I do agree when she says that money can be backed by not just gold.

I do not think the Bank of North Dakota is the answer.  All Money creation needs to done by US Treasury but loan approval needs to be local and private and non-profit.  The North Dakota system doesn't do enough to solve the problem of fractional reserve banking and lending that leads to banking failures.

Anyways, Wilcox and Fulford had been saying that when China gave the US gold it was given US Treasury Certificates.  Some of these certifucates for billions of dollars have surfaced on several occasions.  Each time these certifucates surface they are called fraudulent.  But who in their right mind would try to pass off million-dollar US Treasury Certificates except the US itself?  If I was a counterfeiter, it wouldn't be the first thing I'd think to do.

Anyways, Wilcox and Fulford had been saying that China wants its gold back frim the US and they aren't happy about not getting it and not being able to cash in their Treasuries.  Germany holds much of its gold in the US as well and was told it couldn't have its gold back either and that is no rumor.

Well the newest gold rumor is that Karen Hudes said on RT that the Bank of Hawaii had 170,000 tons of gold in deposit. 170,000 tons is 6 billion ounces worth 8 trillion dollars.  170,000 tons of gold is more gold than anyone was led to believe existed on the Earth and more than all the gold reserves of all the nations on Earth.  

So, why is all that gold in Hawaii? Hawaii is not an easily defended location to keep gold.

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