As you know, most people who contract coronavirus/COVID-19 experience a flu-like illness. A percentage of suffered will develop pneumonia and a percentage of those will develop ARDS/ALI. ARDS has about a 50% mortality which would be expected to increase in a pandemic situation where resources become scarce.
The sample’s overall case-fatality rate was 2.3%, higher than World Health Organization official 0.7% rate. No deaths occurred in those aged 9 years and younger, but cases in those aged 70 to 79 years had an 8% fatality rate and those aged 80 years and older had a fatality rate of 14.8%.
ARDS is not well understood, but the leading understanding is acute lung injury is caused by a combination of pro- inflammatory cytokine cascade, high FIO2 exposure, and barotrauma.
Leading experimental measures which may amiliorate ARDS and maximize survival:
1. Limit high FIO2 exposure, increase PEEP
2. Low tidal volumes and increased frequency.
3.Program vent with regular (10/hr) sigh breaths (2xVT) to aid recruitment.
3. Early tracheostomy.
4. Sedation with Precedex (dexmedetomidine).
5.Taurine infusion or NAC (antioxidant)
6. Treatment with ARB (angiotensin 2 blocker). Coronavirus binds to and enters cells via AT2 receptor and early studies with SARS/MERS/CoVID-19 show benefit with ARBs.
7. Kaletra effective for SARS/MERS/CoVID-19
8. Actemra, IL-6
Vitamin C: 500mg as good as 2000mg
Vitamin C Infusion didn't help ARDS/ALI