Thursday, April 28, 2022

Definition of Religion

I was surprised to hear a Constitutional Law scholar admit that religious scholars and the Supreme Court itself had failed to agree upon a definition of religion.  This was very surprising to me.  Like marriage, I believe we cannot defend what we cannot define.

Unfortunate, there is very little true religion going on with organized religion (welfare and virtue), and the federal government has stepped in to control marriage, adoption and welfare without virtue (ie accountability)

(James 1:27)  Pure religion is caring for the fatherless and widow (welfare) and keeping himself unspotted from the world (virtue).  Welfare was done via the family (marriage and adoption).   Women are cared for through their children.   Virtue involves doing no harm to others or self.  Government can publicize the "thou shalt nots" and punish harm to others (Alma 1:17).  Religion publicizes the "thou shalts" and  rehabs self-harm. Clear and seperate jurisdictions with clear definitions. eg government shouldn't make us buy broccoli.  No need for theocracy.

But what do we do with all the strange groups out there like Wiccan, Church of Satan, etc.  I suppose I'd have no problem with the Church of Whomever if they were devoted to providing welfare for its membership and others and teaching (do no harm to self or others) virtue. I think it can be that easy. Anything else isn't religion.

I don't have all the answers, but I believe a clear definition of religion according to James 1:27 helps us define and understand the purpose of religion and prayer, which would be to ask for divine help in our desire to help others and, to be virtuous,. I wouldn't have a problem participating with anyone's prayer devoted to this purpose.  I think GOV should have stuck to "making no law" and let issues like school prayer and marriage be decided locally.  

Wiccan belief is devoted to "Do as thou wilt".  I'm not sure how everyone imposing our own wills (whatever they may be) on the universe all at the same time fits the definition of religion.  But I'll allow a childs prayer asking nature for power to heal and help and inspire us to heal and help each other. 

But Yes, there cannot be any law against what a person believes. GOV is to procecute harm.  Religion is to advocate for what is good (to buy broccoli).  I think the framers also had a more narrow biblical definition of religion.

Yes. it is my opinion that most religions could be more religious and GOV needs to be less. (ie welfare, marriage, etc)

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