Saturday, November 12, 2016

Clinton and Comey

FBI Chief Comey determined there was no basis to indict or prosecute Clinton because they could not prove criminal intent with regard to having classified (special program status) information on her private server.  This is creating new law because there is no requirement of intent with the handling of classified information.  Anyone else who handled classified information that ended up on Anthony Weiner's laptop and not just the Clinton server would face severe punishments regardless of intent. 

Trump is choosing his cabinet and advisors and they all pretty much look like globalist, goldman sachs and CFR members just like previous administrations. (Gulliani, Gingrich, Christie, Dimon) Consequently, I don't hold too much hope that much will chamge with a Trump presidency. If Trump were to go rogue, and make independent decisions, the system could hurt him by raising interest rates and crashing the economy like they did in 1929 with Calvin Coolidge. (last time we had Republican controlled government).

JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon is Greek American.  Dimon is being invited to be Secretary of Treasury. Could he run for President in 8 years?  Dimon donates to Democrats.  

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