Saturday, February 03, 2018

Comings and Goings

“It only takes one thing in common to unify evil, while single differences divide the righteous”

The US Revolution was disasterous to the British Empire and the elite’s control over the peoples and resources of the Earth.  Now, any country believed they could stand up to the elites.  Its no wonder the media votes George Washington to be the #1 revolutionary of all time. Following the US Revolution, the elites were forced to manufacture many false revolutions (French) where controlled leaders were artificially placed into positions of power (some were legit like Afghanistan after WW1).  Elections are easily controlled through campaign finance and the media.  The people only needed to believe they were free. 

The USSR did this with Ukraine and other Eastern Block nations (“The Perestroika Deception”).  Hidden control is much cheaper to maintain than empire.  If these leaders became ideologically independent, then there enevitably would be a tragic plane crash carrying the presidency and executive staff (Poland) or leaders were poisoned (Yushchenko).  The same thing happens in the Middle East. Corrupt leaders like Qaddafi and Suddam Husain were placed into power by the globalist and were later forcefully removed.

The US Constitution is the model of constitutional government in the world.  If the US abandons our constitution, constitutional government will disappear from the Earth. The US would become just another chapter in the history book and considered another disastrous experiment in democracy next to Greece and Rome.  Future text books would likely blame democracy for the imperialism of Pax Romana, Pax Britanica, and Pax Americana.

Accordingly, the Fabian Globalists need to get Americans to lose faith in America and in our constitution.  That is why the conspiracy has sought through their “post-modern” movement to tear down all rules, all standards, and all morality to get us to lose faith in everything.  Eventually, the globslist would like the US divided and none of the pieces are self-reliant. Thus we see the fake cessation movements of  “Brexit”,  Scotland, Catalonia and Quebec.  These fake cessation movements popularize the cessation idea leading to reoccurring Texas (“Texit”) and Arcadia  cessation movements. 

These details are only important because the Nephites in the Book of Mormon lost faith in their government to the point where after the assassination of the Chief Judge, the government collapsed and society devolved into tribes.  We are taught that the Book of Mormon is a type of events to come.

In the Book of Daniel, The Greek Empire was divided into 4 after Alexander the Great (goat) attacked the Medes (Syria) and Persia (Iran)  (ram).  Prophecy may be re-fulfilled. 

Jewish leadership like the US had been infiltrated by evil. Those evil leaders did evil in the name of Judaism giving thr Jews a bad name as the US is being given a bad reputation in the eyes of the world (global bully).  A few elite Jews (synagogue of Satan) in Russia supported the Bolshevik Revolution against the Czar. This is why the Russians turned against the Jews and persecuted them (depicted in “Fiddler on the Roof”).  Elite German Jews during WW1 made the Balfour Agreement with Britian, that in exchange for disloyalty to Germany, they would be given Palestine.  The Balfour Aggreement was given as a justification for the holocaust in WW2. 

During the settlement if the Jews in Israel, Israeli terrorist paramilitary groups like the Lehi, Irgun, Palmach and Haganah massacred Palestians, conduced false-flag bombings against Christians churches in Egypt, and bimbed the King David Hotel.  The Israeli government and Prime minister has been a documented paramilitary member or paramilitary protege since Menachem Begin.  These group have engineered and maintain conflict and division; making the concept of the Lord’s temple a hated symbol of corruption, intolerance, war, conflict, and suffering.

The 9/11 false flag operation created the environment were the US is now fighting Israel’s enemies or middle-eastern countries not under the control of the NWO. Israel was given the responsibility to put down Iran.  But Isreal won’t attack Iran until the US handles Syria. The US conduced a false-flag chemical attack several years ago as justification for invasion and regime change. On the eve of invasion media asked Kerry if Assad could do anything to avert war.  Kerry suggested Assad give up all chemical weapons to an international body.  Putin and Assad accepted and the military intervention was canceled.  

ISIS was then created with knowing or unknowing participation of Utah presidential candidate Evan McMullin while he was in the CIA.  ISIS was to serve as a backdoor excuse for military intervention in Syria.  Weapons from Lybia after Qaddafi was killed were shipped to ISIS via Benghazi.  Other US-supplied Russian-style weapons came from Bulgaria and Serbia shipped on Azerbaijan airlines with diplomatic immunity. But Putin intervened in Syria defending fellow Orthodox Christians in a global PR win. So, war with Iran is currently postponed until thr US finds another excuse to take down Syria.  

Isaiah says in 18:2-3 that the destruction of Damacus would mark the end of America/West “Thd Fortress of Ephraim will fall”. 

Agenda: Grinding America Down

This documentary is a production by the globalists themselves to attribute the demoralization of America to be a communist conspiracy. This documentary even features Cleon Skousen's “The Naked Communist” where Cleon list’s the 45 declared aims and goals of the communist and says that every single goal has been achieved. 

The fascinating thing is that Curtis Bowers, as a college student, claims he attended a communist meeting in Berkley California on behalf of a older mentor and friend (eg college recruitment). At this meeting, the 45 communist goals were presented to a large auditorium filled with suit-wearing, briefcase-carrying  wealthy and powerful men in their 40’s and 50’s.  You don’t show up to these sort of meetings unless your a known insider. 

Cleon Skousen and President Benson, at one time, thought that the demoralizing conspiracy taking place in America was communist.  It wasn’t until Cleon Skousen read Carroll Quigley’s confessionals “Tragedy of Hope” and “Anglo-American Establishment” that Cleon realized that this is a globalist conspiracy not communist.  Skousen’s “the Naked Capitalist” demonstrates this paradigm shift.  

The message of John Birch for which the John Birch Society was named was that the Western elite were funding both Mao Zedong and Chiang Kai Chek and ultimatelty pulled support for the CNP.  Conspiracy funds both sides, assuring the pre-determined outcome.  John Birch was assassinated before he could reveal that globalism was behind Chinese communism. 

Bill Clinton thanks his mentor Carroll Quigley during 1st Inaugural Address. 

Joel Skousen on WW3: 

The US has been unilaterally disarming our nuclear capability (Start2, New Start), while Russia is expanding and modernizing funded by selling expensive oil and gas to Europe which western companies (Exxon) helped them develop after “The Perestroika Deception”.  Russia was supposed to be recycling cold war weapons-grade fissile material into fuel-grade.  Instead, Russia has recycled older warheads into new warheads aided by a plutonium recycling center built by the US, an Obama’s executive order, and Clinton’s Uranium One and Skolkovo deals (tech transfer). 

Some day, maybe after Damacus is destroyed,  the US will be hit by an EMP and combined nuclear first-strike by Russia and China.  Bill Clinton’s PDD 60 took the US nuclear missiles off “launch on warning” status.  This strategy of “launch on warning” is that whomever launches first loses.  Our current nuclear doctrine is to absorb a first-strike and then decide to retaliate later.  The POTUS carries the launch codes in a briefcase (nuclear football).   Unfortnately, after a first-strike “Burning of Babylon”, there won’t be anything left to retaliate with.  Russian and Chinese Nuclear missiles will target US silos with polluting ground strikes in Montana, Nebraska, Western Missouri.  The resultant fallout will decimate the breadbasket of the world creating a world-wide famine and huge death tolls from starvation. 

After the US military is destroyed, the elites will emerge from their underground bases and bunkers that they have already built for themselves and call on the world to unite together to eradicate this communist threat. The US will gladly abandon the US constitution and give ourselves over to global government to save us from catastrophe. Advanced weapons systems, which are already in place, will then be used to prosecute the war (space meteor weapons). 

Anyone who says that the US destruction was the fault of globalism and not communism will be considered a communist sympathizer, considered guilty of treason, rounded up and put into re-education camps or killed. 

The LDS program to store a year supply of food and gather after period of fallout with survivors at Stake Centers and pooling remaining resources is perfect defense for this scenario. Gathering keeps looters away and keeps goverment away from confiscating supplies.  Maintaining gospel standards keeps undesirables away (no smoking, drinking). 

One hope would be if God decides to “shake the Earth” while the elite are underground in their bunkers. The more wicked part of the people would be killed. 

Aaron Russo created a political party in Navada, ran for Govenor, and published several political documentaries.  He was recruited by the elite and describes the recruitment process by being given insider investment information.  He was told about 911 and the war in terror before it happened.   He died not long after this testimony of bladder cancer. 

David B

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