Saturday, August 26, 2017

Type 1 Civilization Progress

Michio Kaku, famous physicist and science communicator, claims humanity is on the verge of transitioning from a type 0 to a type 1 civilization.  What is special about being type 1?  According to Dr. Kaku, a type 1 civilization has the technology to control earthquakes, the weather, and volcanoes.

The major science behind weather modification and earthquake generation is inospheric-tropospheric and ionospheric-lithospheric coupling.  The ionosphere holds vasts amounts of renewable energy which can be dumped into lower levels of the atmosphere and even into the Earth itself by localized heating and perturbations by ionospheric heaters like HAARP in Alaska and EISCAT in Norway. 

Ionospheric coupling doesn't generally make the earthquake, or hurricane but it can trigger a release of energy already stored in a fault, or strengthen/weaken and partially steer an already organized storm. 

Inospheric-Lithospheric Coupling:

Inospheric-Lithospheric Coupling (Fukushima EQ/Tsunami):
Inospheric-Tropospheric Coupling (Hurricane Matthew):

Inospheric-Tropospheric Coupling (Jicamarca, Peru, El Nino):

Inospheric-Tropospheric Coupling (Thunderstorm with sprirs and gravity waves): 

Rev 13:13 And he doeth great wonders, so that he maketh fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,

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