Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Constitutional Money

I think the US Constitution and BoR are sufficient to safeguard against corruption, except we aren't following the provisions on money creation. We think Capitalism is associated with Constitutional government, but it isn't. If we really followed the US Constitution we could enjoy a truly free market economy without the unelected capitalists and their usury. Our current corrupt economic system has allowed the concentration of economic power, which then is used to control politics, media, etc.

We currently have a fractional reserve money system that allows FED-member banks to borrow money at next to zero interest (prime) and then lend 10x, 1000x, or even 10000x that money to you and and me, collecting usury on the money the banks themselves created.

The US Constitution, on the other hand, specifies that Congress/Treasury and not the FED or FED-member banks are to "coin" our money and not just a small fraction of it.

We just don't follow our own Constitution. Control of our own credit and currency was one of the major reasons for the US Revolution (not just taxation without representation).

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