Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Coronavirus Source

"Experiments with the full length and chimeric SHC014 recombinant viruses were initiated and performed prior to the gain of function research funding pause and have since been reviewed and approved for continued study by NIH."

Level 3 lab at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill together with the Level 4 lab in Wuhan are responsible for creating a chimera/hybrid virus that showed increased human infectivity. This reasearch was funded by NIH and China. This virus was accidentally or not accidently released from Wuhan level 4 labs.  The level 4 designation is based on the Chinese lab's work with bioweapons but not based on precautions taken. The following paper demonstates examples of lax precautions and accidental contaminations at Wuhan lab.

This coronavirus seems to target a race-specific Angiotensin 2 receptor polymorphism (+1166 C allele).

Co2019 is most similar to Bat-SARS-Co2015

Interesting that coronavirus binds to the angiotensin 2 receptor.  AT2 is one of the most studied receptors in science. When I was in grad school, the lab next door did AT2 work (Dr. Terry S. Elton). The receptor has been fully sequenced, cloned, and is known to have several ethnic dna sequence polymorphisms. 

Also interesting that there is currently a global recall of ARBs or angiotensin receptor binding medications which have been shown to convey significant protection from the coronovirus. (Losartan, Telmisartan)

Vitamin C: 500mg as good as 2000mg

Vitamin C Infusion didn't help ARDS/ALI

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