Saturday, September 22, 2018

Plato’s Euthyphro Dilemma

The Euthyphro dilemma is found in Plato's dialogue Euthyphro, in which Socrates asks Euthyphro, "Is the pious (τὸ ὅσιον) loved by the gods because it is pious, or is it pious because it is loved by the gods?"

Intrinsic value of self is self-evident by my moral outrage when my value is denigrated or tread upon.  Everyone believes that they matter and wish to be important.  The worth of self is self-evident, but the respect for others isn’t.   

The graves open and 20 great kings of the past rise and see each other and immediately start fighting. But they rach stop and bend the knee when Christ appears.  We need a unified embodiment of the ideal.  The greatness of each king was in their reflection of Christ. The value of the human soul is that each of us hs the spark of divinity within us.  We will be unable to coexist unless we can be unified in recognition of the ultimate transcendent good.

Instinct of coming into contact with someone greater than yourself induces aww.  A real response when you come into contact with truth.  Evolution has given humans the ability to reason, self-reflection, and to imagine the view point of another.  God brings order to chaos when He speaks truth.  We create islands of chaos each time we lie to ourselves or others.

Being involves limitation, suffering and pain. Meaning involves moving beyond our limitations.  There is pain and suffering to alleviate, there is evil to constrain.

Memes are ideas that get copied and passed down or reappear generationally.   But certain memes are achetypes that are reglections of genetics/evolutionary biology (eg dominance).  Other memes can appear and have genetic and epigenetic affects, conveying social and reproductive benefits that become encoded in our genome.  We may be writing or rewriting our own genetic code to some degree. 

Our ability to imagine how others feel or are thinking doesn't necessarily lead to morality.  That skill can also be used to detect the success of deception. 

The Bible conveys archetypes in the form of stories that have no bottom. You can ponder and realities of these stories and their application (creation, cain/abel, etc) and never fully appreciate all their significance.

Nietzsche declared “God is dead” and mournfully predicted the the replacement of religious society by nihilism and Marxism and predicted that people in the absence of religion would look to dictators to take its place which would wage war.  Philosophers also talk about delay because society is living on thr corpse of our ancestors and its nourishing  for a time until it putrifies.

“God is dead. God remains dead. And we have killed him. How shall we comfort ourselves, the murderers of all murderers? What was holiest and mightiest of all that the world has yet owned has bled to death under our knives: who will wipe this blood off us? What water is there for us to clean ourselves? What festivals of atonement, what sacred games shall we have to invent? Is not the greatness of this deed too great for us? Must we ourselves not become gods simply to appear worthy of it?”

Atheists ask, why are 3rd-world countries prediminately Catholic while atheist/ socialist Europe prospers? 1. Catholisism does not represent true Christianity 2. global economic conspiracy 3. Europe is living on the corpse of dead ancestors but will fall eventually. 

I may regard you as a soverign individual.  If that an opinion, rational claim, enlightened claim, postmodern quandary,  a meme, or an archetype whose violation produces severe consequences where transgression is fatal.   Without religion, we are left with nihilism or totalitarianism. There is mo usch thing as secular ethics.

In the hierarchy of needs, Dawkins talks about genes as biology and memes as culture.  But Peterson says many memes are also biologically derived. 

Dostoevsky, if God is dead than anything is permitted. Atheists act religious but criticize it.   Dostoevsky committed the perfect murder but couldnt escape his conscience.

Atheist, “This body is made to write”, “I’m just acting out a meme”.  Peterson says hogwash, the act of writing is an archtype with an ancient and divine reality. 

Search for Meaning: Jordan Peterson

People have an innate drive to search for meaning and purpose in life which produces  happiness. Meaning is the highest human instinct.  Your brain signals meaning when you occupy the optimal position in the dynamic territory you inhabit.  Meaning is revealed and discovered and not made up.  Moral relativism flattens everything out the consequence of which is there is no up. And if there is no up, then there is no hope, no courage, no heroism.   But we know there is a down, and if there is a down then there is also an up to stive for.  Our society consists of a hierarchy of competencies.  If we can’t talk about ideas we are left to fight for dominance. Finding purpose requires: communal (group) identity, communal capacity from which springs individual identity, individual capacity.  Religion is not delusional because people who have religious experience are healthier, happier and more productive. Therefore religion is not pathologic. Religious belief evolved and improved. The atheists can defend their crusade to destroy religion when they demonstrate good evidence that atheism is healthier.  Find something that you like to do, your good at, and is useful.

Meaning is derived from the orienting reflex.  A person experiences meaning when their left brain (concrete, expected) and right brain (abstract, new) are working together.  You need to have one foot in order and the other in chaos. 

Human hierarchy exists.  It is not arbitrary but biologically derived. The human hierarchy (social latter) is not necessarily inherently patriarchal but effectively patriarchial because men tend to be more task focused, assertive, disagreeable, and aggressive at the extremes. Men and women are more the same than different except at the extremes.  The differences at the extremes of the bell curve account for the 10:1 males vs. females disparity in prisons. 

Hierarchy tends toward corruption.  Degenerate hierarchy is dominated by power and oppression.  But a wise society will base its hierarchy on virtue and competency. But trying to reject hierarchy itself rejects  biology.  If we don’t prepare men to be men and ascend the social hierarchy, or repress their biology through feminization, they can become discouraged, experience despair and may act out through crime, suicide, terrorism (become an obscurus).  Men and women can both ascend the social latter by setting goals and developing their competencies. 

Men are overrepresented at the top of the hierarchy but they are also overrepresented at the bottom doing some of the dirtiest and dangerous jobs. Most women in the legal profession work 80-hrs-week into their 30’s, become partner, and then drop out to have a family. This isn’t a value statement, this is just the reality of what happens. Women are finding meaning in family ahead of their career. 

You don’t need to suffer to find meaning, but meaning helps people survive suffering. Rights are not as important to finding meaning as responsibilities.   We find meaning by embracing and fulfilling our responsibilities.   You want to get out of bed every day thinking that what you are going to do that day is necessary and important.

Groups don’t have rights because they don’t have responsibilities.  You can’t gave rights without responsibility.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Justice vs. Freedom

Reason and emotion.  People make up their mind with a combination of both.  Progressives believe they have a monopoly on the issue of justice (social justice).  In response, conservatives run into the trap of contering with the call for freedom. But a violation of justice always produces outrage, the biolation of freedom only produces puzzlement.  We routinely deny people certain freedoms, but there is no such thing as okay injustice. 

If someone calls someone else a racist, the charge is uninformed and dishonest. A true racist would be proud of their racism. It would be like pointing out that the sky is blue.  The comment is dishonest because it is acknowledging that the accused person at least recognizes that racism is bad. 

Explaination of identity politics.

You either worship God, the body, or the State.  Religion, hedonism, or socialism.  Only religion has built modern civilization where there is value for each human life. Modern atheism denies the religious ground its standing on.  Townhall meetings: you can’t make public policy based on individual sympathies.  How can I help you individually is a religious problem and then lets get back to discissing politics which deal with policies that help the maximim amount of people.

Brookings Institute:
Do 3 Things to Combat Proverty
1. Graduate High School.
2. No children out of wedlock.
3.  Get a job.
(4). No substance abuse.
(LDS Missionaries combat poverty, social therapists, defend liberty)

Identity politics: here is a policy that benefits this particular group, if you oppose it, then your a racist.  Democrats buy off minority  groups until they get 51%.  Chuck shummer commemted to D’Souza, you asians folks come to America, get jobs, work hard and don’t ask for anything. Politics = you ask, and we deliver. What do your people want. Concervatism opposes group-specific policies. Fair = no special treatment.   Everyone under the same rules.  Conservatism treats people as individuals and not as a race or group identity.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Truth for Peace

9-11 was an Irgun false flag operation. 

This Q&A video contains multiple news clips of multiple Israeli officials on multiple US media outlets driving the war on terror message. 

The presenter has a Q&A session containing the reaction of several Jewish people to his presentation.  Obviously, they didn’t like it and called him a “conspiracy theorist” that wove together a few unrelated data points and half-truths into a fairytale.  One of the Jewish attendees got very upset and mentioned the 1920 conspiracy in Russia and 1940 conspiracy in Germany and said:

“I’m not going to engage in it [conspiracy theory] because my people get killed for it”.  

Sadly, this is true because there were a few Jews in Russia and then in Germany who acted against the State; and innocent Jewish people were scapegoated for the actions of a few.  Now a group once known as Irgun are acting in the name of the US and Israel.  Consequently, both the US and Israel may be scapegoated for what we are allowing a few to do in our names.   The US/Israeli actions in the Middle East may bring a nuclear holocaust on the West by Russia and China.   

The truth of conspiracy and our denunciation of it is seeking to stop the conspiracy and prevent another holocaust and not meaning to create one.   

We want to stop our own people from participating in it.   Because, whether you think this conspiracy stuff is true or not, the problem here is Putin absolutely does claim to believe it. (I’ve heard Putin recount this Jewish conspiracy history in speeches to his people)  Also, because it is in fact not a US/conspiracy, but a globalist/satanic  conspiracy.  Sadly, innocents may be scapegoated yet again.

We want to reverse Roe v. Wade and stop the murder of the unborn in our nation (for example), but we will never solve this or other problems (drugs, porn, economic, poverty) if we don’t root out this cancer.  Every effort, every argument for good gets opposed. 

When you realize the reach and scope of the conspiracy, which accomplished 9-11, you can see why they have been so successful in so many other areas.  We are being systematically being torn apart.   I hope Putin doesn't become our radiation oncologist.

Again, like Russia in 1920’s and Germany in the 1940’s, this is ultimately NOT a jewish conspiracy, but a globalist/satanic one.  However, the US together with Israel will likely bear the consequences for blindly allowing our leaders and elites to tread ruthlessly over the rest of the world. I think Christopher Bollyn is allowed to say what he is saying.  Making this into an US/Israeli conspiracy and not a globalist conspiracy provides a layer of separation.  But these kind of revelations may be what ultimately bring the nations against Israel. 

Monday, September 17, 2018

Origins of Fascism

Mussolini was a Marxist.
Mussolini combined socialism with nationalism.
Hitler followed the example of Mussolini.
Democrats were the part of manifest destiny.
Democrats were the party of slavery.
Democrats were the party of segregation and  white supremacy.
Democrats are now the party of ANTIFA.

Dinesh makes some great points about the agenda and attacks of atheists on our children and society.  However, I think he missed the point on Christianity and Islam coexisting.  In addition to being strong, the West needs to be moral and virtuous.  Dinesh has made the case that our immoral pop culture is a major recruitment tool for extremists.  (I have buddies that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan and gave told me exactly the same thing) Being strong is important vs. an evil minority.  But being good will win over the decent majority.  If we are good, then good people will  not need to look elsewhere for institutions that uphold goodness. We need to be the shinning city on the hill. 

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Bell HAARP Facilities
Bell HAARP Facilities: Hawaii. Guam, Japan, Dugway, Niagara 

Gakona, Alaska

Jicamarca, Peru (El Nino Heater)

IESCAT, Norway

HAARP works by making perturbations in the ionosphere using focused HF radio signals.  This is like throwing stones into a pond in the sky.  However, the ionosphere is highly energetic and some of this energy can be caused to be transferred down into the lower troposphere via inospheric-tropospheric coupling.  This energy transfer can affect weather.  This coupling can happen naturally by cosmic rays hitting the ionosphere but can also occur artificially. Sprites (Red lightning), blue jets, elves are signs of ionospheric-tropospheric coupling. 

Possible mobile Bell HAARP facility.

Dugway, UT

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Jamie Dimon Running in 2020

I have predicted that Jamie Dimon might run for president in 2020 and win.  Actually this prediction had some assistance because I grew up with someone who looked forward to a future Greek POTUS. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Remembering 9/11

Discussion of conservation of momentum.

WTC core columns. 

Cellphone calls made from 9/11 flights.  Note that cellphones do not operate above 10,000 ft.

Thermitic material in dust and persistent heat after building collapse.


Witnesses of secondary explosions in WTC

The people responsible for placing thermite in the WTC were put in charge of the investigation. 

Irgun and 9/11

Ionospheric-Tropospheric Coupling

HAARP used HF Radio energy to trigger Ionosoheric-Tropospheric Coupling (ITC).  Now ICP can be triggered using lasers. 

Connection between ITC and tornado formation.

Sprites are a sign of ITC

HAARP/HF can trigger ITC. ITC has been associated with thunderstorms, typhoons, dust storms, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and radioactive emissions from the nuclear power plants.

In conclusion, at present, the effect of the Earth’s magnetic field on the radionuclide production rates in the atmosphere is not being properly estimated.

ITC associated with earthquakes.

UV imaging of ITC

Sunday, September 09, 2018

Conspiracy History of America

Philippe Buonarroti (Filippo Giuseppe Maria Ludovico Buonarroti)— Italian utopian socialist, writer, agitator, freemason, and conspirator.  History of Babeuf’s 'Conspiracy of Equals' (1828) became a bible for revolutionaries, inspiring such leftists as Blanqui and Marx. He proposed revolution by stages, starting from monarchy to liberalism, then to radicalism, and finally to communism.  Became a Jacobin snd supporter of the French Revolution.  In 1808 Buonarroti formed a Masonic Lodge, Les Sublimes Maîtres Parfaits, Within this lodge he formed an inner circle which he used to further his political aspirations.

Gracchus Babeuf (François-Noël Babeuf) French political agitator, Jacobin, and journalist of the French Revolutionary period.  Babeuf was executed for his role in the Conspiracy of the Equals. 

Louis Auguste Blanqui was a French socialist and political activist. A member of the Carbonari society since 1824, he took an active part in most republicanconspiracies during this period.

Giuseppe Mazzini was an Italian politician, journalist, activist for the unification of Italy.  He was a member of the Carbonari, a secret society pledged to overthrow absolute rule in Italy.He likewise rejected the concept of the "rights of man" which had developed during the Age of Enlightenment, arguing instead that individual rights were a duty to be won through hard work, sacrifice and virtue, rather than "rights" which were intrinsically owed to man. He outlined his thought in his Doveri dell'uomo ("Duties of Man"), published in 1860.

Nicolas de Bonneville a French bookseller, printer, journalist, and writer. He was also a political figure of some relevance at the time of the French Revolution.  Accused the Jesuits of having introduced into the symbolic degrees of freemasonry, the myths of the Templars and their doctrine of revenge, based on the "crime" of their destruction, and the four vows of the Templars included in their higher degrees. Earlier, in 1787, the leading Bavarian illuminist and freemason, Johann Joachim Christoph Bode, is said to have converted the German-speaking Bonneville to a faith that combined esoteric symbolism with radical ideas of popular sovereignty bordering on direct democracy.

Honoré Gabriel Riqueti, Count of Mirabeau (9 March 1749 – 2 April 1791) was a leader of the early stages of the French Revolution and a Jacobin.

Johann Joachim Christoph Bode a member of Illuminati, which he joined, acquiring the rank of Major illumitatus in January 1783. After the order was banned in Bavaria in 1784, he became the de facto chief executive officer, following Knigge's resignation and Weishaupt's flight.  Met members of the Lodge of Philalèthes. According to his travel journal, some of them comprised a secret core, the "Philadelphians".

Thursday, September 06, 2018

Global Greening

This study in Nature reports that increased atmospheric CO2 is contributing to global greening. Plants absolutely require CO2 to grow and some believe have been in a state of CO2 deprivation. While global greening would seem like good news, a Google search on this issue demonstrates that the liberal media still spins this finding into bad news.

Look, some well-meaning people have been manipulated into worrying about global population and scarcity of resources. Right now Europe and the US birth rates are way down while birthrates in Africa are continually high.  Demographers predict that world population has been linear and will peak at 11 billion without needing to kill anyone. 

It has well documented that if you allow populations to modernize, they will regulate their own reproduction. As the lecture above explains, the population explosion in the modern era is due to decreased infant  mortality. Women consider their children as resources, potential workers and as a potential future welfare system. Hans Rosling points out that women will never limit their reproduction in Africa as long as they see their own or other children dying around them. 

So, this suggests that if a person is concerned about population, and limited resources, they should support the mosernization, and economic development of Africa; the education of its people, and the improvement of its healthcare services.  Instead we see world powers sqabbling over its natural resources, fomenting civil unrest, and continual poverty, disease, and death. 

Media and Congressional Failure: Alexander Nix

Here the media recognizes that Alexander Nix, CEO of Cambridge Analytica, testified before Congress and may have lied to lawmakers claiming Cambridge Analytica did not obtain personal data  from Facebook or from a third party.  However, Mark Zuckerberg and whistleblower  Christopher Wylie have said that CA did receive personality information from a third party app on individual facebook users and micro targeted political ads to those users and their friends based on their personality profile.

Microtargeting is not new, and technically no “personal info” needed to be obtained. Facebook users voluntarily filled out the OCEANS personality survey which was obtained by CA, and tailored political messages were fed to these Facebook users and their friends based on their personality type. Christopher Wylie confessed setting up sham websites and writing sham articles to promote certain arguments and viewpoint that a Facebook user would be led too giving them the false idea that they had “researched and verified the information” using the internet. 

But again, facebook data and sham websites is NOT even the big issue here. The main issue is that this article glosses over that Nix confessed to an undercover media outlet 1. offering to entrap political candidates, 2. that CA had infact been very successful in doing this very entrapment and blackmail of political opponents in Eastern Europe and Africa.  3. that CA had ties to British and Israeli intelligence (Black Cube), 4. and that CA is only a subsidiary of SCL Group led by Nigel Oaks. 

The SCL Group is a private firm openly involved in propaganda operations for the British military focused on election manipulation.  Here we have a special council in the US investigating President Trump for possible Russian interference in the 2016 election, and we overlook revelations and video confessions by the CEO about global election manipulation. 

Nix was suspended by the data firm last month after a British television station aired secretly obtained footage of him discussing an idea to entrap a political candidate by sending women to his house.”

"In the view of the Board, Mr. Nix's recent comments secretly recorded by Channel 4 and other allegations do not represent the values or operations of the firm and his suspension reflects the seriousness with which we view this violation," a statement from Cambridge Analytica read last month.”

In the end, this article just sweeps everything under the rug by reporting that the “recent comments... do not represent the values or operations of the firm”.   So, we should feel better that Mr. Nix was suspended and that CA went bankrupt. But SCL Election lives on to continue its interference with the global democratic process. 

Wednesday, September 05, 2018

Sulfur Metabolism  (soda and asthma)

Tylenol and Benzoates should he avoided in children and anyone with asthma, eczema, and other allergies.   What is the connection between tylenol and soda?   Sulfur metabolism.  Magnesium sulfate is known to be a major therapeutic for asthma exacerbation. ER Docs use it routinely in the most severe asthmatics. 

Soda contains sodium benzoate which blocks a major step in sulfate metabolism (D-amino acid oxidase inhibitor) which blocks the conversion of cysteine to sulfate. 

Tylenol provides a double hit to sulfate metabolism by 1. being sulfated by the liver before excretion 2. NAPQI depletion of glutathione (how tylenol kills you if you take too much). 

It is understanding of the sulfur metabolism pathway why Sodium Benzoate is being added to Clozapine for Schizophrenia.  Clozapine alters neurotransmitters like dopamine (blocks dopamine and serotonin), and benzoate shunts more S into the SAMe pathway that is needed to make other neurotransmitters like norepinephrine. This might serve to alleviate side effects (foggy head syndrome). 

This is also who energy drinks employ a combination of sugar, taurine and sodium benzoate.  Taurine is a sulfamino that together with Benzoate that blocks D-amino acid oxidate, shunting S into the SAMe pathway to help the consumer produce more feel-good neurotransmitters. 

Backwards US Flag

The backwards flag may also represent Commodore Matthew Perry’s flag (displayed V-J Day) commemorating the period when Russell and Co, British East India Co clandestinely instigated the Meiji Restoration and then used imperial Japan to ravage China (Sino-Japanese War). 

William Huntington Russell returned to the US and founded the Skull and Bones society at Yale.  Confiscated Japanese/Chinese gold by General McArthur, hidden in the Phillipines (Yamashita’s Treasure), was placed into the Black Eagle Trust and used to fund numerous black operations. 

In conclusion, the backwards flag may be a covert sign representing a globalist Deep State that has infiltrated the US government and has been slowly and steadily subverting the US constitution and US sovereignty from within. 

Yamashita’s Treasure

Japan used to not be ruled by an emperor but by the Shogun/Shogunate (The Last Samurai). China and Japan opened up to trade with the West via Bitish East India Company, US Russell and Co. and US Military expeditions by Commodore Perry (Backwards Flag). 

The British tried to first extract the riches of China using opium (Opium Wars). When this was unsuccessful, they corrupted the youth of Japan, gave them gattling gun technology, overthrew the Shogunate, and installed a sham emperor. 

British/Russell and Co. then used the Japanese to rape and pillage China (Sino-Japanese Wars).  You can see this in (Ip Man 1). Much of the Gold from this conquest was hidden in Shanghi, then the Phillipines and some was shipped from China by submarine and Warships to the US prior WW2. 

Fake US Bonds were issued in exchange for some of this gold. Some pf these bonds were found on Japanese trying to get into Switzerland to possibly redeem them. The bonds were “called” fake, but maybe not.

William Russell of Russell and Co. established Skull and Bones at Yale.  Weather Weapons (HAARP) may have been used against the Philippines and Japan (Hurricanes, EQ’s, Tsunami) with regard to economic policy.

After Bretton Woods, many counties were asked to loan the US gold to set up the USD as the world reserve currency.  France, UK, Germany and Japan shipped massive gold to the US. 

In 1971, Switzerland first withdrew their gold and then France sent a warship to New York Harbor to make a massive gold withdrawal.  Consequently, Nixon took the USD off the gold standard.  Germany has only recently been successful at repatriating its gold.

A lot of this information coming out about Black Eagle Trust/M-Fund/Golden Lily/Yamashita Gold will likely inflame Chinese against the US.  This isn't US gold, or Japanese Gold, but gold pillaged from China and Indonesia by the Japanese during the Sino-Japanese Wars.